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function advagg_convert_abs_to_rel in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 advagg.module \advagg_convert_abs_to_rel()

Converts absolute paths to be self references.


string $path: Path to check.

bool $strip_base_path: Do no add the base path to the given path if TRUE.

Return value

string The path.

4 calls to advagg_convert_abs_to_rel()
advagg_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter in ./
Implements hook_advagg_get_info_on_files_alter().
advagg_file_create_url in ./advagg.module
Wrapper around file_create_url() to do post-processing on the created url.
advagg_relocate_js_script_rewrite in advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module
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_advagg_process_html in ./advagg.module
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./advagg.module, line 4912
Advanced CSS/JS aggregation module.


function advagg_convert_abs_to_rel($path, $strip_base_path = FALSE) {
  $base_url = $GLOBALS['base_url'];

  // Add a slash to end if none is found.
  if (strpos(strrev($base_url), '/') !== 0) {
    $base_url .= '/';

  // Set base path.
  $base_path = $GLOBALS['base_path'];
  if ($strip_base_path) {
    $base_path = '';

  // Do conversion of https and http to self references.
  $base_url_https = advagg_force_https_path($base_url);
  $path = str_replace($base_url_https, $base_path, $path);
  $base_url_http = advagg_force_http_path($base_url);
  $path = str_replace($base_url_http, $base_path, $path);
  $base_url = advagg_convert_abs_to_protocol($GLOBALS['base_url']);

  // Add a slash to end if none is found.
  if (strpos(strrev($base_url), '/') !== 0) {
    $base_url .= '/';

  // Do conversion of protocol relative to self references.
  $path = str_replace($base_url, $base_path, $path);
  return $path;