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Functions in CDN 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
cdn_admin_settings_form ./cdn.module Form definition: CDN admin settings form. 1
cdn_clean_filepath ./ Removes the leading "/", "/" or "../"'s from a path. 1 1
cdn_cron ./cdn.module Implementation of hook_cron(). 2
cdn_cron_cleanup ./ Shutdown function for CDN cron cleanup. 1
cdn_cron_run ./ Executes a CDN synchronization cron run when called 2
cdn_exit ./cdn.module Implementation of hook_exit().
cdn_file_server ./ Implementation of hook_file_server().
cdn_file_url ./ Given a file path relative to the Drupal root directory, get the URL of the corresponding file on the CDN, or the normal URL if the corresponding file does not (yet) exist on the CDN. 1
cdn_log ./ Simple logging function for sync plugin debugging purposes only. 3
cdn_menu ./cdn.module Implementation of hook_menu().
cdn_perm ./cdn.module Implementation of hook_perm().
cdn_requirements ./cdn.module Implementation of hook_requirements().
cdn_unique_filename ./ Alters filename or file path to make the filename unique. 1
cdn_update_file ./ Updates the contents of the file for CDN compatibility: it searches all relative URLs and replaces it with absolute URLs to files hosted on the CDN, if they're available on the CDN already, otherwise they are replaced with absolute URLs to the… 1
ftp_cdn_cron_perform_sync sync_plugins/ Implementation of pseudo-hook hook_cdn_cron_perform_sync().
theme_cdn_numbers ./cdn.module Renders site-wide CDN integration statistics.
theme_cdn_page_stats ./cdn.module Render the CDN integration page statistics.
theme_cdn_scheduled_unsynced_files_list ./cdn.module Render the list of scheduled but not yet synchronized files.
theme_cdn_synced_files_list ./cdn.module Render the list of synchronized files.
theme_cdn_unscheduled_synced_files_list ./cdn.module Render the list of files that are queued for deletion.
_cdn_cron_delete_temporary_files ./ Helper function to clean up temporary files - i.e. copies of files that were being synchronized, but needed the URLs embedded to be updated. 2
_cdn_cron_get_files_to_sync ./ Generates the list of files that has to be sync, based on a file name pattern, a list of ignored directories, a list of directories of which any file will be included, and an exclude pattern. 2
_cdn_cron_init_stats ./ Initializes the stats array. 1
_cdn_cron_scan_directory ./ Stolen from Drupal core. Simplified for CDN cron usage. Parameter order is unchanged, so you can look at the official file_scan_directory() documentation but think away the last parameters. 1
_cdn_cron_update_files_wrapper ./ Wrapper of cdn_update_file() for use only within cron mode. This function simply calls cdn_update_file(), but also sets the $files_synced parameter. 1
_cdn_devel_page_stats ./cdn.module Collects per-page CDN integration statistics. 2
_cdn_file_path_resolve_relative_paths ./ Helper function to resolve relative file paths.
_ftp_cdn_cron_create_path sync_plugins/ 1
_ftp_cdn_cron_sync_deletion sync_plugins/ 1
_ftp_cdn_get_filelist sync_plugins/ 2
_ftp_cdn_parse_filesizes_recursive_rawlist sync_plugins/ 1

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