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Constants in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ADVAGG_AGGREGATE_MODE ./advagg.module Default mode for aggregate creation. 3 1
ADVAGG_ASYNC_GENERATION ./advagg.module Default generate the aggregate async. 2 1
ADVAGG_ASYNC_SOCKET_CONNECT ./advagg.module Default value to see if we can use the STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT flag. 2 1
ADVAGG_BUNDLER_ACTIVE advagg_bundler/advagg_bundler.module Default value to see if the bundler should be active or passive. If it is passive, the bundler will only do analysis and not split up the aggregate. 2 1
ADVAGG_BUNDLER_MAX_CSS advagg_bundler/advagg_bundler.module Default value of the maximum number of CSS bundles that can be generated in a single request. 2 1
ADVAGG_BUNDLER_MAX_JS advagg_bundler/advagg_bundler.module Default value of the maximum number of JS bundles that can be generated in a single request. 2 1
ADVAGG_BUNDLER_OUTDATED advagg_bundler/advagg_bundler.module Default value of the last used time before the bundle is considered outdated. 2 weeks in seconds. 2 1
ADVAGG_BUNDLE_BUILT_MODE ./advagg.module Default mode of advagg_bundle_built() in regards to how file_exists is used. 1 1
ADVAGG_CHECKSUM_MODE ./advagg.module Default file checksum mode. 2 1
ADVAGG_CLOSURE ./advagg.module Default value to see if advanced CSS/JS aggregation is enabled. 4 1
ADVAGG_CSS_COMPRESSOR advagg_css_compress/advagg_css_compress.module Default value for which css compression library to use. 3 1
ADVAGG_CSS_COMPRESS_AGG_FILES advagg_css_compress/advagg_css_compress.module Default value to see if this will compress aggregated files. 3 1
ADVAGG_CSS_COMPRESS_COMPRESSOR_LEVEL advagg_css_compress/advagg_css_compress.module Default value for which css compression library to use. 2 1
ADVAGG_CSS_COMPRESS_INLINE advagg_css_compress/advagg_css_compress.module Default value to see if this will compress inline css. 3 1
ADVAGG_CSS_COMPRESS_INLINE_CACHE advagg_css_compress/advagg_css_compress.module Default value to see if this will cache the compressed inline css. 1 1
ADVAGG_CSS_COMPRESS_PRESERVE_CSS advagg_css_compress/advagg_css_compress.module Default value to see if CSSTidy will preserve CSS. 2 1
ADVAGG_CSS_COUNT_THRESHOLD ./advagg.module Default value for number of files that can be added before using @import. 2 1
ADVAGG_CSS_LOGGED_IN_IE_DETECT ./advagg.module Default value for not using @import if logged in and not IE. 1 1
ADVAGG_CSS_RENDER_FUNCTION ./advagg.module Default function used to render css output. 3 1
ADVAGG_CUSTOM_FILES_DIR ./advagg.module Default value for a custom files directory just for advagg directories. 5 1
ADVAGG_DEBUG ./advagg.module Default value for writing debug info to watchdog. 4 1
ADVAGG_DIR_HTACCESS ./advagg.module Default value for creating a htaccess file in the advagg directories. 2 1
ADVAGG_ENABLED ./advagg.module Default value to see if advanced CSS/JS aggregation is enabled. 4 1
ADVAGG_FILE_LAST_USED_INTERVAL ./advagg.module Default file last used check-in is 12 hours. 2 1
ADVAGG_FILE_SAVE_FUNCTION ./advagg.module Default function used to save files. 1 1
ADVAGG_GZIP_COMPRESSION ./advagg.module Default gzip compression setting. 4 1
ADVAGG_JS_CDN_JQUERY advagg_js_cdn/advagg_js_cdn.module Default value to see if jquery should be grabbed from the Google CDN. 1 1
ADVAGG_JS_CDN_JQUERY_UI advagg_js_cdn/advagg_js_cdn.module Default value to see if jquery-ui should be grabbed from the Google CDN. 1 1
ADVAGG_JS_CDN_SWFOBJECT advagg_js_cdn/advagg_js_cdn.module Default value to see if SWFObject should be grabbed from the Google CDN. 1 1
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESSOR advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to see what compressor to use. 0 is JSMin+. 4 1
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_AGG_FILES advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to see if this will compress aggregated files. 2 1
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_CALLBACK advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to see if the callback is working. 2 1
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_FILE_CACHE advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to see if this will cache the compressed inline js. 2 1
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_INLINE advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to see if this will compress inline js. 2 1
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_INLINE_CACHE advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to see if this will cache the compressed inline js. 1 1
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_PACKER_ENABLE advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value to see packer is enabled. 2 1
ADVAGG_JS_COMPRESS_RATIO advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value for the compression ratio test. 1 1
ADVAGG_JS_MAX_COMPRESS_RATIO advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module Default value for the compression ratio test. 3 1
ADVAGG_JS_RENDER_FUNCTION ./advagg.module Default function used to render js output. 3 1
ADVAGG_ONLY_CSS_FROM_VARIABLES ./advagg.module Default value to see if preprocess CSS files. 1 1
ADVAGG_PAGE_CACHE_MODE ./advagg.module Default mode of advagg in regards to the page cache. 2 1
ADVAGG_PREPROCESS_CSS ./advagg.module Default value to see if preprocess CSS files. 1 1
ADVAGG_PREPROCESS_JS ./advagg.module Default value to see if preprocess JavaScript files. 1 1
ADVAGG_PRUNE_ON_CRON ./advagg.module Default value to see if we removed old files/bundles from the database. 1 1
ADVAGG_REBUILD_ON_FLUSH ./advagg.module Default value for rebuilding the bundle on cache flush. 2 1
ADVAGG_SET_TIME_LIMIT ./advagg.module Default value for how long the request can go before php times out. 3 1
ADVAGG_SOCKET_TIMEOUT ./advagg.module How long to wait for the server to come back with an async opp. 1 1
ADVAGG_STALE_FILE_LAST_USED_THRESHOLD ./advagg.module Default stale file threshold is 3 days for atime. 1 1
ADVAGG_STALE_FILE_THRESHOLD ./advagg.module Default stale file threshold is 6 days for mtime. 1 1
ADVAGG_STRICT_JS_BUNDLES ./advagg.module Default value to see if JS bundle matching should be strict. 1


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