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Functions in Calendar 7.3

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
calendar_admin_settings ./calendar.module General Calendar administration. 1
calendar_block_configure ./calendar.module Implementation of hook_block_configure().
calendar_block_info ./calendar.module Implementation of hook_block_info()
calendar_block_save ./calendar.module Implementation of hook_block_save().
calendar_block_view ./calendar.module Implementation of hook_block_view().
calendar_clear_link_bundle ./calendar.module Helper function to clear previously-set links to calendars.
calendar_clear_link_path ./calendar.module Helper function to clear previously-set links to calendars. 1
calendar_date_default_argument_alter ./calendar.module Implements hook_date_default_argument_alter().
calendar_display_types ./calendar.module Calendar display types. 1
calendar_granularity_path ./calendar.module Find the path for the calendar display that has a specific granularity. 5
calendar_groupby_times ./calendar.module Default settings array for calendar time grouping. 1
calendar_help ./calendar.module Implementation of hook_help().
calendar_list_views ./calendar.module 1
calendar_menu ./calendar.module Implements hook_menu().
calendar_menu_local_tasks_alter ./calendar.module Implements hook_menu_local_tasks_alter().
calendar_node_view ./calendar.module Implements hook_node_view().
calendar_preprocess_date_views_pager ./calendar.module Implements hook_preprocess_date_views_pager().
calendar_set_link ./calendar.module Helper function to link an entity type to a calendar. 1
calendar_theme ./calendar.module Implements hook_theme().
calendar_untranslated_days ./calendar.module Array of untranslated day name abbreviations, forced to lowercase and ordered appropriately for the site setting for the first day of week. 4
calendar_update_7000 ./calendar.install Remove D6-style calendar legend block from block table.
calendar_update_7001 ./calendar.install Uninstall Calendar iCal module so it can be removed.
calendar_update_7002 ./calendar.install Delete calendar_default_view_options(), which was used by the old default view and is no longer used.
calendar_update_last_removed ./calendar.install @file Install, update and uninstall functions for the calendar module.
calendar_validate_hex_color ./calendar.module Check to make sure the user has entered a valid 6 digit hex color. 1
calendar_views_api ./calendar.module Implements hook_views_api().
calendar_views_plugins includes/ Implementation of hook_views_plugins
calendar_views_pre_render ./calendar.module Implements hook_views_pre_render().
calendar_views_templates includes/ Implements hook_views_templates().
calendar_views_template_construct includes/ Helper function to construct a calendar template from an array of values. 1
calendar_week_header ./calendar.module Formats the weekday information into table header format 3
template_preprocess_calendar_datebox theme/ Create the calendar date box.
template_preprocess_calendar_day theme/ Display a day view. 1
template_preprocess_calendar_day_overlap theme/ Display a day overlap view.
template_preprocess_calendar_item theme/ Implementation of hook_preprocess_calendar_item().
template_preprocess_calendar_mini theme/ Display a mini month view.
template_preprocess_calendar_month theme/ Display a month view. 1
template_preprocess_calendar_month_multiple_entity theme/ Format an calendar month node for display.
template_preprocess_calendar_style theme/ Preprocess an RSS feed.
template_preprocess_calendar_week theme/ Display a week view. 1
template_preprocess_calendar_week_overlap theme/ Display a week overlap view.
template_preprocess_calendar_year theme/ Display a year view.
theme_calendar_empty_day theme/ Format an empty day on a calendar.
theme_calendar_stripe_legend theme/ Format a node stripe legend.
theme_calendar_stripe_stripe theme/ Format item stripes.
theme_calendar_time_row_heading theme/ Format the time row headings in the week and day view.
_calc_indent theme/ Calculates the indent based of the current depth and the depth of this branch in the tree. 1
_calc_indents theme/ Indent items based off a nested tree structure of overlapping items. 2

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