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function emvideo_youtube_emvideo_generate in Asset 7

Implements hook_emvideo_generate().


modules/emvideo/modules/emvideo_youtube/emvideo_youtube.module, line 37
Emvideo youtube module.


function emvideo_youtube_emvideo_generate() {
  static $urls = array();
  static $page = 0;

  // If no urls are set, get a new page
  if (count($urls) == 0) {

    // Set pager
    $max_results = 50;

    // Build url and make the request to Youtube API
    $params = array(
      'category' => 'Pets',
      'fields' => 'entry(media:group(media:content(@url)))',
      'max-results' => $max_results,
      'start-index' => 1 + $max_results * ($page - 1),
    $url = "" . http_build_query($params);
    $response = drupal_http_request($url);
    if ($response->code == 200) {
      try {
        $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response->data);
      } catch (Exception $e) {

        // SimpleXMLElement::__construct produces an E_WARNING error message for
        // each error found in the XML data and throws an exception if errors
        // were detected. Catch any exception and return failure (NULL).

      // If there is no valid project data, the XML is invalid, so return failure.
      if (!isset($xml->entry)) {
      else {

        // Parse the content and populate our array
        foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) {

          //All the media namespaced items under a YouTube video entry
          $media = $entry
            ->children('media', TRUE);
          $urls[] = strtok($media->group->content
            ->attributes()->url, '?');

  // Get our value and remove it from the array
  $key = array_rand($urls);
  $url = $urls[$key];
  return $url;