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Functions in Ajax Load 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ajax_load_ajax_data_alter ./ajax_load.module Implementation of hook_ajax_data_alter().
ajax_load_ajax_render ./ajax_load.module Render a commands array into JSON and immediately hand this back to the AJAX requester. We are stealing ctools version of this code. this version is from API 1.8 dev when merlin adds a return argument, this code will be removed. 1
ajax_load_example_callback ajax_load_example/ Render a form in JSON. 1
ajax_load_example_form ajax_load_example/ Generate a sample form. 1
ajax_load_example_menu ajax_load_example/ajax_load_example.module Implementation of hook_menu().
ajax_load_example_page ajax_load_example/ Menu callback: present a page with a link. 1
ajax_load_init ./ajax_load.module Implementation of hook_menu().

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