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amazon.module in Amazon Product Advertisement API 6

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  2. 7.2 amazon.module
  3. 7 amazon.module


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 * Amazon Integration
 * Provides a Drupal wrapper and caching mechanism for the Amazon
 * Ecommerce APIs. This module provides no user-visible functionality
 * save configuration and setup.
define('AMAZON_ECS_SCHEMA', '2011-08-01');
define('AMAZON_PARTICIPANT_TYPES', 'Author,Artist,Actor,Director,Creator');

// Other common sizes include SwatchImage, TinyImage, and ThumbnailImage.
define('AMAZON_IMAGE_SIZES', 'SmallImage,MediumImage,LargeImage');

 * Implementation of hook_menu. Adds the url path for the Amazon
 * settings page.
function amazon_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/settings/amazon'] = array(
    'title' => 'Amazon API',
    'description' => 'Global settings for the Amazon Ecommerce API.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'access callback' => 'user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer amazon',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  $items['admin/settings/amazon/storage'] = array(
    'title' => 'Storage',
    'description' => 'Local data storage settings for Amazon products.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'access callback' => 'user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer amazon',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  $items['admin/settings/amazon/test'] = array(
    'title' => 'Test',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'access callback' => 'user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer amazon',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  $items['admin/settings/amazon/upgrade'] = array(
    'page callback' => '_amazon_upgrade',
    'file' => '',
    'access callback' => 'user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer amazon',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['admin/settings/amazon/api'] = array(
    'title' => 'Settings',
    'weight' => -10,
  return $items;

 * Implementation of hook_perm
function amazon_perm() {
  return array(
    'administer amazon',

 * Implementation of hook_theme().
function amazon_theme() {
  $templates = array(
    'amazon_item' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'item' => array(),
        'style' => 'default',
      'pattern' => 'amazon_item__',
      'template' => 'amazon-item',
    'amazon_inline_item' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'item' => array(),
      'template' => 'amazon-inline-item',
      // Re-use the existing infrastructure.
      'preprocess functions' => 'amazon_preprocess_amazon_item',
    // Allows use of whatever is provided in preprocessed $variables.
    'amazon_detail' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'item' => array(),
        'detail' => NULL,
      'template' => 'amazon-item-detail',
      'preprocess functions' => array(
  return $templates;

 * hook_preprocess: amazon_item.
function amazon_preprocess_amazon_item(&$variables) {
  $item = $variables['item'];

  // Do a quick cycle through the simple keys on the item, check_plain() them,
  // and stick them in the variables collection.
  foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
    if (is_string($value)) {
      $variables[$key] = filter_xss($value);
  $variables['type'] = _amazon_clean_type($item['producttypename']);
  $variables['detailpageurl'] = check_url($item['detailpageurl']);
  $variables['editorialreview'] = !empty($item['editorialreviews']) ? check_markup($item['editorialreviews'][0]['content']) : '';
  $variables['customerreviews_iframe'] = !empty($item['customerreviews_iframe']) ? check_url($item['customerreviews_iframe']) : '';
  $variables['invalid_asin'] = !empty($item['invalid_asin']) ? 1 : 0;
  if (!empty($variables['theatricalreleasedate'])) {
    $date = explode('-', $variables['theatricalreleasedate']);
    $variables['releaseyear'] = $date[0];
  else {
    $variables['releaseyear'] = '';
  if (!empty($variables['publicationdate'])) {
    $date = explode('-', $variables['publicationdate']);
    $variables['publicationyear'] = $date[0];
  else {
    $variables['publicationyear'] = '';

  // Handle participants and types.
  if (isset($item['participants'])) {
    $variables['participants'] = filter_xss(filter_xss(implode(', ', $item['participants'])));
    $participant_types = split(',', AMAZON_PARTICIPANT_TYPES);
    foreach ($participant_types as $participant_type) {
      $participant_type = strtolower($participant_type);
      if (!empty($item[$participant_type])) {
        if (is_string($item[$participant_type])) {
          $variables[$participant_type] = filter_xss($item[$participant_type]);
        else {
          $variables[$participant_type] = filter_xss(implode(', ', $item[$participant_type]));
  $variables += array(
    'participants' => '',
    'director' => '',
    'actor' => '',
    'artist' => '',
    'author' => '',

  // Handle supported image resolutions.
  if (isset($item['imagesets'])) {
    foreach ($item['imagesets'] as $key => $image) {
      $variables[$key] = theme('image', $image['url'], t('Image of') . ' ' . check_plain($item['title']), check_plain($item['title']), array(
        'height' => $image['height'],
        'width' => $image['width'],
      ), FALSE);
      $variables["{$key}url"] = check_url($image['url']);
      $variables["{$key}height"] = check_plain($image['height']);
      $variables["{$key}width"] = check_plain($image['width']);
  $variables['image'] = !empty($variables['mediumimage']) ? $variables['mediumimage'] : '';
  if (!empty($variables['style'])) {
    $variables['classes'] = _amazon_item_classes($item) . ' amazon-item-' . check_plain($variables['style']);

    // A set of more specific templates to use when displaying items.
    $variables['template_files'][] = 'amazon-item-' . $variables['style'];
    $variables['template_files'][] = 'amazon-item-' . strtolower($variables['type']);
    $variables['template_files'][] = 'amazon-item-' . strtolower($variables['type']) . '-' . $variables['style'];
    if (!empty($item['view']) && !empty($item['view']->name)) {
      $vars['template_files'][] = 'amazon-item-view-' . $item['view']->name;
      $variables['template_files'][] = 'amazon-item-' . strtolower($variables['type']) . '-view-' . $item['view']->name;
function _amazon_clean_type($type) {
  return check_plain(strtolower(str_replace(array(
    ' ',
  ), array(
  ), $type)));
function _amazon_item_classes($item) {
  return 'amazon-item amazon-item-' . str_replace('_', '-', _amazon_clean_type($item['producttypename']));

 * Allow other modules to alter the list of response groups used when sending an http request. Invoke using the alter
 * hook modulename_amazon_response_groups_alter.
 * @return string
 *   Imploded array of response groups, delimetered by commas.
function amazon_get_response_groups() {
  $response_groups = array(
  drupal_alter('amazon_response_groups', $response_groups);
  return implode(',', $response_groups);
function amazon_http_request($operation, $parameters = array(), $locale = NULL) {
  if (!isset($locale)) {
    $locale = variable_get('amazon_locale', 'US');
  $metadata = amazon_data_cache();
  $locale_data = $metadata['locales'][$locale];

  // Populate the params with default data.
  $parameters += array(
    'Service' => 'AWSECommerceService',
    'Version' => AMAZON_ECS_SCHEMA,
    'AWSAccessKeyId' => variable_get('amazon_aws_access_key', ''),
    'Operation' => $operation,
  if ($associate_id = amazon_get_associate_id()) {
    $parameters += array(
      'AssociateTag' => $associate_id,
  $parameters_after_hook = module_invoke_all('amazon_request', $parameters);
  if (!empty($parameters_after_hook)) {
    $parameters = $parameters_after_hook;
  $parameters += array(
    'Timestamp' => gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s") . 'Z',
  uksort($parameters, 'strnatcmp');
  $params = array();
  foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
    if (is_array($value)) {
      $value = implode(',', $value);
    $param = str_replace("%7E", "~", rawurlencode($key));
    $value = str_replace("%7E", "~", rawurlencode($value));
    $params[] = $param . '=' . $value;
  $secret_access_key = variable_get('amazon_aws_secret_access_key', "");
  if ($secret_access_key == "") {
    watchdog('amazon', "No Secret Access Key configured. You must configure one at Admin->Settings->Amazon API", NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    drupal_set_message(t("Amazon Module: No Secret Access Key is configured. Please contact your site administrator"));
    return FALSE;

  // Thanks for signature creation code from
  $query_string = implode('&', $params);
  $parsed_url = parse_url($locale_data['url']);
  $host = strtolower($parsed_url['host']);
  $string_to_sign = "GET\n{$host}\n{$parsed_url['path']}\n{$query_string}";
  $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $string_to_sign, $secret_access_key, TRUE));
  $signature = str_replace("%7E", "~", rawurlencode($signature));
  $query_string .= "&Signature={$signature}";
  $url = $locale_data['url'] . '?' . $query_string;

  // Make the request and return a SimpleXML object.
  $results = drupal_http_request($url, array(), 'GET');
  if ($results->code == 200) {
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($results->data);
    return $xml;
  if ($results->code >= 400 && $results->code < 500) {
    try {
      $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($results->data);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      watchdog('amazon', "Error handling results: http_code=%http_code, data=%data.", array(
        '%http_code' => $results->code,
        '%data' => (string) $results->data,
      return FALSE;
    watchdog('amazon', "HTTP code %http_code accessing Amazon's AWS service: %code, %message", array(
      '%http_code' => $results->code,
      '%code' => (string) $xml->Error->Code,
      '%message' => (string) $xml->Error->Message,
    return FALSE;
  watchdog('amazon', "Error accessing Amazon AWS web service with query '%url'. HTTP result code=%code, error=%error", array(
    '%code' => $results->code,
    '%error' => $results->error,
    '%url' => $url,
  return FALSE;

 * Look up an item using database or web.
 * The default is to look in the database for existing data, and then to do the
 * web search if that fails. $force_lookup==TRUE forces going to Amazon's
 * API.
 * @param $item_ids
 *   An array of ASIN strings or a single ASIN as a string.
 * @param $force_lookup
 *   If TRUE, skip the database lookup and just go to the Amazon API lookup.
 * @return array
 *   Array of "cleaned" XML item descriptions, keyed on ASIN.
function amazon_item_lookup($item_ids = array(), $force_lookup = FALSE) {
  if (empty($item_ids)) {
    return array();
  if (is_string($item_ids)) {
    $item_ids = array(
  $items = array();
  if (!$force_lookup) {
    $items = amazon_item_lookup_from_db($item_ids);
  $items_to_fetch = array();
  foreach ($item_ids as $item_id) {
    if (!isset($items[$item_id])) {
      $items_to_fetch[] = $item_id;
  $items_from_web = amazon_item_lookup_from_web($items_to_fetch);
  $full_set = $items + $items_from_web;
  return $full_set;

 * Use Amazon API to look up an array of ASINs.
 * @param $item_ids
 *   Array of ASIN strings to look up.
 * @return array
 *   Array of cleaned XML structures keyed by ASIN.
function amazon_item_lookup_from_web($item_ids = array()) {
  $amazon_limit = 10;

  // Amazon will accept no more than 10 items
  $asins = array();
  $results = array();
  $item_ids = array_filter($item_ids);

  // Remove any empty items.
  foreach ($item_ids as $asin) {
    if (!empty($asin)) {
      $asins[] = $asin;
      if (count($asins) >= $amazon_limit || count($asins) == count($item_ids)) {
        $results += _amazon_item_batch_lookup_from_web($asins);
        $asins = array();
  return $results;

 * Get 10 or less items from the AWS web service.
 * AWS allows ONLY 10 items,
 * See
 * @param $item_ids
 *   Array of ASINs to be looked up.
 * @return
 *   Array of ASIN data structures keyed by ASIN.
function _amazon_item_batch_lookup_from_web($item_ids = array()) {
  if (!empty($item_ids)) {
    $params = array(
      'ItemId' => implode(',', $item_ids),
      'ResponseGroup' => amazon_get_response_groups(),
    $results = amazon_http_request('ItemLookup', $params);
    if (!empty($results->Items->Request->Errors)) {
      foreach ($results->Items->Request->Errors->Error as $error) {
        $code = (string) $error->Code;
        $message = (string) $error->Message;
        $matches = array();

        // Find and extract the failing ASIN, so we can mark it in the db.
        if (preg_match('/^([^ ]+) is not a valid value for ItemId/', $message, $matches)) {
          $error_asin = $matches[1];
          $query = "update {amazon_item} set invalid_asin = TRUE where asin = '%s'";
          db_query($query, $error_asin);
        watchdog('amazon', 'Error retrieving Amazon item %code, message: %message.', array(
          '%code' => $code,
          '%message' => $message,
    $items = array();
    if (!empty($results->Items->Item)) {
      foreach ($results->Items->Item as $xml) {
        $item = amazon_item_clean_xml($xml);
        $items["{$item['asin']}"] = $item;
    return $items;
  return array();

 * Look up ASINs in database and return arrays of information keyed by ASIN.
 * @param $item_ids
 *   An array of string ASINs.
 * @return array
 *   Array of Amazon 'cleaned' data structures keyed by ASIN.
function amazon_item_lookup_from_db($item_ids = array()) {
  if (!empty($item_ids)) {
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {amazon_item} ai WHERE ai.asin IN (";
    $sql .= implode(',', array_fill(0, count($item_ids), "'%s'")) . ') ';
    $sql .= 'AND ai.timestamp > %d';
    $results = db_query($sql, array_merge($item_ids, array(
      time() - variable_get('amazon_refresh_schedule', 86400),
    $items = array();
    while ($item = db_fetch_array($results)) {
      $item += module_invoke_all('amazon_item_load', $item);
      $items["{$item['asin']}"] = $item;
    return $items;
  return array();

 * Load participant, image, editorial_review data into database.
 * @param $item
 *   Amazon data structure.
function _amazon_load_child_data(&$item) {
  $result = db_query("SELECT type, participant FROM {amazon_item_participant} WHERE asin = '%s'", $item['asin']);
  while ($participant = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $item[$participant['type']][] = $participant['participant'];
    $item['participants'][] = $participant['participant'];
  $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {amazon_item_image} WHERE asin = '%s'", $item['asin']);
  while ($image = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $item['imagesets'][$image['size']] = $image;
  $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {amazon_item_editorial_review} WHERE asin = '%s'", $item['asin']);
  while ($review = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $item['editorialreviews'][] = $review;

 * Take the Amazon XML item and turn it into our own private 'cleaned'
 * data structure.
 * @param $xml
 *   XML structure as returned from Amazon API call.
 * @return
 *   'Cleaned' XML structure for local use.
function amazon_item_clean_xml($xml) {
  $metadata = amazon_data_cache();
  $item = array();

  // Pull the absolute basic information Amazon keeps at the top level
  // of the XML tree, cast to string, and move on.
  $item['asin'] = (string) $xml->ASIN;
  if (!empty($xml->ItemAttributes->ISBN)) {
    $item['isbn'] = (string) $xml->ItemAttributes->ISBN;
  if (!empty($xml->ItemAttributes->EAN)) {
    $item['ean'] = (string) $xml->ItemAttributes->EAN;
  $item['salesrank'] = (string) $xml->SalesRank;
  $item['detailpageurl'] = (string) $xml->DetailPageURL;
  if (!empty($xml->ItemAttributes->ListPrice)) {
    $item['listpriceamount'] = (string) $xml->ItemAttributes->ListPrice->Amount;
    $item['listpricecurrencycode'] = (string) $xml->ItemAttributes->ListPrice->CurrencyCode;
    $item['listpriceformattedprice'] = (string) $xml->ItemAttributes->ListPrice->FormattedPrice;
  if (!empty($xml->OfferSummary->LowestNewPrice)) {
    $item['lowestpriceamount'] = (string) $xml->OfferSummary->LowestNewPrice->Amount;
    $item['lowestpricecurrencycode'] = (string) $xml->OfferSummary->LowestNewPrice->CurrencyCode;
    $item['lowestpriceformattedprice'] = (string) $xml->OfferSummary->LowestNewPrice->FormattedPrice;

  // Note that this one assumes we've searched with Merchant = Amazon.
  // Otherwise we can do an xpath search looking for the actual amazon listing.
  if (!empty($xml->Offers->Offer[0]->OfferListing->Price)) {
    $item['amazonpriceamount'] = intval($xml->Offers->Offer[0]->OfferListing->Price->Amount);
    $item['amazonpricecurrencycode'] = (string) $xml->Offers->Offer[0]->OfferListing->Price->CurrencyCode;
    $item['amazonpriceformattedprice'] = (string) $xml->Offers->Offer[0]->OfferListing->Price->FormattedPrice;
  $participant_types = split(',', AMAZON_PARTICIPANT_TYPES);

  // Pull in the basics of the ItemAttributes collection.
  foreach ((array) $xml->ItemAttributes as $key => $value) {
    if (is_string($value) && !in_array($key, $participant_types)) {
      $key = strtolower($key);
      $item[$key] = $value;

  // Handle the Authors/Artists/Etc.
  foreach ($participant_types as $key) {
    if (isset($xml->ItemAttributes->{$key})) {
      foreach ($xml->ItemAttributes->{$key} as $value) {
        $item[strtolower($key)][] = (string) $value;
        $item['participants'][] = (string) $value;

  // Handle the product images. In theory, there could be a million different
  // product image types. We're only going to check for the most common ones
  // and ignore the rest for now.
  $supported_sizes = split(',', AMAZON_IMAGE_SIZES);
  if (isset($xml->ImageSets->ImageSet)) {
    foreach ((array) $xml->ImageSets->ImageSet as $key => $data) {
      if (in_array($key, $supported_sizes)) {
        $item['imagesets'][strtolower($key)] = array(
          'url' => (string) $data->URL,
          'height' => (string) $data->Height,
          'width' => (string) $data->Width,

  // Handle the editorial reviews.
  if (isset($xml->EditorialReviews)) {
    foreach ($xml->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview as $data) {
      $item['editorialreviews'][] = array(
        'source' => (string) $data->Source,
        'content' => (string) $data->Content,

  // And the customer reviews.
  if (isset($xml->CustomerReviews)) {
    $item['customerreviews_iframe'] = (string) $xml->CustomerReviews->IFrameURL;

  // Give other modules an opportunity to pull out other bits of Amazon data
  // that would otherwise be ignored. We can't use module_invoke_all, as it
  // would lose the reference.
  foreach (module_implements('amazon_item_clean_xml') as $module) {
    $function = $module . '_amazon_item_clean_xml';
    $function($item, $xml);
  return $item;

 * Insert 'cleaned' amazon item into database.
 * @param $item
 *   'Cleaned' amazon structure.
 * @return
 *   No return value.
function amazon_item_insert($item) {

  // We have boatloads of data to insert in here, so we're going to
  // cheat and blow away the old entries first.
  $metadata = amazon_data_cache();
  $item['timestamp'] = time();
  drupal_write_record('amazon_item', $item);

  // Handle the various credits for a product, including Artist, Author,
  // Actor, etc. We map these to a separate table.
  if (in_array('creators', variable_get('amazon_core_data', array(
  )))) {
    $participant_types = split(',', AMAZON_PARTICIPANT_TYPES);
    foreach ($participant_types as $type) {
      if (isset($item[strtolower($type)])) {
        foreach ((array) $item[strtolower($type)] as $participant) {
          $item_participant = array(
            'asin' => $item['asin'],
            'type' => strtolower($type),
            'participant' => $participant,
          drupal_write_record('amazon_item_participant', $item_participant);

  // Save the product images if they exist, or provide defaults
  if (in_array('images', variable_get('amazon_core_data', array(
  )))) {

    // If we have no images, go get default images.
    // TODO: This is pretty ugly. Find a better way. Store this information as
    // variable, whatever.  No reason to do this every time.
    if (empty($item['imagesets'])) {
      $default_image = variable_get('amazon_default_image', '');
      foreach (array(
      ) as $key) {
        $preset_name = variable_get('amazon_default_image_' . $key . '_preset', '');
        if (!empty($preset_name)) {
          $preset = imagecache_preset_by_name($preset_name);
          $themed_image = theme('imagecache', $preset_name, $default_image, t('No image was provided'));
          if ($key == 'medium') {
            $themed_default_image = $themed_image;
          preg_match_all('/(src|height|width)=("[^"]*")/i', $themed_image, $tags);
          foreach ($tags[1] as $tag_index => $tag) {
            if ($tag == 'src') {
              $item['imagesets']["{$key}image"]['url'] = str_replace('"', '', $tags[2][$tag_index]);
            if ($tag == 'width') {
              $item['imagesets']["{$key}image"]['width'] = str_replace('"', '', $tags[2][$tag_index]);
            if ($tag == 'height') {
              $item['imagesets']["{$key}image"]['height'] = str_replace('"', '', $tags[2][$tag_index]);
    if (isset($item['imagesets'])) {
      foreach ($item['imagesets'] as $size => $data) {
        $image = array(
          'asin' => $item['asin'],
          'size' => $size,
          'height' => $data['height'],
          'width' => $data['width'],
          'url' => $data['url'],
        drupal_write_record('amazon_item_image', $image);

  // Save the editorial reviews if they exist.
  if (in_array('editorial_reviews', variable_get('amazon_core_data', array(
  )))) {
    if (isset($item['editorialreviews'])) {
      foreach ($item['editorialreviews'] as $data) {
        $review = array(
          'asin' => $item['asin'],
          'source' => $data['source'],
          'content' => $data['content'],
        drupal_write_record('amazon_item_editorial_review', $review);
  module_invoke_all('amazon_item_insert', $item);

 * Delete all vestiges of Amazon item.
 * @param $asin
 *   ASIN to be deleted.
 * @return No return.
function amazon_item_delete($asin) {
  module_invoke_all('amazon_item_delete', $asin);
  db_query("DELETE FROM {amazon_item} WHERE asin = '%s'", $asin);
  db_query("DELETE FROM {amazon_item_participant} WHERE asin = '%s'", $asin);
  db_query("DELETE FROM {amazon_item_image} WHERE asin = '%s'", $asin);
  db_query("DELETE FROM {amazon_item_editorial_review} WHERE asin = '%s'", $asin);

 * Try to turn a non-asin into an ASIN where possible.
 * If the received input appears to be an EAN (ISBN-13) or an
 * link, then this tries to convert it into an ASIN.
 * @param $input
 * @return
 *   An ASIN if possible. Otherwise whatever was passed in,
 *   after removing dashes.
function amazon_convert_to_asin($input) {
  $input = preg_replace('/-/', '', $input);

  // Remove dashes.
  if (preg_match('/^https?:/', $input)) {
    $parts = preg_split('/\\//', $input);
    $asin = $parts[5];

    // 6th section of split, right after /dp/
    return $asin;

  // Attempt conversion of 13-digit ASIN by doing an Amazon lookup.
  if (strlen($input) == 13 && is_numeric($input)) {
    $asin = amazon_ean_to_asin($input);
    return $asin;
  return $input;

 * Given an EAN (ISBN-13), try to get Amazon to give it to us.
 * @param $ean
 *   The EAN, ISBN-13 value
 * @return
 *   The asin, or NULL if unsuccessful.
 * @see
function amazon_ean_to_asin($ean) {
  $asin = NULL;
  $params = array(
    'ItemId' => $ean,
    'IdType' => 'EAN',
    'SearchIndex' => 'Books',
  $results = amazon_http_request('ItemLookup', $params);
  if (!empty($results->Items->Item->ASIN)) {
    $asin = (string) $results->Items->Item->ASIN;
  return $asin;

 * Utility functions for managing AmazonItem/Node relationships
function amazon_item_node_save($asin, $node, $module = 'amazon', $weight = 0) {
  amazon_item_node_delete($asin, $nid, $module);
  db_query("INSERT INTO {amazon_item_node} (asin, vid, nid, module, weight) VALUES ('%s', %d, '%s', %d)", $asin, $nid, $module, $weight);
function amazon_item_node_delete($asin = NULL, $nid = NULL, $module = NULL) {
  $sql = "DELETE FROM {amazon_item_node} WHERE 1 = 1";
  $params = array();
  if (isset($asin)) {
    $sql = " AND asin = '%s'";
    $params[] = $asin;
  if (isset($nid)) {
    $sql = " AND nid = %d";
    $params[] = $nid;
  if (isset($module)) {
    $sql = " AND module = '%s'";
    $params[] = $module;
  if (count($params)) {
    db_query($sql, $params);

 * Misc. helper functions for managing the wide array of Amazon
 * data bitsies.
function amazon_data_cache($reset = FALSE) {
  static $data;
  if (!isset($data) || $reset) {
    if (!$reset && ($cache = cache_get('amazon:metadata')) && !empty($cache->data)) {
      $data = $cache->data;
    else {
      $data = array();
      $data['locales'] = _amazon_default_locales();
      drupal_alter('amazon_metadata', $data);
      cache_set('amazon:metadata', $data);
  return $data;
function _amazon_default_locales() {
  $locales = array();
  $locales['US'] = array(
    'url' => '',
    'name' => t('United States'),
  $locales['UK'] = array(
    'url' => '',
    'name' => t('United Kingdom'),
  $locales['JP'] = array(
    'url' => '',
    'name' => t('Japan'),
  $locales['FR'] = array(
    'url' => '',
    'name' => t('France'),
  $locales['DE'] = array(
    'url' => '',
    'name' => t('Germany'),
  $locales['CA'] = array(
    'url' => '',
    'name' => t('Canada'),
  $locales['CN'] = array(
    'url' => '',
    'name' => t('China'),
  $locales['IT'] = array(
    'url' => '',
    'name' => t('Italy'),
  return $locales;
function amazon_get_associate_id() {
  switch (variable_get('amazon_associate_setting', 'association')) {
    case 'association':
      return 'drupal0a-20';
    case 'custom':
      return variable_get('amazon_custom_associate_id', '');
      return FALSE;
function amazon_cron() {

  // Here, we're going to chug through all the existing ASINs and update them.
  // We'll grab 50 at a time to avoid thrashing things.
  $sql = "SELECT asin FROM {amazon_item} WHERE timestamp < %d";
  $result = db_query_range($sql, time() - variable_get('amazon_refresh_schedule', 86400), 0, 50);
  $asins = array();
  while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $asins[] = $item['asin'];
  if (!empty($asins)) {
    if ($items = amazon_item_lookup_from_web($asins)) {
      foreach ($items as $item) {
      watchdog('amazon', 'Amazon items were updated.');
    else {
      watchdog('amazon', 'Amazon items could not be updated.');
function amazon_token_list($type = 'all') {
  if ($type == 'amazon_item' || $type == 'all') {
    $tokens['amazon_item']['asin'] = t('Product ID');
    $values['amazon_item']['isbn'] = t('The 10-digit ISBN (International Standard Book Number)');
    $values['amazon_item']['ean'] = t('The EAN or 13-digit ISBN');
    $tokens['amazon_item']['detailpageurl'] = t('The detail page URL for the item');
    $tokens['amazon_item']['salesrank'] = t("The product's sales rank");
    $tokens['amazon_item']['brand'] = t("The product's brand");
    $tokens['amazon_item']['publisher'] = t("The product's publisher");
    $tokens['amazon_item']['manufacturer'] = t("The product's manufacturer");
    $tokens['amazon_item']['studio'] = t("The product's studio");
    $tokens['amazon_item']['label'] = t("The product's label");
    $tokens['amazon_item']['binding'] = t("The product's binding type");
    $tokens['amazon_item']['releasedate'] = t("The product's release date");
    $tokens['amazon_item']['listprice'] = t("The product's list price");
    $tokens['amazon_item']['producttype'] = t("The product's Amazon product type");
    $values['amazon_item']['lowestprice'] = t('The lowest price currently offered by any merchant at Amazon');
    $values['amazon_item']['amazonprice'] = t('Current price offered by Amazon');
    return $tokens;
function amazon_token_values($type, $object = NULL, $options = array()) {
  if ($type == 'amazon_item' || $type == 'all') {
    $item = (array) $object;
    $values['asin'] = check_plain($item['asin']);
    $values['isbn'] = check_plain($item['isbn']);
    $values['ean'] = check_plain($item['ean']);
    $values['detailpageurl'] = check_url($item['detailpageurl']);
    $values['salesrank'] = check_plain($item['salesrank']);
    $values['brand'] = check_plain($item['brand']);
    $values['publisher'] = check_plain($item['publisher']);
    $values['manufacturer'] = check_plain($item['manufacturer']);
    $values['studio'] = check_plain($item['studio']);
    $values['label'] = check_plain($item['label']);
    $values['binding'] = check_plain($item['binding']);
    $values['releasedate'] = check_plain($item['releasedate']);
    $values['listprice'] = check_plain($item['listpriceformattedprice']);
    $values['producttype'] = check_plain($item['producttype']);
    $values['lowestprice'] = check_plain($item['lowestpriceformattedprice']);
    $values['amazonprice'] = check_plain($item['amazonpriceformattedprice']);
    return $values;

 * Implementation of hook_views_api.
function amazon_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => 2,
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'amazon') . '/includes',

 * Template helper for theme_amazon_views_view_row_item
function template_preprocess_amazon_views_view_row_item(&$vars) {
  $options = $vars['options'];
  $vars['amazon_item'] = '';

  // make sure var is defined.
  $asin = $vars['row']->asin;
  $items = amazon_item_lookup($asin);
  if (empty($items[$asin])) {
  else {
    $item = $items[$asin];
    $item['view'] = $vars['view'];
    $vars['amazon_item'] = $item;
    if ($options['display_format'] == 'inline') {
      $vars['content'] = theme('amazon_item_inline', $item, $options['display_format']);
    else {
      $vars['content'] = theme('amazon_item', $item, $options['display_format']);
function amazon_init() {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'amazon') . '/amazon.css');


Namesort descending Description
amazon_convert_to_asin Try to turn a non-asin into an ASIN where possible.
amazon_data_cache Misc. helper functions for managing the wide array of Amazon data bitsies.
amazon_ean_to_asin Given an EAN (ISBN-13), try to get Amazon to give it to us.
amazon_get_response_groups Allow other modules to alter the list of response groups used when sending an http request. Invoke using the alter hook modulename_amazon_response_groups_alter.
amazon_item_clean_xml Take the Amazon XML item and turn it into our own private 'cleaned' data structure.
amazon_item_delete Delete all vestiges of Amazon item.
amazon_item_insert Insert 'cleaned' amazon item into database.
amazon_item_lookup Look up an item using database or web. The default is to look in the database for existing data, and then to do the web search if that fails. $force_lookup==TRUE forces going to Amazon's API.
amazon_item_lookup_from_db Look up ASINs in database and return arrays of information keyed by ASIN.
amazon_item_lookup_from_web Use Amazon API to look up an array of ASINs.
amazon_item_node_save Utility functions for managing AmazonItem/Node relationships
amazon_menu Implementation of hook_menu. Adds the url path for the Amazon settings page.
amazon_perm Implementation of hook_perm
amazon_preprocess_amazon_item hook_preprocess: amazon_item.
amazon_theme Implementation of hook_theme().
amazon_views_api Implementation of hook_views_api.
template_preprocess_amazon_views_view_row_item Template helper for theme_amazon_views_view_row_item
_amazon_item_batch_lookup_from_web Get 10 or less items from the AWS web service. AWS allows ONLY 10 items, See
_amazon_load_child_data Load participant, image, editorial_review data into database.
