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function calendar_get_calendar in Calendar 5

Adapted from event_get_calendar() function in the event module Reworked to remove dependency on event module

Returns a calendar in the requested format, populated with the provided nodes. This is not used internally, rather it is an API funciton for external modules to use for rendering calendars when constructing thier own event objects.


$view - The format of calendar to return. Possible values:: "table": A tabular calendar. "month": A month calendar. "week": A week calendar. "day": A day calendar. @param $nodes An associative array of nodes with nids for key values. Node objects must have GMT timestamp values for start ($node->event_start). Optionally, an end value ($node->event_end) and a time zone offset value in the same format as drupal core ($node->tz). If a node has no end value, it is rendered on only one day. If no time zone value is displayed the time is rendered with no time zone offset (GMT). @param $module - String containing the name of the module calling the function @param $title - A string value that will be printed into the header of the calendar @param $params - an optional array of additional values that may be needed $params[force_week] - a week number to limit the displayed calendar to only that week $params[with_weekno] - add a column for the week number to the calendar $params[hide_header] - true to omit td header row(s) $params[as_array] - true to return the rows array instead of the themed table $params[mini] - this is a mini calendar, don't display item details $params[url] - an url to use as a base url in month and days $params[append] - a query string to append to urls $params[stripe] - an node field to use instead of nid for stripes $params[limit] - an array of a minimum and maximum timestamp to include on the calendar used in case node array has values that overlap periods @return Themed calendar view of nodes or array of calendar rows

1 call to calendar_get_calendar()
theme_calendar_view_calendar in ./calendar.theme
Calendar Views plugin theme, overrides default views theme to create a calendar view.


./, line 39


function calendar_get_calendar($view, $nodes, $module, $title = NULL, $params = array()) {
  global $user;
  $today = calendar_user_date();
  if ($params['limit'][0]) {
    $min_date = $params['limit'][0];
    $max_date = $params['limit'][1];
  else {
    $min_date = 0;
    $max_date = 999999999999;
  $data = array();
  foreach ($nodes as $nid => $node) {
    $node_start = date_gmmktime(array(
      'mon' => calendar_event_date('m', $node->calendar_start, $node->start_offset),
      'mday' => calendar_event_date('d', $node->calendar_start, $node->start_offset),
      'year' => calendar_event_date('Y', $node->calendar_start, $node->start_offset),
    if ($node->calendar_end) {
      $node_end = date_gmmktime(array(
        'mon' => calendar_event_date('m', $node->calendar_end, $node->end_offset),
        'mday' => calendar_event_date('d', $node->calendar_end, $node->end_offset),
        'year' => calendar_event_date('Y', $node->calendar_end, $node->end_offset),
    else {
      $node_end = $node_start;

    // If this is a node outside the requested range, skip it.
    if ($node_end < $min_date || $node_start > $max_date) {
    if ($min_date >= $node_start) {
      $node->calendar_start = $min_date;
    if ($max_date <= $node_end) {
      $node->calendar_end = $max_date;
    $node->stripe = $params['stripe'] ? $node->{$params}['stripe'] : $node->nid;
    $calendar = new stdClass();
    $nodes[$node->nid] = $node;
    $calendar->nid = $node->nid;
    if ($node_end - $node_start < 86400) {
      $calendar->calendar_state = 'singleday';
      $calendar->stamp = $node_start;
      $calendar->stripe = $node->stripe;
      $data[date_format_date('Y', $node_start)][date_format_date('m', $node_start)][date_format_date('j', $node_start)][] = $calendar;
    else {

      // roll through each day the calendar occurs and set an entry for each
      for ($x = $node_start; $x <= $node_end; $x += 86400) {
        if ($x == $node_end) {
          $calendar = new StdClass();
          $calendar->nid = $node->nid;
          $calendar->stripe = $node->stripe;
          $calendar->calendar_state = 'end';
          $calendar->stamp = $x;
          $data[date_format_date('Y', $x)][date_format_date('m', $x)][date_format_date('j', $x)][] = $calendar;
        elseif ($x == $node_start) {
          $calendar = new StdClass();
          $calendar->nid = $node->nid;
          $calendar->stripe = $node->stripe;
          $calendar->calendar_state = 'start';
          $calendar->stamp = $x;
          $data[date_format_date('Y', $x)][date_format_date('m', $x)][date_format_date('j', $x)][] = $calendar;
        else {
          $calendar = new StdClass();
          $calendar->nid = $node->nid;
          $calendar->stripe = $node->stripe;
          $calendar->calendar_state = 'ongoing';
          $calendar->stamp = $x;
          $data[date_format_date('Y', $x)][date_format_date('m', $x)][date_format_date('j', $x)][] = $calendar;

  // order the years, months and days
  ksort($data, SORT_NUMERIC);
  foreach ($data as $year => $months) {
    ksort($data[$year], SORT_NUMERIC);
    foreach ($data[$year] as $month => $days) {
      ksort($data[$year][$month], SORT_NUMERIC);
  $weekdays = calendar_week_days();
  switch ($view) {
    case 'day':
    case 'table':
      foreach ($data as $year => $months) {
        if (count($data) > 1 && !$params['hide_header']) {

          // add year heading
          $rows[][] = array(
            'class' => 'heading year',
            'id' => 'year' . $year,
            'data' => $year,
        foreach ($months as $month => $days) {
          foreach ($days as $day => $calendars) {
            $content = theme('calendar_date_box', $year, $month, $day, 'table', $params['mini'], !empty($calendars), $params['url'], $params['append']);
            foreach ($calendars as $calendar) {
              if (!$month_name) {
                $month_name = date_format_date('M', $calendar->stamp);
                $dow = _calendar_day_of_week($calendar->stamp);
              $node = $nodes[$calendar->nid];
              $node->calendar_state = $calendar->calendar_state;
              if ($output = module_invoke($module, 'calendar_node_' . $view, $node)) {
                $content .= $output;
              else {
                $content .= theme('calendar_node_' . $view, $node);
            $rows[][] = array(
              'class' => strtolower("{$month_name} " . $weekdays[$dow]['day'] . ($calendar->stamp == $today ? ' today' : '')),
              'id' => strtolower($month_name . $day),
              'data' => $content,
            $month_name = NULL;
    case 'week':
    case 'month':
    case 'year':
      $colspan = $params['with_weekno'] ? '8' : '7';
      foreach ($data as $year => $months) {
        $month_rows[] = $title;
        if (count($data) > 1 && !$params['hide_header']) {

          // add year heading
          $rows[][] = array(
            'class' => 'heading year',
            'id' => 'year' . $year,
            'data' => $year,
            'colspan' => $colspan,
        foreach ($months as $month => $days) {

          // timestamp of first day in month
          $curstamp = date_gmmktime(array(
            'mon' => $month,
            'mday' => 1,
            'year' => $year,

          // timestamp of last day in month
          $lastday = date_gmmktime(array(
            'mon' => $month,
            'mday' => date_format_date('t', $curstamp),
            'year' => $year,

          // pad the first week row array to fill up days in the previous month we don't build
          $row = array_fill(0, 6, theme('calendar_empty_day'));

          // get the day of week offset value for the first day of the month
          $start = $offset = _calendar_day_of_week($curstamp);

          // get name of month
          $month_name = date_format_date('M', $curstamp);
          $month_link = $params['url'] ? l($month_name, $params['url'] . '/' . $year . '/' . intval($month), NULL, $params['append']) : $month_name;

          // set week counter
          $week = 0;
          if (!$params['hide_header']) {
            $rows[][] = array(
              'class' => 'heading month',
              'id' => 'month' . $month,
              'data' => $month_name,
              'colspan' => $colspan,
          $rows[] = calendar_week_header($params['mini'], $params['with_weekno']);
          while ($curstamp <= $lastday) {
            for ($x = $start; $x < 7; $x++) {
              $cur_day = $week * 7 + ($x + 1) - $offset;
              $selected = FALSE;
              if (is_array($days[$cur_day])) {

                // make sure dummy nodes added to create blank calendars don't get marked as having content
                foreach ($items = $days[$cur_day] as $item) {
                  if ($item->nid) {
                    $selected = TRUE;
              $content = theme('calendar_date_box', $year, $month, $cur_day, $view, $params['mini'], $selected, $params['url'], $params['append']);

              // render nodes for the day
              if (is_array($days[$cur_day]) && !$params['mini']) {
                foreach ($days[$cur_day] as $calendar) {
                  $node = $nodes[$calendar->nid];
                  $node->calendar_state = $calendar->calendar_state;
                  if ($output = module_invoke($module, 'calendar_node_' . $view, $node)) {
                    $content .= $output;
                  elseif (!$params['mini'] && $node->nid != 0) {
                    $content .= theme('calendar_node_' . $view, $node);
              $row[$x] = array(
                'class' => strtolower("{$month_name} " . $weekdays[$x]['day'] . ($curstamp == $today ? ' today' : '') . ($params['mini'] ? ' mini' : '')),
                'id' => strtolower($month_name . $cur_day),
                'data' => $params['mini'] ? $content : '<div class="inner">' . $content . '</div>',
              $curstamp += 86400;
              if ($curstamp > $lastday) {
                $x = 8;
            $cur_week = date_format_date('W', $curstamp);

            // print week unless this is a week view and force_week is set and this is not the forced week
            if (!($view == 'week' && $params['force_week'] && $params['force_week'] != date_format_date('W', $curstamp))) {
              if ($params['with_weekno']) {
                $week_row = array(
                  0 => array(
                    'class' => 'week',
                    'data' => l(sprintf('%02d', $cur_week), $params['url'] . '/' . $year . '/W' . $cur_week, NULL, $params['append']),
                $rows[] = array_merge($week_row, array_pad($row, 7, theme('calendar_empty_day')));
              else {
                $rows[] = array_pad($row, 7, theme('calendar_empty_day'));
            $start = 0;
            $row = array();
          if ($view == 'year' && !$params['as_array']) {
            $header = array(
              $month_name ? array(
                'class' => 'heading',
                'data' => $month_link,
                'colspan' => $colspan,
              ) : array(),
            $output = theme('calendar_month', 'page', $header, $rows);
            $month_rows[] = $output;

  // if only the rows array is requested, return it
  if ($params['as_array']) {
    return $rows;
  $header = $title ? array(
      'class' => 'heading',
      'data' => $title,
      'colspan' => $colspan,
  ) : array();
  $op = $params['mini'] ? 'mini' : 'page';
  return theme('calendar_' . $view, $op, $header, $rows, $month_rows);