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function cdn_file_server in CDN 5

Implementation of hook_file_server().


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Basic functions for CDN integration and synchronization.


function cdn_file_server($op, $file_path, $absolute_url = FALSE) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'info':
      return array(
        'type' => t('Content Delivery Network'),
        'description' => t('A content delivery network is a load-balanced network of static file
          servers that are located at various places all over the planet.'),
        'configuration_page' => 'admin/settings/cdn',
    case 'url':

      // If debug mode is enabled and the user doesn't have the necessary
      // permission to access files on the CDN when debug mode is enabled,
      // return FALSE (i.e. pretend the file does not exist on the CDN).
      if ((bool) variable_get('cdn_debug_mode', 0) && !user_access('access files on CDN when in debug mode')) {
        return FALSE;

      // URLs on a CDN are always absolute!
      $url = cdn_file_url($file_path);

      // If the user can access it, add this to the per-page statistics.
      if (variable_get('cdn_dev_page_stats', 0) && user_access('access per-page statistics')) {
        _cdn_devel_page_stats($file_path, !$url ? '' : $url, (bool) $url);
      return $url;