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calendar.theme in Calendar 5

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 5.2 calendar.theme


View source

 * @addtogroup themeable
 * @{

 * Calendar summary display.
 * Intercept arguments before calendar and return their summary view,
 * Otherwise return calendar view.
function theme_calendar_view_summary(&$view, $type, $level, &$items, $args) {
  if (!calendar_is_calendar_arg($view)) {
    return theme('views_summary', $view, $type, $level, $items, $args);
  else {
    return theme('calendar_view_calendar', $view, $items, $type);

 * Calendar Views plugin theme, overrides default views theme
 * to create a calendar view.
function theme_calendar_view_calendar(&$view, &$items, $type) {
  if ($type == 'block' || !calendar_is_calendar_arg($view)) {
    $view->calendar_type = 'month';
  $mini = $view->calendar_type == 'year' || $view->build_type == 'block' ? TRUE : FALSE;
  $links = $view->build_type == 'block' ? FALSE : TRUE;

  // Bail out here to display regular views views instead of calendar.
  // Check first for 'view' in url, then for 'calendar_display_format' variable, default to normal calendar display.
  if ($_GET['view'] && $view->build_type == 'page') {
    $display = check_plain($_GET['view']);
  else {
    $display_formats = calendar_get_formats($view);
    $display = $view->build_type == 'block' ? $display_formats['block'] : $display_formats[$view->calendar_type];
  switch ($display) {
    case 'table':
      $view->table_header = _views_construct_header($view, _views_get_fields());
      return theme('calendar_show_nav', $view, $mini, $links) . theme('calendar_view_table', $view, $items, $type);
    case 'teasers':
      return theme('calendar_show_nav', $view, $mini, $links) . theme('calendar_view_teasers', $view, $items, $type);
    case 'nodes':
      return theme('calendar_show_nav', $view, $mini, $links) . theme('calendar_view_nodes', $view, $items, $type);
    case 'list':
      return theme('calendar_show_nav', $view, $mini, $links) . theme('calendar_view_list', $view, $items, $type);
  $results = calendar_get_nodes($view, $items, $type);
  $nodes = (array) $results['nodes'];
  $params = (array) $results['params'];

  // Weeks still aren't working right in all situations, turning them off for now.
  $params[with_weekno] = FALSE;
  $nodes = array_merge($nodes, (array) calendar_add_items($view, 'calendar'));
  return theme('calendar_show_nav', $view, $mini, $links) . calendar_get_calendar($view->calendar_type, $nodes, 'calendar', '', $params);

 * Display the nodes of a view as a list.
function theme_calendar_view_list($view, $nodes, $type) {
  $fields = _views_get_fields();
  $items = array();
  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    $item = '';
    foreach ($view->field as $field) {
      if ($fields[$field['id']]['visible'] !== FALSE) {
        if ($field['label']) {
          $item .= "<div class='view-label " . views_css_safe('view-label-' . $field['queryname']) . "'>" . $field['label'] . "</div>";
        $item .= "<div class='view-field " . views_css_safe('view-data-' . $field['queryname']) . "'>" . views_theme_field('views_handle_field', $field['queryname'], $fields, $field, $node, $view) . "</div>";
    $items[] = "<div class='view-item " . views_css_safe('view-item-' . $view->name) . "'>{$item}</div>\n";

    // l($node->title, "node/$node->nid");
  $items = array_merge($items, (array) calendar_add_items($view, 'list'));
  if ($items) {
    return theme('item_list', $items);

 * Display the nodes of a view as a table.
function theme_calendar_view_table($view, $nodes, $type) {
  $fields = _views_get_fields();
  $rows = array();
  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    $row = array();
    foreach ($view->field as $field) {
      if ($fields[$field['id']]['visible'] !== FALSE) {
        $cell['data'] = views_theme_field('views_handle_field', $field['queryname'], $fields, $field, $node, $view);
        $cell['class'] = "view-field " . views_css_safe('view-field-' . $field['queryname']);
        $row[] = $cell;
    $rows[] = $row;
  $rows = array_merge($rows, (array) calendar_add_items($view, 'table'));
  return theme('table', $view->table_header, $rows);

 * Display the nodes of a view as teasers.
function theme_calendar_view_teasers($view, $nodes, $type) {
  return views_theme('calendar_view_nodes', $view, $nodes, 'teasers');

 * Display the nodes of a view as plain nodes.
function theme_calendar_view_nodes($view, $nodes, $type, $teasers = false, $links = true) {
  $output = array();
  foreach ($nodes as $n) {
    $node = node_load($n->nid);
    $output[] = node_view($node, $teasers, false, $links);
  $output = array_merge($output, (array) calendar_add_items($view, $teasers ? 'teasers' : 'nodes'));
  return implode($output);

 *  Themeable node display
 *  Constructs a teaser out of any non-date fields in the view
function theme_calendar_calendar_node($node, $type) {
  static $set_nodes;

  // For local nodes, make sure the same node does not get its
  // content altered more than once if it has multiple instances
  // in the calendar. Multiple day events might have the same nid,
  // so we need to use the combination of the nid and the instance
  // to get a unique key.
  if (in_array($node->nid . ':' . $node->instance, (array) $set_nodes)) {
    return theme($type, $node);

  // Display the regular teaser view for local events.
  if ($type == 'calendar_node_day') {
    $node = node_load($node->nid);
    $node->teaser = node_view($node, TRUE, FALSE);
    $node->title = '';
  else {
    if (isset($node->fields) && !isset($node->teaser)) {
      foreach ($node->fields as $field) {
        $node->teaser .= '<div>' . $field . '</div>';
    if (!$node->url) {
      $node->url = "node/{$node->nid}";
  $set_nodes[] = $node->nid . ':' . $node->instance;
  return theme($type, $node);

 * Theme the calendar page title.
 * Views defaults to displaying the title of the last argument in the
 * view, rather than the View title or other values. Use this theme
 * to override that behavior.
 * $view->build_type indicates whether this view is being rendered as a page
 * or a block, use that to handle the title differently for each.
 * views_get_title() $context can be:
 *  'page' - The title that goes with the last argument in $args.
 *  'menu' - The value in View Menu Title.
 * or just use the values of:
 *  $view->page_title,
 *  $view->menu_title,
 *  $view->block_title.
function theme_calendar_page_title($view, $items, $output) {
  switch ($view->build_type) {
    case 'page':
      return views_get_title($view, $context = 'page', $args = $view->real_args);
    case 'block':
      return $view->block_title;

 * Theme the calendar title and breadcrumbs
 *   Arguments are evaluated in year, month, day or year, week order
 *   so you can track previous values in the session.
 * @param string $field_type - 'YEAR', 'MONTH', 'DAY', 'WEEK'
 * @param integer $value - the current number for the field type as selected in the view argument.
 * @return string formatted title
function theme_calendar_arg_title($field_type, $value, $query) {
  $view = $GLOBALS['current_view'];
  $value = intval(check_plain($value));
  if (empty($value)) {
    if ($view->month) {
      if ($view->month == "all") {
        $view->month = 1;
      $stamp = date_gmmktime(array(
        'year' => $view->year,
        'mon' => $view->month,
        'mday' => 1,
      return date_format_date('F Y', $stamp);
    elseif ($view->year) {
      return $view->year;
  else {
    switch ($field_type) {
      case 'YEAR':
        $view->year = $value;
        return $view->year;
      case 'MONTH':
        $view->month = $value;
        $stamp = date_gmmktime(array(
          'year' => $view->year,
          'mon' => $view->month,
          'mday' => 1,
        return date_format_date('F Y', $stamp);
      case 'DAY':
        $stamp = date_gmmktime(array(
          'year' => $view->year,
          'mon' => $view->month,
          'mday' => $value,
        return date_format_date('l, F j Y', $stamp);
      case 'WEEK':
        return t('Week @week @year', array(
          '@year' => $view->year,
          '@week' => $value,

 * Theme the navigation bar title
 * @param string $field_type - 'YEAR', 'MONTH', 'DAY', 'WEEK'
 * @param integer $view - the current view object
 * @return string formatted title
function theme_calendar_nav_title($field_type, $view) {
  switch ($field_type) {
    case 'YEAR':
      return $view->year;
    case 'MONTH':

      // Month navigation titles are used as links in blocks and in the year view.
      // For the timestamp, use the second day of the month because gm functions sometimes return the previous month
      $timestamp = date_array2unix(array(
        'year' => $view->year,
        'mon' => $view->month,
        'mday' => 2,
      if ($view->build_type == 'block' || $view->calendar_type == 'year') {
        return l(date_format_date('M Y', $timestamp), $view->real_url . '/' . $view->year . '/' . $view->month, array(), calendar_url_append($view));
      else {
        return date_format_date('F Y', $timestamp);
    case 'DAY':
      $timestamp = date_array2unix(array(
        'year' => $view->year,
        'mon' => $view->month,
        'mday' => $view->day,
        'hours' => 12,
      return date_format_date('l, F j Y', $timestamp);
    case 'WEEK':
      return t("Week of @date", array(
        '@date' => date_format_date('F j Y', calendar_week('start_timestamp', $view, $view->week)),

 * Format the calendar navigation
function theme_calendar_show_nav($view, $mini = FALSE, $links = FALSE) {

  // add links to the top of the calendar to switch from one view to another
  if ($links) {
    $view->real_url = calendar_real_url($view, $view->args);
    $base_url = $view->real_url . '/' . $view->year;
    $month = $view->month && $view->month != CALENDAR_EMPTY_ARG ? $view->month : calendar_user_date('month');
    $day = $view->day && $view->day != CALENDAR_EMPTY_ARG ? $view->day : calendar_user_date('day');
    $week = $view->week && $view->week != CALENDAR_EMPTY_ARG ? $view->week : calendar_user_date('week');
    $append = calendar_url_append($view);
    if ($_GET['view']) {
      $append .= '&view=' . $_GET['view'];
    $calendar_links[] = array(
      'title' => t('Year'),
      'href' => $view->real_url . '/' . $view->year,
      'query' => $append,
    $calendar_links[] = array(
      'title' => t('Month'),
      'href' => $view->real_url . '/' . $view->year . '/' . $month,
      'query' => $append,

    // Week calculation is not supported for historical dates.
    if ($view->year > 1970) {

      // Hiding week view for now since it isn't working right.

      //$calendar_links[] = array('title' => t('Week'), 'href' => $view->real_url .'/'. $view->year .'/W'. $week, 'query' => $append);
    $calendar_links[] = array(
      'title' => t('Day'),
      'href' => $view->real_url . '/' . $view->year . '/' . $month . '/' . $day,
      'query' => $append,
    $output .= theme('calendar_links', $calendar_links, 'month');
  $output .= '<div class="calendar-calendar">' . theme('calendar_nav_wrapper', calendar_nav($view, $mini), array()) . '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Format the 'next' navigation controls for calendar calendars
 * @param link
 *   The url for the navigation
function theme_calendar_nav_next($url, $text = TRUE, $querystring = NULL) {
  return '<span class="next">' . l(($text ? t('next') : '') . ' »', $url, array(), !empty($querystring) ? $querystring : NULL) . '</span>';

 * Format the 'previous' navigation controls for calendar calendars
 * @param link
 *   The url for the navigation
function theme_calendar_nav_prev($url, $text = TRUE, $querystring = NULL) {
  return '<span class="prev">' . l('« ' . ($text ? t('prev') : ''), $url, array(), !empty($querystring) ? $querystring : NULL) . '</span>';

 *  Theme for the back/next navigation bar
 *  This is really hackish to put it in a table, but so many themes break otherwise that I gave up on anything else
function theme_calendar_nav_wrapper($array) {
  return theme('table', $array, array());

 * Format the links for calendar calendars
 * @param links
 *   An array of links to render
 * @param view
 *   The current view being rendered
function theme_calendar_links($links, $view) {
  return theme('links', $links);

 * Format a node stripe legend
function theme_calendar_stripe_legend($stripe_labels) {
  $header = array(
      'class' => 'legend',
      'data' => t('Item'),
      'class' => 'legend',
      'data' => t('Key'),
  foreach ($stripe_labels as $stripe => $label) {
    $node = new StdClass();
    $node->stripe = $stripe;
    $rows[] = array(
      theme('calendar_stripe_stripe', $node),
        'class' => 'stripe',
  $output = theme('table', $header, $rows, array(
    'class' => 'mini',
  return $output;

 * Format node stripes
 * Add key value to text, then hide it with css for accessibility to screen readers
function theme_calendar_stripe_stripe($node) {
  static $stripe, $stripe_map;
  if (!$stripe_map[$node->stripe]) {
    if ($stripe >= 10) {
      $stripe = 1;
    else {
    $stripe_map[$node->stripe] = $stripe;
  $output .= '<div class="stripe-' . $stripe_map[$node->stripe] . '" title="Key: ' . $stripe_map[$node->stripe] . '"><span class="stripe">Key ' . $stripe_map[$node->stripe] . '</span></div>' . "\n";
  return $output;

 * Format a calendar view
 * @param day
 *   The day to display.
function theme_calendar_year($op, $header, $rows, $month_rows) {
  $year = array_shift($month_rows);
  $output = '<div class="calendar-calendar"><div class="year-view">';
  $output .= $year;
  $i = 0;
  foreach ($month_rows as $month) {
    $row .= '<div class="mini">' . $month . '</div>';
    if ($i == 3) {
      $output .= '<div class="mini-row">' . $row . '</div>';
      $row = '';
      $i = 0;
  $output .= "</div></div>\n";
  return $output;

 * Format a calendar view
 * @param day
 *   The day to display.
function theme_calendar_month($op, $header, $rows) {
  $attrs = array();
  if ($op == 'mini') {
    $attrs = array(
      'class' => 'mini',
  $output = theme("table", $header, $rows, $attrs);
  return '<div class="calendar-calendar"><div class="month-view">' . $output . "</div></div>\n";

 * Format a calendar view
 * @param day
 *   The day to display.
function theme_calendar_week($op, $header, $rows) {
  $output = theme("table", $header, $rows);
  return '<div class="calendar-calendar"><div class="week-view">' . $output . "</div></div>\n";

 * Format a calendar view
 * @param day
 *   The day to display.
function theme_calendar_day($op, $header, $rows) {
  if (strstr($header[0]['data'], '<table')) {
    $output = $header[0]['data'];
    $header = array();
  $output .= theme("table", $header, $rows);
  return '<div class="calendar-calendar"><div class="day-view">' . $output . "</div></div>\n";

 * Format an calendar node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
 * @param node
 *   The node being displayed
function theme_calendar_node_day($node) {
  $output .= '<div class="calendar dayview">' . "\n";
  $output .= theme('calendar_stripe_stripe', $node);
  $output .= '<h2 class="title">' . l($node->title, "{$node->url}", array(
    'title' => t('view this item'),
  )) . '</h2>' . "\n";
  $output .= '<div class="times">';
  $output .= '<span class="start">' . $start_label . $node->start_format . '</span>' . "\n";
  if ($node->calendar_start != $node->calendar_end && $node->calendar_end) {
    $output .= '<span class="end"> - ' . $end_label . $node->end_format . '</span>' . "\n";
  $output .= '</div>';
  if ($node->teaser) {
    $output .= '<div class="content">' . $node->teaser . "</div>\n";
  $output .= "</div>\n";
  return $output;

 * Format an calendar node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
 * @param node
 *   The node being displayed
function theme_calendar_node_week($node) {
  $output .= '<div class="calendar weekview">' . "\n";
  $output .= theme('calendar_stripe_stripe', $node);
  switch ($node->calendar_state) {
    case 'singleday':
      $times = '<span class="start">' . $node->start_time_format . '</span>' . "\n";
      if ($node->calendar_start != $node->calendar_end && $node->calendar_end) {
        $times .= '<span class="end"> - ' . $node->end_time_format . '</span>' . "\n";
    case 'start':
      $times = '<span class="start">' . $start_label . $node->start_time_format . '</span>' . "\n";
    case 'end':
      $times = '<span class="end">' . $end_label . $node->end_time_format . '</span>' . "\n";
    case 'ongoing':
      $times = '<span class="ongoing">' . t('all day') . '</span>' . "\n";
  $output .= '<div class="title">' . l($node->title, "{$node->url}", array(
    'title' => t('view this item'),
  )) . '</div>' . "\n";
  $output .= '<div class="times">' . $times . '</div>';
  $output .= '</div>' . "\n";
  return $output;

 * Format an calendar node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
 * @param node
 *   The node being displayed
function theme_calendar_node_month($node) {
  $output .= '<div class="calendar monthview">' . "\n";
  $output .= theme('calendar_stripe_stripe', $node);
  switch ($node->calendar_state) {
    case 'singleday':
      if ($node->start_time_format != $node->end_time_format) {
        $times = '<span class="start">' . $node->start_time_format . '</span>' . "\n";
      if ($node->calendar_start != $node->calendar_end && $node->calendar_end) {
        $times .= '<span class="end"> - ' . $node->end_time_format . '</span>' . "\n";
      else {
        $times = '<span class="start">' . $node->start_time_format . '</span>' . "\n";
    case 'start':
      $times = '<span class="start">' . $start_label . $node->start_time_format . '</span>' . "\n";
    case 'end':
      $times = '<span class="end">' . $end_label . $node->end_time_format . '</span>' . "\n";
    case 'ongoing':
      $times = '<span class="ongoing">' . t('all day') . '</span>' . "\n";

  // Force spaces into titles wherever possible so long unbroken title strings
  // won't screw up the calendar layout.
  $replace = array(
    '-' => '- ',
    ':' => ': ',
    ';' => '; ',
    '/' => '/ ',
    ',' => ', ',
    '.' => '. ',
  $output .= '<div class="title">' . l(strtr($node->title, $replace), $node->url, array(
    'title' => t('view this item'),
  )) . '</div>' . "\n";
  $output .= '<div class="times">' . $times . '</div>';
  $output .= $node->teaser;
  $output .= '</div>' . "\n";
  return $output;

 * Format an date's day box in a calendar
 * @param day
 *   The day to display.
function theme_calendar_date_box($year, $month, $day, $view, $mini = FALSE, $selected = FALSE, $url, $append = '') {
  $url = $url ? $url . '/' . $year . '/' . $month . '/' . $day : 'calendar/' . $year . '/' . $month . '/' . $day;
  if ($mini) {
    if ($selected) {
      return '<div class="mini-day-on">' . l($day, $url, NULL, $append) . '</div>';
    else {
      return '<div class="mini-day-off">' . l($day, $url, NULL, $append) . '</div>';
  switch ($view) {
    case 'table':
      $output = '<div class="day">' . l(t('!month / !day', array(
        '!month' => $month,
        '!day' => $day,
      )), $url, NULL, $append) . '</div>' . "\n";
    case 'list':
      $output = '<div class="day">' . l(date_format_date('l, F j, Y', date_mktime(array(
        'mon' => $month,
        'mday' => $day,
        'year' => $year,
      ))), $url, NULL, $append) . '</div>' . "\n";
    case 'day':
      $output = '<div class="day">' . l($day, $url, NULL, $append) . '</div>' . "\n";
  return $output;

 * Format an empty day on a calendar
 * @param day
 *   The day to display.
function theme_calendar_empty_day() {
  return '<div class="calendar-empty">&nbsp;</div>' . "\n";

/** @} End of addtogroup themeable */


Namesort descending Description
theme_calendar_arg_title Theme the calendar title and breadcrumbs Arguments are evaluated in year, month, day or year, week order so you can track previous values in the session.
theme_calendar_calendar_node Themeable node display
theme_calendar_date_box Format an date's day box in a calendar
theme_calendar_day Format a calendar view
theme_calendar_empty_day Format an empty day on a calendar
theme_calendar_links Format the links for calendar calendars
theme_calendar_month Format a calendar view
theme_calendar_nav_next Format the 'next' navigation controls for calendar calendars
theme_calendar_nav_prev Format the 'previous' navigation controls for calendar calendars
theme_calendar_nav_title Theme the navigation bar title
theme_calendar_nav_wrapper Theme for the back/next navigation bar This is really hackish to put it in a table, but so many themes break otherwise that I gave up on anything else
theme_calendar_node_day Format an calendar node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_calendar_node_month Format an calendar node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_calendar_node_week Format an calendar node for display in an expanded calendar, like a calendar page
theme_calendar_page_title Theme the calendar page title.
theme_calendar_show_nav Format the calendar navigation
theme_calendar_stripe_legend Format a node stripe legend
theme_calendar_stripe_stripe Format node stripes Add key value to text, then hide it with css for accessibility to screen readers
theme_calendar_view_calendar Calendar Views plugin theme, overrides default views theme to create a calendar view.
theme_calendar_view_list Display the nodes of a view as a list.
theme_calendar_view_nodes Display the nodes of a view as plain nodes.
theme_calendar_view_summary Calendar summary display.
theme_calendar_view_table Display the nodes of a view as a table.
theme_calendar_view_teasers Display the nodes of a view as teasers.
theme_calendar_week Format a calendar view
theme_calendar_year Format a calendar view