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Functions in CAS 5.4

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
cas_admin_settings ./cas.module Provides settings pages. 1
cas_block ./cas.module Provides login blog that only shows up when the user logs in.
cas_form_alter ./cas.module implementation of hook_form_alter Overrides specific from settings based on user policy.
cas_help ./cas.module Implementation of hook_help().
cas_install ./cas.install Inastall db tables.
cas_invoke_auth_filter ./cas.module Invokes hook_auth_filter() in every module. 1
cas_invoke_auth_transform ./cas.module Invokes hook_auth_transform() in every module. 1
cas_login_check ./cas.module Checks to see if the user needs to be logged in 1
cas_login_form ./cas.module 1
cas_login_form_submit ./cas.module
cas_login_page ./cas.module Redirects to appropriate page based on user settings. 1 1
cas_logout ./cas.module Logs a user out of drupal and then out of cas 1
cas_menu ./cas.module Implements hook_menu.
cas_perm ./cas.module Implementation of hook_perm().
cas_save_page ./cas.module Saves the page that the user was on when login was requested or required 1
cas_server_install ./cas_server.install Inastall db tables.
cas_server_login ./cas_server.module Handle login 1
cas_server_logout ./cas_server.module Cas Logout @TODO: Implement single sign out support 1
cas_server_menu ./cas_server.module Implementation of hook_menu
cas_server_service_return ./cas_server.module 1
cas_server_service_validate ./cas_server.module serviceValidate method using cas 2.0 Returns data in xml 1
cas_server_uninstall ./cas_server.install
cas_server_update_1 ./cas_server.install
cas_server_validate ./cas_server.module Validate the ticket using a CAS 1.x methodology This provides the simple non-xml based 1
cas_uninstall ./cas.install
cas_update_1 ./cas.install
_cas_allow_check_for_login ./cas.module 1
_cas_external_user_is_blocked ./cas.module 1
_cas_force_login ./cas.module Determines whether cas login should be enforced for this page load. This is done based on the redirection settings for this module. 1
_cas_server_save_ticket ./cas_server.module Generate a one time use login ticket for the user in question. 1
_cas_server_validate ./cas_server.module Test to see if a one time use ticket is valid 2
_cas_single_sign_out_check ./cas.module 1
_cas_single_sign_out_save_token ./cas.module 1
_get_ldap_config_name ./cas.module LDAP Auxiliary functions 2

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