function casetracker_mailhandler in Case Tracker 5
Implementation of hook_mailhandler().
project_number: 500 type: casetracker_case case_title: This is a case title! Yes! assign_to: Morbus Iff case_status: open case_priority: 1-high case_type: bug
- ./
casetracker_mail.module, line 193 - Enables mail sending and Mailhandler integration for Case Tracker.
function casetracker_mailhandler($node, $result, $msg_number, $header, $mailbox) {
$source_msg_id = $header->references;
// used for comment replies. actually
// dependent on a few assumptions: the angle brackets are stored in the
// casetracker_mail table and that a reply can never be replied too. both
// are accurate, but it's not the most flexible of designs.
// determine the right values based on those in the email.
$node->title = $node->case_title ? $node->case_title : $node->title;
$node->assign_to = $node->assign_to ? $node->assign_to : $node->uid;
foreach (array(
) as $state) {
$options = casetracker_case_state_load($state);
$node->{'case_' . $state . '_id'} = $node->{'case_' . $state} ? db_result(db_query("SELECT csid FROM {casetracker_case_states} WHERE case_state_name = LOWER('%s') AND case_state_realm = '%s'", drupal_strtolower($node->{'case_' . $state}), $state)) : variable_get('casetracker_default_case_' . $state, array_shift(array_keys($options)));
// @todo potential hack for CCK fields: explode on [ and make
// a new array level for every one you see. maybe, maybe.
$node->pid = db_result(db_query("SELECT nid FROM {casetracker_project} WHERE project_number = %d", $node->project_number));
if ($node->pid && !$source_msg_id) {
// if we've got a project number, and this isn't a reply, make a new case.
$node->status = 1;
return $node;
// we'll publish the node by default, but @todo this should be configurable.
elseif ($source_msg_id) {
$comment = array();
// a source message ID exists, so this is a comment via email.
$result = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT msg_id, nid, cid FROM {casetracker_mail} WHERE msg_id = '%s'", $source_msg_id));
$case = node_load($result->nid);
$comment['nid'] = $result->nid;
$comment['pid'] = $result->cid;
$comment['comment'] = $node->body;
$comment['uid'] = $node->uid;
$comment['subject'] = $node->title;
$comment['case_priority_id'] = $case->case_priority_id;
$comment['case_type_id'] = $case->case_type_id;
$comment['case_status_id'] = $case->case_status_id;
$comment['case_title'] = $case->title;
$comment['pid'] = $case->pid;
$comment['assign_to'] = casetracker_get_name($case->assign_to);
// @todo allow emailed comments to change these states.
else {
return $node;