function advagg_js_compress_prep in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 advagg_js_compress/ \advagg_js_compress_prep()
- 7 advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module \advagg_js_compress_prep()
Compress a JS string
$contents: Javascript string.
1 call to advagg_js_compress_prep()
- advagg_js_compress_advagg_js_alter in advagg_js_compress/
advagg_js_compress.module - Implement hook_advagg_js_alter.
- advagg_js_compress/
advagg_js_compress.module, line 198 - Advanced CSS/JS aggregation js compression module.
function advagg_js_compress_prep(&$contents, $files, $bundle_md5) {
// Make sure every file in this aggregate is compressible.
$files_to_test = array();
$list_bad = array();
foreach ($files as $filename) {
$filename_md5 = md5($filename);
$data = advagg_get_file_data($filename_md5);
// File needs to be tested.
if (empty($data['advagg_js_compress']['tested'])) {
$files_to_test[] = array(
'md5' => $filename_md5,
'filename' => $filename,
elseif ($data['advagg_js_compress']['tested']['jsminplus'] != 1) {
$list_bad[$filename] = $filename;
$advagg_js_compress_callback = variable_get('advagg_js_compress_callback', ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_CALLBACK);
if ($advagg_js_compress_callback) {
// Send test files to worker.
if (!empty($files_to_test)) {
$compressible = advagg_js_compress_test_compression($files_to_test);
// If an array then it is a list of files that can not be compressed.
if (is_array($compressible)) {
// Place filename in an array key.
foreach ($compressible as $filedata) {
$filename = $filedata['filename'];
$list_bad[$filename] = $filename;
$contents = '';
// Do not compress the file that it bombs on.
// Compress each file individually.
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!empty($list_bad[$file])) {
$contents .= advagg_build_js_bundle(array(
else {
$data = advagg_build_js_bundle(array(
// If using a cache, try to get the contents of it.
$cached = FALSE;
if (variable_get('advagg_js_compress_file_cache', ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_FILE_CACHE)) {
$key = $file;
$table = 'cache_advagg_js_compress_file';
$cached_data = cache_get($key, $table);
if (!empty($cached_data->data)) {
$data = $cached_data->data;
$cached = TRUE;
if (!$cached && !empty($data)) {
$compressor = variable_get('advagg_js_compressor', ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESSOR);
if ($compressor == 0) {
list($before, $after) = advagg_js_compress_jsminplus($data);
$ratio = 0;
if ($before != 0) {
$ratio = ($before - $after) / $before;
// Make sure the returned string is not empty or has a VERY high
// compression ratio.
if (empty($data) || empty($ratio) || $ratio > variable_get('advagg_js_max_compress_ratio', ADVAGG_JS_MAX_COMPRESS_RATIO)) {
$data = advagg_build_js_bundle(array(
elseif (isset($key)) {
// If using a cache set it.
cache_set($key, $data, $table);
elseif ($compressor == 1) {
$contents = jsmin($contents);
// Ensure that $contents ends with ; or }.
if (strpbrk(substr(trim($contents), -1), ';}') === FALSE) {
// ; or } not found, add in ; to the end of $contents.
$contents = trim($contents) . ';';
$url = url($file, array(
'absolute' => TRUE,
$contents .= "/* Source and licensing information for the line(s) below can be found at {$url}. */\n" . $data . ";\n/* Source and licensing information for the above line(s) can be found at {$url}. */\n";