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function date_array2unix in Date 5

3 calls to date_array2unix()
date_offset in ./
A function to calculate offset using file
date_selector_make_dbdate in ./
Construct a value to save to the database from the date selector
date_unset_granularity in ./
Unset undesired date part values.


./, line 1161
Date/time API functions


function date_array2unix($array) {
  if (!date_is_valid($array, 'array')) {
    return 'ERROR';

  // a date without a month and day cannot be made into a unix timestamp
  if (!$array['mon'] || !$array['mday']) {
    return NULL;

  // using gmmktime instead of mktime so no server timezone adjustment is made
  return date_gmmktime($array);