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Files in Asset 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
asset--gallery--full.tpl.php modules/asset_gallery/theme/asset--gallery--full.tpl.php Template for asset gallery in full view mode.
asset--image--gallery.tpl.php modules/asset_gallery/theme/asset--image--gallery.tpl.php Template for asset image in gallery view mode.
asset--widget-search.tpl.php modules/asset_widget/theme/asset--widget-search.tpl.php asset--widget-search.tpl.php
asset-editor-wrapper.tpl.php theme/asset-editor-wrapper.tpl.php Template for asset wrapper in wysiwyg.
asset-form.tpl.php theme/asset-form.tpl.php Template for asset form.
asset-popup-inner-form.css css/asset-popup-inner-form.css #page-title { background: #eee!important; } #page-title .page-title { margin: 10px 40px; }
asset-pure.tpl.php theme/asset-pure.tpl.php Template for asset pure.
asset-tooltip-inner.css css/asset-tooltip-inner.css /* Tooltip elements style */ body { background: #FFFFFF; } body.tooltip-iframe-element-body { background: transparent; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .tooltip-iframe-body-element { float: left; } .tooltip-iframe-elements { padding: 10px; …
asset-tooltip.css css/asset-tooltip.css .iframe-preview-wrapper { background: #FFFFFF; position: absolute; top: -9999px; left: -9999px; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; box-shadow: 0 0 10px #777777; z-index: 10000; } .iframe-preview-wrapper .iframe-preview { float:…
asset-tooltip.tpl.php theme/asset-tooltip.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display an asset tooltip in the overlay.
asset-widget-asset-form-page.tpl.php modules/asset_widget/theme/asset-widget-asset-form-page.tpl.php Template for forms inside our widget.
asset-widget-custom.css modules/asset_widget/css/asset-widget-custom.css .assets-module .views-exposed-form .views-exposed-widget{ padding: 0; } .assets-module .views-exposed-form .views-exposed-widget .form-type-select select{ width: 273px; } .assets-module .assets-module-inner .assets-content .tab-contents…
asset-widget-edit-buttons.tpl.php modules/asset_widget/theme/asset-widget-edit-buttons.tpl.php Template for asset widget edit buttons
asset-widget-inner-form.css modules/asset_widget/css/asset-widget-inner-form.css html { background: #E2DFDD; } body { background: #E2DFDD; overflow: auto; height: 100%; padding: 0 0 15px; } /* Deny sticky tables inside iframes */ table.sticky-header { display: none; } .jspPane, input { max-width:…
asset-widget-inner-tooltip.css modules/asset_widget/css/asset-widget-inner-tooltip.css html { background: #F6F6F2; } body { background: #F6F6F2; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: auto; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .tooltip-iframe-body-element { float: left; } .tooltip-iframe-elements { padding: 0px 10px; } /* * CSS…
asset-widget-search-filters-block.tpl.php modules/asset_widget/theme/asset-widget-search-filters-block.tpl.php Asset widget search results header template.
asset-widget-wrapper.tpl.php modules/asset_widget/theme/asset-widget-wrapper.tpl.php Template for common part of asset search widget.
asset-widget.css modules/asset_widget/css/asset-widget.css /* * CSS Styles that are needed by jScrollPane for it to operate correctly. * * Include this stylesheet in your site or copy and paste the styles below into your stylesheet - jScrollPane * may not operate correctly without them. */ .jspContainer…
asset-wrapper--image--gallery.tpl.php modules/asset_gallery/theme/asset-wrapper--image--gallery.tpl.php Template for asset wrapper for image type in gallery view mode.
asset-wrapper--widget-search.tpl.php modules/asset_widget/theme/asset-wrapper--widget-search.tpl.php Template for asset-wrapper.tpl.php
asset-wrapper.tpl.php theme/asset-wrapper.tpl.php Asset wrapper template. includes/ Asset admin page callbacks.
asset.api.php asset.api.php Hooks provided by the Asset module. includes/ Provides a controller classes for Asset and related entities includes/ Assets Input filters logic. name = "Asset" description = "Provides entity based media assets" package = "Media assets" core = "7.x" dependencies[] = entity dependencies[] = field_sql_storage dependencies[] = menu files[] =… includes/ Defines the asset inline entity form controller.
asset.install asset.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the assets module. includes/ Asset Migrate integration.
asset.module asset.module Asset module.
asset.tpl.php theme/asset.tpl.php Default theme implementation for assets. views/ Views module integration. views/ Views export. modules/asset_feeds/ Class definition of AssetFeedsProcessor.
assets-editor.css ckeditor/assets-editor.css .asset.editor { cursor: default; margin: 10px 0; padding: 5px 10px; background: #F4F1ED; box-shadow: 0 0 15px #e1dede inset; clear: both; } .asset.editor.selected { background: #FDFDEE; box-shadow: 0 0 15px #e1dede…
assets-library.css css/assets-library.css .assets-library-item-wrapper{ border: 1px solid lightGray; padding: 4px; } .assets-library-item-wrapper .assets-item-button { background-color: whiteSmoke; border: 1px solid lightGray; margin : 4px; } .assets-library-item-wrapper…
assets.css css/assets.css .asset { background-color: #F6F6F2; border-color: #F9F9F9; padding: 8px; clear:both; } .asset.asset-align-right { float: right; margin: 0 0 0 8px; } .asset.asset-align-right img, .asset.asset-align-right object { float:… modules/asset_audio/ name = Asset Audio description = Provides a sample audio asset package = Media assets core = 7.x dependencies[] = asset dependencies[] = file dependencies[] = jplayer
asset_audio.install modules/asset_audio/asset_audio.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the Asset audio module.
asset_audio.module modules/asset_audio/asset_audio.module Code for the Asset Audio module. modules/asset_document/ name = Asset Document description = Provides a sample document asset package = Media assets core = 7.x dependencies[] = asset dependencies[] = field_sql_storage dependencies[] = file dependencies[] = text
asset_document.install modules/asset_document/asset_document.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the Asset document module.
asset_document.module modules/asset_document/asset_document.module Code for the Sample Asset Document. modules/asset_entitycache/ name = "Asset - Entitycache" description = "Integrates the Asset module with the Entitycache module" package = "Performance and scalability" core = 7.x dependencies[] = asset dependencies[] = entitycache
asset_entitycache.install modules/asset_entitycache/asset_entitycache.install Install functions for the Asset Entity cache module.
asset_entitycache.module modules/asset_entitycache/asset_entitycache.module The Asset Entity cache module. modules/asset_feeds/ name = "Assets Feeds Import" description = "Asset integration with feeds." package = "Feeds" core = "7.x" dependencies[] = "feeds" dependencies[] = "asset" files[] =…
asset_feeds.module modules/asset_feeds/asset_feeds.module Feeds module integration. modules/asset_freehtml/ name = Asset free HTML description = Provides a sample free HTML asset package = Media assets core = 7.x dependencies[] = asset dependencies[] = text
asset_freehtml.install modules/asset_freehtml/asset_freehtml.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the Asset free HTML module.


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