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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Asset 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
Asset class includes/ Use a separate class for assets so we can specify some defaults.
AssetFeedsProcessor class modules/asset_feeds/ Creates assets from feed items.
AssetInlineEntityFormController class includes/ @file Defines the asset inline entity form controller.
AssetsUIController class includes/ UI controller for Asset.
AssetType class includes/ Use a separate class for asset types so we can specify some defaults.
AssetViewsController class includes/
asset_views_handler_argument_asset_aid class views/handlers/ Argument handler to accept an asset id.
asset_views_handler_field_asset class views/handlers/ Field handler to provide simple renderer that allows linking to an asset. Definition terms:
asset_views_handler_field_asset_link class views/handlers/ Field handler to present a link to the entity. 3
asset_views_handler_field_asset_link_delete class views/handlers/ Field handler to present a link asset edit.
asset_views_handler_field_asset_link_edit class views/handlers/ Field handler to present a link asset edit.
asset_views_handler_field_asset_link_insert class views/handlers/ Field handler to present a library button.
asset_views_plugin_access_asset_insert_in_wysiwyg class views/handlers/ Access plugin that provides access control by custom access callback.
asset_views_plugin_row_asset_view class views/handlers/ Plugin class for displaying Views results with entity_view.
MigrateDestinationAsset class includes/ Destination class implementing migration into assets.
views_plugin_exposed_form_asset_widget class modules/asset_widget/views/plugins/ Exposed form plugin that provides an specific exposed form for asset widget.

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