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function api_tokens_render in API Tokens 7

Processes API tokens.

1 call to api_tokens_render()
api_tokens_filter_tokens in ./api_tokens.module
Filter process callback for the API Tokens input filter.


./api_tokens.module, line 239
The API Tokens module


function api_tokens_render($text) {
  static $parents = array();
  static $reported = array();

  // Finding tokens entries to process
  // [api:token_key1[param1, param2, ...]/], [api:token_key2/].
  $token_count = preg_match_all(API_TOKENS_PATTERN, $text, $matches);

  // Some tokens were found.
  if ($token_count) {
    $replacements = $matches[0];
    $keys = $matches[1];
    $params = $matches[2];

    // Receiving all registered tokens.
    $tokens = api_tokens_collect_tokens();

    // Array of rendered tokens.
    $rendered = array();

    // Array of token cache.
    $cids = array();

    // Loop through all the tokens.
    for ($i = 0; $i < $token_count; ++$i) {
      $keys[$i] = strtolower($keys[$i]);

      // Checking if token is registered.
      if (array_key_exists($keys[$i], $tokens)) {
        $rendered[$i] = FALSE;
        $token_info = $tokens[$keys[$i]];

        // Parsing token parameters.
        $params[$i] = $params[$i] ? drupal_json_decode($params[$i]) : array();

        // Token is cacheable.
        if (DRUPAL_NO_CACHE != $token_info['cache']) {
          $cids[$i] = api_tokens_cache_id($token_info, $params[$i]);
      else {
        $rendered[$i] = '';

    // There were cacheable tokens.
    if ($cids) {

      // We have collected all cids, so we can grab all necessary at once.
      $cache = api_tokens_cache_get($cids);
      foreach ($cache as $i => $data) {
        $rendered[$i] = $data;

    // Processing tokens with missing cache.
    foreach ($rendered as $i => $was_rendered) {
      $key = $keys[$i];
      $param = $params[$i];
      $token = $replacements[$i];
      if (FALSE === $was_rendered) {
        $token_info = $tokens[$key];
        if (api_tokens_prepare_handler($key)) {

          // Receiving number of required parameters.
          $param_count = isset($token_info['params']) ? $token_info['params'] : api_tokens_param_info($key);

          // We have enough parameters.
          if ($param_count <= count($param)) {
            if (in_array($token, $parents)) {
              $rendered[$i] = '';
              if (!isset($reported[$token])) {
                $reported[$token] = TRUE;
                drupal_set_message(t('API Tokens: Recursion detected while rendering %token token.', array(
                  '%token' => $token,
                )), 'warning');
            else {
              array_push($parents, $token);

              // Call to token process function.
              $rendered[$i] = call_user_func_array($token_info['handler'], $param);

            // Caching handler result, if token is cacheable.
            if (DRUPAL_NO_CACHE != $token_info['cache']) {
              api_tokens_cache_set($cids[$i], $rendered[$i], $token_info);
      $info = array(
        'key' => $key,
        'params' => $param,
        'token' => $token,
        'parents' => $parents,
      drupal_alter(__FUNCTION__, $rendered[$i], $info);

    // Performing replacements at once to avoid recursing.
    $text = str_replace($replacements, $rendered, $text);
  return $text;