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function advagg_relocate_admin_settings_form in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 7.2

Form builder; Configure advagg settings.

See also


Related topics

1 string reference to 'advagg_relocate_admin_settings_form'
advagg_relocate_menu in advagg_relocate/advagg_relocate.module
Implements hook_menu().


advagg_relocate/, line 15
Admin page callbacks for the advagg relocate module.


function advagg_relocate_admin_settings_form() {
  drupal_set_title(t('AdvAgg: Relocate'));
  $form = array();
  $times[0] = 'No Limit';

  // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
  $times += drupal_map_assoc(array(
    60 * 60 * 12,
    // 12 hours.
    60 * 60 * 24,
    // 1 day.
    60 * 60 * 24 * 4,
    // 4 days.
    60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
    // 1 week.
    60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 2,
    // 2 weeks.
    60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 3,
    // 3 weeks.
    60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
  ), 'format_interval');

  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
  $options = array(
    0 => t('Use default (safe) settings'),
    2 => t('Use recommended (optimized) settings'),
    4 => t('Use customized settings'),
  $form['advagg_relocate_admin_mode'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('AdvAgg Settings'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_admin_mode', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_ADMIN_MODE),
    '#options' => $options,
    '#description' => t("Default settings will mirror core as closely as possible. <br>Recommended settings are optimized for speed."),
  $form['global_container'] = array(
    '#type' => 'container',
    '#hidden' => TRUE,
    '#states' => array(
      'visible' => array(
        ':input[name="advagg_relocate_admin_mode"]' => array(
          'value' => '4',
  $form['global_container']['js'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('JS Settings'),
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Move external JS files to a local JS file'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_js', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS),
    '#description' => t('External JS will be moved to a JS file that will be included in the aggregated JS output.'),
    '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js_ttl'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Only cache external JavaScript files if the browser cache TTL is under this amount.'),
    '#options' => $times,
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_ttl', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_TTL),
    '#description' => t('As an example the Minimum needed to not get penalized by Google PageSpeed Insights is <a href="@url">1 week</a>.', array(
      '@url' => '',
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js_ga_local'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Move inline google analytics inline analytics.js loader code to drupal_add_js'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_ga_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_GA_LOCAL),
    '#description' => t('If the inline loader code is included in the drupal_add_js array it can then be loaded locally if the above checkbox is checked.'),
    '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-js' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js_piwik_local'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Move inline piwik.js loader code to drupal_add_js'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_piwik_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_PIWIK_LOCAL),
    '#description' => t('If the inline loader code is included in the drupal_add_js array it can then be loaded locally if the above checkbox is checked.'),
    '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-js' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js_gtm_local'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Move inline google tag manager inline gtm.js loader code to drupal_add_js'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_gtm_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_GTM_LOCAL),
    '#description' => t('If the inline loader code is included in the drupal_add_js array it can then be loaded locally if the above checkbox is checked.'),
    '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-js' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js_perfectaudience_local'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Move inline perfectaudience loader code to drupal_add_js'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_perfectaudience_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_PERFECTAUDIENCE_LOCAL),
    '#description' => t('If the inline loader code is included in the drupal_add_js array it can then be loaded locally if the above checkbox is checked.'),
    '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-js' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js_twitter_uwt_local'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Move inline twitter loader code to drupal_add_js'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_twitter_uwt_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_TWITTER_UWT_LOCAL),
    '#description' => t('If the inline loader code is included in the drupal_add_js array it can then be loaded locally if the above checkbox is checked.'),
    '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-js' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js_linkedin_insight_local'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Move inline linkedin insight loader code to drupal_add_js'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_linkedin_insight_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_LINKEDIN_INSIGHT_LOCAL),
    '#description' => t('If the inline loader code is included in the drupal_add_js array it can then be loaded locally if the above checkbox is checked.'),
    '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-js' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js_fbds_local'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Move inline fbds.js loader code to drupal_add_js'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_fbds_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBDS_LOCAL),
    '#description' => t('If the inline loader code is included in the drupal_add_js array it can then be loaded locally if the above checkbox is checked.'),
    '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-js' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js_fbevents_local'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Move inline fbevents.js loader code to drupal_add_js'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_fbevents_local', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBEVENTS_LOCAL),
    '#description' => t('If the inline loader code is included in the drupal_add_js array it can then be loaded locally if the above checkbox is checked.'),
    '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-js' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js_fbevents_local_ids'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('List of Facebook Pixel IDs that will be used.'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_fbevents_local_ids', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FBEVENTS_LOCAL_IDS),
    '#description' => t('New line separated.'),
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-js-fbevents-local' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $advagg_relocate_js_files_blacklist = variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_files_blacklist', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_FILES_BLACKLIST);
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js_files_blacklist'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('External JS files blacklist'),
    '#default_value' => $advagg_relocate_js_files_blacklist,
    '#description' => t('New line separated; hostname, path, and filename. Example: <br><code></code><br><code></code>'),
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-js' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $advagg_relocate_js_domains_blacklist = variable_get('advagg_relocate_js_domains_blacklist', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_JS_DOMAINS_BLACKLIST);
  $form['global_container']['js']['advagg_relocate_js_domains_blacklist'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('External JS domains blacklist'),
    '#default_value' => $advagg_relocate_js_domains_blacklist,
    '#description' => t('New line separated; hostname only. Example:<br><code></code><br><code></code>'),
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-js' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $form['global_container']['css'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('CSS Settings'),
  $form['global_container']['css']['advagg_relocate_css'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Move external CSS files to a local CSS file'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_css', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS),
    '#description' => t('External CSS will be moved to a CSS file that will be included in the aggregated CSS output.'),
    '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
  $form['global_container']['css']['advagg_relocate_css_ttl'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Only cache external CSS files if the browser cache TTL is under this amount.'),
    '#options' => $times,
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_ttl', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_TTL),
    '#description' => t('As an example the Minimum needed to not get penalized by Google PageSpeed Insights is <a href="@url">1 week</a>.', array(
      '@url' => '',
  $advagg_relocate_css_files_blacklist = variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_files_blacklist', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_FILES_BLACKLIST);
  $form['global_container']['css']['advagg_relocate_css_files_blacklist'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('External CSS files blacklist'),
    '#default_value' => $advagg_relocate_css_files_blacklist,
    '#description' => t('New line separated; hostname, path, and filename. Example: <br><code></code><br><code></code>'),
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-css' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $advagg_relocate_css_domains_blacklist = variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_domains_blacklist', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_DOMAINS_BLACKLIST);
  $form['global_container']['css']['advagg_relocate_css_domains_blacklist'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('External CSS domains blacklist'),
    '#default_value' => $advagg_relocate_css_domains_blacklist,
    '#description' => t('New line separated; hostname only. Example:<br><code></code><br><code></code>'),
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-css' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $form['global_container']['css']['fonts'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Font CSS Settings'),
  $form['global_container']['css']['fonts']['advagg_relocate_css_inline_import'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Move external CSS font files to inline CSS'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_inline_import', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_INLINE_IMPORT),
    '#description' => t('External font CSS will be moved to inline style tags.'),
    '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
  $form['global_container']['css']['fonts']['advagg_relocate_css_inline_external'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Inline @import CSS font files in local .css files'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_inline_external', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_INLINE_EXTERNAL),
    '#description' => t('External font CSS will be put in the aggregated CSS output.'),
    '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
  $options = array(
    'woff2' => t('<a href="@url">woff2</a> - Edge 14+, FF 39+, Chrome 36+, Opera 23+, iOS 10.1+, Android 5+', array(
      '@url' => '',
    'woff' => t('<a href="@url">woff</a> - IE 9+, FF 3.6+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5.1+, Opera 11.5+, iOS 5.1+, Android 4.4+', array(
      '@url' => '',
    'ttf' => t('<a href="@url">ttf</a> - Older Safari, Android, iOS.', array(
      '@url' => '',
    'eot' => t('<a href="@url">eot</a> - IE6, IE7, IE8 and IE9 in compatibility mode.', array(
      '@url' => '',
    'svg' => t('<a href="@url">svg</a> - Legacy iOS (4.0 and lower).', array(
      '@url' => '',
  $defaults = array(
    'woff2' => 'woff2',
    'woff' => 'woff',
    'ttf' => 'ttf',
    'eot' => 0,
    'svg' => 0,
  $form['global_container']['css']['fonts']['advagg_relocate_css_inline_import_browsers'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#title' => t('Browser support for fonts'),
    '#options' => $options,
    '#default_value' => variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_inline_import_browsers', $defaults),
    '#description' => t('<a href="@url">Read more</a>.', array(
      '@url' => '',
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-css-inline-import' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-css-inline-external' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $form['global_container']['css']['fonts']['per_file_settings'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('What import statements should be inlined?'),
    '#states' => array(
      'invisible' => array(
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-css-inline-import' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
        '#edit-advagg-relocate-css-inline-external' => array(
          'checked' => FALSE,
  $advagg_relocate_css_font_domains = variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_font_domains', ADVAGG_RELOCATE_CSS_FONT_DOMAINS);
  $form['global_container']['css']['fonts']['per_file_settings']['advagg_relocate_css_font_domains'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('What external domains are supported'),
    '#default_value' => $advagg_relocate_css_font_domains,
    '#description' => t('Currently Only has been tested. Please <a href="@url">open an issue</a> if you want to inline import statements for other domains.', array(
      '@url' => '',
    '#disabled' => TRUE,
  $advagg_relocate_css_file_settings = variable_get('advagg_relocate_css_file_settings', array());
  $files_with_import = advagg_relocate_admin_list_files_with_import();
  if (!empty($files_with_import)) {
    $domains = explode("\n", $advagg_relocate_css_font_domains);
    foreach ($files_with_import as $filename => $references) {

      // Convert filename to form api friendly name.
      $form_api_filename = str_replace(array(
        ' ',
      ), array(
      ), $filename);

      // Settings for the all in filename checkbox.
      $default_value = TRUE;
      if (isset($advagg_relocate_css_file_settings['all:' . $form_api_filename])) {
        $default_value = $advagg_relocate_css_file_settings['all:' . $form_api_filename];
      $form['global_container']['css']['fonts']['per_file_settings']['advagg_relocate_css_file_settings_all_' . $form_api_filename] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#default_value' => $default_value,
        '#recommended_value' => TRUE,
        '#title' => t('All in @filename', array(
          '@filename' => $filename,
      $form_api_html_filename = str_replace(array(
      ), '-', $form_api_filename);

      // Fieldset for the checkboxes.
      $form['global_container']['css']['fonts']['per_file_settings'][$form_api_filename] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => t('@filename', array(
          '@filename' => $filename,
        '#states' => array(
          'disabled' => array(
            '#edit-advagg-relocate-css-file-settings-all-' . $form_api_html_filename => array(
              'checked' => TRUE,

      // Build options and the default enabled settings.
      $default_values = array();
      $options = array();
      foreach ($references as $key => $value) {
        $include = FALSE;
        foreach ($domains as $domain) {
          if (strpos($value, $domain) !== FALSE) {
            $include = TRUE;
        if ($include) {
          $options[$key] = $value;
          $default_values[$key] = $key;

      // Apply saved settings to the checkboxes.
      if (isset($advagg_relocate_css_file_settings[$form_api_filename]) && is_array($advagg_relocate_css_file_settings[$form_api_filename])) {
        $default_values = $advagg_relocate_css_file_settings[$form_api_filename];
      $form['global_container']['css']['fonts']['per_file_settings'][$form_api_filename]['advagg_relocate_css_file_settings_' . $form_api_filename] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkboxes',
        '#options' => $options,
        '#default_value' => $default_values,

      // No viable options for this file; remove fieldset and checkboxes.
      if (empty($options)) {
        unset($form['global_container']['css']['fonts']['per_file_settings']['advagg_relocate_css_file_settings_all_' . $form_api_filename]);

  // Clear the cache bins on submit.
  $form['#submit'][] = 'advagg_relocate_admin_settings_form_submit';
  return system_settings_form($form);