function advagg_relocate_js_script_rewrite in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 7.2
Add external.
array $js: JS array.
array $scripts_found: An array of inline scripts found and locations for them in the file.
Related topics
2 calls to advagg_relocate_js_script_rewrite()
- advagg_relocate_advagg_get_js_file_contents_alter in advagg_relocate/ - Implements hook_advagg_get_js_file_contents_alter().
- advagg_relocate_js_post_alter in advagg_relocate/
advagg_relocate.module - Alter the js array.
- advagg_relocate/
advagg_relocate.module, line 547 - Advanced aggregation relocate module.
function advagg_relocate_js_script_rewrite(array &$js, array $scripts_found) {
// Move inline code to external if possible.
foreach ($scripts_found as $key_name => $values) {
if ($key_name === 'analytics.js') {
list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
$value = $js[$key];
// Get analytics.js URL and add it to the js array.
$analytics_js_url = substr($value['data'], $middle + 29, $end - strlen($value['data']) - 1);
$insert = array(
$analytics_js_url => array(
'data' => $analytics_js_url,
'type' => 'external',
'async' => TRUE,
'defer' => TRUE,
'noasync' => FALSE,
'nodefer' => FALSE,
$js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
$js[$analytics_js_url] += $value;
// Fix if analytics.js is already local.
$http_pos = strpos($analytics_js_url, 'http://');
$https_pos = strpos($analytics_js_url, 'https://');
$double_slash_pos = strpos($analytics_js_url, '//');
if ($http_pos !== 0 && $https_pos !== 0 && $double_slash_pos !== 0) {
$js[$analytics_js_url]['type'] = 'file';
// Shorten function arguments.
$value['data'] = substr($value['data'], 0, $middle + 27) . substr($value['data'], $end);
// Strip loader string.
$value['data'] = substr($value['data'], 0, $start + 132) . substr($value['data'], $middle);
// Shorten function parameters.
$value['data'] = str_replace('function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i["GoogleAnalyticsObject"]', 'function(i,s,o,r){i["GoogleAnalyticsObject"]', $value['data']);
$js[$key]['pre_relocate_data'] = $js[$key]['data'];
$js[$key]['data'] = $value['data'];
// Pin to header as the js expects ga to be there.
$js[$key]['scope'] = 'header';
$js[$key]['scope_lock'] = TRUE;
// Handle ga("require", ...) calls for external scripts to be loaded.
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('/ga\\([\'"]require[\'"],\\s*[\'"][a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*[\'"],\\s*[\'"](.*?)[\'"]\\)/', $value['data'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
// Remove inline js loader code.
$start = strpos($js[$key]['data'], $match[0]);
if ($start === FALSE) {
$strlen = strlen($match[0]);
$js[$key]['data'] = substr($js[$key]['data'], 0, $start) . substr($js[$key]['data'], $start + $strlen);
// Add script to the drupal js array.
$url = '//' . $match[1];
$insert = array(
$url => array(
'data' => $url,
'type' => 'external',
'async' => TRUE,
'defer' => TRUE,
'noasync' => FALSE,
'nodefer' => FALSE,
$js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $analytics_js_url);
$js[$url] += $value;
if ($key_name === 'piwik.js') {
list($key, $start, $middle) = $values;
$value = $js[$key];
// Get URL.
$url = variable_get('matomo_url_http', '');
if ($GLOBALS['is_https']) {
// Use HTTPS.
$url = variable_get('matomo_url_https', '');
if (is_callable('_matomo_cache') && variable_get('matomo_cache', 0) && ($matomo_cache = _matomo_cache($url . 'piwik.js'))) {
// Try cache.
$url = $matomo_cache;
if (empty($url)) {
// Extract info from inline script.
// "https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://.../piwik/" : "http://.../piwik/".
$pattern = '/[\'"]https\\:[\'"]\\s*==\\s*document\\.location\\.protocol.*?[\'"](.*?)[\'"]\\s*\\:\\s*[\'"](.*?)[\'"]/';
preg_match($pattern, $value['data'], $matches);
if ($GLOBALS['is_https'] && !empty($matches[1])) {
$url = $matches[1];
elseif (empty($GLOBALS['is_https']) && !empty($matches[2])) {
$url = $matches[2];
if (!empty($url)) {
// Use HTTP.
// The $url may or may not have "piwik.js" at the end (it has if it came from _matomo_cache call above, otherwise not). Add if needed.
$url = check_url($url);
if (basename($url) != 'piwik.js') {
$url = $url . 'piwik.js';
// Final checks.
if (!empty($url)) {
$scope = variable_get('matomo_js_scope', $value['scope']);
$url = advagg_convert_abs_to_rel($url, TRUE);
$type = 'file';
if (advagg_is_external($url)) {
$parsed = parse_url($url);
if (strpos($parsed['path'], $GLOBALS['base_path']) === 0) {
$path = substr($parsed['path'], strlen($GLOBALS['base_path']));
if (file_exists($path)) {
$url = $path;
else {
$type = 'external';
else {
$type = 'external';
// Add to js array.
$insert = array(
$url => array(
'scope' => $scope,
'data' => $url,
'type' => $type,
'async' => TRUE,
'defer' => TRUE,
'noasync' => FALSE,
'nodefer' => FALSE,
$js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
$matches = array();
// s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);.
$pattern = '/\\,?\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\.parentNode\\.insertBefore\\(\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*,\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*\\)\\s*\\;*/';
preg_match($pattern, $value['data'], $matches);
// Strip loader string.
$value['data'] = str_replace($matches[0], '', $value['data']);
$js[$key]['pre_relocate_data'] = $js[$key]['data'];
$js[$key]['data'] = $value['data'];
// Pin to header as the js expects paq to be loaded before the file.
$js[$key]['scope'] = 'header';
$js[$key]['scope_lock'] = TRUE;
$js[$key]['weight'] = -50000;
$js[$key]['movable'] = FALSE;
if ($key_name === 'gtm.js') {
list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
$value = $js[$key];
// Get URL for script.
$matches_a = array();
preg_match('/j.src\\s*=\\s*[\'"](.*?);/', $value['data'], $matches_a);
$matches_b = array();
preg_match('/\\}\\)\\(window,document,[\'"]script[\'"],[\'"](.*?)[\'"],[\'"](.*?)[\'"]\\);/', $value['data'], $matches_b);
if (empty($matches_a[1]) || empty($matches_b[1])) {
if ($matches_b[1] !== 'dataLayer') {
$matches_b[1] = '&l=' . $matches_b[1];
else {
$matches_b[1] = '';
$gtm_url = trim(str_replace(array(
), array(
), $matches_a[1]), "'");
// Add script to the drupal js array.
$insert = array(
$gtm_url => array(
'data' => $gtm_url,
'type' => 'external',
'async' => TRUE,
'defer' => TRUE,
'noasync' => FALSE,
'nodefer' => FALSE,
$js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
$js[$gtm_url] += $value;
// Shorten function arguments.
$args = explode(',', substr($value['data'], $end + 3, -2));
$value['data'] = substr($value['data'], 0, $end + 9) . ",{$args[3]});";
// Strip loader string.
$value['data'] = substr($value['data'], 0, $middle) . substr($value['data'], $end);
// Shorten function parameters.
$value['data'] = str_replace('(function(w,d,s,l,i){', '(function(w,l){', $value['data']);
// Add back.
$js[$key]['pre_relocate_data'] = $js[$key]['data'];
$js[$key]['data'] = $value['data'];
// Pin to header as the js expects dataLayer to be there.
$js[$key]['scope'] = 'header';
$js[$key]['scope_lock'] = TRUE;
if ($key_name === 'fbds.js') {
list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
$value = $js[$key];
// Get URL for script.
$matches = array();
preg_match('/fbds.src\\s*=\\s*[\'"](.*?)[\'"];/', $value['data'], $matches);
if (empty($matches[1])) {
$url = trim($matches[1]);
// Add script to the drupal js array.
$insert = array(
$url => array(
'data' => $url,
'type' => 'external',
'async' => TRUE,
'defer' => TRUE,
'noasync' => FALSE,
'nodefer' => FALSE,
$js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
$js[$url] += $value;
// Strip loader string.
$matches = array();
preg_match('/if\\s*\\(!_fbq.loaded\\)\\s*\\{/', $value['data'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$new_js = substr($value['data'], 0, $matches[0][1]);
// Set loaded TRUE.
$matches = array();
preg_match('/_fbq.loaded\\s*=\\s*true/', $value['data'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$new_js .= $matches[0][0] . ';';
// Get the rest of the JS string.
$end = strpos($value['data'], '}', $matches[0][1]);
$new_js .= trim(substr($value['data'], $end + 1));
$js[$key]['pre_relocate_data'] = $js[$key]['data'];
$js[$key]['data'] = $new_js;
// Pin to header as the js expects _fbq to be there.
$js[$key]['scope'] = 'header';
$js[$key]['scope_lock'] = TRUE;
if ($key_name === 'fbevents.js') {
list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
$value = $js[$key];
// Add script to the drupal js array.
$url = '';
$insert = array(
$url => array(
'data' => $url,
'type' => 'external',
$js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
$js[$url] += $value;
$before = substr($value['data'], 0, $start);
$after = ltrim(substr($value['data'], $end + 40), ';');
// Get all facebook pixel ids.
$fb_ids = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode("\n", variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_fbevents_local_ids', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBEVENTS_LOCAL_IDS))));
$matches = array();
preg_match('/fbq\\(\\s*[\'"]init[\'"]\\s*,\\s*[\'"](\\d+)[\'"]\\s*\\)/', $value['data'], $matches);
if (!empty($matches[1])) {
$fb_ids[] = $matches[1];
$fb_ids = array_filter($fb_ids);
// Update in place the ids if any others were found inline.
$GLOBALS['conf']['advagg_relocate_js_fbevents_local_ids'] = implode("\n", $fb_ids);
// Get scripts before and after; replace middle of script.
$new_js = $before . "!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod?n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0;t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]}(window,document,'script','//');" . $after;
$js[$key]['pre_relocate_data'] = $js[$key]['data'];
$js[$key]['data'] = $new_js;
// Pin to header as the js expects fbq to be there.
$js[$key]['scope'] = 'header';
$js[$key]['scope_lock'] = TRUE;
if ($key_name === 'perfectaudience.js') {
list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
$value = $js[$key];
// Reindex.
$matches = array();
preg_match('/window\\._pa\\s*=\\s*window._pa\\s*\\|\\|\\s*\\{\\s*\\}\\s*;/', $value['data'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
if (!empty($matches[0][1])) {
$start = $matches[0][1];
$middle = strpos($value['data'], '//', $start);
$end = strpos($value['data'], 's.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s);', $middle);
$substr = substr($value['data'], $start, $end - $start + 35);
$matches = array();
preg_match('/\\.src\\s*=\\s*[\'"](\\/\\/\\/serve\\/.*\\.js)[\'"]/', $substr, $matches);
if (!empty($matches[1])) {
$url = $matches[1];
// Add script to the drupal js array.
$insert = array(
$url => array(
'data' => $url,
'type' => 'external',
'async' => TRUE,
'defer' => TRUE,
'noasync' => FALSE,
'nodefer' => FALSE,
$js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
$js[$url] += $value;
// s.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s);.
$pattern = '/\\,?\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\.parentNode\\.insertBefore\\(\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*,\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*\\)\\s*\\;*/';
// Strip loader string.
$new_substr = preg_replace($pattern, '', $substr);
$js[$key]['data'] = str_replace($substr, $new_substr, $value['data']);
if ($key_name === 'uwt.js') {
list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
$value = $js[$key];
$url = '//';
// Add script to the drupal js array.
$insert = array(
$url => array(
'data' => $url,
'type' => 'external',
'scope_lock' => FALSE,
'scope' => 'footer',
$js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
$js[$url] += $value;
// Reindex.
$start = strpos($value['data'], '!function(e,t,n,s,u,a){e.twq||');
$middle = strpos($value['data'], '//', $start);
$end = strpos($value['data'], "a.parentNode.insertBefore(u,a))}(window,document,'script');", $middle);
$substr = substr($value['data'], $start, $end - $start + 61);
// a.parentNode.insertBefore(u,a).
$pattern = '/\\,?\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\.parentNode\\.insertBefore\\(\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*,\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*\\)\\s*\\;*/';
// Strip loader string.
$new_substr = preg_replace($pattern, '', $substr);
$js[$key]['data'] = str_replace($substr, $new_substr, $value['data']);
if ($key_name === 'linkedin_insight.js') {
list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
$value = $js[$key];
$url = '';
// Add script to the drupal js array.
$insert = array(
$url => array(
'data' => $url,
'type' => 'external',
'async' => TRUE,
'defer' => TRUE,
'noasync' => FALSE,
'nodefer' => FALSE,
$js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
$js[$url] += $value;
$start = strpos($value['data'], '_linkedin_data_partner_id');
$middle = strpos($value['data'], '//', $start);
$end = strpos($value['data'], "s.parentNode.insertBefore(b, s)", $middle);
$substr = substr($value['data'], $start, $end - $start + 35);
// a.parentNode.insertBefore(u,a).
$pattern = '/\\,?\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\.parentNode\\.insertBefore\\(\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*,\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*\\)\\s*\\;*/';
// Strip loader string.
$new_substr = preg_replace($pattern, '', $substr);
$js[$key]['data'] = str_replace($substr, $new_substr, $value['data']);