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function ajax_load_ajax_data_alter in Ajax Load 6.2

Implementation of hook_ajax_data_alter().


./ajax_load.module, line 26
Enable loading of Javascript and CSS data with AJAX loads.


function ajax_load_ajax_data_alter(&$data) {

  //$extra = ajax_data_get_data();
  $array = FALSE;

  // Detect whether the data being altered is an array.
  if (is_array($data)) {
    $data = (object) $data;
    $array = TRUE;

  // use ctools system for preping the shutdown handler on an ajax call
  ini_set('display_errors', 0);

  //$data->scripts = $extra['scripts'];

  //$data->css = $extra['css'];
  if (!isset($data->__callbacks)) {
    $data->__callbacks = array();
  if (!isset($data->__commands)) {
    $data->__commands = array();

  // Set the AjaxLoad custom event as a callback.
  $data->__callbacks[] = 'Drupal.CTools.AJAX.commands.ajax_load';

  // use ctools js and css construction
  // also, allow __commands to be used to store ctools ajax commands in ajax_load callbacks
  $data->__commands = ajax_load_ajax_render($data->__commands, FALSE);

  // Cast back to an array if necessary.
  if ($array) {
    $data = (array) $data;