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advagg_relocate.module in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 7.2

Advanced aggregation relocate module.


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 * @file
 * Advanced aggregation relocate module.

 * @addtogroup default_variables
 * @{

 * Default value to see if JS is loaded locally.

 * If the external file has a longer TTL then this value do not cache locally.
define('ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_TTL', 604800);

 * Minimum cache lifetime, 600 seconds by default.

 * Default value to see if GA JS is loaded locally.

 * Default value to see if GTM JS is loaded locally.

 * Default value to see if fbds JS is loaded locally.

 * Default value to see if fbevents JS is loaded locally.

 * Default value to see if piwik JS is loaded locally.

 * Default value to see if perfectaudience JS is loaded locally.

 * Default value to see if twitter uwt JS is loaded locally.

 * Default value to see if twitter uwt JS is loaded locally.

 * Default value to see if CSS is loaded locally.

 * If the external file has a longer TTL then this value do not cache locally.
define('ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_TTL', 604800);

 * Minimum cache lifetime, 600 seconds by default.

 * Default value to see if css inlining import is enabled.

 * Default value to see if css inlining external css is enabled.

 * Default value for blacklisted JS domains.

 * Default value for blacklisted JS files.

 * Default value for list of fbevents.js pixel ids.

 * Default value for supported CSS font domains.

 * Default value for blacklisted CSS domains.

 * Default value for blacklisted CSS files.

 * Default value for where relocated files are kept.
define('ADVAGG_RELOCATE_DIRECTORY', 'public://advagg_relocate/');

 * If 4 the admin section gets unlocked.

 * @} End of "addtogroup default_variables".

 * @addtogroup hooks
 * @{

 * Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
function advagg_relocate_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {

  // Move advagg_relocate to the top.
  if ($hook === 'advagg_get_js_file_contents_alter' && array_key_exists('advagg_relocate', $implementations)) {
    $item = array(
      'advagg_relocate' => $implementations['advagg_relocate'],
    $implementations = array_merge($item, $implementations);

 * Implements hook_menu().
function advagg_relocate_menu() {
  $file_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'advagg_relocate');
  $config_path = advagg_admin_config_root_path();
  $items[$config_path . '/advagg/relocate'] = array(
    'title' => 'Relocate',
    'description' => 'Move external items to be local.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file path' => $file_path,
    'file' => '',
    'weight' => 10,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_css_alter().
function advagg_relocate_css_alter(&$css) {
  if (!module_exists('advagg') || !advagg_enabled()) {
  $aggregate_settings = advagg_current_hooks_hash_array();

  // Check external css setting.
  if (empty($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_css_inline_external'])) {

  // Handle fonts.
  $replacements = array();
  foreach ($css as $key => &$values) {
    if ($values['type'] !== 'external') {
    if (!advagg_relocate_check_domain_of_font_url($key, $aggregate_settings)) {
    module_load_include('', 'advagg_relocate');
    $font_faces = advagg_relocate_get_remote_font_data($key, $aggregate_settings);
    if (empty($font_faces)) {
    $new_css = advagg_relocate_font_face_parser($font_faces);
    $values['data'] = $new_css;
    $values['type'] = 'inline';

    // Add DNS information for font domains.
    $parse = @parse_url($key);
    if (strpos($parse['host'], '') !== FALSE) {

      // Add when is added.
      $values['dns_prefetch'] = '';
      $values['preload'] = '';

    // Move this css to the top.
    if (module_exists('advagg_mod') && $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_mod_css_adjust_sort_external']) {
      $values['group'] = CSS_SYSTEM - 1;
      $values['weight'] = -50000;
      $values['movable'] = FALSE;

    // Do not move this css to the bottom.
    if (module_exists('advagg_mod') && $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_mod_css_adjust_sort_inline']) {
      $values['movable'] = FALSE;
    $replacements[basename($key)] = $key;
  if (!empty($replacements)) {
    $css = advagg_relocate_key_rename($css, $replacements);

 * Implements hook_cron().
function advagg_relocate_cron() {

  // Get filenames in directory.
  $dir = rtrim(variable_get('advagg_relocate_directory', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_DIRECTORY), '/');
  $files = file_scan_directory($dir, '/.*/');

  // Get cached objects from filenames.
  $cids = array();
  foreach ($files as $info) {
    $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($info->filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
    $cids["advagg_relocate_{$ext}_external:{$info->filename}"] = "advagg_relocate_{$ext}_external:{$info->filename}";
  $cached_data = cache_get_multiple($cids, 'cache_advagg_info');

  // Build css and js arrays.
  $css = array();
  $js = array();
  foreach ($cached_data as $values) {
    $url = $values->data->url;
    $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
    if ($ext === "css") {
      $css[$url]['data'] = $url;
      $css[$url]['type'] = 'external';
    elseif ($ext === "js") {
      $js[$url]['data'] = $url;
      $js[$url]['type'] = 'external';
    elseif (!empty($values->headers['content-type']) && stripos($values->headers['content-type'], 'css')) {
      $css[$url]['data'] = $url;
      $css[$url]['type'] = 'external';
    elseif (!empty($values->headers['content-type']) && stripos($values->headers['content-type'], 'javascript')) {
      $js[$url]['data'] = $url;
      $js[$url]['type'] = 'external';

  // Refresh cached data.
  if (!empty($js)) {
    advagg_relocate_js_post_alter($js, TRUE);
  if (!empty($css)) {
    advagg_relocate_css_post_alter($css, TRUE);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
 * Give advice on how to temporarily disable css/js aggregation.
function advagg_relocate_form_advagg_admin_operations_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  module_load_include('', 'advagg_relocate');
  advagg_relocate_admin_form_advagg_admin_operations_form($form, $form_state);

 * @} End of "addtogroup hooks".

 * @addtogroup advagg_hooks
 * @{

 * Alter the css array.
 * @param array $css
 *   CSS array.
 * @param bool $force_check
 *   TRUE if you want to force check the external source.
function advagg_relocate_css_post_alter(array &$css, $force_check = FALSE) {
  if (!module_exists('advagg') || !advagg_enabled()) {
  $aggregate_settings = advagg_current_hooks_hash_array();

  // Check external css setting.
  if (empty($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_css'])) {

  // Get all external css files.
  $urls = _advagg_relocate_get_urls($css, 'css', $aggregate_settings);
  if (empty($urls)) {

  // Make advagg_save_data() available.
  module_load_include('inc', 'advagg', 'advagg.missing');
  module_load_include('', 'advagg_relocate');
  $responses = advagg_relocate_get_remote_data($urls, 'css', array(), $force_check);

  // Get s3fs no_rewrite_cssjs setting.
  $s3fs_no_rewrite_cssjs = advagg_get_s3fs_config('no_rewrite_cssjs');
  $filenames = array();
  $advagg_relocate_css_ttl = variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_ttl', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_TTL);
  foreach ($responses as $value) {
    if (!empty($advagg_relocate_css_ttl) && $value->ttl >= $advagg_relocate_css_ttl) {
    $rehash = FALSE;

    // Handle @import statements.
    if (strpos($value->data, '@import') !== FALSE) {

      // Handle "local" import statements.
      advagg_relocate_load_stylesheet_local(array(), dirname($value->url) . '/');
      $value->data = preg_replace_callback('%@import\\s*+(?:url\\(\\s*+)?+[\'"]?+(?![a-z]++:|/)([^\'"()\\s]++)[\'"]?+\\s*+\\)?+\\s*+;%i', 'advagg_relocate_load_stylesheet_local', $value->data);

      // Replace external import statements with the contents of them.
      $value->data = preg_replace_callback('%@import\\s*+(?:url\\(\\s*+)?+[\'"]?+((?:http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/|\\/\\/)(?:[^\'"()\\s]++))[\'"]?+\\s*+\\)?+\\s*+;%i', 'advagg_relocate_load_stylesheet_external', $value->data);
      $rehash = TRUE;

    // Fix external url references.
    if (strpos($value->data, 'url(') !== FALSE) {
      module_load_include('inc', 'advagg', 'advagg');

      // Set anchor point for local url() statements in the css.
      _advagg_build_css_path(array(), dirname($value->url) . '/');

      // Anchor all paths in the CSS with its base URL, ignoring external,
      // absolute paths, and urls that start with # or %23 (SVG).
      $value->data = preg_replace_callback('%url\\(\\s*+[\'"]?+(?![a-z]++:|/|\\#|\\%23+)([^\'"\\)]++)[\'"]?+\\s*+\\)%i', '_advagg_build_css_path', $value->data);
      $rehash = TRUE;
    if ($rehash) {
      $value->hash = drupal_hash_base64($value->data);

    // Save remote data.
    list($full_filename, $errors, $saved) = _advagg_relocate_save_remote_asset($value->options['filename'], $value->data, $value->local_cache, $value->hash);
    if (!empty($errors)) {

    // Replace remote data with local data.
    $relative_path = advagg_get_relative_path($full_filename);
    $key = $urls[$value->options['filename']];
    $css = advagg_relocate_key_rename($css, array(
      $relative_path => $key,
    $css[$relative_path]['pre_relocate_data'] = $css[$relative_path]['data'];
    $css[$relative_path]['data'] = $relative_path;
    $css[$relative_path]['type'] = 'file';
    if (defined('ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_PREPROCESS') && variable_get('advagg_mod_css_preprocess', ADVAGG_MOD_CSS_PREPROCESS) && empty($css[$relative_path]['preprocess_lock'])) {
      $css[$relative_path]['preprocess'] = TRUE;

    // Handle domain prefectch.
    $key_host = parse_url($key, PHP_URL_HOST);
    if (!empty($css[$relative_path]['dns_prefetch'])) {
      foreach ($css[$relative_path]['dns_prefetch'] as $key => $domain_name) {
        if (strpos($domain_name, $key_host) !== FALSE && strpos($value->data, $key_host)) {

    // List of files that need the cache cleared.
    if ($saved) {
      $filenames[] = !is_null($s3fs_no_rewrite_cssjs) && empty($s3fs_no_rewrite_cssjs) ? $full_filename : $relative_path;
  if (!empty($filenames)) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'advagg');
    module_load_include('', 'advagg');
    $files = advagg_get_info_on_files($filenames, TRUE);

 * Alter the js array.
 * @param string $key
 *   Key that can be used to lookup the value from the js array.
 * @param array $value
 *   Inner part of the js array.
 * @param array $aggregate_settings
 *   Array of settings.
 * @return array
 *   An array of inline scripts found and locations for them in the file.
function advagg_relocate_js_script_rewrite_list($key, array $value, array $aggregate_settings) {
  $scripts_found = array();

  // Handle analytics.js.
  if (!empty($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_ga_local'])) {
    $start = strpos($value['data'], '(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i["GoogleAnalyticsObject"]=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date()');
    $middle = strpos($value['data'], '})(window,document,"script",', $start);
    $end = strpos($value['data'], ',"ga");ga("create",', $middle);

    // Found the GA code.
    if ($start !== FALSE && $middle !== FALSE && $end !== FALSE) {
      $scripts_found['analytics.js'] = array(

  // Handle piwik.js.
  if (!empty($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_piwik_local'])) {
    $start = strpos($value['data'], 'var _paq');
    $middle = strpos($value['data'], '_paq.push(["setTrackerUrl"', $start);

    // Skip if not the paq code.
    if ($start !== FALSE && $middle !== FALSE) {
      $scripts_found['piwik.js'] = array(

  // Handle gtm.js.
  if (!empty($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_gtm_local'])) {
    $start = strpos($value['data'], '(function(w,d,s,l,i){');
    $middle = strpos($value['data'], 'var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]', $start);
    $end = strpos($value['data'], '})(window,document,', $middle);

    // Skip if not the GTM code.
    if ($start !== FALSE && $middle !== FALSE && $end !== FALSE) {
      $scripts_found['gtm.js'] = array(

  // Handle fbds.js.
  if (!empty($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_fbds_local'])) {
    $start = strpos($value['data'], 'var _fbq');
    $middle = strpos($value['data'], '(!_fbq.loaded)', $start);
    $end = strpos($value['data'], 's.parentNode.insertBefore(fbds', $middle);

    // Skip if not the fbds code.
    if ($start !== FALSE && $middle !== FALSE && $end !== FALSE) {
      $scripts_found['fbds.js'] = array(

  // Handle fbevents.js.
  if (!empty($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_fbevents_local'])) {
    $end = strpos($value['data'], '');

    // Skip if not the fbevents code.
    if ($end !== FALSE) {

      // Get middle of string.
      $matches = array();
      preg_match('/fbq\\s*=\\s*function\\(\\)/', $value['data'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
      if (!empty($matches[0][1])) {
        $middle = $matches[0][1];

        // Get start of string.
        $matches = array();
        preg_match('/\\!\\s*function\\(f,b,e,v,n,t,s\\)/', $value['data'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
        if (isset($matches[0][1])) {
          $start = $matches[0][1];
          if ($middle - $start <= 90) {
            $scripts_found['fbevents.js'] = array(

  // Handle perfectaudience.js.
  if (!empty($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_perfectaudience_local'])) {
    $matches = array();
    preg_match('/window\\._pa\\s*=\\s*window._pa\\s*\\|\\|\\s*\\{\\s*\\}\\s*;/', $value['data'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
    if (!empty($matches[0][1])) {
      $start = $matches[0][1];
      $middle = strpos($value['data'], '//', $start);
      $end = strpos($value['data'], 's.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s);', $middle);

      // Add if perfectaudience code.
      if ($start !== FALSE && $middle !== FALSE && $end !== FALSE) {
        $scripts_found['perfectaudience.js'] = array(

    // Handle twitter uwt.js.
    if (!empty($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_twitter_uwt_local'])) {
      $start = strpos($value['data'], '!function(e,t,n,s,u,a){e.twq||');
      $middle = strpos($value['data'], '//', $start);
      $end = strpos($value['data'], "a.parentNode.insertBefore(u,a))}(window,document,'script');", $middle);

      // Add in twitter uwt.js code.
      if ($start !== FALSE && $middle !== FALSE && $end !== FALSE) {
        $scripts_found['uwt.js'] = array(

    // Handle linkedin insight.js.
    if (!empty($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_linkedin_insight_local'])) {
      $start = strpos($value['data'], '_linkedin_data_partner_id');
      $middle = strpos($value['data'], '//', $start);
      $end = strpos($value['data'], "s.parentNode.insertBefore(b, s)", $middle);

      // Add in linkedin insight.js code.
      if ($start !== FALSE && $middle !== FALSE && $end !== FALSE) {
        $scripts_found['linkedin_insight.js'] = array(
  return $scripts_found;

 * Add external.
 * @param array $js
 *   JS array.
 * @param array $scripts_found
 *   An array of inline scripts found and locations for them in the file.
function advagg_relocate_js_script_rewrite(array &$js, array $scripts_found) {

  // Move inline code to external if possible.
  foreach ($scripts_found as $key_name => $values) {
    if ($key_name === 'analytics.js') {
      list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
      $value = $js[$key];

      // Get analytics.js URL and add it to the js array.
      $analytics_js_url = substr($value['data'], $middle + 29, $end - strlen($value['data']) - 1);
      $insert = array(
        $analytics_js_url => array(
          'data' => $analytics_js_url,
          'type' => 'external',
          'async' => TRUE,
          'defer' => TRUE,
          'noasync' => FALSE,
          'nodefer' => FALSE,
      $js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
      $js[$analytics_js_url] += $value;

      // Fix if analytics.js is already local.
      $http_pos = strpos($analytics_js_url, 'http://');
      $https_pos = strpos($analytics_js_url, 'https://');
      $double_slash_pos = strpos($analytics_js_url, '//');
      if ($http_pos !== 0 && $https_pos !== 0 && $double_slash_pos !== 0) {
        $js[$analytics_js_url]['type'] = 'file';

      // Shorten function arguments.
      $value['data'] = substr($value['data'], 0, $middle + 27) . substr($value['data'], $end);

      // Strip loader string.
      $value['data'] = substr($value['data'], 0, $start + 132) . substr($value['data'], $middle);

      // Shorten function parameters.
      $value['data'] = str_replace('function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i["GoogleAnalyticsObject"]', 'function(i,s,o,r){i["GoogleAnalyticsObject"]', $value['data']);
      $js[$key]['pre_relocate_data'] = $js[$key]['data'];
      $js[$key]['data'] = $value['data'];

      // Pin to header as the js expects ga to be there.
      $js[$key]['scope'] = 'header';
      $js[$key]['scope_lock'] = TRUE;

      // Handle ga("require", ...) calls for external scripts to be loaded.
      $matches = array();
      preg_match_all('/ga\\([\'"]require[\'"],\\s*[\'"][a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*[\'"],\\s*[\'"](.*?)[\'"]\\)/', $value['data'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
      foreach ($matches as $match) {

        // Remove inline js loader code.
        $start = strpos($js[$key]['data'], $match[0]);
        if ($start === FALSE) {
        $strlen = strlen($match[0]);
        $js[$key]['data'] = substr($js[$key]['data'], 0, $start) . substr($js[$key]['data'], $start + $strlen);

        // Add script to the drupal js array.
        $url = '//' . $match[1];
        $insert = array(
          $url => array(
            'data' => $url,
            'type' => 'external',
            'async' => TRUE,
            'defer' => TRUE,
            'noasync' => FALSE,
            'nodefer' => FALSE,
        $js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $analytics_js_url);
        $js[$url] += $value;
    if ($key_name === 'piwik.js') {
      list($key, $start, $middle) = $values;
      $value = $js[$key];

      // Get URL.
      $url = variable_get('matomo_url_http', '');
      if ($GLOBALS['is_https']) {

        // Use HTTPS.
        $url = variable_get('matomo_url_https', '');
      if (is_callable('_matomo_cache') && variable_get('matomo_cache', 0) && ($matomo_cache = _matomo_cache($url . 'piwik.js'))) {

        // Try cache.
        $url = $matomo_cache;
      if (empty($url)) {

        // Extract info from inline script.
        // "https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://.../piwik/" : "http://.../piwik/".
        $pattern = '/[\'"]https\\:[\'"]\\s*==\\s*document\\.location\\.protocol.*?[\'"](.*?)[\'"]\\s*\\:\\s*[\'"](.*?)[\'"]/';
        preg_match($pattern, $value['data'], $matches);
        if ($GLOBALS['is_https'] && !empty($matches[1])) {
          $url = $matches[1];
        elseif (empty($GLOBALS['is_https']) && !empty($matches[2])) {
          $url = $matches[2];
      if (!empty($url)) {

        // Use HTTP.
        // The $url may or may not have "piwik.js" at the end (it has if it came from _matomo_cache call above, otherwise not). Add if needed.
        $url = check_url($url);
        if (basename($url) != 'piwik.js') {
          $url = $url . 'piwik.js';

      // Final checks.
      if (!empty($url)) {
        $scope = variable_get('matomo_js_scope', $value['scope']);
        $url = advagg_convert_abs_to_rel($url, TRUE);
        $type = 'file';
        if (advagg_is_external($url)) {
          $parsed = parse_url($url);
          if (strpos($parsed['path'], $GLOBALS['base_path']) === 0) {
            $path = substr($parsed['path'], strlen($GLOBALS['base_path']));
            if (file_exists($path)) {
              $url = $path;
            else {
              $type = 'external';
          else {
            $type = 'external';

        // Add to js array.
        $insert = array(
          $url => array(
            'scope' => $scope,
            'data' => $url,
            'type' => $type,
            'async' => TRUE,
            'defer' => TRUE,
            'noasync' => FALSE,
            'nodefer' => FALSE,
        $js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
        $matches = array();

        // s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);.
        $pattern = '/\\,?\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\.parentNode\\.insertBefore\\(\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*,\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*\\)\\s*\\;*/';
        preg_match($pattern, $value['data'], $matches);

        // Strip loader string.
        $value['data'] = str_replace($matches[0], '', $value['data']);
        $js[$key]['pre_relocate_data'] = $js[$key]['data'];
        $js[$key]['data'] = $value['data'];

        // Pin to header as the js expects paq to be loaded before the file.
        $js[$key]['scope'] = 'header';
        $js[$key]['scope_lock'] = TRUE;
        $js[$key]['weight'] = -50000;
        $js[$key]['movable'] = FALSE;
    if ($key_name === 'gtm.js') {
      list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
      $value = $js[$key];

      // Get URL for script.
      $matches_a = array();
      preg_match('/j.src\\s*=\\s*[\'"](.*?);/', $value['data'], $matches_a);
      $matches_b = array();
      preg_match('/\\}\\)\\(window,document,[\'"]script[\'"],[\'"](.*?)[\'"],[\'"](.*?)[\'"]\\);/', $value['data'], $matches_b);
      if (empty($matches_a[1]) || empty($matches_b[1])) {
      if ($matches_b[1] !== 'dataLayer') {
        $matches_b[1] = '&l=' . $matches_b[1];
      else {
        $matches_b[1] = '';
      $gtm_url = trim(str_replace(array(
      ), array(
      ), $matches_a[1]), "'");

      // Add script to the drupal js array.
      $insert = array(
        $gtm_url => array(
          'data' => $gtm_url,
          'type' => 'external',
          'async' => TRUE,
          'defer' => TRUE,
          'noasync' => FALSE,
          'nodefer' => FALSE,
      $js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
      $js[$gtm_url] += $value;

      // Shorten function arguments.
      $args = explode(',', substr($value['data'], $end + 3, -2));
      $value['data'] = substr($value['data'], 0, $end + 9) . ",{$args[3]});";

      // Strip loader string.
      $value['data'] = substr($value['data'], 0, $middle) . substr($value['data'], $end);

      // Shorten function parameters.
      $value['data'] = str_replace('(function(w,d,s,l,i){', '(function(w,l){', $value['data']);

      // Add back.
      $js[$key]['pre_relocate_data'] = $js[$key]['data'];
      $js[$key]['data'] = $value['data'];

      // Pin to header as the js expects dataLayer to be there.
      $js[$key]['scope'] = 'header';
      $js[$key]['scope_lock'] = TRUE;
    if ($key_name === 'fbds.js') {
      list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
      $value = $js[$key];

      // Get URL for script.
      $matches = array();
      preg_match('/fbds.src\\s*=\\s*[\'"](.*?)[\'"];/', $value['data'], $matches);
      if (empty($matches[1])) {
      $url = trim($matches[1]);

      // Add script to the drupal js array.
      $insert = array(
        $url => array(
          'data' => $url,
          'type' => 'external',
          'async' => TRUE,
          'defer' => TRUE,
          'noasync' => FALSE,
          'nodefer' => FALSE,
      $js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
      $js[$url] += $value;

      // Strip loader string.
      $matches = array();
      preg_match('/if\\s*\\(!_fbq.loaded\\)\\s*\\{/', $value['data'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
      $new_js = substr($value['data'], 0, $matches[0][1]);

      // Set loaded TRUE.
      $matches = array();
      preg_match('/_fbq.loaded\\s*=\\s*true/', $value['data'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
      $new_js .= $matches[0][0] . ';';

      // Get the rest of the JS string.
      $end = strpos($value['data'], '}', $matches[0][1]);
      $new_js .= trim(substr($value['data'], $end + 1));
      $js[$key]['pre_relocate_data'] = $js[$key]['data'];
      $js[$key]['data'] = $new_js;

      // Pin to header as the js expects _fbq to be there.
      $js[$key]['scope'] = 'header';
      $js[$key]['scope_lock'] = TRUE;
    if ($key_name === 'fbevents.js') {
      list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
      $value = $js[$key];

      // Add script to the drupal js array.
      $url = '';
      $insert = array(
        $url => array(
          'data' => $url,
          'type' => 'external',
      $js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
      $js[$url] += $value;
      $before = substr($value['data'], 0, $start);
      $after = ltrim(substr($value['data'], $end + 40), ';');

      // Get all facebook pixel ids.
      $fb_ids = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode("\n", variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_fbevents_local_ids', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBEVENTS_LOCAL_IDS))));
      $matches = array();
      preg_match('/fbq\\(\\s*[\'"]init[\'"]\\s*,\\s*[\'"](\\d+)[\'"]\\s*\\)/', $value['data'], $matches);
      if (!empty($matches[1])) {
        $fb_ids[] = $matches[1];
      $fb_ids = array_filter($fb_ids);

      // Update in place the ids if any others were found inline.
      $GLOBALS['conf']['advagg_relocate_js_fbevents_local_ids'] = implode("\n", $fb_ids);

      // Get scripts before and after; replace middle of script.
      $new_js = $before . "!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod?n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0;t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]}(window,document,'script','//');" . $after;
      $js[$key]['pre_relocate_data'] = $js[$key]['data'];
      $js[$key]['data'] = $new_js;

      // Pin to header as the js expects fbq to be there.
      $js[$key]['scope'] = 'header';
      $js[$key]['scope_lock'] = TRUE;
    if ($key_name === 'perfectaudience.js') {
      list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
      $value = $js[$key];

      // Reindex.
      $matches = array();
      preg_match('/window\\._pa\\s*=\\s*window._pa\\s*\\|\\|\\s*\\{\\s*\\}\\s*;/', $value['data'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
      if (!empty($matches[0][1])) {
        $start = $matches[0][1];
        $middle = strpos($value['data'], '//', $start);
        $end = strpos($value['data'], 's.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s);', $middle);
        $substr = substr($value['data'], $start, $end - $start + 35);
        $matches = array();
        preg_match('/\\.src\\s*=\\s*[\'"](\\/\\/\\/serve\\/.*\\.js)[\'"]/', $substr, $matches);
        if (!empty($matches[1])) {
          $url = $matches[1];

          // Add script to the drupal js array.
          $insert = array(
            $url => array(
              'data' => $url,
              'type' => 'external',
              'async' => TRUE,
              'defer' => TRUE,
              'noasync' => FALSE,
              'nodefer' => FALSE,
          $js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
          $js[$url] += $value;

          // s.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s);.
          $pattern = '/\\,?\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\.parentNode\\.insertBefore\\(\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*,\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*\\)\\s*\\;*/';

          // Strip loader string.
          $new_substr = preg_replace($pattern, '', $substr);
          $js[$key]['data'] = str_replace($substr, $new_substr, $value['data']);
    if ($key_name === 'uwt.js') {
      list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
      $value = $js[$key];
      $url = '//';

      // Add script to the drupal js array.
      $insert = array(
        $url => array(
          'data' => $url,
          'type' => 'external',
          'scope_lock' => FALSE,
          'scope' => 'footer',
      $js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
      $js[$url] += $value;

      // Reindex.
      $start = strpos($value['data'], '!function(e,t,n,s,u,a){e.twq||');
      $middle = strpos($value['data'], '//', $start);
      $end = strpos($value['data'], "a.parentNode.insertBefore(u,a))}(window,document,'script');", $middle);
      $substr = substr($value['data'], $start, $end - $start + 61);

      // a.parentNode.insertBefore(u,a).
      $pattern = '/\\,?\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\.parentNode\\.insertBefore\\(\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*,\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*\\)\\s*\\;*/';

      // Strip loader string.
      $new_substr = preg_replace($pattern, '', $substr);
      $js[$key]['data'] = str_replace($substr, $new_substr, $value['data']);
    if ($key_name === 'linkedin_insight.js') {
      list($key, $start, $middle, $end) = $values;
      $value = $js[$key];
      $url = '';

      // Add script to the drupal js array.
      $insert = array(
        $url => array(
          'data' => $url,
          'type' => 'external',
          'async' => TRUE,
          'defer' => TRUE,
          'noasync' => FALSE,
          'nodefer' => FALSE,
      $js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $insert, $key);
      $js[$url] += $value;
      $start = strpos($value['data'], '_linkedin_data_partner_id');
      $middle = strpos($value['data'], '//', $start);
      $end = strpos($value['data'], "s.parentNode.insertBefore(b, s)", $middle);
      $substr = substr($value['data'], $start, $end - $start + 35);

      // a.parentNode.insertBefore(u,a).
      $pattern = '/\\,?\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\.parentNode\\.insertBefore\\(\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*,\\s*[\\w]{1,2}\\s*\\)\\s*\\;*/';

      // Strip loader string.
      $new_substr = preg_replace($pattern, '', $substr);
      $js[$key]['data'] = str_replace($substr, $new_substr, $value['data']);

 * Alter the js array.
 * @param array $js
 *   JS array.
 * @param bool $force_check
 *   TRUE if you want to force check the external source.
function advagg_relocate_js_post_alter(array &$js, $force_check = FALSE) {
  if (!module_exists('advagg') || !advagg_enabled()) {

  // Check external js setting.
  $aggregate_settings = advagg_current_hooks_hash_array();
  if (empty($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js'])) {

  // Look for inline scrtips that add external js via inline code.
  $scripts_found = array();
  module_load_include('inc', 'advagg', 'advagg');
  $temp_inserts = array();
  foreach ($js as $key => $value) {
    if ($value['type'] === 'inline') {
      $scripts_found += advagg_relocate_js_script_rewrite_list($key, $value, $aggregate_settings);
    if ($value['type'] === 'file') {
      $info = advagg_get_info_on_file($key);
      if (!empty($info['advagg_relocate'])) {

        // Get the file contents.
        $file_contents = (string) @advagg_file_get_contents($info['data']);
        if (empty($file_contents)) {
        $value['data'] = $file_contents;
        $temp_inserts[$key] = array(
          "advagg_relocate:{$key}" => $value,
        $scripts_found += advagg_relocate_js_script_rewrite_list("advagg_relocate:{$key}", $value, $aggregate_settings);

  // Add in file as inline so replacement works.
  if (!empty($temp_inserts)) {
    foreach ($temp_inserts as $key => $value) {
      $js = advagg_insert_into_array_at_key($js, $value, $key);

  // Rewrite inline scrtips and add external references to js array.
  advagg_relocate_js_script_rewrite($js, $scripts_found);

  // Remove temp inline code.
  if (!empty($temp_inserts)) {
    foreach ($temp_inserts as $value) {
      $key = key($value);

  // Get all external js files.
  $urls = _advagg_relocate_get_urls($js, 'js', $aggregate_settings);
  if (empty($urls)) {

  // Make advagg_save_data() available.
  module_load_include('inc', 'advagg', 'advagg.missing');
  module_load_include('', 'advagg_relocate');
  $responses = advagg_relocate_get_remote_data($urls, 'js', array(), $force_check);

  // Get s3fs no_rewrite_cssjs setting.
  $s3fs_no_rewrite_cssjs = advagg_get_s3fs_config('no_rewrite_cssjs');
  $filenames = array();
  $advagg_relocate_js_ttl = variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_ttl', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_TTL);
  foreach ($responses as $value) {

    // If the external file has a longer TTL than 1 week, do not cache.
    if (!empty($advagg_relocate_js_ttl) && $value->ttl >= $advagg_relocate_js_ttl) {
    list($full_filename, $errors, $saved) = _advagg_relocate_save_remote_asset($value->options['filename'], $value->data, $value->local_cache, $value->hash);
    if (!empty($errors)) {
      watchdog('advagg-relocate', 'Write failed. Errors: <pre><tt>@errors</tt></pre>', array(
        '@errors' => $errors,

    // Replace remote data with local data.
    $relative_path = advagg_get_relative_path($full_filename);
    $key = $urls[$value->options['filename']];
    $js = advagg_relocate_key_rename($js, array(
      $relative_path => $key,
    $js[$relative_path]['pre_relocate_data'] = $js[$relative_path]['data'];
    $js[$relative_path]['data'] = $relative_path;
    $js[$relative_path]['type'] = 'file';
    if (defined('ADVAGG_MOD_JS_PREPROCESS') && variable_get('advagg_mod_js_preprocess', ADVAGG_MOD_JS_PREPROCESS) && empty($js[$relative_path]['preprocess_lock'])) {
      $js[$relative_path]['preprocess'] = TRUE;

    // Check for any .write( statements in the JS code.
    if (strpos($value->data, '.write(') !== FALSE) {
      if (!isset($js[$relative_path]['noasync']) || $js[$relative_path]['noasync'] !== FALSE || (!isset($js[$relative_path]['nodefer']) || $js[$relative_path]['nodefer'] !== FALSE)) {
        $js[$relative_path]['async'] = FALSE;
        $js[$relative_path]['defer'] = FALSE;
        $js[$relative_path]['noasync'] = TRUE;
        $js[$relative_path]['nodefer'] = TRUE;

    // Handle domain prefectch.
    $parse = @parse_url($key);
    $key_host = '';
    if (!empty($parse['host'])) {
      $key_host = $parse['host'];
    if (!empty($key_host) && !empty($js[$relative_path]['dns_prefetch'])) {
      foreach ($js[$relative_path]['dns_prefetch'] as $key => $domain_name) {
        if (strpos($domain_name, $key_host) !== FALSE && strpos($value->data, $key_host)) {

    // Make sure the external reference has been removed.
    $schemes = array(
    foreach ($schemes as $scheme) {
      $parse['scheme'] = $scheme;
      $key = advagg_glue_url($parse);
      if (isset($js[$key])) {

    // List of files that need the cache cleared.
    if ($saved) {
      $filenames[] = !is_null($s3fs_no_rewrite_cssjs) && empty($s3fs_no_rewrite_cssjs) ? $full_filename : $relative_path;
  if (!empty($filenames)) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'advagg');
    module_load_include('', 'advagg');
    $files = advagg_get_info_on_files($filenames, TRUE);

 * Implements hook_advagg_current_hooks_hash_array_alter().
function advagg_relocate_advagg_current_hooks_hash_array_alter(&$aggregate_settings) {
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_css_inline_import'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_inline_import', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_INLINE_IMPORT);
  $defaults = array(
    'woff2' => 'woff2',
    'woff' => 'woff',
    'ttf' => 'ttf',
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_css_inline_import_browsers'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_inline_import_browsers', $defaults);
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_css_file_settings'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_file_settings', array());
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_css_font_domains'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_font_domains', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_FONT_DOMAINS);
  $types = array(
    'css' => 'CSS',
    'js' => 'JS',
  foreach ($types as $type_lower => $type_upper) {
    $domains_blacklist = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode("\n", variable_get("advagg_relocate_{$type_lower}_domains_blacklist", constant("ADVAGG_RELOCATE_{$type_upper}_DOMAINS_BLACKLIST")))));
    $aggregate_settings['variables']["advagg_relocate_{$type_lower}_domains_blacklist"] = $domains_blacklist;
    $files_blacklist = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode("\n", variable_get("advagg_relocate_{$type_lower}_files_blacklist", constant("ADVAGG_RELOCATE_{$type_upper}_FILES_BLACKLIST")))));
    $aggregate_settings['variables']["advagg_relocate_{$type_lower}_files_blacklist"] = $files_blacklist;
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_css_inline_external'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_inline_external', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_INLINE_EXTERNAL);
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_css'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_css', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS);
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_js', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS);
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_ga_local'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_ga_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_GA_LOCAL);
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_gtm_local'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_gtm_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_GTM_LOCAL);
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_fbds_local'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_fbds_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBDS_LOCAL);
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_fbevents_local'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_fbevents_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBEVENTS_LOCAL);
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_piwik_local'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_piwik_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_PIWIK_LOCAL);
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_perfectaudience_local'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_perfectaudience_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_PERFECTAUDIENCE_LOCAL);
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_twitter_uwt_local'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_twitter_uwt_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_TWITTER_UWT_LOCAL);
  $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_js_linkedin_insight_local'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_linkedin_insight_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_LINKEDIN_INSIGHT_LOCAL);

 * @} End of "addtogroup advagg_hooks".

 * Convert local @import statements to external.
 * @param array $matches
 *   Array of matched items from preg_replace_callback().
 * @param string $url
 *   URL of where the original CSS is located.
 * @return string
 *   New import statement.
function advagg_relocate_load_stylesheet_local(array $matches, $url = '') {
  $_url =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, '');

  // Store base path for preg_replace_callback.
  if (!empty($url)) {
    $_url = $url;

  // Short circuit if no matches were passed in.
  if (empty($matches)) {
    return '';
  $css_url = $_url . $matches[1];
  return "@import \"{$css_url}\";";

 * Convert external @import statements to be local.
 * @param array $matches
 *   Array of matched items from preg_replace_callback().
 * @return string
 *   Contents of the import statement or new import statement.
function advagg_relocate_load_stylesheet_external(array $matches) {

  // Build css array.
  $css = array(
    $matches[1] => array(
      'type' => 'external',
      'data' => $matches[1],

  // Recursively pull in imported fonts.

  // Remove '../' segments where possible.
  $values = reset($css);
  if ($values['type'] !== 'inline') {
    $last = '';
    $url = $values['data'];
    while ($url != $last) {
      $last = $url;
      $url = preg_replace('`(^|/)(?!\\.\\./)([^/]+)/\\.\\./`', '$1', $url);

    // Build css array.
    $css = array(
      $url => array(
        'type' => $values['type'],
        'data' => $url,

  // Recursively pull in external references.
  $values = reset($css);
  $key = key($css);
  if ($values['type'] === 'inline') {
    return "/* Contents of {$key} */\n{$values['data']}";
  else {
    if (!advagg_is_external($values['data'])) {
      $dir = variable_get('advagg_relocate_directory', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_DIRECTORY);
      $path = advagg_get_relative_path($dir) . '/';
      $values['data'] = str_replace($path, '', $values['data']);
    return "@import \"{$values['data']}\";";

 * Return a filename => url array for external assets.
 * @param array $data
 *   CSS or JS data array.
 * @param string $type
 *   Either css or js.
 * @param array $aggregate_settings
 *   Array of settings.
 * @return array
 *   Array of external assets to be served locally.
function _advagg_relocate_get_urls(array $data, $type, array $aggregate_settings) {
  $domains_blacklist = $aggregate_settings['variables']["advagg_relocate_{$type}_domains_blacklist"];
  $files_blacklist = $aggregate_settings['variables']["advagg_relocate_{$type}_files_blacklist"];
  $urls = array();
  foreach ($data as $key => $value) {

    // Get all external js files.
    if ($value['type'] !== 'external') {

    // If no_relocate=TRUE, do not move it to be local.
    if (!empty($value['no_relocate'])) {
    if (empty($value['data'])) {
      $value['data'] = $key;
    $host = parse_url($value['data'], PHP_URL_HOST);
    if (!empty($domains_blacklist)) {
      foreach ($domains_blacklist as $domain) {
        if ($domain === $host) {
          continue 2;
    if (!empty($files_blacklist)) {
      foreach ($files_blacklist as $file) {
        if (strpos($file, $host) !== FALSE) {
          continue 2;

    // Encode the URL into a filename. Force HTTPS.
    $filename = advagg_url_to_filename(advagg_force_https_path($value['data']));

    // Make sure it ends with .css or .js.
    if (stripos(strrev($filename), strrev($type)) !== 0) {
      $filename .= ".{$type}";
    $urls[$filename] = $key;
  return $urls;

 * Verifies that the external CSS file is from a domain we allow for inlining.
 * @param string $url
 *   The full URL of the css file.
 * @param array $aggregate_settings
 *   Array of settings.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if the URL can be inlined.
function advagg_relocate_check_domain_of_font_url($url, array $aggregate_settings) {

  // Bail if the host or path and query string are empty.
  $parse = @parse_url($url);
  if (empty($parse) || empty($parse['host']) || empty($parse['path']) && empty($parse['query'])) {
    return FALSE;

  // Bail if the host doesn't match one of the listed domains.
  if (!isset($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_css_font_domains'])) {
    $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_css_font_domains'] = variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_font_domains', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_FONT_DOMAINS);
  if (strpos($aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_relocate_css_font_domains'], $parse['host']) === FALSE) {
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Replace JS key with another key.
 * @param array $input
 *   Input array.
 * @param array $replacements
 *   Key value pair; key is the new key, value is the old key.
function advagg_relocate_key_rename(array $input, array $replacements) {
  $output = array();
  foreach ($input as $k => $v) {
    $replacement_key = array_search($k, $replacements, TRUE);
    if ($replacement_key !== FALSE) {
      $output[$replacement_key] = $v;
    else {
      $output[$k] = $v;
  return $output;

 * Perform a cache flush of the advagg relocate module.
function advagg_relocate_flush_cache_button() {
  cache_clear_all('advagg_relocate_', 'cache_advagg_info', TRUE);
  drupal_set_message(t('AdvAgg Relocate Cache Cleared.'));


Namesort descending Description
advagg_relocate_advagg_current_hooks_hash_array_alter Implements hook_advagg_current_hooks_hash_array_alter().
advagg_relocate_check_domain_of_font_url Verifies that the external CSS file is from a domain we allow for inlining.
advagg_relocate_cron Implements hook_cron().
advagg_relocate_css_alter Implements hook_css_alter().
advagg_relocate_css_post_alter Alter the css array.
advagg_relocate_flush_cache_button Perform a cache flush of the advagg relocate module.
advagg_relocate_form_advagg_admin_operations_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
advagg_relocate_js_post_alter Alter the js array.
advagg_relocate_js_script_rewrite Add external.
advagg_relocate_js_script_rewrite_list Alter the js array.
advagg_relocate_key_rename Replace JS key with another key.
advagg_relocate_load_stylesheet_external Convert external @import statements to be local.
advagg_relocate_load_stylesheet_local Convert local @import statements to external.
advagg_relocate_menu Implements hook_menu().
advagg_relocate_module_implements_alter Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
_advagg_relocate_get_urls Return a filename => url array for external assets.


Namesort descending Description
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_ADMIN_MODE If 4 the admin section gets unlocked.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS Default value to see if CSS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_DOMAINS_BLACKLIST Default value for blacklisted CSS domains.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_FILES_BLACKLIST Default value for blacklisted CSS files.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_FONT_DOMAINS Default value for supported CSS font domains.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_INLINE_EXTERNAL Default value to see if css inlining external css is enabled.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_INLINE_IMPORT Default value to see if css inlining import is enabled.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_MIN_TTL Minimum cache lifetime, 600 seconds by default.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_TTL If the external file has a longer TTL then this value do not cache locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_DIRECTORY Default value for where relocated files are kept.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS Default value to see if JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_DOMAINS_BLACKLIST Default value for blacklisted JS domains.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBDS_LOCAL Default value to see if fbds JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBEVENTS_LOCAL Default value to see if fbevents JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBEVENTS_LOCAL_IDS Default value for list of fbevents.js pixel ids.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FILES_BLACKLIST Default value for blacklisted JS files.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_GA_LOCAL Default value to see if GA JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_GTM_LOCAL Default value to see if GTM JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_LINKEDIN_INSIGHT_LOCAL Default value to see if twitter uwt JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_MIN_TTL Minimum cache lifetime, 600 seconds by default.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_PERFECTAUDIENCE_LOCAL Default value to see if perfectaudience JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_PIWIK_LOCAL Default value to see if piwik JS is loaded locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_TTL If the external file has a longer TTL then this value do not cache locally.
ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_TWITTER_UWT_LOCAL Default value to see if twitter uwt JS is loaded locally.