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function cdn_unique_filename in CDN 5

Alters filename or file path to make the filename unique.


$file_path: The path to the file, relative to the Drupal root directory.

$unique_settings: The settings to generate the unique file path for the CDN. This is an array with the following structure: array( 'method' => 'mtime', // Other values: 'none', 'md5'. 'where' => 'filename', // Other values: 'common parent directory' (should be used for themes to not break URLs in CSS files, enables a new method: 'md5 of mtimes'). 'params' => array(), // An array of parameters. Optional. Keys in case of 'common parent directory': 'path' and 'files'. )

Return value

The new basename.

1 string reference to 'cdn_unique_filename'
cdn_cron_run in ./
Executes a CDN synchronization cron run when called


./, line 82
Basic functions for CDN integration and synchronization.


function cdn_unique_filename($file_path, $unique_settings = array()) {
  if ($unique_settings['method'] != 'none') {

    // Generate the file version identifier that will be included in the
    // name to make sure we get a unique filename.
    switch ($unique_settings['method']) {
      case 'md5 of mtimes':
        static $md5_mtimes;
        if (!isset($md5_mtimes[$unique_settings['params']['path']])) {
          $mtimes_string = '';
          foreach ($unique_settings['params']['files'] as $file) {
            $mtimes_string .= filemtime($file);
          $md5_mtimes[$unique_settings['params']['path']] = md5($mtimes_string);
        $unique = $md5_mtimes[$unique_settings['params']['path']];
      case 'md5':
        $unique = md5_file($file_path);
      case 'mtime':
        $unique = filemtime($file_path);
    $dirs = explode('/', $file_path);
    $basename = end($dirs);
    unset($dirs[count($dirs) - 1]);
    $path = implode('/', $dirs);
    switch ($unique_settings['where']) {
      case 'filename':
        if (($pos = strrpos($basename, '.')) !== FALSE) {
          $first = substr($basename, 0, $pos);
          $last = substr($basename, $pos, strlen($basename) - $pos);
          $basename = $first . '-' . $unique . $last;
        else {
          $basename .= '-' . $unique;
      case 'common parent directory':
        $path = $dirs[0];
        for ($i = 1; $i < count($dirs); $i++) {
          $path .= "/{$dirs[$i]}";
          if ($path == $unique_settings['params']['path']) {
            $path .= "/{$unique}";
    return $path . '/' . $basename;
  else {
    return $file_path;