casetracker_mail.module in Case Tracker 5
Enables mail sending and Mailhandler integration for Case Tracker.
casetracker_mail.moduleView source
* @file
* Enables mail sending and Mailhandler integration for Case Tracker.
* Implementation of hook_help().
function casetracker_mail_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/settings/casetracker_mail':
return '<p>' . t('Configure the various Case Tracker mail options with these settings.') . '</p>';
* Implementation of hook_menu().
function casetracker_mail_menu($may_cache) {
$items = array();
if ($may_cache) {
$items[] = array(
'access' => user_access('administer case tracker'),
'callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'callback arguments' => 'casetracker_mail_settings',
'description' => t('Configure the various Case Tracker mail options with these settings.'),
'path' => 'admin/settings/casetracker/mail',
'title' => t('CT Mail'),
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
return $items;
* Sends out emails. Woot! Do people still say woot? Man, I'm old.
* @param $node
* The case $node object that is being inserted or modified.
* @param $comment
* The $comment array, passed only if this a comment has been left.
function casetracker_mail_send($case, $comment = NULL) {
global $user;
// is it a comment post
$isComment = !is_null($comment);
// get the project data
$pid = $isComment ? $comment['prid'] : $case->pid;
$project = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT cp.project_number, n.title FROM {casetracker_project} cp LEFT JOIN {node} n ON (n.vid = cp.vid) WHERE cp.nid = %d", $pid));
// get the assigned to name
$assignToId = $isComment ? $comment['assign_to'] : $case->assign_to;
$assignToName = is_numeric($assignToId) ? casetracker_get_name($assignToId) : $assignToId;
$variables = array(
'%project_id' => $pid,
'%project_number' => $project->project_number,
'%project_title' => $project->title,
'%case_id' => $case->nid,
'%case_number' => $project->project_number . '-' . $case->case_number,
'%case_title' => $isComment ? $comment['case_title'] : $case->title,
'%case_type' => casetracker_case_state_load('type', $isComment ? $comment['case_type_id'] : $case->case_type_id),
'%case_priority' => casetracker_case_state_load('priority', $isComment ? $comment['case_priority_id'] : $case->case_priority_id),
'%case_status' => casetracker_case_state_load('status', $isComment ? $comment['case_status_id'] : $case->case_status_id),
'%case_assigned' => $assignToName,
'%case_author' => casetracker_get_name($case->uid),
'%case_created' => format_date($case->created, 'large'),
'%case_changed' => format_date($case->changed, 'large'),
'%case_url' => url('node/' . $case->nid, NULL, NULL, TRUE),
// @todo fails for CCK or non-body cases.
'%case_description' => _casetracker_mail_plain_description($case->body),
'%comment' => NULL,
if (isset($comment)) {
// make a master %comment variable that contains the values of this specific comment.
// @todo it'd be nice if we could display all the previous comments, as the project.module currently does.
$variables['%comment'] = strtr(variable_get('casetracker_mail_comment_message', _casetracker_mail_comment_message()), array(
'%comment_author' => casetracker_get_name($comment['uid']),
'%comment_created' => format_date($comment['date'], 'large'),
'%comment_title' => $comment['subject'],
'%comment_description' => _casetracker_mail_plain_description($comment['comment']),
// make our own message ID so we can log it and allow responses via mailhandler.
$msg_id = '<' . time() . '.' . mt_rand() . '@' . drupal_strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) . '>';
$from = variable_get('casetracker_mail_address', variable_get('site_mail', ini_get('sendmail_from')));
$subject = strtr(variable_get('casetracker_mail_subject', _casetracker_mail_subject()), $variables);
$body = strtr(variable_get('casetracker_mail_case_message', _casetracker_mail_case_message()), $variables);
db_query("INSERT INTO {casetracker_mail} (msg_id, nid, cid) VALUES ('%s', %d, %d)", $msg_id, $case->nid, isset($comment['cid']) ? $comment['cid'] : 0);
// @todo this currently sends to only author and assigned. there needs to be
// finer-grain control here, like an OG subscribers or all commenters, etc.
$results = db_query("SELECT uid, name, mail FROM {users} WHERE uid IN (%d, %d, %d)", $comment['uid'], $case->uid, is_numeric($assignToId) ? $assignToId : casetracker_get_uid($assignToId));
while ($result = db_fetch_object($results)) {
if ($result->uid == $user->uid) {
// don't fire to currently commenting user.
if (!$result->mail) {
// don't fire blanks.
// if we get here a mail is send
$mail_status = drupal_mail('casetracker_mail', $result->mail, $subject, $body, $from, array(
'Message-ID' => $msg_id,
if (!$mail_status) {
// mail failure doesn't actually tell us much, since PHP returns no error string, but hey, feel good, right?
watchdog('casetracker_mail', t('E-mail notification failed for %address.', array(
'%address' => $result->mail,
* Implementation of hook_comment().
function casetracker_mail_comment(&$comment, $op) {
switch ($op) {
case 'insert':
case 'update':
$node = node_load($comment['nid']);
// checks type and compares existing case meta to submitted.
if (!in_array($node->type, variable_get('casetracker_case_node_types', array(
)), TRUE)) {
// if this isn't a casetracker case node type, return without sullying our miserable code. MISERY!
// NP: 'Caught' from Stu Phillips's album 'Knight Rider: The Stu Phillips Scores: Original Television Soundtrack'.
casetracker_mail_send($node, $comment);
case 'delete':
db_query('DELETE FROM {casetracker_mail} WHERE cid = %d', $comment->cid);
* Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
function casetracker_mail_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser = NULL, $page = NULL) {
switch ($op) {
case 'insert':
case 'update':
if (in_array($node->type, variable_get('casetracker_case_node_types', array(
)), TRUE)) {
case 'delete':
if (in_array($node->type, variable_get('casetracker_case_node_types', array(
)), TRUE)) {
db_query('DELETE FROM {casetracker_mail} WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid);
* Implementation of hook_mailhandler().
* project_number: 500
* type: casetracker_case
* case_title: This is a case title! Yes!
* assign_to: Morbus Iff
* case_status: open
* case_priority: 1-high
* case_type: bug
function casetracker_mailhandler($node, $result, $msg_number, $header, $mailbox) {
$source_msg_id = $header->references;
// used for comment replies. actually
// dependent on a few assumptions: the angle brackets are stored in the
// casetracker_mail table and that a reply can never be replied too. both
// are accurate, but it's not the most flexible of designs.
// determine the right values based on those in the email.
$node->title = $node->case_title ? $node->case_title : $node->title;
$node->assign_to = $node->assign_to ? $node->assign_to : $node->uid;
foreach (array(
) as $state) {
$options = casetracker_case_state_load($state);
$node->{'case_' . $state . '_id'} = $node->{'case_' . $state} ? db_result(db_query("SELECT csid FROM {casetracker_case_states} WHERE case_state_name = LOWER('%s') AND case_state_realm = '%s'", drupal_strtolower($node->{'case_' . $state}), $state)) : variable_get('casetracker_default_case_' . $state, array_shift(array_keys($options)));
// @todo potential hack for CCK fields: explode on [ and make
// a new array level for every one you see. maybe, maybe.
$node->pid = db_result(db_query("SELECT nid FROM {casetracker_project} WHERE project_number = %d", $node->project_number));
if ($node->pid && !$source_msg_id) {
// if we've got a project number, and this isn't a reply, make a new case.
$node->status = 1;
return $node;
// we'll publish the node by default, but @todo this should be configurable.
elseif ($source_msg_id) {
$comment = array();
// a source message ID exists, so this is a comment via email.
$result = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT msg_id, nid, cid FROM {casetracker_mail} WHERE msg_id = '%s'", $source_msg_id));
$case = node_load($result->nid);
$comment['nid'] = $result->nid;
$comment['pid'] = $result->cid;
$comment['comment'] = $node->body;
$comment['uid'] = $node->uid;
$comment['subject'] = $node->title;
$comment['case_priority_id'] = $case->case_priority_id;
$comment['case_type_id'] = $case->case_type_id;
$comment['case_status_id'] = $case->case_status_id;
$comment['case_title'] = $case->title;
$comment['pid'] = $case->pid;
$comment['assign_to'] = casetracker_get_name($case->assign_to);
// @todo allow emailed comments to change these states.
else {
return $node;
* Configures the various Case Tracker mail options; system_settings_form().
function casetracker_mail_settings() {
$form = array();
$form['casetracker_mail'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('E-mail settings'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => FALSE,
'#description' => t('Enter the From address, subject, case message, and comment message for Case Tracker generated mails. Available variables are %project_id (the node ID), %project_number, %project_title, %case_id (the node ID), %case_number, %case_title.'),
$form['casetracker_mail']['casetracker_mail_address'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('E-mail address'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('casetracker_mail_address', variable_get('site_mail', ini_get('sendmail_from'))),
'#description' => t('A valid e-mail address used in the From: of all Case Tracker generated mails.'),
$form['casetracker_mail']['casetracker_mail_subject'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Subject'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('casetracker_mail_subject', _casetracker_mail_subject()),
'#description' => t('Enter the subject of all Case Tracker generated mails.'),
$form['casetracker_mail']['casetracker_mail_case_message'] = array(
'#rows' => 15,
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Case message'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('casetracker_mail_case_message', _casetracker_mail_case_message()),
'#description' => t('Enter the case message body of Case Tracker generated mails. Apart from the variables mentioned above, additional variables include %case_type, %case_priority, %case_status, %case_assigned, %case_author, %case_created, %case_changed, %case_url, %case_description, %comment (see below for the value of the %comment variable).'),
// @todo it is not exactly clear how CCK node types (or other custom node fields) will be available as %variables.
// @todo it also doesn't appear like we can give a list of all other comments made on this particular case.
$form['casetracker_mail']['casetracker_mail_comment_message'] = array(
'#rows' => 10,
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Comment message'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('casetracker_mail_comment_message', _casetracker_mail_comment_message()),
'#description' => t('Enter the comment message body of Case Tracker generated mails. The %comment variable in the \'Case message\' text above will be replaced by this value (if applicable). Available additional variables are %comment_author, %comment_title, %comment_description.'),
return system_settings_form($form);
* Returns the default message for Case Tracker case mails.
function _casetracker_mail_case_message() {
return "Case status update for %case_url\n\n" . "Project: %project_title\n" . "Type: %case_type\n" . "Priority: %case_priority\n" . "Status: %case_status\n" . "Assigned: %case_assigned\n" . "Opened by: %case_author\n" . "Opened on: %case_created\n" . "Last modified: %case_changed\n\n" . "%case_description\n\n" . "%comment\n";
function _casetracker_mail_comment_message() {
return "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" . "Comment by: %comment_author\n" . "Comment title: %comment_title\n\n" . "%comment_description\n\n";
* Returns the default subject line for Case Tracker mails.
function _casetracker_mail_subject() {
return '[%project_title %case_type %case_number] %case_title';
* Function to clear the possible html from a mail and generate readable txt version
* @param string
* @return string
function _casetracker_mail_plain_description($_description) {
// tags that should be have a newline behind their ass
$tags = array(
'<br />',
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$_description = str_replace($tag, $tag . "\n", $_description);
$result = filter_xss($_description, array(
return $result;
Name![]() |
Description |
casetracker_mailhandler | Implementation of hook_mailhandler(). |
casetracker_mail_comment | Implementation of hook_comment(). |
casetracker_mail_help | Implementation of hook_help(). |
casetracker_mail_menu | Implementation of hook_menu(). |
casetracker_mail_nodeapi | Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). |
casetracker_mail_send | Sends out emails. Woot! Do people still say woot? Man, I'm old. |
casetracker_mail_settings | Configures the various Case Tracker mail options; system_settings_form(). |
_casetracker_mail_case_message | Returns the default message for Case Tracker case mails. |
_casetracker_mail_comment_message | |
_casetracker_mail_plain_description | Function to clear the possible html from a mail and generate readable txt version |
_casetracker_mail_subject | Returns the default subject line for Case Tracker mails. |