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namespace Drupal\amazons3 in AmazonS3 7.2

Classsort descending Location Description
Cache src/Cache.php Cache configured to cache in the cache_amazons3_metadata bin.
CloudFrontClient src/CloudFrontClient.php @class CloudFrontClient @package Drupal\amazons3
CompositeFactory src/CompositeFactory.php Override CompositeFactory to inject hook calls.
S3Client src/S3Client.php A wrapper around S3Client::factory() using aws_key / aws_secret variables.
S3ClientTest tests/S3ClientTest.php Tests \Drupal\amazons3\S3Client.
S3Url src/S3Url.php Represents an s3:// stream URL.
StreamWrapper src/StreamWrapper.php @file Drupal stream wrapper implementation for Amazon S3
StreamWrapperConfiguration src/StreamWrapperConfiguration.php Class to manage S3 stream wrapper configuration.