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Callback.php in Zircon Profile 8


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 * Zend Framework (
 * @link for the canonical source repository
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
 * @license New BSD License
namespace Zend\Feed\PubSubHubbub\Subscriber;

use Zend\Feed\PubSubHubbub;
use Zend\Feed\PubSubHubbub\Exception;
use Zend\Feed\Uri;
class Callback extends PubSubHubbub\AbstractCallback {

   * Contains the content of any feeds sent as updates to the Callback URL
   * @var string
  protected $feedUpdate = null;

   * Holds a manually set subscription key (i.e. identifies a unique
   * subscription) which is typical when it is not passed in the query string
   * but is part of the Callback URL path, requiring manual retrieval e.g.
   * using a route and the \Zend\Mvc\Router\RouteMatch::getParam() method.
   * @var string
  protected $subscriptionKey = null;

   * After verification, this is set to the verified subscription's data.
   * @var array
  protected $currentSubscriptionData = null;

   * Set a subscription key to use for the current callback request manually.
   * Required if usePathParameter is enabled for the Subscriber.
   * @param  string $key
   * @return \Zend\Feed\PubSubHubbub\Subscriber\Callback
  public function setSubscriptionKey($key) {
    $this->subscriptionKey = $key;
    return $this;

   * Handle any callback from a Hub Server responding to a subscription or
   * unsubscription request. This should be the Hub Server confirming the
   * the request prior to taking action on it.
   * @param  array $httpGetData GET data if available and not in $_GET
   * @param  bool $sendResponseNow Whether to send response now or when asked
   * @return void
  public function handle(array $httpGetData = null, $sendResponseNow = false) {
    if ($httpGetData === null) {
      $httpGetData = $_GET;

     * Handle any feed updates (sorry for the mess :P)
     * This DOES NOT attempt to process a feed update. Feed updates
     * SHOULD be validated/processed by an asynchronous process so as
     * to avoid holding up responses to the Hub.
    $contentType = $this
    if (strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'post' && $this
      ->_hasValidVerifyToken(null, false) && (stripos($contentType, 'application/atom+xml') === 0 || stripos($contentType, 'application/rss+xml') === 0 || stripos($contentType, 'application/xml') === 0 || stripos($contentType, 'text/xml') === 0 || stripos($contentType, 'application/rdf+xml') === 0)) {
        ->setHeader('X-Hub-On-Behalf-Of', $this

       * Handle any (un)subscribe confirmation requests
    elseif ($this
      ->isValidHubVerification($httpGetData)) {
      switch (strtolower($httpGetData['hub_mode'])) {
        case 'subscribe':
          $data = $this->currentSubscriptionData;
          $data['subscription_state'] = PubSubHubbub\PubSubHubbub::SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFIED;
          if (isset($httpGetData['hub_lease_seconds'])) {
            $data['lease_seconds'] = $httpGetData['hub_lease_seconds'];
        case 'unsubscribe':
          $verifyTokenKey = $this
          throw new Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid hub_mode ("%s") provided', $httpGetData['hub_mode']));

       * Hey, C'mon! We tried everything else!
    else {
    if ($sendResponseNow) {

   * Checks validity of the request simply by making a quick pass and
   * confirming the presence of all REQUIRED parameters.
   * @param  array $httpGetData
   * @return bool
  public function isValidHubVerification(array $httpGetData) {

     * As per the specification, the hub.verify_token is OPTIONAL. This
     * implementation of Pubsubhubbub considers it REQUIRED and will
     * always send a hub.verify_token parameter to be echoed back
     * by the Hub Server. Therefore, its absence is considered invalid.
    if (strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) !== 'get') {
      return false;
    $required = [
    foreach ($required as $key) {
      if (!array_key_exists($key, $httpGetData)) {
        return false;
    if ($httpGetData['hub_mode'] !== 'subscribe' && $httpGetData['hub_mode'] !== 'unsubscribe') {
      return false;
    if ($httpGetData['hub_mode'] == 'subscribe' && !array_key_exists('hub_lease_seconds', $httpGetData)) {
      return false;
    if (!Uri::factory($httpGetData['hub_topic'])
      ->isValid()) {
      return false;

     * Attempt to retrieve any Verification Token Key attached to Callback
     * URL's path by our Subscriber implementation
    if (!$this
      ->_hasValidVerifyToken($httpGetData)) {
      return false;
    return true;

   * Sets a newly received feed (Atom/RSS) sent by a Hub as an update to a
   * Topic we've subscribed to.
   * @param  string $feed
   * @return \Zend\Feed\PubSubHubbub\Subscriber\Callback
  public function setFeedUpdate($feed) {
    $this->feedUpdate = $feed;
    return $this;

   * Check if any newly received feed (Atom/RSS) update was received
   * @return bool
  public function hasFeedUpdate() {
    if ($this->feedUpdate === null) {
      return false;
    return true;

   * Gets a newly received feed (Atom/RSS) sent by a Hub as an update to a
   * Topic we've subscribed to.
   * @return string
  public function getFeedUpdate() {
    return $this->feedUpdate;

   * Check for a valid verify_token. By default attempts to compare values
   * with that sent from Hub, otherwise merely ascertains its existence.
   * @param  array $httpGetData
   * @param  bool $checkValue
   * @return bool
  protected function _hasValidVerifyToken(array $httpGetData = null, $checkValue = true) {
    $verifyTokenKey = $this
    if (empty($verifyTokenKey)) {
      return false;
    $verifyTokenExists = $this
    if (!$verifyTokenExists) {
      return false;
    if ($checkValue) {
      $data = $this
      $verifyToken = $data['verify_token'];
      if ($verifyToken !== hash('sha256', $httpGetData['hub_verify_token'])) {
        return false;
      $this->currentSubscriptionData = $data;
      return true;
    return true;

   * Attempt to detect the verification token key. This would be passed in
   * the Callback URL (which we are handling with this class!) as a URI
   * path part (the last part by convention).
   * @param  null|array $httpGetData
   * @return false|string
  protected function _detectVerifyTokenKey(array $httpGetData = null) {

     * Available when sub keys encoding in Callback URL path
    if (isset($this->subscriptionKey)) {
      return $this->subscriptionKey;

     * Available only if allowed by PuSH 0.2 Hubs
    if (is_array($httpGetData) && isset($httpGetData['xhub_subscription'])) {
      return $httpGetData['xhub_subscription'];

     * Available (possibly) if corrupted in transit and not part of $_GET
    $params = $this
    if (isset($params['xhub.subscription'])) {
      return rawurldecode($params['xhub.subscription']);
    return false;

   * Build an array of Query String parameters.
   * This bypasses $_GET which munges parameter names and cannot accept
   * multiple parameters with the same key.
   * @return array|void
  protected function _parseQueryString() {
    $params = [];
    $queryString = '';
    if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
      $queryString = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    if (empty($queryString)) {
      return [];
    $parts = explode('&', $queryString);
    foreach ($parts as $kvpair) {
      $pair = explode('=', $kvpair);
      $key = rawurldecode($pair[0]);
      $value = rawurldecode($pair[1]);
      if (isset($params[$key])) {
        if (is_array($params[$key])) {
          $params[$key][] = $value;
        else {
          $params[$key] = [
      else {
        $params[$key] = $value;
    return $params;



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