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class StreamWrapperConfiguration in AmazonS3 7.2

Same name in this branch
  1. 7.2 src/StreamWrapperConfiguration.php \Drupal\amazons3\StreamWrapperConfiguration
  2. 7.2 tests/Stub/StreamWrapperConfiguration.php \Drupal\amazons3Test\Stub\StreamWrapperConfiguration

Class to manage S3 stream wrapper configuration.

PHP doesn't pass in any parameters when constructing a new stream wrapper. One possibility would be to use stream_context_create(), but Drupal doesn't use it when registering streams. This makes it near impossible to inject configuration, forcing us to rely on variable_get() and a bootstrapped database.

This class defaults to using variable_get() and so on, but can be constructed manually to disable this behaviour. For this setup, use the various set methods to configure the stream wrapper.

@class StreamWrapperConfiguration @package Drupal\amazons3


Expanded class hierarchy of StreamWrapperConfiguration

1 file declares its use of StreamWrapperConfiguration
amazons3.module in ./amazons3.module
Hook implementations for the AmazonS3 module.


src/StreamWrapperConfiguration.php, line 27


View source
class StreamWrapperConfiguration extends Collection {
  use Bootstrap;

   * Generate a configuration object from an array.
   * @param array $config
   *   (optional) An array of configuration data. Each key is a lower-cased
   *   string corresponding with a set method.
   * @param array $defaults
   *   (optional) Override the default settings.
   * @param array $required
   *   (optional) Override the required settings.
   * @return StreamWrapperConfiguration
   *   The stream wrapper configuration.
  public static function fromConfig(array $config = array(), array $defaults = array(), array $required = array()) {
    if (empty($defaults)) {
      $defaults = self::defaults();
    if (empty($required)) {
      $required = self::required();
    $data = $config + $defaults;
    if ($data['caching']) {
      $required[] = 'expiration';
    if ($missing = array_diff($required, array_keys(array_filter($data, function ($item) {
      return !is_null($item) && $item !== '';
    })))) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Config is missing the following keys: ' . implode(', ', $missing));
    if (!$data['domain']) {
      $data['domain'] = self::getS3Domain($data['bucket']);
    return new static($data);

   * @return array
  protected static function defaults() {
    $defaults = array(
      'hostname' => NULL,
      'bucket' => NULL,
      'region' => NULL,
      'torrentPaths' => new MatchablePaths(),
      'presignedPaths' => new MatchablePaths(),
      'saveAsPaths' => new MatchablePaths(),
      'cloudFront' => FALSE,
      'cloudFrontPrivateKey' => NULL,
      'cloudFrontKeyPairId' => NULL,
      'domain' => NULL,
      'domainScheme' => 'https',
      'caching' => FALSE,
      'cacheLifetime' => NULL,
      'reducedRedundancyPaths' => new MatchablePaths(),
    return $defaults;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static function required() {
    $required = array(
    return $required;

   * Get the S3 domain for a bucket.
   * @param string $bucket
   *   The bucket to get the domain for.
   * @return string
   *   The S3 domain, such as
  protected static function getS3Domain($bucket) {
    $domain = StreamWrapper::S3_API_DOMAIN;

    // If the bucket does not contain dots, the S3 SDK generates URLs that
    // use the bucket name in the host.
    if (strpos($bucket, '.') === FALSE) {
      $domain = $bucket . '.' . $domain;
    return $domain;

   * Get the API hostname.
   * @return string
  public function getHostname() {
    return $this->data['hostname'];

   * Set the API hostname.
   * @param string $hostname
  public function setHostname($hostname) {
    $this->data['hostname'] = $hostname;

   * Get the bucket.
   * @return string
  public function getBucket() {
    return $this->data['bucket'];

   * Set the bucket.
   * @param string $bucket
  public function setBucket($bucket) {
    $this->data['bucket'] = $bucket;

   * Get the torrent paths.
   * @return MatchablePaths
  public function getTorrentPaths() {
    return $this->data['torrentPaths'];

   * Set the array of paths to serve as torrents.
   * @param MatchablePaths $torrentPaths
  public function setTorrentPaths(MatchablePaths $torrentPaths) {
    $this->data['torrentPaths'] = $torrentPaths;

   * Get the array of paths to serve with presigned URLs.
   * @return MatchablePaths
  public function getPresignedPaths() {
    return $this->data['presignedPaths'];

   * Set the array of paths to serve with presigned URLs.
   * @param MatchablePaths $presignedPaths
  public function setPresignedPaths(MatchablePaths $presignedPaths) {
    $this->data['presignedPaths'] = $presignedPaths;

   * Get the region associated with this stream wrapper.
   * @return string
   *   The region, such as 'us-east-1'.
  public function getRegion() {
    return $this->data['region'];

   * Set the region associated with this stream wrapper.
   * @param string $region
   *   The region, such as 'us-east-1'.
  public function setRegion($region) {
    $this->data['region'] = $region;

   * Return the paths to force to download instead of viewing in the browser.
   * @return MatchablePaths
  public function getSaveAsPaths() {
    return $this->data['saveAsPaths'];

   * Set the array of paths to force to download.
   * @param MatchablePaths $saveAsPaths
  public function setSaveAsPaths(MatchablePaths $saveAsPaths) {
    $this->data['saveAsPaths'] = $saveAsPaths;

   * Return if files should be served with CloudFront.
   * @return bool
  public function isCloudFront() {
    return $this->data['cloudFront'];

   * Set if objects should be served with CloudFront.
  public function serveWithCloudFront() {
    $this->data['cloudFront'] = TRUE;

   * Set the CloudFront credentials to use.
   * @param string $path
   *   The path to the file containing the private key.
   * @param string $keyPairId
   *   The key pair ID.
  public function setCloudFrontCredentials($path, $keyPairId) {
    if (!file_exists($path)) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException("{$path} does not exist.");
    $this->data['cloudFrontPrivateKey'] = $path;
    $this->data['cloudFrontKeyPairId'] = $keyPairId;

   * @return \Aws\CloudFront\CloudFrontClient
  public function getCloudFront() {
    if (!$this
      ->isCloudFront()) {
      throw new \LogicException('CloudFront is not enabled.');
    return CloudFrontClient::factory(array(
      'private_key' => $this->data['cloudFrontPrivateKey'],
      'key_pair_id' => $this->data['cloudFrontKeyPairId'],

   * Set if objects should be served with S3 directly.
  public function serveWithS3() {
    $this->data['cloudFront'] = FALSE;

   * @return string
  public function getDomain() {
    return $this->data['domain'];

   * @param string $domain
  public function setDomain($domain) {
    $this->data['domain'] = $domain;

   * @return string
  public function getDomainScheme() {
    return $this->data['domainScheme'];

   * @param string $scheme
  public function setDomainScheme($scheme) {
    $this->data['domainScheme'] = $scheme;

   * @return boolean
  public function isCaching() {
    return (bool) $this->data['caching'];

   * Enable metadata caching.
  public function enableCaching() {
    $this->data['caching'] = TRUE;

   * Disable metadata caching.
  public function disableCaching() {
    $this->data['caching'] = FALSE;
    $this->data['expiration'] = NULL;

   * Set the cache expiration.
   * This method must only be called if caching is enabled. Use CACHE_PERMANENT
   * to cache with no expiration.
   * @param int $expiration
  public function setCacheLifetime($expiration) {
    if (!$this
      ->isCaching()) {
      throw new \LogicException('Caching must be enabled before setting a expiration.');
    $this->data['expiration'] = $expiration;

   * @return int
   *   The cache expiration, in seconds. Zero means expiration is disabled.
  public function getCacheLifetime() {
    return $this->data['expiration'];

   * @return MatchablePaths
  public function getReducedRedundancyPaths() {
    return $this->data['reducedRedundancyPaths'];

   * @param MatchablePaths $reducedRedundancyPaths
  public function setReducedRedundancyPaths(MatchablePaths $reducedRedundancyPaths) {
    $this->data['reducedRedundancyPaths'] = $reducedRedundancyPaths;

   * Set the stream wrapper configuration using Drupal variables.
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
   *   Thrown when the StreamWrapper configuration is invalid, such as when a
   *   bucket is not defined.
   * @return StreamWrapperConfiguration
   *   A StreamWrapperConfiguration object.
  public static function fromDrupalVariables() {
    $config = self::fromConfig(array(
      'bucket' => static::variable_get('amazons3_bucket', NULL),
      'region' => static::variable_get('amazons3_region', NULL),
    $defaults = $config
      ->setHostname(static::variable_get('amazons3_hostname', $defaults['hostname']));

    // CNAME support for customizing S3 URLs.
    if (static::variable_get('amazons3_cname', FALSE)) {
      $domain = static::variable_get('amazons3_domain', $defaults['domain']);
      if (strlen($domain) > 0) {
      else {
      if (static::variable_get('amazons3_cloudfront', $defaults['cloudFront'])) {
        $path = static::variable_get('amazons3_cloudfront_private_key', $defaults['cloudFrontPrivateKey']);
        $keyPairId = static::variable_get('amazons3_cloudfront_keypair_id', $defaults['cloudFrontKeyPairId']);
          ->setCloudFrontCredentials($path, $keyPairId);
      $scheme = static::variable_get('amazons3_domain_scheme', $defaults['domainScheme']);
    else {

    // Check whether local file caching is turned on.
    if (static::variable_get('amazons3_cache', $defaults['caching'])) {
        ->setCacheLifetime(static::variable_get('amazons3_cache_expiration', NULL));
    else {

    // Torrent list.
    $torrentPaths = static::variable_get('amazons3_torrents', array());
    $paths = BasicPath::factory($torrentPaths);
    if (!empty($paths)) {
        ->setTorrentPaths(new MatchablePaths($paths));

    // Presigned url-list.
    $presigned_urls = static::variable_get('amazons3_presigned_urls', array());
    $paths = array();
    foreach ($presigned_urls as $presigned_url) {
      $paths[] = new PresignedPath($presigned_url['pattern'], $presigned_url['timeout']);
    if (!empty($paths)) {
        ->setPresignedPaths(new MatchablePaths($paths));

    // Force "save as" list.
    $saveAsPaths = static::variable_get('amazons3_saveas', array());
    $paths = BasicPath::factory($saveAsPaths);
    if (!empty($paths)) {
        ->setSaveAsPaths(new MatchablePaths($paths));

    // Reduced Redundancy Storage.
    $rrsPaths = static::variable_get('amazons3_rrs', array());
    $paths = BasicPath::factory($rrsPaths);
    if (!empty($paths)) {
        ->setReducedRedundancyPaths(new MatchablePaths($paths));
    return $config;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Bootstrap::variable_get public static function
StreamWrapperConfiguration::defaults protected static function
StreamWrapperConfiguration::disableCaching public function Disable metadata caching.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::enableCaching public function Enable metadata caching.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromConfig public static function Generate a configuration object from an array.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::fromDrupalVariables public static function Set the stream wrapper configuration using Drupal variables.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::getBucket public function Get the bucket.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::getCacheLifetime public function
StreamWrapperConfiguration::getCloudFront public function
StreamWrapperConfiguration::getDomain public function
StreamWrapperConfiguration::getDomainScheme public function
StreamWrapperConfiguration::getHostname public function Get the API hostname.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::getPresignedPaths public function Get the array of paths to serve with presigned URLs.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::getReducedRedundancyPaths public function
StreamWrapperConfiguration::getRegion public function Get the region associated with this stream wrapper.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::getS3Domain protected static function Get the S3 domain for a bucket.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::getSaveAsPaths public function Return the paths to force to download instead of viewing in the browser.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::getTorrentPaths public function Get the torrent paths.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::isCaching public function
StreamWrapperConfiguration::isCloudFront public function Return if files should be served with CloudFront.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::required protected static function
StreamWrapperConfiguration::serveWithCloudFront public function Set if objects should be served with CloudFront.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::serveWithS3 public function Set if objects should be served with S3 directly.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::setBucket public function Set the bucket.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::setCacheLifetime public function Set the cache expiration.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::setCloudFrontCredentials public function Set the CloudFront credentials to use.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::setDomain public function
StreamWrapperConfiguration::setDomainScheme public function
StreamWrapperConfiguration::setHostname public function Set the API hostname.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::setPresignedPaths public function Set the array of paths to serve with presigned URLs.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::setReducedRedundancyPaths public function
StreamWrapperConfiguration::setRegion public function Set the region associated with this stream wrapper.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::setSaveAsPaths public function Set the array of paths to force to download.
StreamWrapperConfiguration::setTorrentPaths public function Set the array of paths to serve as torrents.