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Functions in Amazon Product Advertisement API 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
aat_legacy_import_data aat_legacy/aat_legacy.module Create a CCK field for each node type that had Amazon link in D5. Then populate it. 1
aat_legacy_import_form aat_legacy/aat_legacy.module Form to start the import process. 1
aat_legacy_import_form_submit aat_legacy/aat_legacy.module
aat_legacy_install aat_legacy/aat_legacy.install
aat_legacy_legacy_field_description aat_legacy/aat_legacy.module Just returns field description for field_legacy_asin. 1
aat_legacy_menu aat_legacy/aat_legacy.module Implementation of hook_menu.
aat_legacy_uninstall aat_legacy/aat_legacy.install
amazon_convert_to_asin ./amazon.module Try to turn a non-asin into an ASIN where possible. 5
amazon_cron ./amazon.module
amazon_data_cache ./amazon.module Misc. helper functions for managing the wide array of Amazon data bitsies. 4
amazon_ean_to_asin ./amazon.module Given an EAN (ISBN-13), try to get Amazon to give it to us. 1
amazon_examples_content_default_fields amazon_examples/ Implementation of hook_content_default_fields().
amazon_examples_node_info amazon_examples/ Implementation of hook_node_info().
amazon_examples_views_default_views amazon_examples/ Implementation of hook_views_default_views().
amazon_filter_filter amazon_filter/amazon_filter.module Implementation of hook_filter().
amazon_filter_filter_tips amazon_filter/amazon_filter.module Implementation of hook_filter_tips().
amazon_get_associate_id ./amazon.module 2
amazon_get_response_groups ./amazon.module Allow other modules to alter the list of response groups used when sending an http request. Invoke using the alter hook modulename_amazon_response_groups_alter. 1
amazon_http_request ./amazon.module 5
amazon_init ./amazon.module
amazon_install ./amazon.install Implements hook_install.
amazon_item_clean_xml ./amazon.module Take the Amazon XML item and turn it into our own private 'cleaned' data structure. 3
amazon_item_delete ./amazon.module Delete all vestiges of Amazon item. 3
amazon_item_insert ./amazon.module Insert 'cleaned' amazon item into database. 4
amazon_item_lookup ./amazon.module Look up an item using database or web. The default is to look in the database for existing data, and then to do the web search if that fails. $force_lookup==TRUE forces going to Amazon's API. 9
amazon_item_lookup_from_db ./amazon.module Look up ASINs in database and return arrays of information keyed by ASIN. 1
amazon_item_lookup_from_web ./amazon.module Use Amazon API to look up an array of ASINs. 3
amazon_item_node_delete ./amazon.module 1
amazon_item_node_save ./amazon.module Utility functions for managing AmazonItem/Node relationships
amazon_media_amazon_item_delete amazon_media/amazon_media.module
amazon_media_amazon_item_insert amazon_media/amazon_media.module
amazon_media_amazon_item_load amazon_media/amazon_media.module
amazon_media_install amazon_media/amazon_media.install
amazon_media_preprocess_amazon_item amazon_media/amazon_media.module
amazon_media_schema amazon_media/amazon_media.install
amazon_media_theme amazon_media/amazon_media.module
amazon_media_theme_registry_alter amazon_media/amazon_media.module
amazon_media_uninstall amazon_media/amazon_media.install
amazon_media_update_6001 amazon_media/amazon_media.install
amazon_media_update_6002 amazon_media/amazon_media.install Add the isbn and ean fields to a book item.
amazon_media_views_api amazon_media/amazon_media.module Implementation of hook_views_api.
amazon_media_views_data amazon_media/ Implementation of hook_views_data()
amazon_menu ./amazon.module Implementation of hook_menu. Adds the url path for the Amazon settings page.
amazon_perm ./amazon.module Implementation of hook_perm
amazon_preprocess_amazon_item ./amazon.module hook_preprocess: amazon_item. 1
amazon_requirements ./amazon.install implementation of hook_requirements to make sure we let them know about the requirement for amazon_aws_secret_access_key
amazon_schema ./amazon.install 1
amazon_search_perm amazon_search/amazon_search.module
amazon_search_search amazon_search/amazon_search.module Implementation of hook_search(). Implements remote Amazon searching.
amazon_search_simple_search amazon_search/amazon_search.module 1


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