api_tokens.module in API Tokens 7
The API Tokens module
It contains the implementation of hooks invoked by Drupal core.
api_tokens.moduleView source
* @file
* The API Tokens module
* It contains the implementation of hooks invoked by Drupal core.
* API tokens pattern.
define('API_TOKENS_PATTERN', '/\\[\\s*api\\s*:\\s*([:0-9a-z_-]+)\\s*(\\[.*?\\])?\\s*\\/\\s*]/i');
* Implements hook_menu().
function api_tokens_menu() {
$items['admin/config/content/api-tokens'] = array(
'title' => 'API Tokens',
'description' => 'List of registered API tokens',
'page callback' => 'api_tokens_page_list',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer filters',
'file' => 'includes/api_tokens.admin.inc',
return $items;
* Implements hook_filter_info().
function api_tokens_filter_info() {
$filters = array();
$filters['api_tokens'] = array(
'title' => t('API Tokens'),
'description' => t('Replace API tokens with rendered content'),
'process callback' => 'api_tokens_filter_tokens',
// Don't cache fitler result as text may contain dynamic tokens.
'cache' => FALSE,
'weight' => 100,
return $filters;
* Populates omitted token info.
function api_tokens_populate_defaults($token, &$token_info, $module) {
$token_info['key'] = $token;
$token_info['module'] = $module;
if (!isset($token_info['title'])) {
$token_info['title'] = $token;
if (!isset($token_info['description'])) {
$token_info['description'] = '';
if (!isset($token_info['handler'])) {
$token_info['handler'] = $module . '_apitoken_' . str_replace(array(
), '_', $token);
if (!isset($token_info['cache'])) {
$token_info['cache'] = DRUPAL_NO_CACHE;
if (DRUPAL_NO_CACHE != $token_info['cache']) {
$token_info['cache_expire'] = isset($token_info['cache_expire']) ? (int) $token_info['cache_expire'] : CACHE_TEMPORARY;
* Collects information on all the tokens in the system.
function api_tokens_collect_tokens() {
$tokens =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, FALSE);
if (!$tokens) {
$tokens = array();
$modules = module_implements('api_tokens_info');
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$module_tokens = module_invoke($module, 'api_tokens_info');
foreach ($module_tokens as $token => &$token_info) {
api_tokens_populate_defaults($token, $token_info, $module);
$tokens = array_merge($tokens, $module_tokens);
// Alter token definitions.
drupal_alter('api_tokens_info', $tokens);
return $tokens;
* Returns parameters info of the token process function.
function api_tokens_param_info($token, $full = FALSE) {
$tokens =& drupal_static('api_tokens_collect_tokens', FALSE);
$reflection = new ReflectionFunction($tokens[$token]['handler']);
// Number of required parameters only.
$data = $reflection
$tokens[$token]['params'] = $data;
// Number of required parameters and parameter list.
if ($full) {
$params = array();
$ref_params = $reflection
foreach ($ref_params as $param) {
$params[] = $param->name;
$data = array(
'count' => $data,
'params' => $params,
return $data;
* Prepares token process function.
* Includes handler file, verifies function existence.
function api_tokens_prepare_handler($token) {
$tokens =& drupal_static('api_tokens_collect_tokens', FALSE);
// Checking for inc file where token process function may live.
if (isset($tokens[$token]['inc'])) {
// Trying to include.
$included = module_load_include('inc', $tokens[$token]['module'], $tokens[$token]['inc']);
if (!$included) {
return FALSE;
// Checking process function existence.
if (!function_exists($tokens[$token]['handler'])) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* API Tokens cache_set wrapper connected to static storage.
function api_tokens_cache_set($cid, $data, $token_info) {
$cache =& drupal_static('api_tokens_cache_get', FALSE);
// Storing to static.
$cache[$cid] = $data;
$expire = $token_info['cache_expire'];
// If cache isn't set to CACHE_PERMANENT (0) or CACHE_TEMPORARY (-1),
// adding request time to the expiration date in order to set correct
// expiration date.
if (0 < $expire) {
$expire += REQUEST_TIME;
cache_set($cid, $data, 'cache', $expire);
* API Tokens cache_get wrapper connected to static storage.
function api_tokens_cache_get($cids) {
$cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, FALSE);
$data = array();
// Checking in static storage.
foreach ($cids as $i => $cid) {
if (isset($cache[$cid])) {
$data[$i] = $cache[$cid];
// If not all cids are found in static storage, cheching DB cache.
if (count($cids)) {
// Creating a reference to $cids and passing it to cache_get
// as $cids will be overriden after the call.
$cids_ref = $cids;
$cache_ext = cache_get_multiple($cids_ref);
foreach ($cids as $i => $cid) {
// Checking if DB cache exists and its expiration date.
if (isset($cache_ext[$cid]) && (0 >= $cache_ext[$cid]->expire || 0 < $cache_ext[$cid]->expire && REQUEST_TIME <= $cache_ext[$cid]->expire)) {
// Storing to static.
$cache[$cid] = $cache_ext[$cid]->data;
$data[$i] = $cache[$cid];
else {
$data[$i] = FALSE;
return $data;
* Generates token cache id in accordance with caching types.
function api_tokens_cache_id($token, $params) {
global $user;
// Building token cache ID.
$hash = array(
DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_ROLE & $token['cache'] && ($hash[1] = implode(',', $user->roles));
DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_USER & $token['cache'] && ($hash[2] = $user->uid);
DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_PAGE & $token['cache'] && ($hash[3] = $_GET['q']);
$cid = 'apitoken:' . $token['key'] . ':' . md5(serialize($hash));
return $cid;
* Filter process callback for the API Tokens input filter.
function api_tokens_filter_tokens($text, $filter, $format, $langcode, $cache, $cache_id) {
return api_tokens_render($text);
* Processes API tokens.
function api_tokens_render($text) {
static $parents = array();
static $reported = array();
// Finding tokens entries to process
// [api:token_key1[param1, param2, ...]/], [api:token_key2/].
$token_count = preg_match_all(API_TOKENS_PATTERN, $text, $matches);
// Some tokens were found.
if ($token_count) {
$replacements = $matches[0];
$keys = $matches[1];
$params = $matches[2];
// Receiving all registered tokens.
$tokens = api_tokens_collect_tokens();
// Array of rendered tokens.
$rendered = array();
// Array of token cache.
$cids = array();
// Loop through all the tokens.
for ($i = 0; $i < $token_count; ++$i) {
$keys[$i] = strtolower($keys[$i]);
// Checking if token is registered.
if (array_key_exists($keys[$i], $tokens)) {
$rendered[$i] = FALSE;
$token_info = $tokens[$keys[$i]];
// Parsing token parameters.
$params[$i] = $params[$i] ? drupal_json_decode($params[$i]) : array();
// Token is cacheable.
if (DRUPAL_NO_CACHE != $token_info['cache']) {
$cids[$i] = api_tokens_cache_id($token_info, $params[$i]);
else {
$rendered[$i] = '';
// There were cacheable tokens.
if ($cids) {
// We have collected all cids, so we can grab all necessary at once.
$cache = api_tokens_cache_get($cids);
foreach ($cache as $i => $data) {
$rendered[$i] = $data;
// Processing tokens with missing cache.
foreach ($rendered as $i => $was_rendered) {
$key = $keys[$i];
$param = $params[$i];
$token = $replacements[$i];
if (FALSE === $was_rendered) {
$token_info = $tokens[$key];
if (api_tokens_prepare_handler($key)) {
// Receiving number of required parameters.
$param_count = isset($token_info['params']) ? $token_info['params'] : api_tokens_param_info($key);
// We have enough parameters.
if ($param_count <= count($param)) {
if (in_array($token, $parents)) {
$rendered[$i] = '';
if (!isset($reported[$token])) {
$reported[$token] = TRUE;
drupal_set_message(t('API Tokens: Recursion detected while rendering %token token.', array(
'%token' => $token,
)), 'warning');
else {
array_push($parents, $token);
// Call to token process function.
$rendered[$i] = call_user_func_array($token_info['handler'], $param);
// Caching handler result, if token is cacheable.
if (DRUPAL_NO_CACHE != $token_info['cache']) {
api_tokens_cache_set($cids[$i], $rendered[$i], $token_info);
$info = array(
'key' => $key,
'params' => $param,
'token' => $token,
'parents' => $parents,
drupal_alter(__FUNCTION__, $rendered[$i], $info);
// Performing replacements at once to avoid recursing.
$text = str_replace($replacements, $rendered, $text);
return $text;
Name![]() |
Description |
api_tokens_cache_get | API Tokens cache_get wrapper connected to static storage. |
api_tokens_cache_id | Generates token cache id in accordance with caching types. |
api_tokens_cache_set | API Tokens cache_set wrapper connected to static storage. |
api_tokens_collect_tokens | Collects information on all the tokens in the system. |
api_tokens_filter_info | Implements hook_filter_info(). |
api_tokens_filter_tokens | Filter process callback for the API Tokens input filter. |
api_tokens_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
api_tokens_param_info | Returns parameters info of the token process function. |
api_tokens_populate_defaults | Populates omitted token info. |
api_tokens_prepare_handler | Prepares token process function. |
api_tokens_render | Processes API tokens. |
Name![]() |
Description |
API_TOKENS_PATTERN | API tokens pattern. |