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Functions in Case Tracker 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
casetracker_autocomplete ./casetracker.module Retrieve a pipe delimited string of autocomplete suggestions for existing users. Stolen from user_autocomplete. Eventually this will be expanded to include OG specific users subscribed to a project. 1
casetracker_basic_case_access ./casetracker_basic.module Implementation of hook_access().
casetracker_basic_case_form ./casetracker_basic.module Implementation of hook_form().
casetracker_basic_node_info ./casetracker_basic.module Implementation of hook_node_info().
casetracker_basic_perm ./casetracker_basic.module Implementation of hook_perm().
casetracker_basic_project_access ./casetracker_basic.module Implementation of hook_access().
casetracker_basic_project_form ./casetracker_basic.module Implementation of hook_form().
casetracker_basic_uninstall ./casetracker_basic.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
casetracker_block ./casetracker.module Implementation of hook_block().
casetracker_block_jump_to_case_number ./casetracker.module Form builder for "Jump to case number" block. 1
casetracker_block_jump_to_case_number_submit ./casetracker.module Submit function for our "Jump to case number" block.
casetracker_cases_overview ./casetracker.module Menu callback; displays a list of all cases in a table. See the README.txt for the various URLs we support. 1
casetracker_case_form_common ./casetracker.module Common form elements for cases, generic enough for use either in a full node display, or in comment displays and updating. Default values are calculated based on an existing $form['nid']['#value']. 1
casetracker_case_state_confirm_delete ./casetracker.module If the user has asked to delete a case state, we'll double-check. 1
casetracker_case_state_confirm_delete_submit ./casetracker.module Ayup, the user definitely wants to delete this case state.
casetracker_case_state_delete ./casetracker.module Deletes a case state. 1
casetracker_case_state_edit ./casetracker.module Displays a form for adding or editing a case state. 1
casetracker_case_state_edit_submit ./casetracker.module Processes the submitted results of our case state addition or editing.
casetracker_case_state_load ./casetracker.module Returns information about the various case states and their options. The number of parameters passed will determine the return value. 19
casetracker_case_state_overview ./casetracker.module Displays an administrative overview of all case states available. 1
casetracker_case_state_save ./casetracker.module Saves a case state. 1
casetracker_comment ./casetracker.module Implementation of hook_comment().
casetracker_comment_changes ./casetracker.module Displays the changes a comment has made to the case fields. 1
casetracker_dashboard_admin_form ./casetracker_dashboard.module Form callback Configure the CaseTracker dashboard 1
casetracker_dashboard_admin_form_submit ./casetracker_dashboard.module Form submit hook
casetracker_dashboard_help ./casetracker_dashboard.module Implementation of hook_help().
casetracker_dashboard_menu ./casetracker_dashboard.module Implementation of hook_menu().
casetracker_dashboard_overview ./casetracker_dashboard.module Menu callback Displays a list of all projects and a count of all their states. 1
casetracker_dashboard_perm ./casetracker_dashboard.module Implementation of hook_perm().
casetracker_form_alter ./casetracker.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
casetracker_get_name ./casetracker.module Given a uid, returns the name of that account. If the passed uid is not found, returns the default "assign to" name as specified in the settings. @todo This may not always be desired, but is how we use it. See also casetracker_get_uid(). 7
casetracker_get_uid ./casetracker.module Given a user name, returns the uid of that account. If the passed name is not found, returns 0. See also casetracker_get_name(). 3
casetracker_help ./casetracker.module Implementation of hook_help().
casetracker_install ./casetracker.install Implementation of hook_install().
casetracker_mailhandler ./casetracker_mail.module Implementation of hook_mailhandler().
casetracker_mail_comment ./casetracker_mail.module Implementation of hook_comment().
casetracker_mail_help ./casetracker_mail.module Implementation of hook_help().
casetracker_mail_install ./casetracker_mail.install Implementation of hook_install().
casetracker_mail_menu ./casetracker_mail.module Implementation of hook_menu().
casetracker_mail_nodeapi ./casetracker_mail.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
casetracker_mail_send ./casetracker_mail.module Sends out emails. Woot! Do people still say woot? Man, I'm old. 2
casetracker_mail_settings ./casetracker_mail.module Configures the various Case Tracker mail options; system_settings_form(). 1
casetracker_mail_uninstall ./casetracker_mail.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
casetracker_menu ./casetracker.module Implementation of hook_menu().
casetracker_nodeapi ./casetracker.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
casetracker_perm ./casetracker.module Implementation of hook_perm().
casetracker_projects_overview ./casetracker.module Menu callback; displays a list of all projects in a table. See the README.txt for the various URLs we support. 1
casetracker_settings ./casetracker.module Configures the various Case Tracker options; system_settings_form(). 1
casetracker_uninstall ./casetracker.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
casetracker_update_1 ./casetracker.install


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