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function hook_amazons3_url_info in AmazonS3 7

Allows other modules to change the format and options used when creating an external URL. For example the URL can be a URL directly to the file, or can be a URL to a torrent. In addition, it can be authenticated (time limited), and in that case a save-as can be forced.


$local_path: The local filesystem path.

$info: Array of keyed elements:

  • 'download_type': either 'http' or 'torrent'.
  • 'https': either TRUE or FALSE.
  • 'torrent': (boolean) Causes use of an authenticated URL (time limited)
  • 'presigned_url_timeout': (boolean) Time in seconds before an authenticated URL will time out.
  • 'response': array of additional options as described at If you return anything other than an empty arrayhere, CloudFront support for these URLs will be disabled.

Return value

The modified array of configuration items.

1 invocation of hook_amazons3_url_info()
AmazonS3StreamWrapper::getExternalUrl in ./
Returns a web accessible URL for the resource.


./amazons3.api.php, line 35
This file contains no working PHP code; it exists to provide additional documentation for doxygen as well as to document hooks in the standard Drupal manner.


function hook_amazons3_url_info($local_path, $info) {
  if ($local_path == 'myfile.jpg') {
    $info['presigned_url'] = TRUE;
    $info['presigned_url_timeout'] = 10;
  $cache_time = 60 * 60 * 5;
  $info['response'] = array(
    'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=' . $cache_time . ', must-revalidate',
    'Expires' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $cache_time) . ' GMT',
  return $info;