You are here in Bibliography Module 6.2

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Functions in the biblio module related to filtering and page generation.


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 * @file
 * Functions in the biblio module related to filtering and page generation.

 * Redirects the page display to that of the specified node ID.
 * @param integer $nid
 *   Integer ID of the node which the page request will be changed to view.
function biblio_view_node($nid) {
  drupal_goto('node/' . (int) $nid, NULL, NULL, 301);

  // set a 301 response code

 * Page callback: Displays a listing of biblio type of content.
 * This function is responsible for generating the page that is displayed on the
 * primary menu path of the biblio module (ie /biblio).
 * @return null|string
 *   If an rss feed is desired, there will be no return value.  Otherwise, an
 *   HTML string suitable for display in a browser will be returned.
 * @see biblio_menu()
function biblio_db_search() {
  $arg_list = array();
  $arg_list = func_get_args();
  foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
    if ($key != 'q') {
      $arg_list[] = check_plain($key);
      $arg_list[] = check_plain($value);

  // Drupal search? It returns an array of search results. We store the nids
  // of the result nodes and make them a "where n.nid in {..}" filter.
  // After installing the filter, we can go on as usual.
  // When called manually, search takes one parameter, i.e.
  // biblio_db_search('search', 'bla blu')
  $search = array_search('search', $arg_list);
  if ($search !== FALSE) {
    $keys = $arg_list[$search + 1];

    // Special case: if search is activated via URL, i.e., biblio/search/...,
    // we reset the search session filter. Two searches are not combinable.
    $base = variable_get('biblio_base', 'biblio');
    if (preg_match('+' . $base . '/search/+', $_GET['q'])) {
      $_SESSION['biblio_filter'] = array();
  else {
    $keys = _get_biblio_search_filter();
  if ($keys) {

    // Only search in biblio nodes. If we use a SESSION filter and have a list of
    // nids stored there, don't re-search. List is reset when submitting a new search.
    if ($search !== FALSE || !_get_biblio_search_filter('nodelist')) {
      if ($result = biblio_build_search_query($keys)) {
        $node_list = '';
        while ($nid = db_result($result)) {
          $node_list .= $nid . ",";

        // No node search result. Make sure we find nothing, too. Node -1 does not exist.
        if (empty($node_list)) {
          $node_list = '-1';

        // Store as SESSION filter or argument list.
        // When called as function argument it takes only one parameter, i.e.
        // biblio_db_search('search', 'bla blu') and we must insert the node
        // list inbetween.
        if ($search !== FALSE) {
          array_splice($arg_list, $search + 1, 0, $node_list);
        else {
          $_SESSION['biblio_filter'] = array(
              rtrim($node_list, ','),
      else {
        $_SESSION['biblio_filter'] = array();
  $inline = in_array('inline', $arg_list);
  $inline = in_array('profile', $arg_list) ? 'profile' : $inline;
  $query_info = biblio_build_query($arg_list);

  // If desired, prepare a listing in rss feed format which will print directly
  // to the screen with no return value.
  if ($query_info['rss']['feed']) {
    biblio_filter_feed($query_info['query'], $query_info['query_terms'], $query_info['rss']);

  // Prepare an HTML formatted string for display in browser.
  $nodes = array();
  $result = pager_query($query_info['query'], variable_get('biblio_rowsperpage', 25), 0, $query_info['count_query'], $query_info['query_terms']);
  $query_info['filter_line'] = _biblio_filter_info_line($query_info['args']);
  while ($res = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $node = node_load($res['nid']);
    foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
      if (!isset($node->{$key})) {
        $node->{$key} = $value;
    $nodes[] = $node;
  return biblio_show_results($nodes, $query_info, $inline);

 * Creates an SQL query to select and order biblio type content.
 * biblio_db_search builds the SQL query which will be used to
 * select and order "biblio" type nodes.  The query results are
 * then passed to biblio_show_results for output
 * @param $arg_list
 * @return array
 *   An associative array with the following keys:
 *   - query:
 *   - query_terms:
 *   - count_query:
 *   - args:
 *   - sort_attrib:
 *   - rss:
function biblio_build_query($arg_list) {
  global $user, $db_type;

  // Count of biblio_contributor (bc), increases with each invocation.
  static $bcc = 0;
  static $bkd = 0;

  // Count of terms, increase with every invocation.
  static $tcc = 0;
  $inline = $rss_info['feed'] = FALSE;
  $joins = array();
  $selects = array();
  $count_selects = array();
  $count_limit = '';
  $selects[] = "DISTINCT(n.nid)";
  $count_selects[] = "DISTINCT(n.nid)";
  $selects[] = " as biblio_type_name";
  $joins[] = "left join {biblio} b  on n.vid=b.vid ";
  $joins[] = "inner join {biblio_types} bt  on b.biblio_type=bt.tid ";

  // POSIX regular expression matching, case insensitive
  $match_op = $db_type == 'pgsql' ? '~*' : 'RLIKE';

  // The following is to be used to compare titles
  // LOWER() is required for case insensitive sorting (at least, in PostgreSQL)
  $sort_title = 'biblio_sort_title';
  $limit = '';
  if (variable_get('biblio_view_only_own', 0)) {
    $limit .= " AND n.uid = {$user->uid} ";
  if (array_search('sort', $arg_list) === FALSE) {
    $arg_list[] = 'sort';
    $arg_list[] = variable_get('biblio_sort', 'year');
    $arg_list[] = 'order';
    $arg_list[] = strtolower(variable_get('biblio_order', 'desc'));
  $limits = null;
  if (!isset($_SESSION['biblio_filter']) || !is_array($_SESSION['biblio_filter'])) {
    $_SESSION['biblio_filter'] = array();
  $session =& $_SESSION['biblio_filter'];
  if (!in_array('no_filters', $arg_list)) {
    foreach ($session as $filter) {
      $arg_list = array_merge($arg_list, $filter);
  if (count($arg_list)) {
    $args = array();
    while ($arg_list) {
      $type = $arg_list[0];
      switch ($type) {
        case 'no_filters':
        case 'inline':
          $inline = TRUE;
        case 'rss.xml':
          $rss_info['feed'] = TRUE;
          $count_limit = 'LIMIT ' . variable_get('biblio_rss_number_of_entries', 10);
        case 'profile':
          $inline = "profile";
        case 'cid':
        case 'aid':
          $term = explode("?", array_shift($arg_list));
          $joins[] = "inner join {biblio_contributor} as bc" . $bcc . " on n.vid = bc" . $bcc . ".vid";
          $where[] = "bc" . $bcc . ".cid = '%d' ";
          $terms[] = db_escape_string($term[0]);
          array_push($args, $type, $term[0]);
        case 'term':
        case 'term_id':
          $term = explode("?", array_shift($arg_list));
          $joins[] = "inner join {term_node} as tn" . $tcc . " on n.vid = tn" . $tcc . ".vid";
          if ($type == 'term') {
            $joins[] = "inner join  {term_data} as td on tn" . $tcc . ".tid= td.tid";
            $where[] = " = '%s' ";
          elseif ($type == 'term_id') {
            $where[] = "tn" . $tcc . ".tid = '%d' ";
          $terms[] = db_escape_string($term[0]);
          array_push($args, $type, $term[0]);
        case 'tg':
          $term = explode("?", array_shift($arg_list));
          $where[] = "substring({$sort_title},1 ,1)" . $match_op . " LOWER('%s')";
          $terms[] = db_escape_string($term[0]);
          array_push($args, $type, $term[0]);
        case 'ag':

          //selects entries whoose authors firstname starts with the letter provided
          $term = explode("?", array_shift($arg_list));
          $where[] = " UPPER(substring(bcd.lastname,1,1)) = '%s' ";

          //$where['bc-rank'] = "bc.rank=0";
          $joins['bc'] = '  INNER JOIN {biblio_contributor} as bc on b.vid = bc.vid ';
          $joins['bcd'] = '  JOIN {biblio_contributor_data} as bcd on bc.cid = bcd.cid ';
          $terms[] = db_escape_string(strtoupper($term[0]));
          array_push($args, $type, $term[0]);
        case 'author':
          $term = explode("?", array_shift($arg_list));
          if (is_numeric($term[0])) {
            $joins[] = "inner join {biblio_contributor} as bc" . $bcc . " on n.vid = bc" . $bcc . ".vid";
            $cids = db_query('SELECT cid FROM {biblio_contributor_data}
                              WHERE cid = %d OR aka = (SELECT aka FROM {biblio_contributor_data} WHERE cid = %d)', $term[0], $term[0]);
            $wr = '';
            while ($cid = db_fetch_object($cids)) {
              $wr .= empty($wr) ? '' : ' OR ';
              $wr .= "bc" . $bcc . ".cid = {$cid->cid} ";
            $where[] = !empty($wr) ? $wr : "bc" . $bcc . ".cid = -1 ";
          else {
            $where[] = " bcd" . $bcc . '.name ' . $match_op . ' "[[:<:]]%s[[:>:]]" ';
            $joins[] = " JOIN {biblio_contributor} as bc" . $bcc . " on b.vid = bc" . $bcc . ".vid ";
            $joins[] = " JOIN {biblio_contributor_data} as bcd" . $bcc . " on bc" . $bcc . ".cid = bcd" . $bcc . ".cid ";
            $terms[] = db_escape_string($term[0]);
            $rss_info['title'] = t("Publications by " . $term[0]);
            $rss_info['description'] = t("These publications by %author are part of the works listed at %sitename", array(
              '%author' => $term[0],
              '%sitename' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
            $rss_info['link'] = '/author/' . $term[0];
          array_push($args, $type, $term[0]);
        case 'publisher':
          $term = explode("?", array_shift($arg_list));
          $where[] = "b.biblio_publisher " . $match_op . " '%s' ";
          $terms[] = db_escape_string($term[0]);
          array_push($args, $type, $term[0]);
        case 'year':
          $term = db_escape_string(array_shift($arg_list));
          $where[] = "b.biblio_year=%d ";

          //$limit .= " AND b.biblio_year=%d ";
          $terms[] = (int) $term;
          array_push($args, $type, (int) $term);
        case 'uid':
          $term = db_escape_string(array_shift($arg_list));
          $where[] = "n.uid=%d ";

          //$limit .= " AND b.biblio_year=%d ";
          $terms[] = (int) $term;
          array_push($args, $type, (int) $term);
        case 'keyword':
          $term = explode("?", array_shift($arg_list));
          if (is_numeric($term[0])) {
            $terms[] = db_escape_string($term[0]);
            $joins[] = "inner join {biblio_keyword} as bk{$bkd} on n.vid = bk{$bkd}.vid";

            //$joins[] = "inner join {biblio_keyword_data} as bkd on bk.kid= bkd.kid";
            $where[] = "bk{$bkd}.kid = %d ";
          elseif (strlen($term[0]) == 1) {
            $joins['bk'] = '  JOIN {biblio_keyword} as bk on b.vid = bk.vid ';
            $joins['bkd'] = '  LEFT JOIN {biblio_keyword_data} as bkd on bk.kid = bkd.kid ';
            $selects[] = "bkd.word as biblio_keyword";
            $where[] = " UPPER(substring(bkd.word,1,1)) = '%s' ";
            $terms[] = db_escape_string(strtoupper($term[0]));

            //array_push($args, $type, $term[0]);
          else {
            $where[] = " bkd" . $bkd . '.word ' . $match_op . ' "[[:<:]]%s[[:>:]]" ';
            $joins[] = " JOIN {biblio_keyword} as bk" . $bkd . " on b.vid = bk" . $bkd . ".vid ";
            $joins[] = " JOIN {biblio_keyword_data} as bkd" . $bkd . " on bk" . $bkd . ".kid = bkd" . $bkd . ".kid ";
            $terms[] = db_escape_string($term[0]);
            $rss_info['title'] = t("Keyword " . $term[0]);
            $rss_info['description'] = t("These publications, containing the keyword: %keyword, are part of the works listed at %sitename", array(
              '%keyword' => $term[0],
              '%sitename' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
            $rss_info['link'] = '/keyword/' . $term[0];
          array_push($args, $type, $term[0]);
        case 'citekey':
          $term = explode("?", array_shift($arg_list));
          $terms[] = db_escape_string($term[0]);
          $where[] = "b.biblio_citekey= '%s' ";
          array_push($args, $type, $term[0]);
        case 'type':
          $term = db_escape_string(array_shift($arg_list));
          $where[] = "b.biblio_type=%d ";

          //$limit .= $operator. "b.biblio_type=%d ";
          $terms[] = (int) $term;
          array_push($args, $type, (int) $term);
        case 'order':
          $term = db_escape_string(strtolower(array_shift($arg_list))) == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
          $sort_attrib['order'] = $term;
        case 'sort':
          $term = db_escape_string(array_shift($arg_list));
          $sort_attrib['sort'] = $term;
          switch ($term) {
            case 'type':
              $sortby = "ORDER BY %s, {$sort_title}";
              $selects[] = ", {$sort_title}";
            case 'title':
              $sortby = "ORDER BY {$sort_title} %s";
              $selects[] = $sort_title;
            case 'author':
              $sortby = "ORDER BY bcd.lastname %s ";
              $where['bc-rank'] = "bc.rank=0";
              $where['bc-auth-category'] = "bc.auth_category IN (1,5)";
              $joins['bc'] = '  INNER JOIN {biblio_contributor} as bc on b.vid = bc.vid ';
              $joins['bcd'] = '  JOIN {biblio_contributor_data} as bcd on bc.cid = bcd.cid ';
              $selects[] = "bcd.lastname";
            case 'keyword':

              // added msh 070808
              $sortby = "ORDER BY bkd.word %s ";
              $joins['bk'] = '  JOIN {biblio_keyword} as bk on b.vid = bk.vid ';
              $joins['bkd'] = '  LEFT JOIN {biblio_keyword_data} as bkd on bk.kid = bkd.kid ';
              $selects[] = "bkd.word as biblio_keyword";

              //$count_selects[] = "bkd.word";
            case 'year':
              $sortby = "ORDER BY b.biblio_year %s, b.biblio_date %s, {$sort_title} %s";
              $selects[] = "b.biblio_year, b.biblio_date";
              $selects[] = $sort_title;

          //end switch
        case 'search':
          $term = explode("?", array_shift($arg_list));
          $result_nids = split(',', $term[0]);
          $where[] = "n.nid in (" . db_placeholders($result_nids) . ")";
          foreach ($result_nids as $result_nid) {
            $terms[] = db_escape_string($result_nid);
            array_push($args, $type, $result_nid);

          // Save search keyword to show in the filter list.
          $term = array_shift($arg_list);
          array_push($args, $type, $term);
          $fields = biblio_get_db_fields();
          $term = explode("?", array_shift($arg_list));
          if (in_array("biblio_{$type}", $fields)) {
            $where[] = "b.biblio_{$type} " . $match_op . " '%s' ";
            $terms[] = db_escape_string($term[0]);
            array_push($args, $type, $term[0]);
  $where[] = "n.type='biblio' ";
  if ($user->uid != 1) {
    $where[] = 'n.status = 1 ';

  //show only published entries to everyone except admin
  $select = implode(', ', $selects);
  $count_select = implode(', ', $count_selects);
  $join = implode(' ', $joins);
  $where_clause = count($where) > 1 ? '(' . implode(') AND (', $where) . ')' : $where[0];
  $query = db_rewrite_sql("SELECT {$select} FROM {node} n {$join}  WHERE {$where_clause} {$limit} {$sortby} {$count_limit}");
  $count_query = db_rewrite_sql("SELECT COUNT({$count_select}) FROM {node} n {$join}  WHERE {$where_clause} {$limit} {$count_limit}");
  $_SESSION['last_biblio_query'] = $query;
  $terms[] = $sort_attrib['order'];

  // this is either asc or desc to be inserted into the first term of the ORDER clause
  if ($sort_attrib['sort'] == 'year') {
    $terms[] = $sort_attrib['order'];

    // we need any extra order term when sorting by year since there are to date terms biblio_year and biblio_date
    $terms[] = 'asc';
  $_SESSION['last_biblio_query_terms'] = $terms;
  return array(
    'query' => $query,
    'query_terms' => $terms,
    'count_query' => $count_query,
    'args' => $args,
    'sort_attrib' => $sort_attrib,
    'rss' => $rss_info,

 * biblio_show_results takes the query results from biblio_db_search and
 * adds some controls to the page then loops through the results applying
 * the selected style to each entry
 * @param $nodes
 * @param array $query_info
 * @param bool $inline
 *   (optional) A logical flag indicating whether the biblio items should be
 *   formatted in a inline manner.  The default is FALSE.
 * @return string
 *   An HTML string suitable for display in a browser.
function biblio_show_results($nodes, $query_info, $inline = FALSE) {
  global $pager_total_items;
  $content = '';
  $profile = FALSE;
  $attrib = $query_info['sort_attrib'];
  $args = $query_info['args'];
  $base = variable_get('biblio_base', 'biblio');
  $style = biblio_get_style();
  if ($inline === 'profile') {
    $profile = TRUE;
    $inline = FALSE;
  if (module_exists('popups')) {
  if (!$inline && !$profile) {
    if (variable_get('biblio_rss', 0)) {
      drupal_set_html_head('<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="' . variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal') . ' RSS" href="' . url("{$base}/rss.xml") . '" />');

    // Search box. Has same permissions as the filter tab.
    $content = '<div id="biblio-header" class="clear-block">';
    if (variable_get('biblio_search', 0) && user_access('show filter tab')) {
      $content .= drupal_get_form('biblio_search_form');
    if (biblio_access('export')) {
      $content .= '<div class="biblio-export">' . theme('biblio_export_links') . '</div>';
    else {
      $content .= '<div class="biblio-export">' . t('Found @count results', array(
        '@count' => $pager_total_items[0],
      )) . '</div><br />';

    // Add some links to the top of the page to change the sorting/ordering...
    if (user_access('show sort links')) {
      $content .= _biblio_sort_tabs($attrib);
    $content .= '</div>';
    if (user_access('show filter tab')) {
      $content .= $query_info['filter_line'];
  if ($inline === true) {
    print '<div class="biblio-inline">';
  if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
    $value = '';
    if ($_GET['sort'] == 'title' || $_GET['sort'] == 'author' || $_GET['sort'] == 'keyword') {
      if (strpos($_GET['q'], 'ag') || strpos($_GET['q'], 'tg') || strpos($_GET['q'], 'keyword')) {
        $value = substr($_GET['q'], strrpos($_GET['q'], '/') + 1);
      $content .= theme('biblio_alpha_line', $_GET['sort'], $value);
  $count = 0;

  // Reset separator bar status for repeated calls to biblio_db_search.
  _biblio_category_separator_bar(NULL, NULL, TRUE);
  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    if (is_array($node)) {
      $node = (object) $node;
    if (variable_get('biblio_hide_bibtex_braces', 0)) {
      $node->title = biblio_remove_brace($node->title);
    if (variable_get('biblio_fix_isi_links', 0)) {

    // Add a separator bar if needed.
    $content .= _biblio_category_separator_bar($attrib, $node);
    $inline_links = $inline && variable_get('biblio_inlinemode_in_links', 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $content .= theme('biblio_entry', $node, $base, $style, $inline_links);
  if ($count) {
    $content .= '</div><!-- end category-section -->';
  $content .= theme('pager', 0, variable_get('biblio_rowsperpage', 25));
  if ($count == 0) {
    $content .= "<h3>" . t("No items found") . "</h3>";
    if (strstr($content, "Filters:")) {
      $content .= t('!modify_link or !remove_link your filters and try again.', array(
        '!modify_link' => l(t('Modify'), "{$base}/filter"),
        '!remove_link' => l(t('remove'), "{$base}/filter/clear"),
  if ($profile === TRUE) {
    return $content;
  elseif ($inline === TRUE) {
    return $content . "</div>";
  elseif ($inline === FALSE) {
    drupal_set_title(check_plain(variable_get('biblio_base_title', 'Biblio')));
    return $content;

 * @param $attrib
 * @param array $options
 *   (optional) An associative array with following possible keys:
 * @return string $content
 *   An HTML formatted string?
function _biblio_sort_tabs($attrib, $options = NULL) {
  global $base_path;
  $content = '';
  $sort_links = array();
  $tabs = variable_get('biblio_sort_tabs_style', 0);

  // What is the default for $order in event $attrib['order'] not defined?
  $order = $attrib['order'] == "desc" || $attrib['order'] == "DESC" ? "asc" : "desc";
  $cur_order = $attrib['order'] == "desc" || $attrib['order'] == "DESC" ? "desc" : "asc";
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'biblio');
  $order_arrow = $order == 'asc' ? ' <img src ="' . $base_path . $path . '/misc/arrow-asc.png" alt =" (Desc)" />' : ' <img src ="' . $base_path . $path . '/misc/arrow-desc.png" alt = " (Asc)" />';
  $sort_links = variable_get('biblio_sort_tabs', array(
    'author' => 'author',
    'title' => 'title',
    'type' => 'type',
    'year' => 'year',
    'keyword' => 'keyword',
  $content .= $tabs ? '<ul class="tabs secondary">' : '';
  foreach ($sort_links as $key => $title) {
    $tab['path'] = $_GET['q'];
    $tab['attributes'] = array(
      "title" => t("Click a second time to reverse the sort order"),
    $tab['html'] = TRUE;
    $tab['text'] = t(ucfirst($title));
    if ($key === $title && $title == $attrib['sort']) {
      $tab['query'] = array(
        'sort' => $title,
        'order' => $order,
      $tab['attributes'] += array(
        'class' => "active",
      $tab['active'] = TRUE;
      $tab['pfx'] = ' [ ';
      $tab['sfx'] = '] ';
      $tab['arrow'] = $order_arrow;
      $content .= _biblio_sort_tab($tab, $tabs);
    elseif ($key === $title) {
      $tab['query'] = array(
        'sort' => $title,
        'order' => $order,
      $tab['active'] = FALSE;
      $tab['pfx'] = ' ';
      $tab['sfx'] = ' ';
      $tab['arrow'] = '';
      $content .= _biblio_sort_tab($tab, $tabs);
  if (!$tabs) {
    $content = t('Sort by') . ': ' . $content;
  $content .= $tabs ? '</ul>' : '';
  return $content;

 * Page callback: Creates ...
 * @param array $tab
 *   An associative array with the following elements:
 *   - text:
 *   - arrow:
 *   - attributes: An array with an optional class key.
 * @param bool $tabs
 *   (optional)
 * @return string
function _biblio_sort_tab($tab, $tabs = FALSE) {
  if ($tabs) {
    $text = '<span class="a"><span class="b">' . $tab['text'] . $tab['arrow'] . '</span></span>';
    $class = isset($tab['attributes']['class']) ? 'class="active"' : '';
    $link = l($text, $tab['path'], $tab);
    return "<li {$class} >" . str_replace('class="active"', $class, $link) . '</li>';
  else {
    return $tab['pfx'] . l($tab['text'], $tab['path'], $tab) . $tab['arrow'] . $tab['sfx'];

 * @param $args
 * @return string
function _biblio_filter_info_line($args) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'biblio', 'includes/biblio.contributors');
  $content = '';
  $filtercontent = '';
  $search_content = '';
  $base = variable_get('biblio_base', 'biblio');
  $session =& $_SESSION['biblio_filter'];

  // if there are any filters in place, print them at the top of the list
  if (count($args)) {
    $i = 0;
    while ($args) {
      $type = $args[0];
      $value = db_escape_string($args[0]);
      if ($type == 'search') {
        $search_content = array_shift($args);
      if ($type == 'term_id') {
        $term = taxonomy_get_term($value);
        $value = $term->name;
        $type = t("Taxonomy term");
      if ($type == 'keyword') {
        module_load_include('inc', 'biblio', 'includes/biblio.keywords');
        $type = t("Keyword");
        if (is_numeric($value)) {
          $term = biblio_get_keyword_by_id($value);
          $value = $term->word;
        elseif (is_string($value) && strlen($value) == 1) {
          $type = t("First letter of keyword ");
      if ($type == 'uid') {
        $user = user_load($value);
        $value = $user->name;
        $type = t("Drupal user");
      if ($type == 'aid' || $type == 'author' && is_numeric($value)) {
        $author = biblio_get_contributor($value);
        $value = $author->name;
        $type = t("Author");
      if ($type == 'ag') {
        $type = t("First letter of last name");
      if ($type == 'tg') {
        $type = t("First letter of title");
      if ($type == 'type' && $value > 0) {
        if ($pub_type = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT t.* FROM {biblio_types} as t WHERE t.tid=%d', $value))) {
          $value = drupal_ucfirst(_biblio_localize_type($pub_type->tid, $pub_type->name));
          $type = t("Type");
      $params = array(
        '%a' => check_plain(ucwords($type)),
        '%b' => check_plain($value),
      $filtercontent .= $i++ ? t('<em> and</em> <strong>%a</strong> is <strong>%b</strong>', $params) : t('<strong>%a</strong> is <strong>%b</strong>', $params);
    if ($search_content) {
      $content .= '<div class="biblio-current-filters"><b>' . t('Search results for ') . '</b>';
      $content .= '<em>' . check_plain($search_content) . '</em>';
      if ($filtercontent) {
        $content .= '<br><b>' . t('Filters') . ': </b>';
    else {
      $content .= '<div class="biblio-current-filters"><b>' . t('Filters') . ': </b>';
    $content .= $filtercontent;
    $link_options = array();
    $link_options['query'] = '';
    if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
      $link_options['query'] .= "sort=" . $_GET['sort'];
    if (isset($_GET['order'])) {
      $link_options['query'] .= $link_options['query'] ? "&" : "";
      $link_options['query'] .= "order=" . $_GET['order'];
    if ($search_content) {
      $content .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . l('[' . t('Reset Search') . ']', "{$base}/filter/clear", $link_options);
    else {
      $content .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . l('[' . t('Clear All Filters') . ']', "{$base}/filter/clear", $link_options);
    $content .= '</div>';
  return $content;

 * @param $attrib
 * @param $node
 * @param bool $reset
 *   (optional)
 * @return string
function _biblio_category_separator_bar($attrib, $node, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $_text = '';
  if ($reset) {
    $_text = '';
  $content = '';
  switch ($attrib['sort']) {
    case 'title':
      $title = $node->biblio_sort_title;
      $first = drupal_substr(drupal_ucfirst(ltrim($title)), 0, 1);
      if ($first != $_text) {
        if ($_text != '') {
          $content .= theme_biblio_end_category_section();
        $_text = $first;
        $content .= theme_biblio_separator_bar($_text);
    case 'author':
      if (isset($node->biblio_contributors[1][0]['lastname']) && drupal_substr(drupal_ucfirst(ltrim($node->biblio_contributors[1][0]['lastname'])), 0, 1) != $_text) {
        if ($_text != '') {
          $content .= theme_biblio_end_category_section();
        $_text = drupal_substr(drupal_ucfirst(ltrim($node->biblio_contributors[1][0]['lastname'])), 0, 1);
        $content .= theme_biblio_separator_bar($_text);
    case 'type':
      if ($node->biblio_type_name != $_text) {
        if ($_text != '') {
          $content .= theme_biblio_end_category_section();
        $_text = $node->biblio_type_name;
        $content .= theme_biblio_separator_bar(_biblio_localize_type($node->biblio_type, $_text));
    case 'keyword':
      $tok = $node->biblio_keyword;
      if (empty($tok)) {
        $tok = t("No Keywords");
      if ($tok != $_text) {
        if ($_text != '') {
          $content .= theme_biblio_end_category_section();
        $_text = $tok;
        if ($_text != '') {
          $content .= theme_biblio_separator_bar($_text);
    case 'year':
      if ($node->biblio_year != $_text) {
        if ($_text != '') {
          $content .= theme_biblio_end_category_section();
        $_text = $node->biblio_year;
        $content .= theme_biblio_separator_bar($_text);
  return $content;

 * Returns HTML for a biblio separator bar.
 * @param string $text
 * @return string
function theme_biblio_separator_bar($text) {
  $content = "\n" . '<div class="biblio-separator-bar">' . check_plain($text) . "</div>\n";
  $content .= "\n" . '<div class ="biblio-category-section">';
  return $content;

 * Returns HTML for end of a biblio category section.
 * @return string
function theme_biblio_end_category_section() {
  return "\n</div><!-- end category-section -->";

 * Form constructor for the search form used on the main biblio page.
 * @param array $form_state
 *   This variable is not referenced in this function...
 * @return array
 *   An associative array with the form definition elements for a search field.
 * @see biblio_search_form_submit()
 * @ingroup forms
function biblio_search_form(&$form_state) {
  $form['biblio_search'] = array(
    '#prefix' => '<div class="container-inline biblio-search clear-block">',
    '#suffix' => '</div>',
  $form['biblio_search']['keys'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => '',
    '#default_value' => '',
    '#size' => 25,
    '#maxlength' => 255,
  $button_text = variable_get('biblio_search_button_text', 'Biblio search');
  $form['biblio_search']['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t($button_text),
  return $form;

 * Creates a query for the do_search algorithm in seach module.
 * Build the query following the do_search algorithm in search.module.
 * Unfortunately we cannot reuse anything from do_search as everything
 * is hard-coded :-(
 * @param $keys
 *   (optional)
 * @return false|database resource
function biblio_build_search_query($keys = '') {
  if ($keys != '') {
    $query = search_parse_query($keys);
    if ($query[2] == '') {
      form_set_error('keys', t('You must include at least one positive keyword with @count characters or more.', array(
        '@count' => variable_get('minimum_word_size', 3),
      return FALSE;
    if ($query === NULL || $query[0] == '') {
      return FALSE;
    $where = '(' . $query[2] . ')';
    $args = $query[3];
    if (!$query[5]) {
      $where .= " AND ({$query[0]})";
      $args = array_merge($args, $query[1]);
      $join = " INNER JOIN {search_dataset} d ON i.sid = d.sid AND i.type = d.type";

    // The COUNT ensures that we only get nodes where "term1 AND term2" match as
    // we demand two matches. Note that this doesn't work when using the partial
    // word search patch.
    $args[] = $query[4];
    $query = "SELECT distinct(i.sid) FROM {search_index} AS i\n              INNER JOIN {node} AS n ON n.nid = i.sid\n              {$join}\n              WHERE n.status = 1 AND (n.type = 'biblio')\n              AND {$where}\n              AND i.type = 'node'\n              GROUP BY i.type, i.sid HAVING COUNT(*) >= %d";
    return db_query(db_rewrite_sql($query), $args);
  return FALSE;

 * Form submission handler for biblio_search_form().
 * When we submit a search, we revoke all current filters since search
 * and filtering are considered two different concepts things conceptually.
 * But we store the results as a filter (which is just a list of node ids that
 * matched the search request) so that we can reorder or export the search
 * results like with any other filter.  The filter has three components:
 * ('search', <list of node ids>, <search keywords>).
 * The second component (the filter value) is empty when submitting keywords.
 * In biblio_db_search, we fill the second component with the list of nids
 * matching our keywords, as returned by node_search.  We store the keywords
 * only for showing them in "Search results for <keywords>".
 * @informs
function biblio_search_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $keys = $form_state['values']['keys'];
  if ($keys != '') {
    $_SESSION['biblio_filter'] = array(
    $base = variable_get('biblio_base', 'biblio');
    $form_state['redirect'] = $base;
  else {

    // No keywords. Remove former search keys if any. Leaves other filters intact.
    if (_get_biblio_search_filter()) {
      $_SESSION['biblio_filter'] = array();

 * Retrieves biblio filter information from session variable.
 * @param string $arg
 *   (optional) A string indicating the type of filter information. Possible
 *   values are 'keys' and 'nodelist'; the default value is 'keys'.
 * @return mixed
 *   If either 'keys' or 'node' are passed in as $arg, the content of
 *   $_SESSION['biblio_filter'] will be returned.  Otherwise NULL will be
 *   returned.
function _get_biblio_search_filter($arg = 'keys') {
  if (variable_get('biblio_search', 0) && isset($_SESSION['biblio_filter']) && is_array($_SESSION['biblio_filter']) && isset($_SESSION['biblio_filter'][0]) && is_array($_SESSION['biblio_filter'][0]) && in_array('search', $_SESSION['biblio_filter'][0])) {
    switch ($arg) {
      case 'nodelist':
        return $_SESSION['biblio_filter'][0][1];
      case 'keys':
        return $_SESSION['biblio_filter'][0][2];

 * Populates the various selection filters with biblio data.
 * @return array
 *   An associative array with the following keys:
 *   - author:
 *   - type:
 *   - term_id:
 *   - year:
 *   - keyword:
function _get_biblio_filters() {
  $pub_authors[0] = '';
  $pub_years[-1] = '';
  $pub_type[0] = '';
  $pub_taxo[0] = '';
  $pub_keywords[0] = '';
  $fields = " b.biblio_year, , t.tid ";
  $order = " b.biblio_year DESC";
  $taxo_fields = " as termname,td.tid as taxid, as vocab_name";
  $taxo_order = "vocab_name ASC, termname ASC";
  $table = "{node} as n  inner join {biblio} as b on n.vid=b.vid ";
  $join = "left join {biblio_types} as t on b.biblio_type = t.tid";
  $taxo_join = array(
    "inner join {term_node} as tn on n.vid = tn.vid",
    "left join  {term_data} as td on tn.tid= td.tid",
    "left join  {vocabulary} as v on v.vid= td.vid",
  $taxo_joins = implode(' ', $taxo_join);
  $result = db_query("SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table} {$join} ORDER BY {$order}");
  $authors = db_query("SELECT firstname, initials, lastname, cid FROM {biblio_contributor_data} ORDER BY lastname ASC");
  $keywords = db_query("SELECT word, kid FROM {biblio_keyword_data} ORDER BY word ASC");
  $taxoresult = db_query("SELECT {$taxo_fields} FROM {$table} {$taxo_joins} ORDER BY {$taxo_order}");
  while ($option = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    if (isset($option->biblio_year)) {
      $option->biblio_year = _biblio_text_year($option->biblio_year);
    $pub_years["{$option->biblio_year}"] = $option->biblio_year;
    $pub_type["{$option->tid}"] = _biblio_localize_type($option->tid, $option->name);
  while ($auth = db_fetch_object($authors)) {
    $pub_authors[$auth->cid] = $auth->lastname . (!empty($auth->firstname) || !empty($auth->initials) ? ', ' . $auth->firstname . ' ' . $auth->initials : '');
  while ($keyword = db_fetch_object($keywords)) {
    $pub_keywords[$keyword->kid] = $keyword->word;
  while ($tax = db_fetch_object($taxoresult)) {
    $pub_taxo["{$tax->taxid}"] = "{$tax->vocab_name} - {$tax->termname}";
  $author_select = count($pub_authors) > 1 ? array(
    'title' => t('Author'),
    'options' => $pub_authors,
  ) : NULL;
  $years_select = count($pub_years) > 1 ? array(
    'title' => t('Year'),
    'options' => array_unique($pub_years),
  ) : NULL;
  $type_select = count($pub_type) > 1 ? array(
    'title' => t('Type'),
    'options' => array_unique($pub_type),
  ) : NULL;
  $tax_select = count($pub_taxo) > 1 ? array(
    'title' => t('Term'),
    'options' => array_unique($pub_taxo),
  ) : NULL;
  $keyword_select = count($pub_keywords) > 1 ? array(
    'title' => t('Keyword'),
    'options' => $pub_keywords,
  ) : NULL;
  $filters = array(
    'author' => $author_select,
    'type' => $type_select,
    'term_id' => $tax_select,
    'year' => $years_select,
    'keyword' => $keyword_select,
  return $filters;

 * Form constructor for a biblio content filter.
 * @return array $form
 *   An assoicative array with form elements for the biblio content filter.
 * @see biblio_form_filter_submit()
 * @ingroup forms
function biblio_form_filter() {

  // No longer use &$_SESSION so that we can alter $session in case of the search filter.
  $session = $_SESSION['biblio_filter'];
  $session = is_array($session) ? $session : array();
  $filters = _get_biblio_filters();
  $i = 0;
  $form['filters'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Show only items where'),
    '#theme' => 'biblio_filters',
  foreach ($session as $filter) {
    list($type, $value) = $filter;

    // Don't show the search filter. Reset $session because of the $count(session) below.
    if ($type == 'search') {
      $session = array();
    if ($type == 'category') {

      // Load term name from DB rather than search and parse options array.
      $value = module_invoke('taxonomy', 'get_term', $value);
      $value = $value->name;
    else {
      $value = $filters[$type]['options'][$value];
    $string = $i++ ? '<em>and</em> where <strong>%a</strong> is <strong>%b</strong>' : '<strong>%a</strong> is <strong>%b</strong>';
    $form['filters']['current'][] = array(
      '#value' => t($string, array(
        '%a' => $filters[$type]['title'],
        '%b' => $value,
  foreach ($filters as $key => $filter) {
    if (isset($filter) && count($filter['options'])) {
      $names[$key] = check_plain($filter['title']);
      $form['filters']['status'][$key] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#options' => $filter['options'],
  $form['filters']['filter'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#options' => $names,
    '#default_value' => 'author',
  $form['filters']['buttons']['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => count($session) ? t('Refine') : t('Filter'),
  if (count($session) && $type != 'search') {
    $form['filters']['buttons']['undo'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => t('Undo'),
    $form['filters']['buttons']['reset'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => t('Reset'),
  return $form;

 * Form submission handler for biblio_form_filter().
function biblio_form_filter_submit($form, &$form_state) {

  // If the search filter was set, remove it now.
  if (_get_biblio_search_filter()) {
    $_SESSION['biblio_filter'] = array();
  $op = $form_state['values']['op'];
  $filters = _get_biblio_filters();
  switch ($op) {
    case t('Filter'):
    case t('Refine'):
      if (isset($form_state['values']['filter'])) {
        $filter = $form_state['values']['filter'];

        // Flatten the options array to accommodate hierarchical/nested options.
        if (isset($filters[$filter]['options'])) {
          $flat_options = form_options_flatten($filters[$filter]['options']);
        if (isset($flat_options[$form_state['values'][$filter]])) {
          $_SESSION['biblio_filter'][] = array(
          $base = variable_get('biblio_base', 'biblio');
    case t('Undo'):
    case t('Reset'):
      $_SESSION['biblio_filter'] = array();

 * Retrieves the publications associated with an user ID.
 * @param object $user
 *   An object with user information possibly including contributor ID or the
 *   last name of the user.  At minimum the user ID must be specified.
 * @param $profile
 *   (optional)
 * @param string $nofilter
 *   (optional)
 * @return array
 *   An array of publications associated with a user.
function biblio_get_user_pubs($user, $profile = '', $nofilters = '') {
  if (isset($user->biblio_contributor_id) && !empty($user->biblio_contributor_id)) {
    $pubs = biblio_db_search('author', $user->biblio_contributor_id, $profile, $nofilters);
  elseif (isset($user->biblio_lastname) && !empty($user->biblio_lastname)) {
    $pubs = biblio_db_search('author', $user->biblio_lastname, $profile, $nofilters);
  else {
    $pubs = biblio_db_search('uid', $user->uid, $profile, $nofilters);
  return $pubs;

 * Creates an HTML string for a node view in either tabular or long format.
 * @param $node
 * @return string
 *   An HTML formatted string for inline style of biblio content view.
function biblio_view_inline(&$node) {
  $style = biblio_get_style();
  $base = variable_get('biblio_base', 'biblio');
  $layout = variable_get('biblio_node_layout', 'tabular');
  $theme = $layout == 'tabular' ? 'biblio_tabular' : 'biblio_long';
  $output = '<div class="biblio-inline">';
  $output .= theme($theme, $node, $base, $style);
  $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Creates a view based upon a cititaion key.
 * @return string
function biblio_citekey_view() {
  $citekey = arg(2);
  $nid = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT nid FROM {biblio} WHERE biblio_citekey = '%s' ORDER BY vid DESC", $citekey));
  if ($nid->nid > 0) {
    $node = node_load($nid->nid);
    return node_page_view($node);
  else {
    return t("Sorry, citekey @cite not found", array(
      '@cite' => $citekey,

 * Creates an HTML string with links to an array of biblio keywords.
 * @param array $keywords
 * @param string $base
 *   (optional)
 * @return string
 *   An HTML formatted string with links to biblio keyswords.
function _biblio_keyword_links($keywords, $base = 'biblio') {
  $options = array();
  $options['query'] = '';
  if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
    $options['query'] = "sort=" . $_GET['sort'];
  if (isset($_GET['order'])) {
    $options['query'] .= empty($options['query']) ? "" : "?";
    $options['query'] .= "order=" . $_GET['order'];
  $html = "";
  if (!is_array($keywords)) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'biblio', 'includes/biblio.keywords');
    $keywords = biblio_explode_keywords($keywords);
  $sep = check_plain(variable_get('biblio_keyword_sep', ','));
  foreach ($keywords as $kid => $keyword) {
    $html .= empty($html) ? "" : "{$sep} ";
    $html .= l(trim($keyword), "{$base}/keyword/{$kid}", $options);
  return $html;

 * @param bool $filter
 *   (optional)
 * @return
function biblio_author_page($filter = NULL) {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'biblio');
  drupal_add_js($path . '/misc/biblio.highlight.js');
  $authors = _biblio_get_authors($filter);
  return _biblio_format_author_page($filter, $authors);

 * @param bool $filter
 *   (optional)
 * @return array
function _biblio_get_authors($filter = NULL) {
  global $user;
  $where = array();
  $where_clause = '';
  $base = variable_get('biblio_base', 'biblio');
  $menu = menu_get_active_title();
  if ($menu == 'Authors') {
    $path = $base . '/authors/';
  if ($menu == 'Biblio settings') {
    $path = 'admin/settings/biblio/author/list/';
  if ($filter) {
    $filter = strtoupper($filter);
    $where['filter'] = "UPPER(SUBSTRING(lastname,1,1)) = '%s' ";
    $header_ext = t(' (whose last name starts with the letter "@letter") ', array(
      '@letter' => $filter,
  else {
    $query_ext = NULL;
    $header_ext = NULL;
  if (!biblio_access('edit_author')) {

    //show only published entries to everyone except admin
    $where['status'] = 'n.status = 1 ';
  if (variable_get('biblio_view_only_own', 0)) {

    //show only authors that belong to nodes that the user has access to
    $where[] = "n.uid = {$user->uid}";
  if (count($where)) {
    $where_clause = 'WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $where) . ')';
  $suspects = array();
  $result = db_query('SELECT lastname FROM {biblio_contributor_data} ' . (isset($where['filter']) ? 'WHERE ' . $where['filter'] : '') . ' GROUP BY lastname HAVING COUNT(*) > 1', array(
    ':filter' => $filter,
  while ($author = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $suspects[] = $author->lastname;
  $sql = 'SELECT bd.cid, bd.drupal_uid,, bd.lastname, bd.firstname, bd.prefix, ' . 'bd.suffix, bd.initials, bd.affiliation, bd.md5, bd.literal, COUNT(*) AS cnt ' . 'FROM {biblio_contributor} b ' . 'LEFT JOIN {biblio_contributor_data} bd ON b.cid = bd.cid ' . 'INNER JOIN {node} n on n.vid = b.vid ' . $where_clause . ' ' . 'GROUP BY bd.cid, bd.drupal_uid,, bd.lastname, bd.firstname, bd.prefix, ' . 'bd.suffix, bd.initials, bd.affiliation, bd.md5, bd.literal ' . 'HAVING COUNT(*) > 0 ' . 'ORDER BY lastname ASC, SUBSTRING(firstname, 1, 1) ASC, initials ASC';
  $db_result = db_query($sql, $filter);
  while ($author = db_fetch_array($db_result)) {
    if (array_search($author['lastname'], $suspects) !== FALSE) {
      $author['#suspect'] = TRUE;
    $authors[] = $author;
  return $authors;

 * @param array $filter
 * @param array $authors
 * @return
function _biblio_format_author_page($filter, $authors) {
  $header_ext = $checkbox = '';
  $header = array();
  if (biblio_access('edit_author')) {
    if (!empty($filter)) {
      $header_ext = ' ' . t('whose last name begins with the letter') . ': ' . $filter;
    $checkbox = array(
      '#title' => t('Hightlight possible duplicates'),
      '#name' => 'duplicate_authors',
      '#value' => 0,
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#id' => 'biblio-highlight',
      '#parents' => array(
    $checkbox = '<div class="biblio-alpha-line">' . drupal_render($checkbox) . '</div>';
    $header = array(
        'data' => t('There are a total of @count authors in the database!header_ext.', array(
          '@count' => count($authors),
          '!header_ext' => $header_ext,
        'align' => 'center',
        'colspan' => 3,
  $rows[] = array(
      'data' => theme('biblio_alpha_line', 'authors', $filter) . $checkbox,
      'colspan' => 3,
  if (count($authors)) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($authors); $i += 3) {
      $rows[] = array(
          'data' => _biblio_format_author($authors[$i]),
          'data' => isset($authors[$i + 1]) ? _biblio_format_author($authors[$i + 1]) : '',
          'data' => isset($authors[$i + 2]) ? _biblio_format_author($authors[$i + 2]) : '',

  //$header = array(array('data' => t('There are a total of @count authors !header_ext in the database',array('@count' => count($authors), '!header_ext' => $header_ext)), 'align' =>'center', 'colspan' => 3));
  $output = theme('table', $header, $rows);
  return $output;

 * Formats the authors as HTML and adds edit links if desired.
 * Helper function to format the authors and add edit links if required.
 * @param array $author
 * @return string
function _biblio_format_author($author) {
  static $author_options = array();
  $style_name = biblio_get_style();
  module_load_include('inc', 'biblio', "styles/biblio_style_{$style_name}");
  $inline = FALSE;
  $format = biblio_format_authors(array(
  $format .= ' (' . $author['cnt'] . ') ' . (biblio_access('edit_author') ? _biblio_author_edit_links($author) : '');
  if (biblio_access('edit_author') && isset($author['#suspect'])) {
    $format = '<div class="suspect">' . $format . '</div>';
  return $format;

 * @param $author
 * @return
function _biblio_author_edit_links($author) {
  static $path = '';
  if (empty($path)) {
    $path = ord(substr($_GET['q'], -1)) > 97 ? $_GET['q'] . "/" : substr($_GET['q'], 0, -1);
    $path = strpos($path, 'list/') ? str_replace('list/', '', $path) : $path;
  return l(' [' . t('edit') . ']', $path . $author['cid'] . "/edit/");

 * @param bool $filter
 *   (optional)
 * @return
function biblio_keyword_page($filter = NULL) {
  $keywords = _biblio_get_keywords($filter);
  return _biblio_format_keyword_page($filter, $keywords);

 * @param bool $filter
 *   (optional)
 * @return
function _biblio_get_keywords($filter = NULL) {
  global $user;
  $keywords = array();
  $where = array();
  $where_clause = '';
  if ($filter) {
    $filter = strtoupper($filter);
    $where[] = "UPPER(SUBSTRING(word,1,1)) = '%s' ";
    $header_ext = t(' (which start with the letter "@letter") ', array(
      '@letter' => $filter,
  else {
    $query_ext = NULL;
    $header_ext = NULL;
  if ($user->uid != 1) {

    //show only published entries to everyone except admin
    $where[] = 'n.status = 1 ';
  if (variable_get('biblio_view_only_own', 0)) {

    //show only authors that belong to nodes that the user has access to
    $where[] = "n.uid = {$user->uid}";
  if (count($where)) {
    $where_clause = count($where) > 1 ? 'WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $where) . ')' : 'WHERE ' . $where[0];
  $db_result = db_query('SELECT bkd.kid, bkd.word, COUNT(*) AS cnt
                         FROM {biblio_keyword} bk
                         LEFT JOIN {biblio_keyword_data} bkd ON bkd.kid = bk.kid
                         INNER JOIN {node} n ON n.vid = bk.vid
                         ' . $where_clause . '
                         GROUP BY bkd.kid, bkd.word HAVING COUNT(*) > 0
                         ORDER BY  word ASC', $filter);
  while ($keyword = db_fetch_object($db_result)) {
    $keywords[] = $keyword;
  return $keywords;

 * @param $filter
 * @param $keywords
 * @return
function _biblio_format_keyword_page($filter, $keywords) {
  $header = array();
  $rows = array();
  $output = '';
  $rows[] = array(
      'data' => theme('biblio_alpha_line', 'keywords', $filter),
      'colspan' => 3,
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($keywords); $i += 3) {
    $rows[] = array(
        'data' => _biblio_format_keyword($keywords[$i]),
        'data' => isset($keywords[$i + 1]) ? _biblio_format_keyword($keywords[$i + 1]) : '',
        'data' => isset($keywords[$i + 2]) ? _biblio_format_keyword($keywords[$i + 2]) : '',

  //$header = array(array('data' => t('There are a total of @count keywords !header_ext in the database',array('@count' => count($keywords), '!header_ext' => $header_ext)), 'align' =>'center', 'colspan' => 3));
  $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows);
  return $output;

 * @param $keyword
 * @return
function _biblio_format_keyword($keyword) {
  $base = variable_get('biblio_base', 'biblio');
  $format = l(trim($keyword->word), "{$base}/keyword/{$keyword->kid}");
  $format .= ' (' . $keyword->cnt . ') ';
  $path = ord(substr($_GET['q'], -1)) > 97 ? $_GET['q'] . "/" : substr($_GET['q'], 0, -1);
  $edit_link = ' [' . l(t('edit'), $path . $keyword->kid . "/edit") . '] ';
  $format .= user_access('administer biblio') ? $edit_link : '';
  return $format;


Namesort descending Description
biblio_build_query Creates an SQL query to select and order biblio type content.
biblio_build_search_query Creates a query for the do_search algorithm in seach module.
biblio_citekey_view Creates a view based upon a cititaion key.
biblio_db_search Page callback: Displays a listing of biblio type of content.
biblio_form_filter Form constructor for a biblio content filter.
biblio_form_filter_submit Form submission handler for biblio_form_filter().
biblio_get_user_pubs Retrieves the publications associated with an user ID.
biblio_search_form Form constructor for the search form used on the main biblio page.
biblio_search_form_submit Form submission handler for biblio_search_form().
biblio_show_results biblio_show_results takes the query results from biblio_db_search and adds some controls to the page then loops through the results applying the selected style to each entry
biblio_view_inline Creates an HTML string for a node view in either tabular or long format.
biblio_view_node Redirects the page display to that of the specified node ID.
theme_biblio_end_category_section Returns HTML for end of a biblio category section.
theme_biblio_separator_bar Returns HTML for a biblio separator bar.
_biblio_keyword_links Creates an HTML string with links to an array of biblio keywords.
_biblio_sort_tab Page callback: Creates ...
_get_biblio_filters Populates the various selection filters with biblio data.
_get_biblio_search_filter Retrieves biblio filter information from session variable.