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function ajax_load_example_callback in Ajax Load 6.2

Render a form in JSON.

This function shows how to generate and alter an AJAX response to allow ajax_load to add its functionality.

1 call to ajax_load_example_callback()
ajax_load_example_page in ajax_load_example/
Menu callback: present a page with a link.


ajax_load_example/, line 28
Menu callbacks and associated methods for Ajax load example.


function ajax_load_example_callback() {
  $result = array(
    'content' => drupal_get_form('ajax_load_example_form'),
    // Put the Javascript callback you will use here.
    // You can if you wish leave out this line and instead
    // call your callback directly in your Javascript. See
    // comments in ajax_load_example.js.
    '__callbacks' => array(

  // Call drupal_alter('ajax_data', ...). This is what allows ajax_load to
  // add its data and register its Javascript callback.
  // The second argument is the data to be altered.
  // The third argument is a unique identifier for this AJAX data operation.
  // The fourth and optional argument is the original data that was the subject
  // of the ajax operation--in this case, a form ID.
  drupal_alter('ajax_data', $result, 'ajax_load_example', 'ajax_load_example_form');