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Functions in Coder 5

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
coderCamelCase tests/
coder_47_reviews includes/ @file This include file implements coder functionality for 4.6 -> 4.7 upgrades
coder_50_reviews includes/ @file This include file implements coder functionality for 4.7 -> 5.0 upgrades
coder_6x_reviews includes/ @file This include file implements coder functionality for 5.x -> 6.x upgrades
coder_add_space scripts/coder_format/ Write a space in certain conditions. 1
coder_admin_settings ./coder.module Implementation of settings page for Drupal 5 1
coder_br scripts/coder_format/ Generate a line feed including current line indent. 1
coder_break tests/
coder_comment_reviews includes/ @file This include file implements coder functionality for comments
coder_cron ./coder.module Implementation of hook_cron().
coder_dot tests/
coder_exec_processors scripts/coder_format/ Execute special tasks on source code. 1
coder_format_file scripts/coder_format/ Reads, processes and writes the source code from and to a file. 2
coder_format_recursive scripts/coder_format/ Recursively process .module and .inc files in directory. 1
coder_format_string scripts/coder_format/ Format the source code according to Drupal coding style guidelines. 1
coder_form_alter ./coder.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
coder_help ./coder.module Implementation of hook_help(). 1
coder_heredoc tests/
coder_hex_number tests/
coder_menu ./coder.module Implementation of hook_menu().
coder_multiline_quote tests/
coder_node_get_name tests/
coder_node_get_name tests/
coder_order_processors scripts/coder_format/ Orders preprocessors by weight. 1
coder_page ./coder.module Implementation of code review page 1
coder_page_form ./coder.module 1
coder_page_form_submit ./coder.module
coder_performance_reviews includes/ @file This include file implements coder functionality for Performance
coder_perm ./coder.module Implementation of hook_perm().
coder_postprocessor_array_rearrange scripts/coder_format/
coder_postprocessor_cvs_id scripts/coder_format/
coder_postprocessor_if_curly_braces scripts/coder_format/
coder_postprocessor_multiple_vars scripts/coder_format/
coder_preprocessor_inline_comment scripts/coder_format/
coder_preprocessor_line_breaks_mac scripts/coder_format/
coder_preprocessor_line_breaks_win scripts/coder_format/
coder_preprocessor_ml_array_add_comma scripts/coder_format/
coder_preprocessor_php scripts/coder_format/
coder_preprocessor_switch_duplicate_exit scripts/coder_format/
coder_replace_array_rearrange scripts/coder_format/ 1
coder_replace_multiple_vars scripts/coder_format/ 1
coder_reviews ./coder.module 1
coder_security_reviews includes/ @file This include file implements coder functionality for Drupal Standards
coder_settings_form_submit ./coder.module
coder_style_reviews includes/ @file This include file implements coder functionality for Drupal Standards
coder_test_embedded_php tests/
coder_test_stdclass tests/
coder_test_tab tests/ @file This include file implements tests for the Drupal Standards
coder_test_two_errors_on_same_line tests/
coder_trim_php scripts/coder_format/ Trim overall code. 1


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