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7 calls to casetracker_get_name() in Case Tracker 5

casetracker_cases_overview in ./casetracker.module
Menu callback; displays a list of all cases in a table. See the README.txt for the various URLs we support.
casetracker_case_form_common in ./casetracker.module
Common form elements for cases, generic enough for use either in a full node display, or in comment displays and updating. Default values are calculated based on an existing $form['nid']['#value'].
casetracker_comment_changes in ./casetracker.module
Displays the changes a comment has made to the case fields.
casetracker_mailhandler in ./casetracker_mail.module
Implementation of hook_mailhandler().
casetracker_mail_send in ./casetracker_mail.module
Sends out emails. Woot! Do people still say woot? Man, I'm old.
casetracker_views_user_name in ./casetracker_views.module
Views field handler; display the user name the case has been assigned to.
theme_casetracker_case_summary in ./casetracker.module
Theme the case summary shown at the beginning of a case's node.