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class calendar_plugin_row in Calendar 7.3

Plugin which creates a view on the resulting object and formats it as a Calendar node.


Expanded class hierarchy of calendar_plugin_row

1 string reference to 'calendar_plugin_row'
calendar_views_plugins in includes/
Implementation of hook_views_plugins


includes/, line 21
Contains the Calendar row style plugin.

View source
class calendar_plugin_row extends views_plugin_row_fields {

  // Stores the entities loaded with pre_render.
  var $entities = array();
  function init(&$view, &$display, $options = NULL) {
    parent::init($view, $display, $options);
    $this->base_table = $view->base_table;
    $this->base_field = $view->base_field;

   * Helper function to find the date argument handler for this view.
  function date_argument_handler() {
    foreach ($this->view->argument as $name => $handler) {
      if (date_views_handler_is_date($handler, 'argument')) {
        return $handler;
  function option_definition() {
    $options = parent::option_definition();
    $options['date_fields'] = array(
      'default' => array(),
    $options['calendar_date_link'] = array(
      'default' => '',
    $options['colors'] = array(
      'contains' => array(
        'legend' => array(
          'default' => '',
        'calendar_colors_type' => array(
          'default' => array(),
        'taxonomy_field' => array(
          'default' => '',
        'calendar_colors_vocabulary' => array(
          'default' => array(),
        'calendar_colors_taxonomy' => array(
          'default' => array(),
        'calendar_colors_group' => array(
          'default' => array(),
    return $options;

   * Provide a form for setting options.
  function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
    parent::options_form($form, $form_state);
    $form['markup']['#markup'] = t("The calendar row plugin will format view results as calendar items. Make sure this display has a 'Calendar' format and uses a 'Date' contextual filter, or this plugin will not work correctly.");
    $form['calendar_date_link'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Add new date link'),
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#default_value' => $this->options['calendar_date_link'],
      '#options' => array(
        '' => t('No link'),
      ) + node_type_get_names(),
      '#description' => t('Display a link to add a new date of the specified content type. Displayed only to users with appropriate permissions.'),
    $form['colors'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Legend Colors'),
      '#description' => t('Set a hex color value (like #ffffff) to use in the calendar legend for each content type. Items with empty values will have no stripe in the calendar and will not be added to the legend.'),
    $options = array(
      '' => t('None'),
    if ($this->view->base_table == 'node') {
      $options['type'] = t('Based on Content Type');
    if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
      $options['taxonomy'] = t('Based on Taxonomy');
    if (module_exists('og')) {
      $options['group'] = t('Based on Organic Group');

    // If none of the options but the None option is available, stop here.
    if (count($options) == 1) {
    $form['colors']['legend'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Stripes'),
      '#description' => t('Add stripes to calendar items.'),
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#options' => $options,
      '#default_value' => $this->options['colors']['legend'],
    if ($this->view->base_table == 'node') {
      $colors = $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_type'];
      $type_names = node_type_get_names();
      foreach ($type_names as $key => $name) {
        $form['colors']['calendar_colors_type'][$key] = array(
          '#title' => check_plain($name),
          '#default_value' => isset($colors[$key]) ? $colors[$key] : CALENDAR_EMPTY_STRIPE,
          '#dependency' => array(
            'edit-row-options-colors-legend' => array(
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#size' => 7,
          '#maxlength' => 7,
          '#element_validate' => array(
          '#prefix' => '<div class="calendar-colorpicker-wrapper">',
          '#suffix' => '<div class="calendar-colorpicker"></div></div>',
          '#attributes' => array(
            'class' => array(
          '#attached' => array(
            // Add Farbtastic color picker.
            'library' => array(
            // Add javascript to trigger the colorpicker.
            'js' => array(
              drupal_get_path('module', 'calendar') . '/js/calendar_colorpicker.js',
    if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {

      // Get the display's field names of taxonomy fields.
      $vocab_field_options = array();
      $fields = $this->display->handler
      foreach ($fields as $name => $field_info) {
        $field = field_info_field($name);

        // Select the proper field type.
        if (!empty($field['type']) && $field['type'] == 'taxonomy_term_reference') {
          if (isset($field_info['label']) && !empty($field_info['label'])) {
            $vocab_field_options[$name] = $field_info['label'];
          else {
            $bundles = field_info_bundles('taxonomy_term');
            $vocab = $field['settings']['allowed_values'][0]['vocabulary'];
            $vocab_field_options[$name] = $bundles[$vocab]['label'];
      $form['colors']['taxonomy_field'] = array(
        '#title' => t('Term field'),
        '#type' => !empty($vocab_field_options) ? 'select' : 'hidden',
        '#default_value' => $this->options['colors']['taxonomy_field'],
        '#description' => t("Select the taxonomy term field to use when setting stripe colors. This works best for vocabularies with only a limited number of possible terms."),
        '#options' => $vocab_field_options,
        '#dependency' => array(
          'edit-row-options-colors-legend' => array(
      if (empty($vocab_field_options)) {
        $form['colors']['taxonomy_field']['#options'] = array(
          '' => '',
        $form['colors']['taxonomy_field']['#suffix'] = t('You must add a term field to this view to use taxonomy stripe values. This works best for vocabularies with only a limited number of possible terms.');

      // Get the Vocabulary names.
      $vocab_names = array();
      foreach ($vocab_field_options as $field_name => $label) {
        $taxonomy_field = field_info_field($field_name);
        foreach ((array) $taxonomy_field['settings']['allowed_values'] as $delta => $options) {
          $vocab_names[$field_name] = $options['vocabulary'];

      // Get the Vocabulary id's.
      $vocab_vids = array();
      foreach ($vocab_names as $field_name => $vocab_name) {
        $vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocab_name);
        $vocab_vids[$field_name] = $vocab->vid;
      $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_vocabulary'] = $vocab_vids;
      $form['colors']['calendar_colors_vocabulary'] = array(
        '#title' => t('Vocabulary Legend Types'),
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $vocab_vids,

      // Get the Vocabulary term id's and map to colors.
      $term_colors = $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_taxonomy'];
      foreach ($vocab_vids as $field_name => $vid) {
        $vocab = taxonomy_get_tree($vid);
        foreach ($vocab as $key => $term) {
          $form['colors']['calendar_colors_taxonomy'][$term->tid] = array(
            '#title' => check_plain(t($term->name)),
            '#default_value' => isset($term_colors[$term->tid]) ? $term_colors[$term->tid] : CALENDAR_EMPTY_STRIPE,
            '#access' => !empty($vocab_field_options),
            '#dependency_count' => 2,
            // All 2 of the following #dependencies must be met.
            '#dependency' => array(
              'edit-row-options-colors-legend' => array(
              'edit-row-options-colors-taxonomy-field' => array(
            '#type' => 'textfield',
            '#size' => 7,
            '#maxlength' => 7,
            '#element_validate' => array(
            '#prefix' => '<div class="calendar-colorpicker-wrapper">',
            '#suffix' => '<div class="calendar-colorpicker"></div></div>',
            '#attributes' => array(
              'class' => array(
            '#attached' => array(
              // Add Farbtastic color picker.
              'library' => array(
              // Add javascript to trigger the colorpicker.
              'js' => array(
                drupal_get_path('module', 'calendar') . '/js/calendar_colorpicker.js',
    if (module_exists('og')) {
      $colors_group = $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_group'];
      $options = array();

      // The 7.1 version of OG.
      if (function_exists('og_label')) {
        $gids = og_get_all_group();
        foreach ($gids as $gid) {
          $options[$gid] = check_plain(t(og_label($gid)));
      else {
        $types = og_get_all_group_entity();
        foreach ($types as $entity_type => $name) {
          $gids = og_get_all_group($entity_type);
          $entities = entity_load($entity_type, $gids);
          foreach ($entities as $entity) {
            list($gid) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
            $options[$gid] = check_plain(t(entity_label($entity_type, $entity)));
      foreach ($options as $gid => $title) {
        $form['colors']['calendar_colors_group'][$gid] = array(
          '#title' => $title,
          '#default_value' => isset($colors_group[$gid]) ? $colors_group[$gid] : CALENDAR_EMPTY_STRIPE,
          '#dependency' => array(
            'edit-row-options-colors-legend' => array(
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#size' => 7,
          '#maxlength' => 7,
          '#element_validate' => array(
          '#prefix' => '<div class="calendar-colorpicker-wrapper">',
          '#suffix' => '<div class="calendar-colorpicker"></div></div>',
          '#attributes' => array(
            'class' => array(
          '#attached' => array(
            // Add Farbtastic color picker.
            'library' => array(
            // Add javascript to trigger the colorpicker.
            'js' => array(
              drupal_get_path('module', 'calendar') . '/js/calendar_colorpicker.js',
  function options_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
    parent::options_submit($form, $form_state);
    if ($this->view->base_table == 'node') {
      if (isset($this->view->display['default']->display_options['link_display'])) {
        $default_display = $this->view->display['default']->display_options['link_display'];
        if (isset($this->view->display[$default_display])) {
          $path = $this->view->display[$default_display]->handler

          // If this display has been set up as a default tab, the current path
          // is actually the base path, i.e. if the path is 'calendar/month'
          // and this is a default tab, the path for this display will actually
          // be 'calendar'.
          if ($this->view->display[$default_display]->handler->options['menu']['type'] == 'default tab') {
            $parts = explode('/', $path);
            $path = implode('/', $parts);
          if (!empty($form_state['values']['row_options']['calendar_date_link'])) {
            $node_type = $form_state['values']['row_options']['calendar_date_link'];
            calendar_set_link('node', $node_type, $path);
  function pre_render($values) {

    // Preload each entity used in this view from the cache.
    // Provides all the entity values relatively cheaply, and we don't
    // need to do it repeatedly for the same entity if there are
    // multiple results for one entity.
    $ids = array();
    foreach ($values as $row) {

      // Use the $id as the key so we don't create more than one value per entity.
      // This alias will automatically adjust to be the id of related entity, if applicable.
      $id = $row->{$this->field_alias};

      // Node revisions need special loading.
      if ($this->view->base_table == 'node_revision') {
        $this->entities[$id] = node_load(NULL, $id);
      else {
        $ids[$id] = $id;
    $base_tables = date_views_base_tables();
    $this->entity_type = $base_tables[$this->view->base_table];
    if (!empty($ids)) {
      $this->entities = entity_load($this->entity_type, $ids);

    // Let the style know if a link to create a new date is required.
    $this->view->date_info->calendar_date_link = $this->options['calendar_date_link'];

    // Identify the date argument and fields that apply to this view.
    // Preload the Date Views field info for each field, keyed by the
    // field name, so we know how to retrieve field values from the cached node.
    $data = date_views_fields($this->view->base_table);
    $data = $data['name'];
    $date_fields = array();
    foreach ($this->view->argument as $handler) {
      if (date_views_handler_is_date($handler, 'argument')) {

        // If this is the complex Date argument, the date fields are stored in the handler options,
        // otherwise we are using the simple date field argument handler.
        if ($handler->definition['handler'] != 'date_views_argument_handler') {
          $alias = $handler->table_alias . '.' . $handler->field;
          $info = $data[$alias];
          $field_name = str_replace(array(
          ), '', $info['real_field_name']);
          $date_fields[$field_name] = $info;
        else {
          foreach ($handler->options['date_fields'] as $alias) {

            // If this date field is unknown (as when it has been deleted), ignore it.
            if (!array_key_exists($alias, $data)) {
            $info = $data[$alias];
            $field_name = str_replace(array(
            ), '', $info['real_field_name']);

            // This is ugly and hacky but I can't figure out any generic way to
            // recognize that the node module is going to give some the revision timestamp
            // a different field name on the entity than the actual column name in the database.
            if ($this->view->base_table == 'node_revision' && $field_name == 'timestamp') {
              $field_name = 'revision_timestamp';
            $date_fields[$field_name] = $info;
        $this->date_argument = $handler;
        $this->date_fields = $date_fields;

    // Get the language for this view.
    $this->language = $this->display->handler
    $substitutions = views_views_query_substitutions($this->view);
    if (array_key_exists($this->language, $substitutions)) {
      $this->language = $substitutions[$this->language];
  function render($row) {
    global $base_url;
    $rows = array();
    $date_info = $this->date_argument->view->date_info;
    $id = $row->{$this->field_alias};
    if (!is_numeric($id)) {
      return $rows;

    // There could be more than one date field in a view
    // so iterate through all of them to find the right values
    // for this view result.
    foreach ($this->date_fields as $field_name => $info) {

      // Load the specified node:
      // We have to clone this or nodes on other views on this page,
      // like an Upcoming block on the same page as a calendar view,
      // will end up acquiring the values we set here.
      $entity = clone $this->entities[$id];
      if (empty($entity)) {
        return $rows;
      $table_name = $info['table_name'];
      $delta_field = $info['delta_field'];
      $tz_handling = $info['tz_handling'];
      $tz_field = $info['timezone_field'];
      $rrule_field = $info['rrule_field'];
      $is_field = $info['is_field'];
      $info = entity_get_info($this->entity_type);
      $this->id_field = $info['entity keys']['id'];
      $this->id = $entity->{$this->id_field};
      $this->type = !empty($info['entity keys']['bundle']) ? $info['entity keys']['bundle'] : $this->entity_type;
      $this->title = entity_label($this->entity_type, $entity);
      $uri = entity_uri($this->entity_type, $entity);
      $uri['options']['absolute'] = TRUE;
      $this->url = '';
      if (isset($uri['path'])) {
        $this->url = url($uri['path'], $uri['options']);

      // Retrieve the field value(s) that matched our query from the cached node.
      // Find the date and set it to the right timezone.
      $entity->date_id = array();
      $item_start_date = NULL;
      $item_end_date = NULL;
      $granularity = 'second';
      $increment = 1;
      if ($is_field) {

        // Set the date_id for the node, used to identify which field value to display for
        // fields that have multiple values. The theme expects it to be an array.
        $date_id = 'date_id_' . $field_name;
        $date_delta = 'date_delta_' . $field_name;
        if (isset($row->{$date_id})) {
          $delta = $row->{$date_delta};
          $entity->date_id = array(
            'calendar-' . $row->{$date_id} . '-' . $field_name . '-' . $delta,
          $delta_field = $date_delta;
        else {
          $delta = isset($row->{$delta_field}) ? $row->{$delta_field} : 0;
          $entity->date_id = array(
            'calendar-' . $id . '-' . $field_name . '-' . $delta,
        $items = field_get_items($this->entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $this->language);
        $item = $items[$delta];
        $db_tz = date_get_timezone_db($tz_handling, isset($item->{$tz_field}) ? $item->{$tz_field} : $date_info->display_timezone_name);
        $to_zone = date_get_timezone($tz_handling, isset($item->{$tz_field}) ? $item->{$tz_field} : $date_info->display_timezone_name);
        if (isset($item['value'])) {
          $item_start_date = new dateObject($item['value'], $db_tz);
          $item_end_date = array_key_exists('value2', $item) && !empty($item['value2']) ? new dateObject($item['value2'], $db_tz) : $item_start_date;
        $cck_field = field_info_field($field_name);
        $instance = field_info_instance($this->entity_type, $field_name, $this->type);
        $granularity = date_granularity_precision($cck_field['settings']['granularity']);
        if ($instance) {
          $increment = $instance['widget']['settings']['increment'];
      elseif (!empty($entity->{$field_name})) {
        $item = $entity->{$field_name};
        $db_tz = date_get_timezone_db($tz_handling, isset($item->{$tz_field}) ? $item->{$tz_field} : $date_info->display_timezone_name);
        $to_zone = date_get_timezone($tz_handling, isset($item->{$tz_field}) ? $item->{$tz_field} : $date_info->display_timezone_name);
        $item_start_date = new dateObject($item, $db_tz);
        $item_end_date = $item_start_date;
        $entity->date_id = array(
          'calendar-' . $id . '-' . $field_name,

      // If we don't have a date value, go no further.
      if (empty($item_start_date)) {

      // Set the item date to the proper display timezone;
        ->setTimezone(new dateTimezone($to_zone));
        ->setTimezone(new dateTimezone($to_zone));
      $event = new stdClass();
      $event->id = $this->id;
      $event->title = $this->title;
      $event->type = $this->type;
      $event->date_start = $item_start_date;
      $event->date_end = $item_end_date;
      $event->db_tz = $db_tz;
      $event->to_zone = $to_zone;
      $event->granularity = $granularity;
      $event->increment = $increment;
      $event->field = $is_field ? $item : NULL;
      $event->url = $this->url;
      $event->row = $row;
      $event->entity = $entity;
      $event->stripe = array();
      $event->stripe_label = array();

      // All calendar row plugins should provide a date_id that the theme can use.
      $event->date_id = $entity->date_id[0];

      // We are working with an array of partially rendered items
      // as we process the calendar, so we can group and organize them.
      // At the end of our processing we'll need to swap in the fully formatted
      // display of the row. We save it here and switch it in
      // template_preprocess_calendar_item().
      $event->rendered = theme($this
        ->theme_functions(), array(
        'view' => $this->view,
        'options' => $this->options,
        'row' => $row,
        'field_alias' => isset($this->field_alias) ? $this->field_alias : '',
      $entities = $this
      $date_info = $this->date_argument->view->date_info;
      $from = $date_info->date_range[0];
      $to = $date_info->date_range[1];
      foreach ($entities as $entity) {
        if ($entity->date_start < $from && $entity->date_end < $from || $entity->date_start > $to && $entity->date_end > $to) {
        switch ($this->options['colors']['legend']) {
          case 'type':
          case 'taxonomy':
          case 'group':
        $rows[] = $entity;
    return $rows;
  function explode_values($event) {
    $rows = array();
    $date_info = $this->date_argument->view->date_info;
    $item_start_date = $event->date_start;
    $item_end_date = $event->date_end;
    $to_zone = $event->to_zone;
    $db_tz = $event->db_tz;
    $granularity = $event->granularity;
    $increment = $event->increment;

    // Now that we have an 'entity' for each view result, we need
    // to remove anything outside the view date range,
    // and possibly create additional nodes so that we have a 'node'
    // for each day that this item occupies in this view.
    $now = max($date_info->min_zone_string, $item_start_date
    $to = min($date_info->max_zone_string, $item_end_date
    $next = new DateObject($now . ' 00:00:00', $date_info->display_timezone);
    if ($date_info->display_timezone_name != $to_zone) {

      // Make $start and $end (derived from $node) use the timezone $to_zone, just as the original dates do.
      date_timezone_set($next, timezone_open($to_zone));
    if (empty($to) || $now > $to) {
      $to = $now;

    // $now and $next are midnight (in display timezone) on the first day where node will occur.
    // $to is midnight on the last day where node will occur.
    // All three were limited by the min-max date range of the view.
    $pos = 0;
    while (!empty($now) && $now <= $to) {
      $entity = clone $event;

      // Get start and end of current day.
      $start = $next
      date_modify($next, '+1 day');
      date_modify($next, '-1 second');
      $end = $next

      // Get start and end of item, formatted the same way.
      $item_start = $item_start_date
      $item_end = $item_end_date

      // Get intersection of current day and the node value's duration (as strings in $to_zone timezone).
      $entity->calendar_start = $item_start < $start ? $start : $item_start;
      $entity->calendar_end = !empty($item_end) ? $item_end > $end ? $end : $item_end : $entity->calendar_start;

      // Make date objects
      $entity->calendar_start_date = date_create($entity->calendar_start, timezone_open($to_zone));
      $entity->calendar_end_date = date_create($entity->calendar_end, timezone_open($to_zone));

      // Change string timezones into
      // calendar_start and calendar_end are UTC dates as formatted strings
      $entity->calendar_start = date_format($entity->calendar_start_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME);
      $entity->calendar_end = date_format($entity->calendar_end_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME);
      $entity->calendar_all_day = date_is_all_day($entity->calendar_start, $entity->calendar_end, $granularity, $increment);
      if (isset($entity) && empty($entity->calendar_start)) {

        // if no date for the node and no date in the item
        // there is no way to display it on the calendar
      else {
        $entity->date_id .= '.' . $pos;
        $rows[] = $entity;
      date_modify($next, '+1 second');
      $now = date_format($next, DATE_FORMAT_DATE);
    return $rows;

   * Create a stripe base on node type.
  function calendar_node_type_stripe(&$result) {
    $colors = isset($this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_type']) ? $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_type'] : array();
    if (empty($colors)) {
    $entity = $result->entity;
    if (empty($entity->type)) {
    $type_names = node_type_get_names();
    $type = $entity->type;
    $label = '';
    $stripe = '';
    if (array_key_exists($type, $type_names) || $colors[$type] == CALENDAR_EMPTY_STRIPE) {
      $label = $type_names[$type];
    if (array_key_exists($type, $colors)) {
      $stripe = $colors[$type];
    $result->stripe[] = $stripe;
    $result->stripe_label[] = $label;

   * Create a stripe based on a taxonomy term.
  function calendar_taxonomy_stripe(&$result) {
    $colors = isset($this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_taxonomy']) ? $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_taxonomy'] : array();
    if (empty($colors)) {
    $term_field_name = 'field_' . $this->options['colors']['taxonomy_field'];
    $terms = $result->row->{$term_field_name};
    foreach ($terms as $term_key => $term_value) {
      $term = $term_value['raw']['taxonomy_term'];
      if (!array_key_exists($term->tid, $colors) || $colors[$term->tid] == CALENDAR_EMPTY_STRIPE) {
      $result->stripe[] = $colors[$term->tid];
      $result->stripe_label[] = $term->name;

   * Create a stripe based on group.
  function calendar_group_stripe(&$result) {
    $colors = isset($this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_group']) ? $this->options['colors']['calendar_colors_group'] : array();
    if (empty($colors)) {
    if (!function_exists('og_get_entity_groups')) {
    $entity = $result->entity;
    $groups_for_entity = og_get_entity_groups($this->view->base_table, $entity);

    // The 7.1 version of OG.
    if (function_exists('og_label')) {
      if (count($groups_for_entity)) {
        foreach ($groups_for_entity as $gid => $group_name) {
          if (!array_key_exists($gid, $colors) || $colors[$gid] == CALENDAR_EMPTY_STRIPE) {
          $result->stripe[] = $colors[$gid];
          $result->stripe_label[] = $group_name;
    else {
      if (count($groups_for_entity)) {
        foreach ($groups_for_entity as $entity_type => $gids) {
          foreach ($gids as $gid => $group_name) {
            if (!array_key_exists($gid, $colors) || $colors[$gid] == CALENDAR_EMPTY_STRIPE) {
            $result->stripe[] = $colors[$gid];
            $result->stripe_label[] = $group_name;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
calendar_plugin_row::$entities property
calendar_plugin_row::calendar_group_stripe function Create a stripe based on group.
calendar_plugin_row::calendar_node_type_stripe function Create a stripe base on node type.
calendar_plugin_row::calendar_taxonomy_stripe function Create a stripe based on a taxonomy term.
calendar_plugin_row::date_argument_handler function Helper function to find the date argument handler for this view.
calendar_plugin_row::explode_values function
calendar_plugin_row::init function Overrides views_plugin_row::init
calendar_plugin_row::options_form function Provide a form for setting options. Overrides views_plugin_row_fields::options_form
calendar_plugin_row::options_submit function Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. There is no need for this function to actually store the data. Overrides views_plugin_row_fields::options_submit
calendar_plugin_row::option_definition function Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here. Overrides views_plugin_row_fields::option_definition
calendar_plugin_row::pre_render function Allow the style to do stuff before each row is rendered. Overrides views_plugin_row::pre_render
calendar_plugin_row::render function Render a row object. This usually passes through to a theme template of some form, but not always. Overrides views_plugin_row::render
views_object::$definition public property Handler's definition.
views_object::$options public property Except for displays, options for the object will be held here. 1
views_object::altered_option_definition function Collect this handler's option definition and alter them, ready for use.
views_object::construct public function Views handlers use a special construct function. 4
views_object::destroy public function Destructor. 2
views_object::export_option public function 1
views_object::export_options public function
views_object::export_option_always public function Always exports the option, regardless of the default value.
views_object::options Deprecated public function Set default options on this object. 1
views_object::set_default_options public function Set default options.
views_object::set_definition public function Let the handler know what its full definition is.
views_object::unpack_options public function Unpack options over our existing defaults, drilling down into arrays so that defaults don't get totally blown away.
views_object::unpack_translatable public function Unpack a single option definition.
views_object::unpack_translatables public function Unpacks each handler to store translatable texts.
views_object::_set_option_defaults public function
views_plugin::$display public property The current used views display.
views_plugin::$plugin_name public property The plugin name of this plugin, for example table or full.
views_plugin::$plugin_type public property The plugin type of this plugin, for example style or query.
views_plugin::$view public property The top object of a view. Overrides views_object::$view 1
views_plugin::additional_theme_functions public function Provide a list of additional theme functions for the theme info page.
views_plugin::plugin_title public function Return the human readable name of the display.
views_plugin::summary_title public function Returns the summary of the settings in the display. 8
views_plugin::theme_functions public function Provide a full list of possible theme templates used by this style.
views_plugin::validate public function Validate that the plugin is correct and can be saved. 3
views_plugin_row::options_validate public function Validate the options form. Overrides views_plugin::options_validate
views_plugin_row::query public function Add anything to the query that we might need to. Overrides views_plugin::query
views_plugin_row::uses_fields public function