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class Subscriber in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 vendor/zendframework/zend-feed/src/PubSubHubbub/Subscriber.php \Zend\Feed\PubSubHubbub\Subscriber


Expanded class hierarchy of Subscriber


vendor/zendframework/zend-feed/src/PubSubHubbub/Subscriber.php, line 19


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class Subscriber {

   * An array of URLs for all Hub Servers to subscribe/unsubscribe.
   * @var array
  protected $hubUrls = [];

   * An array of optional parameters to be included in any
   * (un)subscribe requests.
   * @var array
  protected $parameters = [];

   * The URL of the topic (Rss or Atom feed) which is the subject of
   * our current intent to subscribe to/unsubscribe from updates from
   * the currently configured Hub Servers.
   * @var string
  protected $topicUrl = '';

   * The URL Hub Servers must use when communicating with this Subscriber
   * @var string
  protected $callbackUrl = '';

   * The number of seconds for which the subscriber would like to have the
   * subscription active. Defaults to null, i.e. not sent, to setup a
   * permanent subscription if possible.
   * @var int
  protected $leaseSeconds = null;

   * The preferred verification mode (sync or async). By default, this
   * Subscriber prefers synchronous verification, but is considered
   * desirable to support asynchronous verification if possible.
   * Zend\Feed\Pubsubhubbub\Subscriber will always send both modes, whose
   * order of occurrence in the parameter list determines this preference.
   * @var string
  protected $preferredVerificationMode = PubSubHubbub::VERIFICATION_MODE_SYNC;

   * An array of any errors including keys for 'response', 'hubUrl'.
   * The response is the actual Zend\Http\Response object.
   * @var array
  protected $errors = [];

   * An array of Hub Server URLs for Hubs operating at this time in
   * asynchronous verification mode.
   * @var array
  protected $asyncHubs = [];

   * An instance of Zend\Feed\Pubsubhubbub\Model\SubscriptionPersistence used to background
   * save any verification tokens associated with a subscription or other.
   * @var \Zend\Feed\PubSubHubbub\Model\SubscriptionPersistenceInterface
  protected $storage = null;

   * An array of authentication credentials for HTTP Basic Authentication
   * if required by specific Hubs. The array is indexed by Hub Endpoint URI
   * and the value is a simple array of the username and password to apply.
   * @var array
  protected $authentications = [];

   * Tells the Subscriber to append any subscription identifier to the path
   * of the base Callback URL. E.g. an identifier "subkey1" would be added
   * to the callback URL "" to create a subscription
   * specific Callback URL of "".
   * This is required for all Hubs using the Pubsubhubbub 0.1 Specification.
   * It should be manually intercepted and passed to the Callback class using
   * Zend\Feed\Pubsubhubbub\Subscriber\Callback::setSubscriptionKey(). Will
   * require a route in the form "callback/:subkey" to allow the parameter be
   * retrieved from an action using the Zend\Controller\Action::\getParam()
   * method.
   * @var string
  protected $usePathParameter = false;

   * Constructor; accepts an array or Traversable instance to preset
   * options for the Subscriber without calling all supported setter
   * methods in turn.
   * @param  array|Traversable $options
  public function __construct($options = null) {
    if ($options !== null) {

   * Process any injected configuration options
   * @param  array|Traversable $options
   * @return Subscriber
   * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  public function setOptions($options) {
    if ($options instanceof Traversable) {
      $options = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($options);
    if (!is_array($options)) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Array or Traversable object' . 'expected, got ' . gettype($options));
    if (array_key_exists('hubUrls', $options)) {
    if (array_key_exists('callbackUrl', $options)) {
    if (array_key_exists('topicUrl', $options)) {
    if (array_key_exists('storage', $options)) {
    if (array_key_exists('leaseSeconds', $options)) {
    if (array_key_exists('parameters', $options)) {
    if (array_key_exists('authentications', $options)) {
    if (array_key_exists('usePathParameter', $options)) {
    if (array_key_exists('preferredVerificationMode', $options)) {
    return $this;

   * Set the topic URL (RSS or Atom feed) to which the intended (un)subscribe
   * event will relate
   * @param  string $url
   * @return Subscriber
   * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  public function setTopicUrl($url) {
    if (empty($url) || !is_string($url) || !Uri::factory($url)
      ->isValid()) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid parameter "url"' . ' of "' . $url . '" must be a non-empty string and a valid' . ' URL');
    $this->topicUrl = $url;
    return $this;

   * Set the topic URL (RSS or Atom feed) to which the intended (un)subscribe
   * event will relate
   * @return string
   * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
  public function getTopicUrl() {
    if (empty($this->topicUrl)) {
      throw new Exception\RuntimeException('A valid Topic (RSS or Atom' . ' feed) URL MUST be set before attempting any operation');
    return $this->topicUrl;

   * Set the number of seconds for which any subscription will remain valid
   * @param  int $seconds
   * @return Subscriber
   * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  public function setLeaseSeconds($seconds) {
    $seconds = intval($seconds);
    if ($seconds <= 0) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Expected lease seconds' . ' must be an integer greater than zero');
    $this->leaseSeconds = $seconds;
    return $this;

   * Get the number of lease seconds on subscriptions
   * @return int
  public function getLeaseSeconds() {
    return $this->leaseSeconds;

   * Set the callback URL to be used by Hub Servers when communicating with
   * this Subscriber
   * @param  string $url
   * @return Subscriber
   * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  public function setCallbackUrl($url) {
    if (empty($url) || !is_string($url) || !Uri::factory($url)
      ->isValid()) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid parameter "url"' . ' of "' . $url . '" must be a non-empty string and a valid' . ' URL');
    $this->callbackUrl = $url;
    return $this;

   * Get the callback URL to be used by Hub Servers when communicating with
   * this Subscriber
   * @return string
   * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
  public function getCallbackUrl() {
    if (empty($this->callbackUrl)) {
      throw new Exception\RuntimeException('A valid Callback URL MUST be' . ' set before attempting any operation');
    return $this->callbackUrl;

   * Set preferred verification mode (sync or async). By default, this
   * Subscriber prefers synchronous verification, but does support
   * asynchronous if that's the Hub Server's utilised mode.
   * Zend\Feed\Pubsubhubbub\Subscriber will always send both modes, whose
   * order of occurrence in the parameter list determines this preference.
   * @param  string $mode Should be 'sync' or 'async'
   * @return Subscriber
   * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  public function setPreferredVerificationMode($mode) {
    if ($mode !== PubSubHubbub::VERIFICATION_MODE_SYNC && $mode !== PubSubHubbub::VERIFICATION_MODE_ASYNC) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid preferred' . ' mode specified: "' . $mode . '" but should be one of' . ' Zend\\Feed\\Pubsubhubbub::VERIFICATION_MODE_SYNC or' . ' Zend\\Feed\\Pubsubhubbub::VERIFICATION_MODE_ASYNC');
    $this->preferredVerificationMode = $mode;
    return $this;

   * Get preferred verification mode (sync or async).
   * @return string
  public function getPreferredVerificationMode() {
    return $this->preferredVerificationMode;

   * Add a Hub Server URL supported by Publisher
   * @param  string $url
   * @return Subscriber
   * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  public function addHubUrl($url) {
    if (empty($url) || !is_string($url) || !Uri::factory($url)
      ->isValid()) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid parameter "url"' . ' of "' . $url . '" must be a non-empty string and a valid' . ' URL');
    $this->hubUrls[] = $url;
    return $this;

   * Add an array of Hub Server URLs supported by Publisher
   * @param  array $urls
   * @return Subscriber
  public function addHubUrls(array $urls) {
    foreach ($urls as $url) {
    return $this;

   * Remove a Hub Server URL
   * @param  string $url
   * @return Subscriber
  public function removeHubUrl($url) {
    if (!in_array($url, $this
      ->getHubUrls())) {
      return $this;
    $key = array_search($url, $this->hubUrls);
    return $this;

   * Return an array of unique Hub Server URLs currently available
   * @return array
  public function getHubUrls() {
    $this->hubUrls = array_unique($this->hubUrls);
    return $this->hubUrls;

   * Add authentication credentials for a given URL
   * @param  string $url
   * @param  array $authentication
   * @return Subscriber
   * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  public function addAuthentication($url, array $authentication) {
    if (empty($url) || !is_string($url) || !Uri::factory($url)
      ->isValid()) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid parameter "url"' . ' of "' . $url . '" must be a non-empty string and a valid' . ' URL');
    $this->authentications[$url] = $authentication;
    return $this;

   * Add authentication credentials for hub URLs
   * @param  array $authentications
   * @return Subscriber
  public function addAuthentications(array $authentications) {
    foreach ($authentications as $url => $authentication) {
        ->addAuthentication($url, $authentication);
    return $this;

   * Get all hub URL authentication credentials
   * @return array
  public function getAuthentications() {
    return $this->authentications;

   * Set flag indicating whether or not to use a path parameter
   * @param  bool $bool
   * @return Subscriber
  public function usePathParameter($bool = true) {
    $this->usePathParameter = $bool;
    return $this;

   * Add an optional parameter to the (un)subscribe requests
   * @param  string $name
   * @param  string|null $value
   * @return Subscriber
   * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  public function setParameter($name, $value = null) {
    if (is_array($name)) {
      return $this;
    if (empty($name) || !is_string($name)) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid parameter "name"' . ' of "' . $name . '" must be a non-empty string');
    if ($value === null) {
      return $this;
    if (empty($value) || !is_string($value) && $value !== null) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid parameter "value"' . ' of "' . $value . '" must be a non-empty string');
    $this->parameters[$name] = $value;
    return $this;

   * Add an optional parameter to the (un)subscribe requests
   * @param  array $parameters
   * @return Subscriber
  public function setParameters(array $parameters) {
    foreach ($parameters as $name => $value) {
        ->setParameter($name, $value);
    return $this;

   * Remove an optional parameter for the (un)subscribe requests
   * @param  string $name
   * @return Subscriber
   * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  public function removeParameter($name) {
    if (empty($name) || !is_string($name)) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid parameter "name"' . ' of "' . $name . '" must be a non-empty string');
    if (array_key_exists($name, $this->parameters)) {
    return $this;

   * Return an array of optional parameters for (un)subscribe requests
   * @return array
  public function getParameters() {
    return $this->parameters;

   * Sets an instance of Zend\Feed\Pubsubhubbub\Model\SubscriptionPersistence used to background
   * save any verification tokens associated with a subscription or other.
   * @param  Model\SubscriptionPersistenceInterface $storage
   * @return Subscriber
  public function setStorage(Model\SubscriptionPersistenceInterface $storage) {
    $this->storage = $storage;
    return $this;

   * Gets an instance of Zend\Feed\Pubsubhubbub\Storage\StoragePersistence used
   * to background save any verification tokens associated with a subscription
   * or other.
   * @return Model\SubscriptionPersistenceInterface
   * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
  public function getStorage() {
    if ($this->storage === null) {
      throw new Exception\RuntimeException('No storage vehicle ' . 'has been set.');
    return $this->storage;

   * Subscribe to one or more Hub Servers using the stored Hub URLs
   * for the given Topic URL (RSS or Atom feed)
   * @return void
  public function subscribeAll() {

   * Unsubscribe from one or more Hub Servers using the stored Hub URLs
   * for the given Topic URL (RSS or Atom feed)
   * @return void
  public function unsubscribeAll() {

   * Returns a boolean indicator of whether the notifications to Hub
   * Servers were ALL successful. If even one failed, FALSE is returned.
   * @return bool
  public function isSuccess() {
    if (count($this->errors) > 0) {
      return false;
    return true;

   * Return an array of errors met from any failures, including keys:
   * 'response' => the Zend\Http\Response object from the failure
   * 'hubUrl' => the URL of the Hub Server whose notification failed
   * @return array
  public function getErrors() {
    return $this->errors;

   * Return an array of Hub Server URLs who returned a response indicating
   * operation in Asynchronous Verification Mode, i.e. they will not confirm
   * any (un)subscription immediately but at a later time (Hubs may be
   * doing this as a batch process when load balancing)
   * @return array
  public function getAsyncHubs() {
    return $this->asyncHubs;

   * Executes an (un)subscribe request
   * @param  string $mode
   * @return void
   * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
  protected function _doRequest($mode) {
    $client = $this
    $hubs = $this
    if (empty($hubs)) {
      throw new Exception\RuntimeException('No Hub Server URLs' . ' have been set so no subscriptions can be attempted');
    $this->errors = [];
    $this->asyncHubs = [];
    foreach ($hubs as $url) {
      if (array_key_exists($url, $this->authentications)) {
        $auth = $this->authentications[$url];
          ->setAuth($auth[0], $auth[1]);
        ->setRawBody($params = $this
        ->_getRequestParameters($url, $mode));
      $response = $client
      if ($response
        ->getStatusCode() !== 204 && $response
        ->getStatusCode() !== 202) {
        $this->errors[] = [
          'response' => $response,
          'hubUrl' => $url,

         * At first I thought it was needed, but the backend storage will
         * allow tracking async without any user interference. It's left
         * here in case the user is interested in knowing what Hubs
         * are using async verification modes so they may update Models and
         * move these to asynchronous processes.
      elseif ($response
        ->getStatusCode() == 202) {
        $this->asyncHubs[] = [
          'response' => $response,
          'hubUrl' => $url,

   * Get a basic prepared HTTP client for use
   * @return \Zend\Http\Client
  protected function _getHttpClient() {
    $client = PubSubHubbub::getHttpClient();
      'useragent' => 'Zend_Feed_Pubsubhubbub_Subscriber/' . Version::VERSION,
    return $client;

   * Return a list of standard protocol/optional parameters for addition to
   * client's POST body that are specific to the current Hub Server URL
   * @param  string $hubUrl
   * @param  string $mode
   * @return string
   * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  protected function _getRequestParameters($hubUrl, $mode) {
    if (!in_array($mode, [
    ])) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid mode specified: "' . $mode . '" which should have been "subscribe" or "unsubscribe"');
    $params = [
      'hub.mode' => $mode,
      'hub.topic' => $this
    if ($this
      ->getPreferredVerificationMode() == PubSubHubbub::VERIFICATION_MODE_SYNC) {
      $vmodes = [
    else {
      $vmodes = [
    $params['hub.verify'] = [];
    foreach ($vmodes as $vmode) {
      $params['hub.verify'][] = $vmode;

     * Establish a persistent verify_token and attach key to callback
     * URL's path/query_string
    $key = $this
      ->_generateSubscriptionKey($params, $hubUrl);
    $token = $this
    $params['hub.verify_token'] = $token;

    // Note: query string only usable with PuSH 0.2 Hubs
    if (!$this->usePathParameter) {
      $params['hub.callback'] = $this
        ->getCallbackUrl() . '?xhub.subscription=' . PubSubHubbub::urlencode($key);
    else {
      $params['hub.callback'] = rtrim($this
        ->getCallbackUrl(), '/') . '/' . PubSubHubbub::urlencode($key);
    if ($mode == 'subscribe' && $this
      ->getLeaseSeconds() !== null) {
      $params['hub.lease_seconds'] = $this

    // hub.secret not currently supported
    $optParams = $this
    foreach ($optParams as $name => $value) {
      $params[$name] = $value;

    // store subscription to storage
    $now = new DateTime();
    $expires = null;
    if (isset($params['hub.lease_seconds'])) {
      $expires = $now
        ->add(new DateInterval('PT' . $params['hub.lease_seconds'] . 'S'))
        ->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $data = [
      'id' => $key,
      'topic_url' => $params['hub.topic'],
      'hub_url' => $hubUrl,
      'created_time' => $now
        ->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
      'lease_seconds' => $params['hub.lease_seconds'],
      'verify_token' => hash('sha256', $params['hub.verify_token']),
      'secret' => null,
      'expiration_time' => $expires,
      'subscription_state' => $mode == 'unsubscribe' ? PubSubHubbub::SUBSCRIPTION_TODELETE : PubSubHubbub::SUBSCRIPTION_NOTVERIFIED,
    return $this

   * Simple helper to generate a verification token used in (un)subscribe
   * requests to a Hub Server. Follows no particular method, which means
   * it might be improved/changed in future.
   * @return string
  protected function _generateVerifyToken() {
    if (!empty($this->testStaticToken)) {
      return $this->testStaticToken;
    return uniqid(rand(), true) . time();

   * Simple helper to generate a verification token used in (un)subscribe
   * requests to a Hub Server.
   * @param array   $params
   * @param string $hubUrl The Hub Server URL for which this token will apply
   * @return string
  protected function _generateSubscriptionKey(array $params, $hubUrl) {
    $keyBase = $params['hub.topic'] . $hubUrl;
    $key = md5($keyBase);
    return $key;

   * URL Encode an array of parameters
   * @param  array $params
   * @return array
  protected function _urlEncode(array $params) {
    $encoded = [];
    foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
      if (is_array($value)) {
        $ekey = PubSubHubbub::urlencode($key);
        $encoded[$ekey] = [];
        foreach ($value as $duplicateKey) {
          $encoded[$ekey][] = PubSubHubbub::urlencode($duplicateKey);
      else {
        $encoded[PubSubHubbub::urlencode($key)] = PubSubHubbub::urlencode($value);
    return $encoded;

   * Order outgoing parameters
   * @param  array $params
   * @return array
  protected function _toByteValueOrderedString(array $params) {
    $return = [];
    uksort($params, 'strnatcmp');
    foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
      if (is_array($value)) {
        foreach ($value as $keyduplicate) {
          $return[] = $key . '=' . $keyduplicate;
      else {
        $return[] = $key . '=' . $value;
    return implode('&', $return);

   * This is STRICTLY for testing purposes only...
  protected $testStaticToken = null;
  public final function setTestStaticToken($token) {
    $this->testStaticToken = (string) $token;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Subscriber::$asyncHubs protected property An array of Hub Server URLs for Hubs operating at this time in asynchronous verification mode.
Subscriber::$authentications protected property An array of authentication credentials for HTTP Basic Authentication if required by specific Hubs. The array is indexed by Hub Endpoint URI and the value is a simple array of the username and password to apply.
Subscriber::$callbackUrl protected property The URL Hub Servers must use when communicating with this Subscriber
Subscriber::$errors protected property An array of any errors including keys for 'response', 'hubUrl'. The response is the actual Zend\Http\Response object.
Subscriber::$hubUrls protected property An array of URLs for all Hub Servers to subscribe/unsubscribe.
Subscriber::$leaseSeconds protected property The number of seconds for which the subscriber would like to have the subscription active. Defaults to null, i.e. not sent, to setup a permanent subscription if possible.
Subscriber::$parameters protected property An array of optional parameters to be included in any (un)subscribe requests.
Subscriber::$preferredVerificationMode protected property The preferred verification mode (sync or async). By default, this Subscriber prefers synchronous verification, but is considered desirable to support asynchronous verification if possible.
Subscriber::$storage protected property An instance of Zend\Feed\Pubsubhubbub\Model\SubscriptionPersistence used to background save any verification tokens associated with a subscription or other.
Subscriber::$testStaticToken protected property This is STRICTLY for testing purposes only...
Subscriber::$topicUrl protected property The URL of the topic (Rss or Atom feed) which is the subject of our current intent to subscribe to/unsubscribe from updates from the currently configured Hub Servers.
Subscriber::$usePathParameter protected property Tells the Subscriber to append any subscription identifier to the path of the base Callback URL. E.g. an identifier "subkey1" would be added to the callback URL "" to create a subscription specific…
Subscriber::addAuthentication public function Add authentication credentials for a given URL
Subscriber::addAuthentications public function Add authentication credentials for hub URLs
Subscriber::addHubUrl public function Add a Hub Server URL supported by Publisher
Subscriber::addHubUrls public function Add an array of Hub Server URLs supported by Publisher
Subscriber::getAsyncHubs public function Return an array of Hub Server URLs who returned a response indicating operation in Asynchronous Verification Mode, i.e. they will not confirm any (un)subscription immediately but at a later time (Hubs may be doing this as a batch process when load…
Subscriber::getAuthentications public function Get all hub URL authentication credentials
Subscriber::getCallbackUrl public function Get the callback URL to be used by Hub Servers when communicating with this Subscriber
Subscriber::getErrors public function Return an array of errors met from any failures, including keys: 'response' => the Zend\Http\Response object from the failure 'hubUrl' => the URL of the Hub Server whose notification failed
Subscriber::getHubUrls public function Return an array of unique Hub Server URLs currently available
Subscriber::getLeaseSeconds public function Get the number of lease seconds on subscriptions
Subscriber::getParameters public function Return an array of optional parameters for (un)subscribe requests
Subscriber::getPreferredVerificationMode public function Get preferred verification mode (sync or async).
Subscriber::getStorage public function Gets an instance of Zend\Feed\Pubsubhubbub\Storage\StoragePersistence used to background save any verification tokens associated with a subscription or other.
Subscriber::getTopicUrl public function Set the topic URL (RSS or Atom feed) to which the intended (un)subscribe event will relate
Subscriber::isSuccess public function Returns a boolean indicator of whether the notifications to Hub Servers were ALL successful. If even one failed, FALSE is returned.
Subscriber::removeHubUrl public function Remove a Hub Server URL
Subscriber::removeParameter public function Remove an optional parameter for the (un)subscribe requests
Subscriber::setCallbackUrl public function Set the callback URL to be used by Hub Servers when communicating with this Subscriber
Subscriber::setLeaseSeconds public function Set the number of seconds for which any subscription will remain valid
Subscriber::setOptions public function Process any injected configuration options
Subscriber::setParameter public function Add an optional parameter to the (un)subscribe requests
Subscriber::setParameters public function Add an optional parameter to the (un)subscribe requests
Subscriber::setPreferredVerificationMode public function Set preferred verification mode (sync or async). By default, this Subscriber prefers synchronous verification, but does support asynchronous if that's the Hub Server's utilised mode.
Subscriber::setStorage public function Sets an instance of Zend\Feed\Pubsubhubbub\Model\SubscriptionPersistence used to background save any verification tokens associated with a subscription or other.
Subscriber::setTestStaticToken final public function
Subscriber::setTopicUrl public function Set the topic URL (RSS or Atom feed) to which the intended (un)subscribe event will relate
Subscriber::subscribeAll public function Subscribe to one or more Hub Servers using the stored Hub URLs for the given Topic URL (RSS or Atom feed)
Subscriber::unsubscribeAll public function Unsubscribe from one or more Hub Servers using the stored Hub URLs for the given Topic URL (RSS or Atom feed)
Subscriber::usePathParameter public function Set flag indicating whether or not to use a path parameter
Subscriber::_doRequest protected function Executes an (un)subscribe request
Subscriber::_generateSubscriptionKey protected function Simple helper to generate a verification token used in (un)subscribe requests to a Hub Server.
Subscriber::_generateVerifyToken protected function Simple helper to generate a verification token used in (un)subscribe requests to a Hub Server. Follows no particular method, which means it might be improved/changed in future.
Subscriber::_getHttpClient protected function Get a basic prepared HTTP client for use
Subscriber::_getRequestParameters protected function Return a list of standard protocol/optional parameters for addition to client's POST body that are specific to the current Hub Server URL
Subscriber::_toByteValueOrderedString protected function Order outgoing parameters
Subscriber::_urlEncode protected function URL Encode an array of parameters
Subscriber::__construct public function Constructor; accepts an array or Traversable instance to preset options for the Subscriber without calling all supported setter methods in turn.