commerce_cart.test in Commerce Core 7
Functional tests for the commerce cart module.
modules/cart/tests/commerce_cart.testView source
* @file
* Functional tests for the commerce cart module.
* Abstract class for Commerce cart testing. All Commerce cart tests should
* extend this class.
abstract class CommerceCartTestCase extends CommerceBaseTestCase {
* Helper function to perform the common test tasks for cart testing.
* @see CommerceBaseTestCase::setUpHelper()
protected function setUpHelper($set = 'all', array $other_modules = array()) {
$modules = parent::setUpHelper($set, $other_modules);
$this->store_admin = $this
$this->store_customer = $this
* Test cart features for a product display that only has one product attached.
class CommerceCartTestCaseSimpleProduct extends CommerceCartTestCase {
* Product that is being added to the cart.
protected $product;
* Product display.
protected $product_node;
* Implementation of getInfo().
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Shopping cart',
'description' => 'Test cart features like adding products to the cart, removing products from the cart and updating quantities.',
'group' => 'Drupal Commerce',
* Implementation of setUp().
function setUp() {
// Create a dummy product display content type.
// Create dummy product display nodes (and their corresponding product
// entities).
$sku = 'PROD-01';
$product_name = 'Product One';
$this->product = $this
->createDummyProduct($sku, $product_name);
$this->product_node = $this
), $product_name);
// Log as a normal user to test cart process.
// Submit the add to cart form.
->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product_node->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
* Test if the product form has the correct structure.
public function testCommerceCartProductFormStructure() {
// Go to cart url.
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->product_node->nid);
->assertField('edit-submit', t('Add to cart button exists'));
* Test if the product has been correctly added to the cart.
public function testCommerceCartAdd() {
// Ensure the add to cart message is displayed.
$message = t('%title added to <a href="!cart-url">your cart</a>.', array(
'%title' => $this->product_node->title,
'!cart-url' => url('cart'),
->assertRaw($message, t('Product add to cart message displayed.'));
// Go to cart url.
// Test if the page resolves and there is something in the cart.
->assertNoText(t('Your shopping cart is empty.'), t('Cart is not empty'));
->assertText($this->product->title, t('Product was added to the cart'));
* Test if the cart form has the correct fields and structure.
public function testCommerceCartFormStructure() {
// Check if the form is present and it has the quantity field, remove and
// submit buttons.
// Go to cart url.
// Check remove button.
->assertFieldByXPath("//input[starts-with(@id, 'edit-edit-delete')]", NULL, t('Remove button present'));
// Check quantity field.
->assertFieldByXPath("//input[starts-with(@id, 'edit-edit-quantity')]", NULL, t('Quantity field present'));
->assertFieldByXPath("//input[starts-with(@id, 'edit-edit-quantity')]", 1, t('Quantity field has correct number of items'));
// Check if the Update cart and Checkout buttons are present.
->assertField("edit-submit", t('Update cart button present'));
->assertField("edit-checkout", t('Checkout button present'));
* Test if the product is present in the order stored in db.
public function testCommerceCartOrder() {
// Load the current order of the user.
$order = commerce_cart_order_load($this->store_customer->uid);
$products = array();
->assertTrue(commerce_cart_order_is_cart($order), t('User has currently an order in cart status.'));
// Get the products out of the order and store them in an array.
foreach (entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order)->commerce_line_items as $delta => $line_item_wrapper) {
if (in_array($line_item_wrapper
->getBundle(), commerce_product_line_item_types())) {
$product = $line_item_wrapper->commerce_product
$products[$product->product_id] = $product;
// Check if the product is in the products array for the order.
->assertTrue(array_key_exists($this->product->product_id, $products), t('Product is actually in the cart'));
* Test the quantity changes in the cart.
public function testCommerceCartChangeQty() {
// Go to cart url.
// Change quantity in the cart view form.
// We search for the first quantity field in the html and change the
// amount there.
$qty = $this
->xpath("//input[starts-with(@name, 'edit_quantity')]");
->getCommerceUrl('cart'), array(
(string) $qty[0]['name'] => 2,
), t('Update cart'));
// Check if the amount has been really changed.
->assertFieldByXPath("//input[starts-with(@id, 'edit-edit-quantity')]", 2, t('Cart updated with new quantity'));
* Test removing a product from the cart.
public function testCommerceCartRemove() {
// Go to cart url.
// Remove the product from the cart.
->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Remove'));
// Test if the page resolves and there is something in the cart.
->assertText(t('Your shopping cart is empty.'), t('Removed product and cart is empty'));
* Test cart features for a product display that has several products attached.
class CommerceCartTestCaseMultiProducts extends CommerceCartTestCase {
* Products that are being added to the cart.
protected $products = array();
* Titles of the products that are being added to the cart.
protected $product_titles = array();
* Product display.
protected $product_node;
* Implementation of getInfo().
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Shopping cart multiple',
'description' => 'Test adding products to cart from a product display node with multiple products, using the product select add to cart form.',
'group' => 'Drupal Commerce',
* Implementation of setUp().
function setUp() {
// Create a dummy product display content type.
->createDummyProductDisplayContentType('product_display', TRUE, 'field_product', 2);
// Create dummy product display nodes (and their corresponding product
// entities).
$products = array();
$sku = 'PROD-01';
$product_name = 'Product One';
$this->product_titles[] = $product_name;
$product = $this
->createDummyProduct($sku, $product_name);
$this->products[$product->product_id] = $product;
$sku = 'PROD-02';
$product_name = 'Product Two';
$this->product_titles[] = $product_name;
$product = $this
->createDummyProduct($sku, $product_name);
$this->products[$product->product_id] = $product;
$this->product_node = $this
->createDummyProductNode(array_keys($this->products), 'Combined Product');
// Log as a normal user to test cart process.
// Submit the add to cart form.
->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product_node->nid, array(
'product_id' => $this->products[2]->product_id,
), t('Add to cart'));
* Test the structure of the product form.
public function testCommerceCartProductFormStructure() {
$option_titles = array();
// Get the options of the product's select.
$options = $this
foreach ($options as $option) {
$option_titles[] = (string) $option;
// Check if the selector exists.
->assertField('edit-product-id', t('The selector of products exists'));
// Check if the products actually are present in the selector.
->assertTrue($this->product_titles == $option_titles, t('Correct products are present in the selector'));
// Look for the Add to cart button.
->assertField('edit-submit', t('Add to cart button exists'));
* Test to select one product and check if it has been correctly added to
* the cart.
public function testCommerceCartSelectProductAdd() {
// Ensure the add to cart message is displayed.
$message = t('%title added to <a href="!cart-url">your cart</a>.', array(
'%title' => $this->product_titles[1],
'!cart-url' => url('cart'),
->assertRaw($message, t('Product add to cart message displayed.'));
// Go to cart url.
// Test if the page resolves and there is something in the cart.
->assertNoText(t('Your shopping cart is empty.'), t('Cart is not empty'));
->assertText($this->product_titles[1], t('Product was added to the cart'));
* Test if the cart form has the correct fields and structure.
public function testCommerceCartFormStructure() {
// Check if the form is present and it has the quantity field, remove and
// submit buttons.
// Go to cart url.
// Check remove button.
->assertFieldByXPath("//input[starts-with(@id, 'edit-edit-delete')]", NULL, t('Remove button present'));
// Check quantity field.
->assertFieldByXPath("//input[starts-with(@id, 'edit-edit-quantity')]", NULL, t('Quantity field present'));
->assertFieldByXPath("//input[starts-with(@id, 'edit-edit-quantity')]", 1, t('Quantity field has correct number of items'));
// Check if the Update cart and Checkout buttons are present.
->assertField("edit-submit", t('Update cart button present'));
->assertField("edit-checkout", t('Checkout button present'));
* Test if the product is present in the order stored in db.
public function testCommerceCartOrder() {
$products_in_cart = array();
// Load the current order of the user.
$order = commerce_cart_order_load($this->store_customer->uid);
// Check if the user has at least one order in cart status.
->assertTrue(commerce_cart_order_is_cart($order), t('User has currently an order in cart status.'));
// Get the products out of the order and store them in an array.
foreach (entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order)->commerce_line_items as $delta => $line_item_wrapper) {
if (in_array($line_item_wrapper
->getBundle(), commerce_product_line_item_types())) {
$product = $line_item_wrapper->commerce_product
$products_in_cart[$product->product_id] = $product;
// Check if the product is in the products array for the order.
->assertTrue(array_key_exists($this->products[2]->product_id, $products_in_cart), t('Product is actually in the cart'));
* Test cart features for a product with attributes.
class CommerceCartTestCaseAttributes extends CommerceCartTestCase {
* Products that are being added to the cart.
protected $products = array();
* Product display.
protected $product_node;
* Implementation of getInfo().
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Shopping cart attributes',
'description' => 'Test adding products to cart from a product with multiple attributes, using the add to cart form product attribute select.',
'group' => 'Drupal Commerce',
* Implementation of setUp().
function setUp() {
// Create a dummy product display content type.
->createDummyProductDisplayContentType('product_display', TRUE, 'field_product', FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED);
// Create the fields and bind them to the product.
$this->fields['field_1'] = array(
'field_name' => 'field_1',
'type' => 'list_text',
'cardinality' => 1,
'settings' => array(
'allowed_values' => array(
'field_1_value_1' => 'field_1_value_1',
'field_1_value_2' => 'field_1_value_2',
$this->fields['field_1'] = field_create_field($this->fields['field_1']);
$this->fields['field_2'] = array(
'field_name' => 'field_2',
'type' => 'list_text',
'cardinality' => 1,
'settings' => array(
'allowed_values' => array(
'field_2_value_1' => 'field_2_value_1',
'field_2_value_2' => 'field_2_value_2',
$this->fields['field_2'] = field_create_field($this->fields['field_2']);
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
$instance = array(
'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
'entity_type' => 'commerce_product',
'bundle' => 'product',
'label' => $field['field_name'] . '_label',
'description' => $field['field_name'] . '_description',
'required' => TRUE,
'widget' => array(
'module' => 'options',
'type' => 'options_select',
'commerce_cart_settings' => array(
'attribute_field' => TRUE,
'attribute_widget' => 'select',
// Populate the different values for the fields and create products.
foreach ($this->fields['field_1']['settings']['allowed_values'] as $field_1_value) {
foreach ($this->fields['field_2']['settings']['allowed_values'] as $field_2_value) {
$product = $this
->createDummyProduct('PROD-' . $field_1_value . '-' . $field_2_value, $field_1_value . '_' . $field_2_value);
$product->field_1[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $field_1_value;
$product->field_2[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $field_2_value;
$product->is_new = FALSE;
$this->products[$product->product_id] = $product;
// Create dummy product display node.
$this->product_node = $this
->createDummyProductNode(array_keys($this->products), 'Combined Product');
// Log as a normal user to test cart process.
* Test the add to cart functional process with attributes.
public function testCommerceCartSelectProductAdd() {
// Go to product page.
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->product_node->nid);
// Set the product that we are checking.
$product_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_product', $this->products[3]);
// Select one of the attributes.
->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(
'attributes[field_1]' => $product_wrapper->field_1
), 'attributes[field_1]');
// Add product to the cart.
->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Add to cart'));
// Ensure the add to cart message is displayed.
$message = t('%title added to <a href="!cart-url">your cart</a>.', array(
'%title' => 'field_1_value_2_field_2_value_1',
'!cart-url' => url('cart'),
->assertRaw($message, t('Product add to cart message displayed.'));
// Go to cart url.
// Test if the page resolves and there is something in the cart.
->assertNoText(t('Your shopping cart is empty.'), t('Cart is not empty'));
->assertText('field_1_value_2_field_2_value_1', t('Product was added to the cart'));
* Test the form structure of the Product.
public function testCommerceCartProductFormStructure() {
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->product_node->nid);
// Check whether the attribute selectors exist.
->assertField('edit-attributes-field-1', t('First attribute selector exists'));
->assertField('edit-attributes-field-2', t('Second attribute selector exists'));
// Check the number of attributes.
$options = $this
->assertEqual(count($options), count($this->fields['field_1']['settings']['allowed_values']), t('Number of options for first attribute match'));
$options = $this
->assertEqual(count($options), count($this->fields['field_2']['settings']['allowed_values']), t('Number of options for second attribute match'));
// Look for the Add to cart button.
->assertField('edit-submit', t('Add to cart button exists'));
* Test cart conversion from anonymous to authenticated.
class CommerceCartTestCaseAnonymousToAuthenticated extends CommerceCartTestCase {
* Product that is being added to the cart.
protected $product;
* Product display.
protected $product_node;
* Implementation of getInfo().
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Shopping cart anonymous to authenticated',
'description' => 'Test cart conversion from anonymous to authenticated when an anonymous users logs in.',
'group' => 'Drupal Commerce',
* Implementation of setUp().
function setUp() {
// Create a dummy product display content type.
// Create dummy product display nodes (and their corresponding product
// display).
$sku = 'PROD-01';
$product_name = 'Product One';
$this->product = $this
->createDummyProduct($sku, $product_name);
$this->product_node = $this
), $product_name);
* Test anonymous cart conversion.
public function testCommerceCartAnonymousToAuthenticated() {
// Logout to be anonymous and force user uid.
global $user;
$user = user_load(0);
// Submit the add to cart form.
->drupalPost('node/' . $this->product_node->nid, array(), t('Add to cart'));
// Get the order just created.
$orders = commerce_order_load_multiple(array(), array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
'status' => 'cart',
), TRUE);
$order_anonymous = reset($orders);
// Reset the cache as we don't want to keep the lock.
// Access to the cart and check if the product is in it.
->assertNoText(t('Your shopping cart is empty.'), t('Cart is not empty'));
->assertText($this->product->title, t('Product was added to the cart'));
// Change the price to check if the amount gets updated when the user logs
// in.
$new_price = $this->product->commerce_price[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['amount'] + rand(2, 500);
$this->product->commerce_price[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['amount'] = $new_price;
$this->product->is_new = FALSE;
// Log in with normal user.
->drupalPost('user', array(
'name' => $this->store_customer->name,
'pass' => $this->store_customer->pass_raw,
), t('Log in'));
// Get the order for user just logged in.
$orders = commerce_order_load_multiple(array(), array(
'uid' => $this->store_customer->uid,
'status' => 'cart',
), TRUE);
$order_authenticated = reset($orders);
// Reset the cache as we don't want to keep the lock.
// Access to the cart and check if the product is in it.
->assertNoText(t('Your shopping cart is empty.'), t('Cart is not empty'));
->assertText($this->product->title, t('Product is still in the cart'));
->assertText(trim(commerce_currency_amount_to_decimal($this->product->commerce_price[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['amount'], $this->product->commerce_price[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['currency_code'])), t('Product price has been updated'));
// Check if the order is the same.
->assertTrue($order_anonymous->order_id == $order_authenticated->order_id, t('Cart has been converted successfully'));
Name | Description |
CommerceCartTestCase | Abstract class for Commerce cart testing. All Commerce cart tests should extend this class. |
CommerceCartTestCaseAnonymousToAuthenticated | Test cart conversion from anonymous to authenticated. |
CommerceCartTestCaseAttributes | Test cart features for a product with attributes. |
CommerceCartTestCaseMultiProducts | Test cart features for a product display that has several products attached. |
CommerceCartTestCaseSimpleProduct | Test cart features for a product display that only has one product attached. |