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Definition of views_plugin_exposed_form_asset_widget.


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 * @file
 * Definition of views_plugin_exposed_form_asset_widget.

 * Exposed form plugin that provides an specific exposed form for asset widget.
 * @ingroup views_exposed_form_plugins
class views_plugin_exposed_form_asset_widget extends views_plugin_exposed_form {
  function render_exposed_form($block = FALSE) {

    // Deal with any exposed filters we may have, before building.
    $form_state = array(
      'view' => &$this->view,
      'display' => &$this->display,
      'method' => 'get',
      'rerender' => TRUE,
      'no_redirect' => TRUE,
      'always_process' => TRUE,

    // Some types of displays (eg. attachments) may wish to use the exposed
    // filters of their parent displays instead of showing an additional
    // exposed filter form for the attachment as well as that for the parent.
    if (!$this->view->display_handler
      ->displays_exposed() || !$block && $this->view->display_handler
      ->get_option('exposed_block')) {
    if (!empty($this->ajax)) {
      $form_state['ajax'] = TRUE;
    $form_state['exposed_form_plugin'] = $this;
    $form = drupal_build_form('views_exposed_form', $form_state);

    // Show exposed form only on live preview, or in when flag manually setted.
    if (!empty($this->view->render_exposed_form) || !empty($this->view->live_preview)) {

      // We add special class to get our form in JS.
      $form['#attributes']['class'][] = 'asset-widget-search-exposed-form';

      // Move all field descriptions to tooltips.
      foreach (element_children($form) as $child_key) {
        if (isset($form[$child_key]['#name']) && isset($form['#info']['filter-' . $form[$child_key]['#name']])) {
          if (!empty($form[$child_key]['#description'])) {
            $widget =& $form['#info']['filter-' . $form[$child_key]['#name']];
            if (empty($widget['description'])) {
              $widget['description'] = $form[$child_key]['#description'];
      $output = drupal_render($form);
      if (!$this->view->display_handler
        ->displays_exposed() || !$block && $this->view->display_handler
        ->get_option('exposed_block')) {
        return "";
      else {
        return $output;
    return "";



Namesort descending Description
views_plugin_exposed_form_asset_widget Exposed form plugin that provides an specific exposed form for asset widget.