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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Bibliography Module 6.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
BiblioContributorUnitTest class tests/contributor.test
BiblioContributorWebTestCase class tests/contributor.test 1
BiblioCrossRefClient class modules/crossref/biblio.crossref.client.php
BiblioEntrezClient class modules/pubmed/EntrezClient.php @file EntrezClient.php Provides Entrez client to retrieve items from the NCBI databases Orginally writen by Stefan Freudenberg
BiblioEntrezPubmedArticle class modules/pubmed/EntrezPubmedArticle.php @file EntrezPubmedArticle.php Provides a class for handling PubMed articles retrieved with EFetch. Orginally writen by Stefan Freudenberg
BiblioImportExportUnitTest class tests/import.export.test
BiblioImportExportWebTestCase class tests/import.export.test 1
BiblioKeywordUnitTest class tests/keyword.test Unit tests for keyword functions.
BiblioKeywordWebTestCase class tests/keyword.test 1
BiblioWebTestCase class tests/biblio.test 3
biblio_handler_argument_many_to_one class views/ Argument handler for 'associated tables'. (Used for types, authors, keywords)
biblio_handler_citation class views/ @file Views citation handler for Drupal biblio module.
biblio_handler_field class views/ @file Views field handler for Drupal biblio module. 1
biblio_handler_field_biblio_keyword_data_word class views/ @file Views biblio keyword data word handler for Drupal biblio module.
biblio_handler_field_biblio_keyword_kid class views/ @file Views biblio keyword kid handler for Drupal biblio module.
biblio_handler_field_biblio_type class views/ @file Views biblio type handler for Drupal biblio module.
biblio_handler_field_contributor class views/ @file Views biblio contributor handler for Drupal biblio module.
biblio_handler_field_export_link class views/ @file Views biblio export link handler for Drupal biblio module. 5
biblio_handler_field_export_link_bibtex class modules/bibtexParse/views/
biblio_handler_field_export_link_endnote_tagged class modules/endnote/views/
biblio_handler_field_export_link_endnote_xml class modules/endnote/views/
biblio_handler_field_export_link_ris class modules/RIS/views/
biblio_handler_field_export_link_rtf class modules/rtf/views/
biblio_handler_filter_biblio_contributor_auth_type class views/ @file Views biblio contributor auth type handler for Drupal biblio module.
biblio_handler_filter_biblio_keyword_kid class views/ @file Views biblio keyword kid handler for Drupal biblio module.
biblio_handler_filter_biblio_type class views/ @file Views biblio type handler for Drupal biblio module.
biblio_handler_filter_contributor class views/ @file Views filter handler for biblio contributors for Drupal biblio module.
biblio_handler_filter_contributor_lastname class views/ @file Views filter handler for contributor lastname for Drupal biblio module.
biblio_handler_filter_contributor_uid class views/ @file Views filter handler for contributor uid for Drupal biblio module.
biblio_handler_sort_contributor_lastname class views/ @file Views sort handler for contributor lastname for Drupal biblio module.
citeproc class modules/CiteProc/ CiteProc-PHP
Creators class modules/bibtexParse/PARSECREATORS.php
csl_bibliography class modules/CiteProc/
csl_choose class modules/CiteProc/
csl_citation class modules/CiteProc/
csl_collection class modules/CiteProc/ 2
csl_date class modules/CiteProc/
csl_date_part class modules/CiteProc/
csl_element class modules/CiteProc/ 6
csl_else class modules/CiteProc/
csl_else_if class modules/CiteProc/
csl_et_al class modules/CiteProc/
csl_factory class modules/CiteProc/
csl_format class modules/CiteProc/ 12
csl_group class modules/CiteProc/
csl_if class modules/CiteProc/ 2
csl_info class modules/CiteProc/
csl_label class modules/CiteProc/
csl_layout class modules/CiteProc/
csl_locale class modules/CiteProc/


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