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class Oauth2Client in Auth0 Single Sign On 8.2

This class provides access to Auth0 Platform.

@codeCoverageIgnore - Deprecated


Expanded class hierarchy of Oauth2Client


5.2.1, use \Auth0\SDK\Auth0 instead.


vendor/auth0/auth0-php/src/API/Oauth2Client.php, line 18


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class Oauth2Client {

   * Available keys to persist data.
   * @var array
  public $persistantMap = [

   * Auth0 URL Map.
   * @var array
  public static $URL_MAP = [
    'api' => 'https://{domain}/api/',
    'authorize' => 'https://{domain}/authorize/',
    'token' => 'https://{domain}/oauth/token/',
    'user_info' => 'https://{domain}/userinfo/',

   * Auth0 Domain.
   * @var string
  protected $domain;

   * Auth0 Client ID
   * @var string
  protected $client_id;

   * Auth0 Client Secret
   * @var string
  protected $client_secret;

   * Auth0 Refresh Token
   * @var string
  protected $refresh_token;

   * Redirect URI needed on OAuth2 requests.
   * @var string
  protected $redirect_uri;

   * Debug mode flag.
   * @var boolean
  protected $debug_mode;

   * Debugger function.
   * Will be called only if $debug_mode is true.
   * @var \Closure
  protected $debugger;

   * The access token retrieved after authorization.
   * NULL means that there is no authorization yet.
   * @var string
  protected $access_token;

   * JWT for identity information
   * @var string
  protected $id_token;

   * The user object
   * @var string
  protected $user;

   * Storage object
   * @var string
  protected $store;

   * OAuth2 Client.
   * @var \OAuth2\Client
  protected $oauth_client;

   * BaseAuth0 Constructor.
   * @deprecated 5.2.1, use \Auth0\SDK\Auth0 instead.
   * Configuration:
   *     - domain (String) - Required. Should match your Auth0 domain
   *     - client_id (String) - Required. Client ID, found in Application > Settings in the Auth0 dashboard.
   *     - client_secret (String) - Required. Client Secret, found in Application > Settings in the Auth0 dashboard.
   *     - redirect_uri (String) - Required. The uri of the auth callback, used as a security method
   *     - persist_user (Boolean) - Optional. Indicates if you want to persist the user info, default true
   *     - persist_access_token (Boolean) - Optional. True to, persist the access token; default false
   *     - persist_refresh_token (Boolean) - Optional. True to persist the refresh token; default false
   *     - persist_id_token (Boolean) - Optional. Indicates if you want to persist the id token, default false
   *     - store (Mixed) - Optional. Indicates how we store the persisting methods; default is session store.
   *          You can pass false to avoid storing it or a class that implements a store (get, set, delete).
   *     - debug (Boolean) - Optional. Default false
   * @param array $config Required
   * @throws CoreException If `domain` is not provided.
   * @throws CoreException If `client_id` is not provided.
   * @throws CoreException If `client_secret` is not provided.
   * @throws CoreException If `redirect_uri` is not provided.
  public function __construct(array $config) {

    // check for system requirements

    // now we are ready to go on...
    if (isset($config['domain'])) {
      $this->domain = $config['domain'];
    else {
      throw new CoreException('Invalid domain');
    if (isset($config['client_id'])) {
      $this->client_id = $config['client_id'];
    else {
      throw new CoreException('Invalid client_id');
    if (isset($config['client_secret'])) {
      $this->client_secret = $config['client_secret'];
    else {
      throw new CoreException('Invalid client_secret');
    if (isset($config['redirect_uri'])) {
      $this->redirect_uri = $config['redirect_uri'];
    else {
      throw new CoreException('Invalid redirect_uri');
    if (isset($config['debug'])) {
      $this->debug_mode = $config['debug'];
    else {
      $this->debug_mode = false;

    // User info is persisted unless said otherwise
    if (isset($config['persist_user']) && $config['persist_user'] === false) {

    // Access token is not persisted unless said otherwise
    if (!isset($config['persist_access_token']) || isset($config['persist_access_token']) && $config['persist_access_token'] === false) {

    // Refresh token is not persisted unless said otherwise
    if (!isset($config['persist_refresh_token']) || isset($config['persist_refresh_token']) && $config['persist_refresh_token'] === false) {

    // Id token is not per persisted unless said otherwise
    if (!isset($config['persist_id_token']) || isset($config['persist_id_token']) && $config['persist_id_token'] === false) {
    if (isset($config['store'])) {
      if ($config['store'] === false) {
        $this->store = new EmptyStore();
      else {
        $this->store = $config['store'];
    else {
      $this->store = new SessionStore();
    $this->oauth_client = new Client($this->client_id, $this->client_secret);
    $this->user = $this->store
    $this->access_token = $this->store
    $this->id_token = $this->store
    $this->refresh_token = $this->store
    if (!$this->access_token) {

   * Removes $name from the persistantMap, thus not persisting it when we set the value
   * @param string $name The value to remove
  private function dontPersist($name) {
    $key = array_search($name, $this->persistantMap);
    if ($key !== false) {

   * Exchanges the code from the URI parameters for an access token, id token and user info
   * @return boolean Whether it exchanged the code or not correctly
   * @throws ApiException
  public function exchangeCode() {
    $code = isset($_GET['code']) ? $_GET['code'] : (isset($_POST['code']) ? $_POST['code'] : null);
    if (!isset($code)) {
        ->debugInfo('No code found in _GET or _POST params.');
      return false;
      ->debugInfo('Code: ' . $code);

    // Generate the url to the API that will give us the access token and id token
    $auth_url = $this

    // Make the call
    $response = $this->oauth_client
      ->getAccessToken($auth_url, 'authorization_code', [
      'code' => $code,
      'redirect_uri' => $this->redirect_uri,
    ], [
      'Auth0-Client' => ApiClient::getInfoHeadersData()
    $auth0_response = $response['result'];
    if ($response['code'] !== 200) {
      if (isset($auth0_response['error'])) {
        throw new ApiException($auth0_response['error'] . ': ' . $auth0_response['error_description']);
      else {
        throw new ApiException($auth0_response);
    $access_token = isset($auth0_response['access_token']) ? $auth0_response['access_token'] : false;
    $refresh_token = isset($auth0_response['refresh_token']) ? $auth0_response['refresh_token'] : false;
    $id_token = isset($auth0_response['id_token']) ? $auth0_response['id_token'] : false;
    if (!$access_token) {
      throw new ApiException('Invalid access_token - Retry login.');
    if (!$id_token) {

      // id_token is not mandatory anymore. There is no need to force openid connect
        ->debugInfo('Missing id_token after code exchange. Remember to ask for openid scope.');

    // Set the access token in the oauth client for future calls to the Auth0 API

    // Set it and persist it, if needed
    $userinfo_url = $this
    $user = $this->oauth_client
    return true;

   * Requests user info to Auth0 server.
   * @return array
   * @throws ApiException
  public function getUser() {

    // Ensure we have the user info
    if ($this->user === null) {
    if (!is_array($this->user)) {
      return null;
    return $this->user;

   * Updates the user metadata. This end up calling the path /users/{id_user}
   * To delete an attribute, just set it null. ie: [ 'old_attr' => null ]
   * It will only update the existing attrs and keep the others untouched
   * @see!/users/patch_users_by_id
   * @param array $metadata
   * @throws ApiException
  public function updateUserMetadata($metadata) {
    $auth0Api = new Auth0Api($this
      ->getIdToken(), $this->domain);
    $user = $auth0Api->users
      ->update($this->user['user_id'], [
      'user_metadata' => $metadata,

   * @return array
  public function getUserMetadata() {
    return isset($this->user['user_metadata']) ? $this->user['user_metadata'] : [];

   * @return array
  public function getAppMetadata() {
    return isset($this->user['app_metadata']) ? $this->user['app_metadata'] : [];

   * @param  $user
   * @return Oauth2Client
  public function setUser($user) {
    $key = array_search('user', $this->persistantMap);
    if ($key !== false) {
        ->set('user', $user);
    $this->user = $user;
    return $this;

   * Sets and persists $access_token.
   * @param string $access_token
   * @return Oauth2Client
  public function setAccessToken($access_token) {
    $key = array_search('access_token', $this->persistantMap);
    if ($key !== false) {
        ->set('access_token', $access_token);
    $this->access_token = $access_token;
    return $this;

   * Sets and persists $refresh_token.
   * @param string $refresh_token
   * @return Oauth2Client
  public function setRefreshToken($refresh_token) {
    $key = array_search('refresh_token', $this->persistantMap);
    if ($key !== false) {
        ->set('refresh_token', $refresh_token);
    $this->refresh_token = $refresh_token;
    return $this;

   * Gets an access_token
   * @return string
   * @throws ApiException
  public final function getAccessToken() {
    if ($this->access_token === null) {
    return $this->access_token;

   * Gets a refresh_token
   * @return string
  public final function getRefreshToken() {
    return $this->refresh_token;

   * Sets and persists $id_token.
   * @param string $id_token
   * @return Oauth2Client
  public function setIdToken($id_token) {
    $key = array_search('id_token', $this->persistantMap);
    if ($key !== false) {
        ->set('id_token', $id_token);
    $this->id_token = $id_token;
    return $this;

   * Gets the id token
   * @return string
   * @throws ApiException
  public final function getIdToken() {
    if ($this->id_token === null) {
    return $this->id_token;

   * Logout (removes all persistent data)
  public final function logout() {
    $this->access_token = null;
    $this->user = null;
    $this->id_token = null;
    $this->refresh_token = null;

   * Constructs an API URL.
   * @param string $domain_key
   * @param string $path
   * @return string
  protected final function generateUrl($domain_key, $path = '/') {
    $base_domain = self::$URL_MAP[$domain_key];
    $base_domain = str_replace('{domain}', $this->domain, $base_domain);
    if ($path[0] === '/') {
      $path = substr($path, 1);
    return $base_domain . $path;

   * Checks for all dependencies of SDK or API.
   * @throws CoreException If CURL extension is not found.
   * @throws CoreException If JSON extension is not found.
  public final function checkRequirements() {
    if (!function_exists('curl_version')) {
      throw new CoreException('CURL extension is needed to use Auth0 SDK. Not found.');
    if (!function_exists('json_decode')) {
      throw new CoreException('JSON extension is needed to use Auth0 SDK. Not found.');

   * If debug mode is set, sends $info to debugger \Closure.
   * @param mixed $info Info to debug. It will be converted to string.
  public function debugInfo($info) {
    if ($this->debug_mode && (is_object($this->debugger) && $this->debugger instanceof \Closure)) {
      list(, $caller) = debug_backtrace(false);
      $caller_function = $caller['function'];
      $caller_class = $caller['class'];
        ->__invoke($caller_class . '::' . $caller_function . ' > ' . $info);

   * Deletes all persistent data, for every mapped key.
  public function deleteAllPersistentData() {
    foreach ($this->persistantMap as $key) {

   * Sets $domain.
   * @param string $domain
   * @return Oauth2Client
  public final function setDomain($domain) {
    $this->domain = $domain;
    return $this;

   * Gets $domain
   * @return string
  public final function getDomain() {
    return $this->domain;

   * Sets $client_id.
   * @param string $client_id
   * @return Oauth2Client
  public final function setClientId($client_id) {
    $this->client_id = $client_id;
    return $this;

   * Gets $client_id.
   * @return string
  public final function getClientId() {
    return $this->client_id;

   * Sets $client_secret.
   * @param string $client_secret
   * @return Oauth2Client
  public final function setClientSecret($client_secret) {
    $this->client_secret = $client_secret;
    return $this;

   * Gets $client_secret.
   * @return string
  public final function getClientSecret() {
    return $this->client_secret;

   * Sets $redirect_uri.
   * @param string $redirect_uri
   * @return Oauth2Client
  public final function setRedirectUri($redirect_uri) {
    $this->redirect_uri = $redirect_uri;
    return $this;

   * Gets $redirect_uri.
   * @return string
  public final function getRedirectUri() {
    return $this->redirect_uri;

   * Sets $debug_mode.
   * @param boolean $debug_mode
   * @return Oauth2Client
  public final function setDebugMode($debug_mode) {
    $this->debug_mode = $debug_mode;
    return $this;

   * Gets $debug_mode.
   * @return boolean
  public final function getDebugMode() {
    return $this->debug_mode;

   * Sets $debugger.
   * @param \Closure $debugger
   * @return Oauth2Client
  public final function setDebugger(\Closure $debugger) {
    $this->debugger = $debugger;
    return $this;

   * Gets $debugger.
   * @return \Closure
  public final function getDebugger() {
    return $this->debugger;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Oauth2Client::$access_token protected property The access token retrieved after authorization. NULL means that there is no authorization yet.
Oauth2Client::$client_id protected property Auth0 Client ID
Oauth2Client::$client_secret protected property Auth0 Client Secret
Oauth2Client::$debugger protected property Debugger function. Will be called only if $debug_mode is true.
Oauth2Client::$debug_mode protected property Debug mode flag.
Oauth2Client::$domain protected property Auth0 Domain.
Oauth2Client::$id_token protected property JWT for identity information
Oauth2Client::$oauth_client protected property OAuth2 Client.
Oauth2Client::$persistantMap public property Available keys to persist data.
Oauth2Client::$redirect_uri protected property Redirect URI needed on OAuth2 requests.
Oauth2Client::$refresh_token protected property Auth0 Refresh Token
Oauth2Client::$store protected property Storage object
Oauth2Client::$URL_MAP public static property Auth0 URL Map.
Oauth2Client::$user protected property The user object
Oauth2Client::checkRequirements final public function Checks for all dependencies of SDK or API.
Oauth2Client::debugInfo public function If debug mode is set, sends $info to debugger \Closure.
Oauth2Client::deleteAllPersistentData public function Deletes all persistent data, for every mapped key.
Oauth2Client::dontPersist private function Removes $name from the persistantMap, thus not persisting it when we set the value
Oauth2Client::exchangeCode public function Exchanges the code from the URI parameters for an access token, id token and user info
Oauth2Client::generateUrl final protected function Constructs an API URL.
Oauth2Client::getAccessToken final public function Gets an access_token
Oauth2Client::getAppMetadata public function
Oauth2Client::getClientId final public function Gets $client_id.
Oauth2Client::getClientSecret final public function Gets $client_secret.
Oauth2Client::getDebugger final public function Gets $debugger.
Oauth2Client::getDebugMode final public function Gets $debug_mode.
Oauth2Client::getDomain final public function Gets $domain
Oauth2Client::getIdToken final public function Gets the id token
Oauth2Client::getRedirectUri final public function Gets $redirect_uri.
Oauth2Client::getRefreshToken final public function Gets a refresh_token
Oauth2Client::getUser public function Requests user info to Auth0 server.
Oauth2Client::getUserMetadata public function
Oauth2Client::logout final public function Logout (removes all persistent data)
Oauth2Client::setAccessToken public function Sets and persists $access_token.
Oauth2Client::setClientId final public function Sets $client_id.
Oauth2Client::setClientSecret final public function Sets $client_secret.
Oauth2Client::setDebugger final public function Sets $debugger.
Oauth2Client::setDebugMode final public function Sets $debug_mode.
Oauth2Client::setDomain final public function Sets $domain.
Oauth2Client::setIdToken public function Sets and persists $id_token.
Oauth2Client::setRedirectUri final public function Sets $redirect_uri.
Oauth2Client::setRefreshToken public function Sets and persists $refresh_token.
Oauth2Client::setUser public function
Oauth2Client::updateUserMetadata public function Updates the user metadata. This end up calling the path /users/{id_user} To delete an attribute, just set it null. ie: [ 'old_attr' => null ] It will only update the existing attrs and keep the others untouched
Oauth2Client::__construct Deprecated public function BaseAuth0 Constructor.