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function amazon_filter_filter_tips in Amazon Product Advertisement API 6

Implementation of hook_filter_tips().


amazon_filter/amazon_filter.module, line 10


function amazon_filter_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = FALSE) {
  if ($long) {
    return t('Get Amazon product data using [amazon ASIN selector], for example, [amazon 0399155341 thumbnail],
    [amazon 0399155341 full], or [amazon 0399155341 inline].
    In addition, you can grab various data items from the item description using selectors like
    author, title, asin, isbn, ean, detailpageurl, salesrank, publisher, manufacturer, studio,
    label, binding, listpriceamount, listpricecurrencycode, listpriceformattedprice,
    lowestpriceamount, lowestpricecurrencycode, lowestpriceformattedprice,
    amazonpriceamount, amazonpricecurrencycode, amazonpriceformattedprice,
    productgroup, producttypename, invalid_asin, deweydecimalnumber, edition, numberofpages,
    publicationyear, type, releaseyear, publicationyear, smallimage, smallimageurl, smallimageheight,
    smallimagewidth, mediumimage, mediumimageurl, mediumimageheight, mediumimagewidth,
    largeimage, largeimageurl, largeimageheight, largeimagewidth.

    For example, [amazon 0596515804 title] will provide the title of the item, and
    [amazon 0596515804 largeimage] will be replaced with an img tag giving the large image.
    A complete description of filters is <a href="">on the Amazon module handbook page</a>.');
  else {
    return t('Link to Amazon products with: [amazon product_id inline|full|thumbnail|datadescriptor]. Example: [amazon 1590597559 thumbnail] or [amazon 1590597559 author]. Details are <a href="" target="_blank">on the Amazon module handbook page</a>.');