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UrlGeneratorTest.php in Zircon Profile 8


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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Tests\Generator;

use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGenerator;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext;
class UrlGeneratorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
  public function testAbsoluteUrlWithPort80() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing'));
    $url = $this
      ->generate('test', array(), true);
      ->assertEquals('http://localhost/app.php/testing', $url);
  public function testAbsoluteSecureUrlWithPort443() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing'));
    $url = $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'scheme' => 'https',
      ->generate('test', array(), true);
      ->assertEquals('https://localhost/app.php/testing', $url);
  public function testAbsoluteUrlWithNonStandardPort() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing'));
    $url = $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'httpPort' => 8080,
      ->generate('test', array(), true);
      ->assertEquals('http://localhost:8080/app.php/testing', $url);
  public function testAbsoluteSecureUrlWithNonStandardPort() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing'));
    $url = $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'httpsPort' => 8080,
      'scheme' => 'https',
      ->generate('test', array(), true);
      ->assertEquals('https://localhost:8080/app.php/testing', $url);
  public function testRelativeUrlWithoutParameters() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing'));
    $url = $this
      ->generate('test', array(), false);
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/testing', $url);
  public function testRelativeUrlWithParameter() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing/{foo}'));
    $url = $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
    ), false);
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/testing/bar', $url);
  public function testRelativeUrlWithNullParameter() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing.{format}', array(
      'format' => null,
    $url = $this
      ->generate('test', array(), false);
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/testing', $url);

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException
  public function testRelativeUrlWithNullParameterButNotOptional() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing/{foo}/bar', array(
      'foo' => null,

    // This must raise an exception because the default requirement for "foo" is "[^/]+" which is not met with these params.
    // Generating path "/testing//bar" would be wrong as matching this route would fail.
      ->generate('test', array(), false);
  public function testRelativeUrlWithOptionalZeroParameter() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing/{page}'));
    $url = $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'page' => 0,
    ), false);
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/testing/0', $url);
  public function testNotPassedOptionalParameterInBetween() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{slug}/{page}', array(
      'slug' => 'index',
      'page' => 0,
      ->assertSame('/app.php/index/1', $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'page' => 1,
      ->assertSame('/app.php/', $this
  public function testRelativeUrlWithExtraParameters() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing'));
    $url = $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
    ), false);
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/testing?foo=bar', $url);
  public function testAbsoluteUrlWithExtraParameters() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing'));
    $url = $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
    ), true);
      ->assertEquals('http://localhost/app.php/testing?foo=bar', $url);
  public function testUrlWithNullExtraParameters() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing'));
    $url = $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => null,
    ), true);
      ->assertEquals('http://localhost/app.php/testing', $url);
  public function testUrlWithExtraParametersFromGlobals() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing'));
    $generator = $this
    $context = new RequestContext('/app.php');
      ->setParameter('bar', 'bar');
    $url = $generator
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/testing?foo=bar', $url);
  public function testUrlWithGlobalParameter() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing/{foo}'));
    $generator = $this
    $context = new RequestContext('/app.php');
      ->setParameter('foo', 'bar');
    $url = $generator
      ->generate('test', array());
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/testing/bar', $url);
  public function testGlobalParameterHasHigherPriorityThanDefault() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{_locale}', array(
      '_locale' => 'en',
    $generator = $this
    $context = new RequestContext('/app.php');
      ->setParameter('_locale', 'de');
    $url = $generator
      ->generate('test', array());
      ->assertSame('/app.php/de', $url);

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException
  public function testGenerateWithoutRoutes() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('foo', new Route('/testing/{foo}'));
      ->generate('test', array(), true);

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MissingMandatoryParametersException
  public function testGenerateForRouteWithoutMandatoryParameter() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing/{foo}'));
      ->generate('test', array(), true);

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException
  public function testGenerateForRouteWithInvalidOptionalParameter() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing/{foo}', array(
      'foo' => '1',
    ), array(
      'foo' => 'd+',
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
    ), true);

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException
  public function testGenerateForRouteWithInvalidParameter() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing/{foo}', array(), array(
      'foo' => '1|2',
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => '0',
    ), true);
  public function testGenerateForRouteWithInvalidOptionalParameterNonStrict() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing/{foo}', array(
      'foo' => '1',
    ), array(
      'foo' => 'd+',
    $generator = $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
    ), true));
  public function testGenerateForRouteWithInvalidOptionalParameterNonStrictWithLogger() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing/{foo}', array(
      'foo' => '1',
    ), array(
      'foo' => 'd+',
    $logger = $this
    $generator = $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(), $logger);
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
    ), true));
  public function testGenerateForRouteWithInvalidParameterButDisabledRequirementsCheck() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing/{foo}', array(
      'foo' => '1',
    ), array(
      'foo' => 'd+',
    $generator = $this
      ->assertSame('/app.php/testing/bar', $generator
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'bar',

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException
  public function testGenerateForRouteWithInvalidMandatoryParameter() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/testing/{foo}', array(), array(
      'foo' => 'd+',
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
    ), true);

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException
  public function testRequiredParamAndEmptyPassed() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{slug}', array(), array(
      'slug' => '.+',
      ->generate('test', array(
      'slug' => '',
  public function testSchemeRequirementDoesNothingIfSameCurrentScheme() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/', array(), array(), array(), '', array(
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/', $this
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/', array(), array(), array(), '', array(
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/', $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'scheme' => 'https',
  public function testSchemeRequirementForcesAbsoluteUrl() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/', array(), array(), array(), '', array(
      ->assertEquals('https://localhost/app.php/', $this
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/', array(), array(), array(), '', array(
      ->assertEquals('http://localhost/app.php/', $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'scheme' => 'https',
  public function testSchemeRequirementCreatesUrlForFirstRequiredScheme() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/', array(), array(), array(), '', array(
      ->assertEquals('ftp://localhost/app.php/', $this
  public function testPathWithTwoStartingSlashes() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('//path-and-not-domain'));

    // this must not generate '//path-and-not-domain' because that would be a network path
      ->assertSame('/path-and-not-domain', $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'BaseUrl' => '',
  public function testNoTrailingSlashForMultipleOptionalParameters() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/category/{slug1}/{slug2}/{slug3}', array(
      'slug2' => null,
      'slug3' => null,
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/category/foo', $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'slug1' => 'foo',
  public function testWithAnIntegerAsADefaultValue() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{default}', array(
      'default' => 0,
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/foo', $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'default' => 'foo',
  public function testNullForOptionalParameterIsIgnored() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/test/{default}', array(
      'default' => 0,
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/test', $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'default' => null,
  public function testQueryParamSameAsDefault() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/test', array(
      'default' => 'value',
      ->assertSame('/app.php/test', $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'default' => 'foo',
      ->assertSame('/app.php/test', $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'default' => 'value',
      ->assertSame('/app.php/test', $this
  public function testGenerateWithSpecialRouteName() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('$péß^a|', new Route('/bar'));
      ->assertSame('/app.php/bar', $this
  public function testUrlEncoding() {

    // This tests the encoding of reserved characters that are used for delimiting of URI components (defined in RFC 3986)
    // and other special ASCII chars. These chars are tested as static text path, variable path and query param.
    $chars = '@:[]/()*\'" +,;-._~&$<>|{}%\\^`!?foo=bar#id';
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route("/{$chars}/{varpath}", array(), array(
      'varpath' => '.+',
      ->assertSame('/app.php/@:%5B%5D/%28%29*%27%22%20+,;-._~%26%24%3C%3E|%7B%7D%25%5C%5E%60!%3Ffoo=bar%23id' . '/@:%5B%5D/%28%29*%27%22%20+,;-._~%26%24%3C%3E|%7B%7D%25%5C%5E%60!%3Ffoo=bar%23id' . '?query=%40%3A%5B%5D/%28%29%2A%27%22+%2B%2C%3B-._%7E%26%24%3C%3E%7C%7B%7D%25%5C%5E%60%21%3Ffoo%3Dbar%23id', $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'varpath' => $chars,
      'query' => $chars,
  public function testEncodingOfRelativePathSegments() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/dir/../dir/..'));
      ->assertSame('/app.php/dir/%2E%2E/dir/%2E%2E', $this
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/dir/./dir/.'));
      ->assertSame('/app.php/dir/%2E/dir/%2E', $this
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/a./.a/a../..a/...'));
      ->assertSame('/app.php/a./.a/a../..a/...', $this
  public function testAdjacentVariables() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{x}{y}{z}.{_format}', array(
      'z' => 'default-z',
      '_format' => 'html',
    ), array(
      'y' => '\\d+',
    $generator = $this
      ->assertSame('/app.php/foo123', $generator
      ->generate('test', array(
      'x' => 'foo',
      'y' => '123',
      ->assertSame('/app.php/foo123bar.xml', $generator
      ->generate('test', array(
      'x' => 'foo',
      'y' => '123',
      'z' => 'bar',
      '_format' => 'xml',

    // The default requirement for 'x' should not allow the separator '.' in this case because it would otherwise match everything
    // and following optional variables like _format could never match.
      ->generate('test', array(
      'x' => 'do.t',
      'y' => '123',
      'z' => 'bar',
      '_format' => 'xml',
  public function testOptionalVariableWithNoRealSeparator() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/get{what}', array(
      'what' => 'All',
    $generator = $this
      ->assertSame('/app.php/get', $generator
      ->assertSame('/app.php/getSites', $generator
      ->generate('test', array(
      'what' => 'Sites',
  public function testRequiredVariableWithNoRealSeparator() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/get{what}Suffix'));
    $generator = $this
      ->assertSame('/app.php/getSitesSuffix', $generator
      ->generate('test', array(
      'what' => 'Sites',
  public function testDefaultRequirementOfVariable() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{page}.{_format}'));
    $generator = $this
      ->assertSame('/app.php/', $generator
      ->generate('test', array(
      'page' => 'index',
      '_format' => 'mobile.html',

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException
  public function testDefaultRequirementOfVariableDisallowsSlash() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{page}.{_format}'));
      ->generate('test', array(
      'page' => 'index',
      '_format' => 'sl/ash',

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException
  public function testDefaultRequirementOfVariableDisallowsNextSeparator() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{page}.{_format}'));
      ->generate('test', array(
      'page' => 'do.t',
      '_format' => 'html',
  public function testWithHostDifferentFromContext() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{name}', array(), array(), array(), '{locale}'));
      ->assertEquals('//', $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'name' => 'Fabien',
      'locale' => 'fr',
  public function testWithHostSameAsContext() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{name}', array(), array(), array(), '{locale}'));
      ->assertEquals('/app.php/Fabien', $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'host' => '',
      ->generate('test', array(
      'name' => 'Fabien',
      'locale' => 'fr',
  public function testWithHostSameAsContextAndAbsolute() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{name}', array(), array(), array(), '{locale}'));
      ->assertEquals('', $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'host' => '',
      ->generate('test', array(
      'name' => 'Fabien',
      'locale' => 'fr',
    ), true));

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException
  public function testUrlWithInvalidParameterInHost() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/', array(), array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
    ), array(), '{foo}'));
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'baz',
    ), false);

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException
  public function testUrlWithInvalidParameterInHostWhenParamHasADefaultValue() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/', array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
    ), array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
    ), array(), '{foo}'));
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'baz',
    ), false);

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException
  public function testUrlWithInvalidParameterEqualsDefaultValueInHost() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/', array(
      'foo' => 'baz',
    ), array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
    ), array(), '{foo}'));
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'baz',
    ), false);
  public function testUrlWithInvalidParameterInHostInNonStrictMode() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/', array(), array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
    ), array(), '{foo}'));
    $generator = $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'foo' => 'baz',
    ), false));
  public function testHostIsCaseInsensitive() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/', array(), array(
      'locale' => 'en|de|fr',
    ), array(), '{locale}'));
    $generator = $this
      ->assertSame('//', $generator
      ->generate('test', array(
      'locale' => 'EN',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::NETWORK_PATH));

   * @group legacy
  public function testLegacyGenerateNetworkPath() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{name}', array(), array(
      '_scheme' => 'http',
    ), array(), '{locale}'));
      ->assertSame('//', $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'name' => 'Fabien',
      'locale' => 'fr',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::NETWORK_PATH), 'network path with different host');
      ->assertSame('//', $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'host' => '',
      ->generate('test', array(
      'name' => 'Fabien',
      'locale' => 'fr',
      'query' => 'string',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::NETWORK_PATH), 'network path although host same as context');
      ->assertSame('', $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'scheme' => 'https',
      ->generate('test', array(
      'name' => 'Fabien',
      'locale' => 'fr',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::NETWORK_PATH), 'absolute URL because scheme requirement does not match context');
      ->assertSame('', $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'name' => 'Fabien',
      'locale' => 'fr',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL), 'absolute URL with same scheme because it is requested');
  public function testGenerateNetworkPath() {
    $routes = $this
      ->getRoutes('test', new Route('/{name}', array(), array(), array(), '{locale}', array(
      ->assertSame('//', $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'name' => 'Fabien',
      'locale' => 'fr',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::NETWORK_PATH), 'network path with different host');
      ->assertSame('//', $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'host' => '',
      ->generate('test', array(
      'name' => 'Fabien',
      'locale' => 'fr',
      'query' => 'string',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::NETWORK_PATH), 'network path although host same as context');
      ->assertSame('', $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'scheme' => 'https',
      ->generate('test', array(
      'name' => 'Fabien',
      'locale' => 'fr',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::NETWORK_PATH), 'absolute URL because scheme requirement does not match context');
      ->assertSame('', $this
      ->generate('test', array(
      'name' => 'Fabien',
      'locale' => 'fr',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL), 'absolute URL with same scheme because it is requested');
  public function testGenerateRelativePath() {
    $routes = new RouteCollection();
      ->add('article', new Route('/{author}/{article}/'));
      ->add('comments', new Route('/{author}/{article}/comments'));
      ->add('host', new Route('/{article}', array(), array(), array(), '{author}'));
      ->add('scheme', new Route('/{author}/blog', array(), array(), array(), '', array(
      ->add('unrelated', new Route('/about'));
    $generator = $this
      ->getGenerator($routes, array(
      'host' => '',
      'pathInfo' => '/fabien/symfony-is-great/',
      ->assertSame('comments', $generator
      ->generate('comments', array(
      'author' => 'fabien',
      'article' => 'symfony-is-great',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::RELATIVE_PATH));
      ->assertSame('comments?page=2', $generator
      ->generate('comments', array(
      'author' => 'fabien',
      'article' => 'symfony-is-great',
      'page' => 2,
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::RELATIVE_PATH));
      ->assertSame('../twig-is-great/', $generator
      ->generate('article', array(
      'author' => 'fabien',
      'article' => 'twig-is-great',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::RELATIVE_PATH));
      ->assertSame('../../bernhard/forms-are-great/', $generator
      ->generate('article', array(
      'author' => 'bernhard',
      'article' => 'forms-are-great',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::RELATIVE_PATH));
      ->assertSame('//', $generator
      ->generate('host', array(
      'author' => 'bernhard',
      'article' => 'forms-are-great',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::RELATIVE_PATH));
      ->assertSame('', $generator
      ->generate('scheme', array(
      'author' => 'bernhard',
    ), UrlGeneratorInterface::RELATIVE_PATH));
      ->assertSame('../../about', $generator
      ->generate('unrelated', array(), UrlGeneratorInterface::RELATIVE_PATH));

   * @dataProvider provideRelativePaths
  public function testGetRelativePath($sourcePath, $targetPath, $expectedPath) {
      ->assertSame($expectedPath, UrlGenerator::getRelativePath($sourcePath, $targetPath));
  public function provideRelativePaths() {
    return array(
  protected function getGenerator(RouteCollection $routes, array $parameters = array(), $logger = null) {
    $context = new RequestContext('/app.php');
    foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
      $method = 'set' . $key;
    $generator = new UrlGenerator($routes, $context, $logger);
    return $generator;
  protected function getRoutes($name, Route $route) {
    $routes = new RouteCollection();
      ->add($name, $route);
    return $routes;



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