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Files in API Tokens 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description includes/ Administrative interface for the API Tokens module.
api_tokens.api.php api_tokens.api.php Hooks provided by the API Tokens module. api_tokens_example/includes/ Contains API Token handlers. name = API Tokens description = Provides an input filter that allows to replace custom parametric tokens with rendered content. package = Filters/Editors core = 7.x
api_tokens.module api_tokens.module The API Tokens module api_tokens_example/ name = API Tokens Example description = Example of API token declarations. package = Filters/Editors core = 7.x dependencies[] = api_tokens
api_tokens_example.module api_tokens_example/api_tokens_example.module The API Tokens Example module
README.txt README.txt -- SUMMARY -- The API Tokens module provides an input filter that allows to replace custom parametric tokens with rendered content. Each declared token binds to its handler function, that returns content, token will be replaced with. Token…

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