function advagg_js_compress_jsminplus in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 advagg_js_compress/ \advagg_js_compress_jsminplus()
- 7 advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module \advagg_js_compress_jsminplus()
Compress a JS string using jsmin+
$contents: Javascript string.
Return value
array with the size before and after.
3 calls to advagg_js_compress_jsminplus()
- advagg_js_compress_advagg_js_inline_alter in advagg_js_compress/
advagg_js_compress.module - Implement hook_advagg_js_inline_alter.
- advagg_js_compress_prep in advagg_js_compress/
advagg_js_compress.module - Compress a JS string
- advagg_js_compress_test_file in advagg_js_compress/
advagg_js_compress.module - Run various theme functions so the cache is primed.
- advagg_js_compress/
advagg_js_compress.module, line 297 - Advanced CSS/JS aggregation js compression module.
function advagg_js_compress_jsminplus(&$contents) {
// Try to allocate enough time to run JSMin+.
if (function_exists('set_time_limit')) {
@set_time_limit(variable_get('advagg_set_time_limit', ADVAGG_SET_TIME_LIMIT));
// Only include if the JSMinPlus class doesn't exist.
if (!class_exists('JSMinPlus')) {
include drupal_get_path('module', 'advagg_js_compress') . '/';
// Get the JS string length before the compression operation.
$before = strlen($contents);
$original_contents = $contents;
try {
// Strip Byte Order Marks (BOM's) from the file, JSMin+ cannot parse these.
$contents = str_replace(pack("CCC", 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf), "", $contents);
// JSMin+ the contents of the aggregated file.
$contents = JSMinPlus::minify($contents);
$error = trim(ob_get_contents());
if (!empty($error)) {
throw new Exception($error);
// Ensure that $contents ends with ; or }.
if (strpbrk(substr(trim($contents), -1), ';}') === FALSE) {
// ; or } not found, add in ; to the end of $contents.
$contents = trim($contents) . ';';
// Get the JS string length after the compression operation.
$after = strlen($contents);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Log the exception thrown by JSMin+ and roll back to uncompressed content.
watchdog('advagg', $e
->getMessage() . '<pre>' . $original_contents . '</pre>', NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING);
$contents = $original_contents;
$after = $before;
return array(