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function calendar_plugin_row::pre_render in Calendar 7.3

Allow the style to do stuff before each row is rendered.


array $result: The full array of results from the query.

Overrides views_plugin_row::pre_render


includes/, line 291
Contains the Calendar row style plugin.


Plugin which creates a view on the resulting object and formats it as a Calendar node.


function pre_render($values) {

  // Preload each entity used in this view from the cache.
  // Provides all the entity values relatively cheaply, and we don't
  // need to do it repeatedly for the same entity if there are
  // multiple results for one entity.
  $ids = array();
  foreach ($values as $row) {

    // Use the $id as the key so we don't create more than one value per entity.
    // This alias will automatically adjust to be the id of related entity, if applicable.
    $id = $row->{$this->field_alias};

    // Node revisions need special loading.
    if ($this->view->base_table == 'node_revision') {
      $this->entities[$id] = node_load(NULL, $id);
    else {
      $ids[$id] = $id;
  $base_tables = date_views_base_tables();
  $this->entity_type = $base_tables[$this->view->base_table];
  if (!empty($ids)) {
    $this->entities = entity_load($this->entity_type, $ids);

  // Let the style know if a link to create a new date is required.
  $this->view->date_info->calendar_date_link = $this->options['calendar_date_link'];

  // Identify the date argument and fields that apply to this view.
  // Preload the Date Views field info for each field, keyed by the
  // field name, so we know how to retrieve field values from the cached node.
  $data = date_views_fields($this->view->base_table);
  $data = $data['name'];
  $date_fields = array();
  foreach ($this->view->argument as $handler) {
    if (date_views_handler_is_date($handler, 'argument')) {

      // If this is the complex Date argument, the date fields are stored in the handler options,
      // otherwise we are using the simple date field argument handler.
      if ($handler->definition['handler'] != 'date_views_argument_handler') {
        $alias = $handler->table_alias . '.' . $handler->field;
        $info = $data[$alias];
        $field_name = str_replace(array(
        ), '', $info['real_field_name']);
        $date_fields[$field_name] = $info;
      else {
        foreach ($handler->options['date_fields'] as $alias) {

          // If this date field is unknown (as when it has been deleted), ignore it.
          if (!array_key_exists($alias, $data)) {
          $info = $data[$alias];
          $field_name = str_replace(array(
          ), '', $info['real_field_name']);

          // This is ugly and hacky but I can't figure out any generic way to
          // recognize that the node module is going to give some the revision timestamp
          // a different field name on the entity than the actual column name in the database.
          if ($this->view->base_table == 'node_revision' && $field_name == 'timestamp') {
            $field_name = 'revision_timestamp';
          $date_fields[$field_name] = $info;
      $this->date_argument = $handler;
      $this->date_fields = $date_fields;

  // Get the language for this view.
  $this->language = $this->display->handler
  $substitutions = views_views_query_substitutions($this->view);
  if (array_key_exists($this->language, $substitutions)) {
    $this->language = $substitutions[$this->language];