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 * Recursively process .module and .inc files in directory.
 * @param bool undo Whether to undo batch replacements.
function coder_format_recursive($root, $undo = false, $file_inc = null) {

  // Convert Windows paths
  $root = str_replace("\\", '/', $root);

  // Check if directory exists
  if (!file_exists($root)) {
    echo 'ERROR: ' . $root . ' does not exist!';

  // Trim root directory
  if (substr($root, -1) == '/') {
    $root = substr($root, 0, -1);

  // Include Drupal's
  if (!isset($file_inc)) {
    if (!file_exists($root . '/includes/')) {
      echo 'ERROR: ' . $root . '/includes/ not found!';
  else {
    if (!file_exists($file_inc)) {
      echo 'ERROR: ' . $file_inc . ' not found!';
  require_once !isset($file_inc) ? $root . '/includes/' : $file_inc;
  if (!$undo) {

    // Fetch files to process
    $mask = '.module$|.inc$|.install|.profile$';
    $nomask = array(
    $files = file_scan_directory($root, $mask, $nomask, 0, true);
    foreach ($files as $file) {

      // file_copy() assigns $file->filename by reference
      $sourcefile = $file->filename;
      echo $file->filename . "\n";
      file_copy($file->filename, $file->filename . '.coder.orig');
      coder_format_file($sourcefile, $sourcefile);
  else {

    // Fetch files to process
    $mask = '.coder.orig$';
    $nomask = array(
    $files = file_scan_directory($root, $mask, $nomask, 0, true);
    foreach ($files as $file) {
      $file->origname = str_replace('.coder.orig', '', $file->filename);
      echo $file->origname . "\n";
      file_move($file->filename, $file->origname, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);

 * Reads, processes and writes the source code from and to a file.
function coder_format_file($sourcefile = null, $targetfile = null) {
  if (!isset($sourcefile) || !isset($targetfile)) {

  // Read source code from source file
  $fd = fopen($sourcefile, 'r');
  $code = fread($fd, filesize($sourcefile));
  if ($code !== false) {

    // Preprocess source code
    $code = coder_exec_processors($code, 'coder_preprocessor');

    // Process source code
    $code = coder_format_string($code);

    // Postprocess source code
    $code = coder_exec_processors($code, 'coder_postprocessor');

    // Fix beginning and end of code
    $code = coder_trim_php($code);
    if ($code !== false) {

      // Write formatted source code to target file
      $fd = fopen($targetfile, 'w');
      $status = fwrite($fd, $code);
      return $status;
  return false;

 * Format the source code according to Drupal coding style guidelines.
 * This function uses PHP's tokenizer functions.
 * @see <>
 * To achieve the desired coding style, we have to take some special cases
 * into account. These are:
 * Indent-related:
 *   $_coder_indent int Indent level
 *      The number of indents for the next line. This is
 *      - increased after {, : (after case and default).
 *      - decreased after }, break, case and default (after a previous case).
 *   $in_case bool
 *      Is true after case and default. Is false after break and return, if
 *      $braces_in_case is not greater than 0.
 *   $braces_in_case int Count of braces
 *      The number of currently opened curly braces in a case. This is needed
 *      to support arbitrary function exits inside of a switch control strucure.
 *   $parenthesis int Parenthesis level
 *      The number of currently opened parenthesis. This
 *      - prevents line feeds in brackets (f.e. in arguments of for()).
 *      - is the base for formatting of multiline arrays. Note: If the last
 *        ');' is not formatted to the correct indent level then there is no
 *        ',' (comma) behind the last array value.
 *   $in_brace bool
 *      Is true after left curly braces if they are in quotes, an object or
 *      after a dollar sign. Prevents line breaks around such variable
 *      statements.
 *   $in_heredoc bool
 *      Is true after heredoc output method and false after heredoc delimiter.
 *      Prevents line breaks in heredocs.
 *   $first_php_tag bool
 *      Is false after the first PHP tag. Allows inserting a line break after
 *      the first one.
 *   $in_do_while bool
 *      Is true after a do {} statement and set to false in the next while
 *      statement. Prevents a line break in the do {...} while() construct.
 * Whitespace-related:
 *   $in_object bool
 *      Prevents whitespace after ->.
 *      Is true after ->. Is reset to false after the next string or variable.
 *   $in_at bool
 *      Prevents whitespace after @.
 *      Is true after @. Is reset to false after the next string or variable.
 *   $in_quote bool
 *      Prevents
 *      - removal of whitespace in double quotes.
 *      - injection of new line feeds after brackets in double quotes.
 *   $inline_if bool
 *      Controls formatting of ? and : for inline ifs until a ; (semicolon) is
 *      processed.
 * @param string $code
 *      The source code to format.
 * @return mixed $result
 *      Returns the formatted code or false if it fails.
function coder_format_string($code = '') {
  global $_coder_indent;

  // indent controls
  $_coder_indent = 0;
  $in_case = false;
  $parenthesis = 0;
  $braces_in_case = 0;
  $in_brace = false;
  $in_heredoc = false;
  $first_php_tag = true;
  $in_do_while = false;

  // whitespace controls
  $in_object = false;
  $in_at = false;
  $in_php = false;
  $in_quote = false;
  $inline_if = false;
  $result = '';
  $lasttoken = array(
  $tokens = token_get_all($code);

  // Mask T_ML_COMMENT (PHP4) as T_COMMENT (PHP5).
  if (!defined('T_ML_COMMENT')) {
    define('T_ML_COMMENT', T_COMMENT);
  else {
    if (!defined('T_DOC_COMMENT')) {
      define('T_DOC_COMMENT', T_ML_COMMENT);
  foreach ($tokens as $token) {
    if (is_string($token)) {

      // simple 1-character token
      $text = trim($token);
      switch ($text) {
        case '{':

          // Write curly braces at the end of lines followed by a line break if
          // not in quotes (""), object ($foo->{$bar}) or in variables (${foo}).
          // [T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES exists but is never assigned.]
          if (!$in_quote && !$in_object && substr(rtrim($result), -1) != '$') {
            if ($in_case) {
            $result = rtrim($result) . ' ' . $text . coder_br();
          else {
            $in_brace = true;
            $result .= $text;
        case '}':
          if (!$in_quote && !$in_brace && !$in_heredoc) {
            if ($in_case) {
            if ($braces_in_case < 0) {

              // Decrease indent if last case in a switch is not terminated
              $in_case = false;
              $braces_in_case = 0;
            $result = rtrim($result);
            if (substr($result, -1) != '{') {

              // Avoid line break in empty curly braces
              $result .= coder_br();
            $result .= $text . coder_br();
          else {
            $in_brace = false;
            $result .= $text;
        case ';':
          $result = rtrim($result) . $text;
          if (!$parenthesis && !$in_heredoc) {
            $result .= coder_br();
          else {
            $result .= ' ';
          if ($inline_if) {
            $inline_if = false;
        case '?':
          $inline_if = true;
          $result .= ' ' . $text . ' ';
        case ':':
          if ($inline_if) {
            $result .= ' ' . $text . ' ';
          else {
            if ($in_case) {
            $result = rtrim($result) . $text . coder_br();
        case '(':
          $result .= $text;
        case ')':
          if (!$in_quote && !$in_heredoc && substr(rtrim($result), -1) == ',') {

            // Fix indent of right parenthesis in multiline arrays by
            // increasing indent for each parenthesis and decreasing one level.
            $_coder_indent = $_coder_indent + $parenthesis - 1;
            $result = rtrim($result) . coder_br() . $text;
            $_coder_indent = $_coder_indent - $parenthesis + 1;
          else {
            $result .= $text;
          if ($parenthesis) {
        case '@':
          $in_at = true;
          $result .= $text;
        case ',':
          $result .= $text . ' ';
        case '.':
          if (substr(rtrim($result), -1) == "'" || substr(rtrim($result), -1) == '"') {

            // Write string concatenation character directly after strings
            $result = rtrim($result) . $text . ' ';
          else {
            $result = rtrim($result) . ' ' . $text . ' ';
        case '=':
        case '<':
        case '>':
        case '+':
        case '*':
        case '/':
        case '|':
        case '^':
        case '%':
          $result = rtrim($result) . ' ' . $text . ' ';
        case '&':
          if (substr(rtrim($result), -1) == '=' || substr(rtrim($result), -1) == '(' || substr(rtrim($result), -1) == ',') {
            $result .= $text;
          else {
            $result = rtrim($result) . ' ' . $text . ' ';
        case '-':
          $result = rtrim($result);

          // Do not add a space before negative numbers or variables
          if (substr($result, -1) == '>' || substr($result, -1) == '=' || substr($result, -1) == ',' || substr($result, -1) == ':') {
            $result .= ' ' . $text;
          else {
            $result .= ' ' . $text . ' ';
        case '"':

          // toggle quote if the char is not escaped
          if (rtrim($result) != "\\") {
            $in_quote = $in_quote ? false : true;
          if (substr($result, -3) == ' . ') {

            // Write string concatenation character directly before strings
            $result = rtrim($result);
          $result .= $text;
          $result .= $text;
    else {

      // If we get here, then we have found not a single char, but a token.
      // See <> for a reference.
      // Fetch token array
      list($id, $text) = $token;

      // Debugging

      if ($lasttoken[0] == T_WHITESPACE) {
        $result .= token_name($id);
      switch ($id) {
        case T_ARRAY:

          // Write array in lowercase
          $result .= strtolower(trim($text));
        case T_OPEN_TAG:
        case T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO:
          $in_php = true;

          // Add a line break between two PHP tags
          if (substr(rtrim($result), -2) == '?>') {
            $result .= coder_br();
          $result .= trim($text);
          if ($first_php_tag) {
            $result .= coder_br();
            $first_php_tag = false;
          else {
            $result .= ' ';
        case T_CLOSE_TAG:
          $in_php = false;

          // Remove preceding line break for inline PHP output in HTML
          if (substr(rtrim($result), -1) == ';' || substr(rtrim($result), -1) == ':') {
            $result = rtrim($result) . ' ';
          $result .= trim($text);
        case T_OBJECT_OPERATOR:
          $in_object = true;
          $result .= trim($text);
          if (substr($result, -2) == '. ') {

            // Write string concatenation character directly before strings
            $result = rtrim($result);

        // Move on to T_STRING / T_VARIABLE
        case T_STRING:
        case T_VARIABLE:
          if ($in_object || $in_at) {

            // No space after object operator ($foo->bar) and error suppression (@function())
            $result = rtrim($result) . trim($text);
            $in_object = false;
            $in_at = false;
          else {
            if (!in_array($lasttoken[0], array(
            ))) {

              // Insert a space after right parenthesis, but not after type casts
            $result .= trim($text);
          $result .= $text;
        case T_WHITESPACE:

          // Avoid duplicate line feeds outside arrays
          $c = $parenthesis ? 0 : 1;
          for ($c, $cc = substr_count($text, chr(10)); $c < $cc; ++$c) {
            if ($parenthesis) {

              // Add extra indent for each parenthesis in multiline definitions (f.e. arrays)
              $_coder_indent = $_coder_indent + $parenthesis;
              $result = rtrim($result) . coder_br();
              $_coder_indent = $_coder_indent - $parenthesis;
            else {

              // Discard any whitespace, just insert a line break
              $result .= coder_br();
        case T_IF:
        case T_FOR:
        case T_FOREACH:
        case T_SWITCH:
        case T_GLOBAL:
        case T_STATIC:
        case T_ECHO:
        case T_PRINT:
        case T_NEW:
        case T_REQUIRE:
        case T_REQUIRE_ONCE:
        case T_INCLUDE:
        case T_INCLUDE_ONCE:

          // Append a space
          $result .= trim($text) . ' ';
        case T_DO:
          $result .= trim($text);
          $in_do_while = true;
        case T_WHILE:
          if ($in_do_while) {

            // Write while after right parenthesis for do {...} while()
            $result = rtrim($result) . ' ';
            $in_do_while = false;

          // Append a space
          $result .= trim($text) . ' ';
        case T_ELSE:
        case T_ELSEIF:

          // Write else and else if to a new line
          $result = rtrim($result) . coder_br() . trim($text) . ' ';
        case T_CASE:
        case T_DEFAULT:
          $braces_in_case = 0;
          $result = rtrim($result);
          if (!$in_case) {
            $in_case = true;

            // Add a line break between cases
            if (substr($result, -1) != '{') {
              $result .= coder_br();
          else {

            // Decrease current indent to align multiple cases
          $result .= coder_br() . trim($text) . ' ';
        case T_BREAK:

          // Write break to a new line
          $result = rtrim($result) . coder_br() . trim($text);
          if ($in_case && !$braces_in_case) {
            $in_case = false;
        case T_RETURN:
        case T_CONTINUE:
          $result .= trim($text) . ' ';

          // Decrease indent only if we're not in a control structure inside a case
          if ($in_case && !$braces_in_case) {
            $in_case = false;
        case T_FUNCTION:
        case T_CLASS:

          // Write function and class to new lines
          $result = rtrim($result);
          if (substr($result, -1) == '}') {
            $result .= coder_br();
          $result .= coder_br() . trim($text) . ' ';
        case T_AND_EQUAL:
        case T_AS:
        case T_BOOLEAN_AND:
        case T_BOOLEAN_OR:
        case T_CONCAT_EQUAL:
        case T_DIV_EQUAL:
        case T_DOUBLE_ARROW:
        case T_IS_EQUAL:
        case T_IS_NOT_EQUAL:
        case T_IS_IDENTICAL:
        case T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL:
        case T_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
        case T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL:
        case T_LOGICAL_AND:
        case T_LOGICAL_OR:
        case T_LOGICAL_XOR:
        case T_MINUS_EQUAL:
        case T_MOD_EQUAL:
        case T_MUL_EQUAL:
        case T_OR_EQUAL:
        case T_PLUS_EQUAL:
        case T_SL:
        case T_SL_EQUAL:
        case T_SR:
        case T_SR_EQUAL:
        case T_XOR_EQUAL:

          // Surround operators with spaces
          if (substr($result, -1) != ' ') {

            // $result must not be trimmed to allow multi-line if-clauses
            $result .= ' ';
          $result .= trim($text) . ' ';
        case T_COMMENT:
        case T_ML_COMMENT:
        case T_DOC_COMMENT:
          if (substr($text, 0, 3) == '/**') {

            // Prepend a new line
            $result = rtrim($result) . coder_br() . coder_br();

            // Remove carriage returns
            $text = str_replace("\r", '', $text);
            $lines = explode("\n", $text);
            $params_fixed = false;
            for ($l = 0; $l < count($lines); ++$l) {
              $lines[$l] = trim($lines[$l]);

              // Add a new line between function description and first parameter description.
              if (!$params_fixed && substr($lines[$l], 0, 8) == '* @param' && $lines[$l - 1] != '*') {
                $result .= ' *' . coder_br();
                $params_fixed = true;
              else {
                if (!$params_fixed && substr($lines[$l], 0, 8) == '* @param') {

                  // Do nothing if parameter description is properly formatted.
                  $params_fixed = true;

              // Add a new line between function params and return.
              if (substr($lines[$l], 0, 9) == '* @return' && $lines[$l - 1] != '*') {
                $result .= ' *' . coder_br();

              // Add one space indent to get ' *[...]'
              if ($l > 0) {
                $result .= ' ';
              $result .= $lines[$l];
              if ($l < count($lines)) {
                $result .= coder_br();
          else {
            $result .= trim($text);
            if ($parenthesis) {

              // Add extra indent for each parenthesis in multiline definitions (f.e. arrays)
              $_coder_indent = $_coder_indent + $parenthesis;
              $result = rtrim($result) . coder_br();
              $_coder_indent = $_coder_indent - $parenthesis;
            else {

              // Discard any whitespace, just insert a line break
              $result .= coder_br();
        case T_INLINE_HTML:
          $result .= $text;
        case T_START_HEREDOC:
          $result .= trim($text) . coder_br(false);
          $in_heredoc = true;
        case T_END_HEREDOC:
          $result .= trim($text) . coder_br(false);
          $in_heredoc = false;
          $result .= trim($text);

      // Store last token
      $lasttoken = $token;
  return $result;

 * Generate a line feed including current line indent.
 * @param bool $add_indent
 *      Whether to add current line indent after line feed.
 * @return string
 *      The resulting string.
function coder_br($add_indent = true) {
  global $_coder_indent;
  $output = "\n";
  if ($add_indent && $_coder_indent >= 0) {
    $output .= str_repeat('  ', $_coder_indent);
  return $output;

 * Write a space in certain conditions.
 * A conditional space is needed after a right parenthesis of an if statement
 * that is not followed by curly braces.
 * @param string $result
 *      Current result string that will be checked.
 * @return string
 *      Resulting string with or without an additional space.
function coder_add_space(&$result) {
  if (substr($result, -1) == ')') {
    $result .= ' ';

 * Trim overall code.
 * Strips whitespace at the beginning and end of code,
 * removes the closing PHP tag and appends two empty lines.
function coder_trim_php($code) {

  // Remove surrounding whitespace
  $code = trim($code);

  // Insert CVS keyword Id
  // Search in the very first 1000 chars, insert only one instance.
  if (strpos(substr($code, 0, 1000), '$Id') === false) {
    $code = preg_replace('/<\\?php\\n/', "<?php\n// \$Id\$\n\n", $code, 1);

  // Remove closing PHP tag
  if (substr($code, -2) == '?>') {
    $code = rtrim($code, '?>');

  // Append two empty lines
  $code .= str_repeat(chr(10), 2);
  return $code;

 * Execute special tasks on source code.
 * This function works similar to the Drupal hook and forms system. It searches
 * for all defined functions with the given prefix and performs a preg_replace
 * on the source code for each of these functions.
 * Processor functions are defined with a associative array containing the
 * following keys with the corresponding values:
 *   #title
 *      A human readable text describing what the processor actually does.
 *   #search
 *      The regular expression to search for.
 *   #replace
 *      The replacement text for each match.
 * Optional definitions:
 *   #debug
 *      Set this to true to directly output the results of preg_match_all and
 *      exit script execution after this processor.
 * @param string $code
 *      The source code to process.
 * @param string $prefix
 *      Prefix of the functions to execute.
 * @return string
 *      The processed source code.
function coder_exec_processors($code, $prefix = '') {
  if (empty($prefix)) {
  $tasks = get_defined_functions();
  $tasks = $tasks['user'];
  for ($c = 0, $cc = count($tasks); $c < $cc; ++$c) {
    if (strpos($tasks[$c], $prefix) === false) {
    else {
      $tasks[$tasks[$c]] = call_user_func($tasks[$c]);
  uasort($tasks, 'coder_order_processors');
  foreach ($tasks as $func => $task) {
    if (!isset($task['#search']) || !isset($task['#replace']) && !isset($task['#replace_callback'])) {
    if (isset($task['#debug'])) {

      // Output regular expression results if debugging is enabled.
      preg_match_all($task['#search'], $code, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
      echo "<pre>";
      echo "</pre>\n";

      // Exit immediately in debugging mode.
    if (isset($task['#replace_callback'])) {
      $code = preg_replace_callback($task['#search'], $task['#replace_callback'], $code);
    else {
      $code = preg_replace($task['#search'], $task['#replace'], $code);
  return $code;

 * Orders preprocessors by weight.
function coder_order_processors($a, $b) {
  if (isset($a['#weight']) && isset($b['#weight'])) {
    return $a['#weight'] - $b['#weight'];
  else {
    return isset($a['#weight']) ? false : true;

 * @defgroup coder_preprocessor Preprocessors.
 * @{
function coder_preprocessor_line_breaks_win() {
  return array(
    '#title' => 'Convert Windows line breaks to Unix format.',
    '#weight' => 1,
    '#search' => "/\r\n/",
    '#replace' => "\n",
function coder_preprocessor_line_breaks_mac() {
  return array(
    '#title' => 'Convert Macintosh line breaks to Unix format.',
    '#weight' => 2,
    '#search' => "/\r/",
    '#replace' => "\n",
function coder_preprocessor_ml_array_add_comma() {

  // @bug coder.module:1010
  return array(
    '#title' => 'Append a comma to the last value of multiline arrays.',
    // ^[\040\t]*(?!\*|\/\/)[^\*\/\n]*? matches anything in front of array, but not comments
    // \sarray\( prevents matching of in_array() and function calls
    // (\n|(?X>!\);).+?,?\n) matches a line break or the first array item
    // (.*?[^,;]) matches the rest array items
    // ,?(\n\s*)\); matches the end of multiline array, optionally including a comma
    '#search' => '/(^[\\040\\t]*(?!\\*|\\/\\/)[^\\*\\/\\n]*?\\sarray\\()(\\n|(?>!\\);).+?,?\\n)(.*?[^,;]),?(\\n\\s*\\);)/ism',
    '#replace' => '$1$2$3,$4',
function coder_preprocessor_inline_comment() {
  return array(
    '#title' => 'Move inline comments above remarked line.',
    '#weight' => 2,
    // [\040\t] matches only a space or tab
    // (?!case) prevents matching of case statements
    // \S prevents matching of lines containing only a comment
    // [^:] prevents matching of URL protocols
    // [^;\$] prevents matching of CVS keyword Id comment and double slashes
    //   in quotes (f.e. "W3C//DTD")
    '#search' => '@^([\\040\\t]*)(?!case)(\\S.+?)[\\040\\t]*[^:]//\\s*([^;\\$]+?)$@m',
    '#replace' => "\$1// \$3\n\$1\$2",
function coder_preprocessor_php() {
  return array(
    '#title' => 'Always use &lt;?php ?&gt; to delimit PHP code, not the &lt;? ?&gt; shorthands.',
    '#search' => '/<\\?(\\s)/',
    '#replace' => "<?php\$1",
function coder_preprocessor_switch_duplicate_exit() {
  return array(
    '#title' => 'Either exit a switch case with return *or* break.',
    '#search' => '/(return\\s+.+;)\\s+break;/',

 * @} End of "defgroup coder_preprocessor".

 * @defgroup coder_postprocessor Postprocessors.
 * @{
function coder_postprocessor_cvs_id() {
  return array(
    '#title' => 'If the CVS keyword Id already exists, append a new line after it.',
    '#search' => '@^(//.*\\$Id.*\\$)$@m',
    '#replace' => "\$1\n",
function coder_postprocessor_multiple_vars() {

  // @todo Prevent matching of multiple lines separated by a blank line 26/03/2007 sun
  return array(
    '#title' => 'Align equal signs of multiple variable assignments in the same column.',
    // \s* matches whitespace including new lines
    // \$.+? matches variable names
    // {3,} requires the pattern to match at least 3 times
    '#search' => '/^(\\s*\\$.+? = .+?$){3,}/m',
    '#replace_callback' => 'coder_replace_multiple_vars',
function coder_replace_multiple_vars($matches) {

  // Retrieve all variable name = variable value pairs
  preg_match_all('/^(\\s*)(\\$.+?) (.?)= (.+?$)/m', $matches[0], $vars, PREG_SET_ORDER);

  // Determine the longest variable name
  $maxlength = 0;
  foreach ($vars as $var) {
    if (strlen($var[2]) > $maxlength) {
      $maxlength = strlen($var[2] . $var[3]);

  // Realign variable values at the longest variable names
  $return = '';
  $extra_spaces = 0;
  for ($c = 0, $cc = count($vars); $c < $cc; ++$c) {
    if ($maxlength <= 20) {
      $extra_spaces = $maxlength - strlen($vars[$c][2] . $vars[$c][3]);
    $return .= $vars[$c][1] . $vars[$c][2];
    $return .= str_repeat(' ', $extra_spaces) . ' ' . $vars[$c][3] . '= ';
    $return .= $vars[$c][4];
    if ($c < $cc - 1) {

      // Append a line break, but not to the last variable assignment
      $return .= "\n";
  return $return;
function coder_postprocessor_array_rearrange() {

  // @bug, comment.module:1506->1519, comment.module:1525->1550,
  //   user.module:913->934
  // not yet working properly 25/03/2007 sun
  return array(
    '#title' => 'Break array elements into separate lines, indented one level.',
    // ([\040\t]*) matches blanks and tabs
    // (.*?array\() matches anything and 'array('
    // ((.+ => .+, ){3,}) matches all array items, except the last one
    // (.+ => ([^\(\)]+)) matches the last array item, excluding
    //   arrays or functions (starting with a left parenthesis) [not supported yet]

    #'#search' => '/^([\040\t]*)(.*?array\()((.+ => .+, ){3,})(.+ => ([^\(\)]+))\)/m',
    '#replace_callback' => 'coder_replace_array_rearrange',
function coder_replace_array_rearrange($matches) {

  // Retrieve all array items, except the last one
  preg_match_all('/(.+? => .+?,) /', $matches[3], $items);

  // The original line including array(
  $return = $matches[1] . $matches[2] . "\n";
  foreach ($items[1] as $item) {

    // All array items, except the last one, with extra indent
    $return .= $matches[1] . '  ' . $item . "\n";

  // Last array item, with extra indent and comma
  $return .= $matches[1] . '  ' . $matches[5] . ",\n";

  // Closing parenthesis (on a new line)
  $return .= $matches[1] . ')';
  return $return;
function coder_postprocessor_if_curly_braces() {

  // @todo This is just a starting point for manual replacement at the moment.
  return array(
    '#title' => 'Use curly braces even in situations where they are technically optional.',
    '#search' => '/if \\(.+\\) [^\\{]+;/',

 * @} End of "defgroup coder_postprocessor".

 * @defgroup coder_format_stub_functions
 * @{
if (!function_exists('variable_get')) {
  function variable_get($name, $default) {
    global $conf;
    return isset($conf[$name]) ? $conf[$name] : $default;
if (!function_exists('variable_set')) {
  function variable_set($name, $value) {
    global $conf;
    $conf[$name] = $value;
if (!function_exists('t')) {
  function t($string, $args = 0) {
    if (!$args) {
      return $string;
    else {
      return strtr($string, $args);
if (!function_exists('drupal_set_message')) {
  function drupal_set_message($message = NULL, $type = 'status') {
    echo $message;
if (!function_exists('watchdog')) {
  function watchdog($type, $message, $severity = 0, $link = null) {
if (!function_exists('check_plain')) {
  function check_plain($text) {
    return htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES);

 * @} End of "defgroup coder_format_stub_functions".


Namesort descending Description
coder_add_space Write a space in certain conditions.
coder_br Generate a line feed including current line indent.
coder_exec_processors Execute special tasks on source code.
coder_format_file Reads, processes and writes the source code from and to a file.
coder_format_recursive Recursively process .module and .inc files in directory.
coder_format_string Format the source code according to Drupal coding style guidelines.
coder_order_processors Orders preprocessors by weight.
coder_trim_php Trim overall code.