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Functions in Bibliography Module 6.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
biblio_filter ./biblio.module Implements hook_filter().
biblio_filter_clear ./biblio.module Implements hook_filter_clear() 1
biblio_filter_feed ./biblio.module This function creates a feed from a filter type query (i.e. biblio/author/jones) 1
biblio_filter_tips ./biblio.module Implements hook_filter_tips().
biblio_fix_isi_links ./biblio.module 2 3
biblio_form ./biblio.module Implements hook_form().
biblio_format_authors includes/ 3
biblio_forms ./biblio.module
biblio_form_alter ./biblio.module Implements hook_form_alter().
biblio_form_filter includes/ Form constructor for a biblio content filter. 1
biblio_form_filter_submit includes/ Form submission handler for biblio_form_filter().
biblio_form_sort includes/ 1
biblio_form_validate ./biblio.module Implementation of hook_validate(). 1
biblio_get_allowed_tags ./biblio.module 14
biblio_get_cid_by_name includes/ Retrieves biblio contributor id based on exact match of contributor name. 1
biblio_get_contributor includes/ Retrieves a biblio contributor object by contributor ID. 3
biblio_get_contributor_by_name includes/ Retrieves biblio contributor object based on exact match of contributor name.
biblio_get_db_fields ./biblio.module 2
biblio_get_first_contributor includes/ Retrieves first biblio contributor object based on node revision ID.
biblio_get_keyword_by_id includes/ Retrieves a keyword object by keyword ID. 2
biblio_get_keyword_by_name includes/ Retrieves a keyword object by keyword name. 2
biblio_get_map ./biblio.module 18
biblio_get_orphan_authors includes/ 1
biblio_get_style ./biblio.module 10
biblio_get_styles ./biblio.module 5
biblio_get_title_url_info ./biblio.module 9
biblio_get_user_pubs includes/ Retrieves the publications associated with an user ID. 1
biblio_hash ./biblio.module 1
biblio_help ./biblio.module Implements hook_help().
biblio_help_page ./biblio.module Generates a page of translated help text applicable to the biblio module. 1 1
biblio_implode_keywords includes/ 2
biblio_import includes/ Imports data from a file and return the node ids created. 1 2
biblio_import_batch_finished includes/ 1
biblio_import_batch_operations includes/ 1
biblio_import_finalize includes/ 2
biblio_import_form includes/ Defines a form used to import files into biblio. 2
biblio_import_form_submit includes/
biblio_import_form_validate includes/ Implements hook_validate() for the biblio_import_form.
biblio_import_from_url includes/
biblio_init ./biblio.module Implements hook_init().
biblio_insert ./biblio.module Implements hook_insert().
biblio_insert_contributors includes/ 1
biblio_insert_keywords includes/ 3
biblio_install ./biblio.install Implements hook_install().
biblio_keyword_page includes/ 1
biblio_link ./biblio.module Implements hook_link().
biblio_load ./biblio.module Implements hook_load().
biblio_load_contributors includes/ Retrieves all biblio contributor objects associated with node revision ID. 3
biblio_load_keywords includes/ Loads keywords from the database based on node revision ID. 1
biblio_locale ./biblio.module Implements hook_locale().


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