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Functions in CAS 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
cas_add_user_form ./ Creates a CAS user registration page. 1
cas_add_user_form_submit ./
cas_admin_settings ./ Provides settings pages. 1
cas_block ./cas.module Implements hook_block().
cas_current_user ./cas.module Return the current CAS username. 2
cas_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
cas_drush_help ./ Implements hook_drush_help().
cas_drush_user_add_role ./ Add a role to the specified CAS user accounts. 1
cas_drush_user_create ./ Creates a new CAS user account. 1
cas_drush_user_get_users_from_arguments ./ Look up user ids from a comma-separated list of CAS usernames. 1
cas_form_alter ./cas.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
cas_help ./cas.module Implementation of hook_help().
cas_init ./cas.module Implementation of hook_init().
cas_install ./cas.install Implementation of hook_install().
cas_is_external_user ./cas.module Determine whether the specified user is an "external" CAS user. When settings are set to use drupal as the user repository, then this function will always return true. 1
cas_library_version_check ./ Checks that the library is installed in the location specified by loading the class and extracting the version. 1
cas_login_block ./cas.module Login form for the CAS login block. 1
cas_login_block_submit ./cas.module Submit handler for cas_login_block().
cas_login_check ./cas.module Checks to see if the user needs to be logged in. 1
cas_login_destination ./cas.module Helper function to rewrite the destination to avoid redirecting to login page after login. 3
cas_login_page ./cas.module Redirects to appropriate page based on user settings. 1 1
cas_login_validate ./cas.module Login form _validate hook 1
cas_logout ./cas.module Logs a user out of Drupal and then out of CAS. 2
cas_menu ./cas.module Implementation of hook_menu().
cas_menu_link_alter ./cas.module Implements hook_menu_link_alter().
cas_perm ./cas.module Implementation of hook_perm().
cas_phpcas_attributes ./cas.module Get the CAS attributes of the current CAS user. 1
cas_phpcas_init ./cas.module Initialize phpCAS. 3
cas_phpcas_load ./cas.module Loads the phpCAS library. 4
cas_requirements ./cas.install Implements hook_requirements().
cas_roles ./cas.module Roles which should be granted to all CAS users. 2
cas_schema ./cas.install Implementation of hook_schema().
cas_server_cas_server_user_attributes ./cas_server.module Implements hook_cas_server_user_attributes().
cas_server_install ./cas_server.install Implementation of hook_install().
cas_server_login ./cas_server.module Handle login 1
cas_server_logout ./cas_server.module Menu callback; triggers a CAS logout. 1
cas_server_logout_clients ./cas_server.module Send CAS a logout requests for each of the user's CAS tickets. 1
cas_server_menu ./cas_server.module Implementation of hook_menu
cas_server_schema ./cas_server.install Implementation of hook_schema().
cas_server_service_return ./cas_server.module 1
cas_server_service_validate ./cas_server.module serviceValidate method using cas 2.0 Returns data in xml 1
cas_server_theme ./cas_server.module Implements hook_theme().
cas_server_uninstall ./cas_server.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
cas_server_update_1 ./cas_server.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
cas_server_update_6301 ./cas_server.install Adds valid field to indicate when ticket is valid for reuse.
cas_server_user ./cas_server.module Implements hook_user().
cas_server_validate ./cas_server.module Validate the ticket using a CAS 1.x methodology This provides the simple non-xml based 1
cas_test_cas_phpcas_alter tests/cas_test.module
cas_test_login tests/cas_test.module Initiate a login request. 1
cas_test_logout tests/cas_test.module Log out a user. 1


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