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Functions in CAS 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
cas_test_menu tests/cas_test.module Implements hook_menu().
cas_test_service_validate tests/cas_test.module Validate a ticket using the CAS 2.0 protocol. 1
cas_test_single_sign_out tests/cas_test.module Sign out the specified CAS user. 2
cas_test_token_evaluate tests/cas_test.module Evaluate the specified token. 1
cas_test_validate tests/cas_test.module Validate a ticket using the CAS 1.x protocol. 1
cas_token_list ./cas.module Implements hook_token_list().
cas_token_values ./cas.module Implements hook_token_values().
cas_translated_menu_link_alter ./cas.module Implements hook_translated_menu_item_alter().
cas_uninstall ./cas.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
cas_update_1 ./cas.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
cas_update_6300 ./cas.install Depreciate "Verify the server using PEM cerificate" option.
cas_update_6301 ./cas.install Migrate authmap entries to new {cas_user} table.
cas_update_6302 ./cas.install Remove 'hijack user' and 'Drupal is CAS user repository' options.
cas_update_6303 ./cas.install Remove unnecessary CAS settings.
cas_update_6304 ./cas.install Add destination parameter to CAS Login / CAS Logout menu links.
cas_update_6305 ./cas.install Add index on cas_user.uid
cas_user ./cas.module Implementation of hook_user(). 2
cas_user_add ./ Form builder; Add a CAS identity. 1
cas_user_add_submit ./
cas_user_delete_form ./ Menu callback; Delete the specified CAS username from the system. 1
cas_user_delete_form_submit ./
cas_user_identities ./ Menu callback; Manage CAS identities for the specified user. 1
cas_user_is_logged_in ./cas.module 1
cas_user_load_by_name ./cas.module Fetch a user object by CAS name. 6
cas_user_module_invoke ./cas.module Invokes hook_cas_user_TYPE() in every module. 2
cas_user_operations ./cas.module Implements hook_user_operations().
cas_user_operations_create_username ./cas.module Callback function to assign a CAS username to the account. 1
cas_user_operations_remove_usernames ./cas.module Callback function to remove CAS usernames from the account. 1
cas_user_register ./cas.module Register a CAS user with some default values. 3 4
cas_views_api ./cas.module Implements hook_views_api().
cas_views_data includes/views/ @file Expose CAS user name to views.
cas_views_handlers includes/views/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers() to register all of the basic handlers views uses.
hook_cas_phpcas_alter ./cas.api.php Modify phpCAS authentication properties.
hook_cas_server_user_attributes ./cas_server.api.php Return additional CAS attributes when acting as a CAS server.
hook_cas_server_user_attributes_alter ./cas_server.api.php Alter additional CAS attributes to return when a user is authenticated.
hook_cas_user_alter ./cas.api.php Modify CAS user properties before the user is logged in.
hook_cas_user_presave ./cas.api.php A CAS user has authenticated and the login is about to be finalized.
theme_cas_service_logout_request ./ Generate the Single Sign Out request.
theme_cas_service_validate_attributes ./ Returns CAS attributes as part of a CAS 2.0 service response.
theme_cas_service_validate_failure ./ Returns a CAS 2.0 service response for a validation failure.
theme_cas_service_validate_success ./ Returns a CAS 2.0 service response for a validation success.
_cas_allow_check_for_login ./cas.module Determine if we should automatically check if the user is authenticated. 1
_cas_array_insert ./cas.module Insert an array into the specified position of another array. 1
_cas_external_user_is_blocked ./cas.module Determine whether a CAS user is blocked. 1
_cas_force_login ./cas.module Determine if we should require the user be authenticated. 1
_cas_name_element_validate ./cas.module Form element 'cas_name' validator. 3
_cas_server_save_ticket ./cas_server.module Generate a one time use login ticket for the user in question. 1
_cas_server_validate ./cas_server.module Test to see if a one time use ticket is valid 2
_cas_single_sign_out_check ./cas.module 1
_cas_single_sign_out_save_ticket ./cas.module Make sure that we persist ticket because of redirects performed by CAS. 1


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