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class EasyRdf_Container in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Container.php \EasyRdf_Container

Sub-class of EasyRdf_Resource that represents an RDF container (rdf:Alt, rdf:Bag and rdf:Seq)

This class can be used to iterate through a list of items.

@package EasyRdf @link @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Nicholas J Humfrey @license


Expanded class hierarchy of EasyRdf_Container

1 string reference to 'EasyRdf_Container'
TypeMapper.php in vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/TypeMapper.php


vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Container.php, line 49

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class EasyRdf_Container extends EasyRdf_Resource implements ArrayAccess, Countable, SeekableIterator {
  private $position;

  /** Create a new container - do not use this directly
   * @ignore
  public function __construct($uri, $graph) {
    $this->position = 1;
    parent::__construct($uri, $graph);

  /** Seek to a specific position in the container
   * The first item is postion 1
   * @param  integer  $position     The position in the container to seek to
   * @throws OutOfBoundsException
  public function seek($position) {
    if (is_int($position) and $position > 0) {
      if ($this
        ->hasProperty('rdf:_' . $position)) {
        $this->position = $position;
      else {
        throw new OutOfBoundsException("Unable to seek to position {$position} in the container");
    else {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("Container position must be a positive integer");

  /** Rewind the iterator back to the start of the container (item 1)
  public function rewind() {
    $this->position = 1;

  /** Return the current item in the container
   * @return mixed The current item
  public function current() {
    return $this
      ->get('rdf:_' . $this->position);

  /** Return the key / current position in the container
   * @return int The current position
  public function key() {
    return $this->position;

  /** Move forward to next item in the container
  public function next() {

  /** Checks if current position is valid
   * @return bool True if the current position is valid
  public function valid() {
    return $this
      ->hasProperty('rdf:_' . $this->position);

  /** Counts the number of items in the container
   * Note that this is an slow method - it is more efficient to use
   * the iterator interface, if you can.
   * @return integer The number of items in the container
  public function count() {
    $pos = 1;
    while ($this
      ->hasProperty('rdf:_' . $pos)) {
    return $pos - 1;

  /** Append an item to the end of the container
   * @param  mixed $value      The value to append
   * @return integer           The number of values appended (1 or 0)
  public function append($value) {

    // Find the end of the list
    $pos = 1;
    while ($this
      ->hasProperty('rdf:_' . $pos)) {

    // Add the item
    return $this
      ->add('rdf:_' . $pos, $value);

  /** Array Access: check if a position exists in container using array syntax
   * Example: isset($seq[2])
  public function offsetExists($offset) {
    if (is_int($offset) and $offset > 0) {
      return $this
        ->hasProperty('rdf:_' . $offset);
    else {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("Container position must be a positive integer");

  /** Array Access: get an item at a specified position in container using array syntax
   * Example: $item = $seq[2];
  public function offsetGet($offset) {
    if (is_int($offset) and $offset > 0) {
      return $this
        ->get('rdf:_' . $offset);
    else {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("Container position must be a positive integer");

   * Array Access: set an item at a positon in container using array syntax
   * Example: $seq[2] = $item;
   * Warning: creating gaps in the sequence will result in unexpected behavior
  public function offsetSet($offset, $value) {
    if (is_int($offset) and $offset > 0) {
      return $this
        ->set('rdf:_' . $offset, $value);
    elseif (is_null($offset)) {
      return $this
    else {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("Container position must be a positive integer");

   * Array Access: delete an item at a specific postion using array syntax
   * Example: unset($seq[2]);
   * Warning: creating gaps in the sequence will result in unexpected behavior
  public function offsetUnset($offset) {
    if (is_int($offset) and $offset > 0) {
      return $this
        ->delete('rdf:_' . $offset);
    else {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("Container position must be a positive integer");



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
EasyRdf_Container::$position private property
EasyRdf_Container::append public function Append an item to the end of the container
EasyRdf_Container::count public function Counts the number of items in the container
EasyRdf_Container::current public function Return the current item in the container
EasyRdf_Container::key public function Return the key / current position in the container
EasyRdf_Container::next public function Move forward to next item in the container
EasyRdf_Container::offsetExists public function Array Access: check if a position exists in container using array syntax
EasyRdf_Container::offsetGet public function Array Access: get an item at a specified position in container using array syntax
EasyRdf_Container::offsetSet public function Array Access: set an item at a positon in container using array syntax
EasyRdf_Container::offsetUnset public function Array Access: delete an item at a specific postion using array syntax
EasyRdf_Container::rewind public function Rewind the iterator back to the start of the container (item 1)
EasyRdf_Container::seek public function Seek to a specific position in the container
EasyRdf_Container::valid public function Checks if current position is valid
EasyRdf_Container::__construct public function Create a new container - do not use this directly Overrides EasyRdf_Resource::__construct
EasyRdf_Resource::$graph protected property The Graph that this resource belongs to
EasyRdf_Resource::$uri protected property The URI for this resource
EasyRdf_Resource::add public function Add values to for a property of the resource
EasyRdf_Resource::addLiteral public function Add a literal value as a property of the resource
EasyRdf_Resource::addResource public function Add a resource as a property of the resource
EasyRdf_Resource::addType public function Add one or more rdf:type properties to the resource
EasyRdf_Resource::all public function Get all values for a property
EasyRdf_Resource::allLiterals public function Get all literal values for a property of the resource
EasyRdf_Resource::allResources public function Get all resources for a property of the resource
EasyRdf_Resource::checkHasGraph protected function Throw can exception if the resource does not belong to a graph @ignore
EasyRdf_Resource::countValues public function Count the number of values for a property of a resource
EasyRdf_Resource::delete public function Delete a property (or optionally just a specific value)
EasyRdf_Resource::dump public function Return a human readable view of the resource and its properties
EasyRdf_Resource::dumpValue public function Return pretty-print view of the resource
EasyRdf_Resource::get public function Get a single value for a property
EasyRdf_Resource::getBNodeId public function Get the identifier for a blank node
EasyRdf_Resource::getGraph public function Return the graph that this resource belongs to
EasyRdf_Resource::getLiteral public function Get a single literal value for a property of the resource
EasyRdf_Resource::getResource public function Get a single resource value for a property of the resource
EasyRdf_Resource::getUri public function Returns the URI for the resource.
EasyRdf_Resource::hasProperty public function Check to see if a property exists for this resource.
EasyRdf_Resource::htmlLink public function Generates an HTML anchor tag, linking to this resource.
EasyRdf_Resource::isA public function Check if a resource is of the specified type
EasyRdf_Resource::isBNode public function Check to see if a resource is a blank node.
EasyRdf_Resource::join public function Concatenate all values for a property into a string.
EasyRdf_Resource::label public function Get a human readable label for this resource
EasyRdf_Resource::load public function Perform a load (download of remote URI) of the resource into the graph
EasyRdf_Resource::localName public function Gets the local name of the URI of this resource
EasyRdf_Resource::parseUri public function Parse the URI of the resource and return as a ParsedUri object
EasyRdf_Resource::prefix public function Get a the prefix of the namespace that this resource is part of
EasyRdf_Resource::primaryTopic public function Get the primary topic of this resource.
EasyRdf_Resource::properties public function Get a list of all the shortened property names (qnames) for a resource.
EasyRdf_Resource::propertyUris public function Get a list of the full URIs for the properties of this resource.
EasyRdf_Resource::reversePropertyUris public function Get a list of the full URIs for the properties that point to this resource.
EasyRdf_Resource::set public function Set value for a property
EasyRdf_Resource::setType public function Change the rdf:type property for the resource
EasyRdf_Resource::shorten public function Get a shortened version of the resources URI.
EasyRdf_Resource::toRdfPhp public function Returns the properties of the resource as an RDF/PHP associative array
EasyRdf_Resource::type public function Get a single type for a resource.
EasyRdf_Resource::typeAsResource public function Get a single type for a resource, as a resource.
EasyRdf_Resource::types public function Get a list of types for a resource.
EasyRdf_Resource::typesAsResources public function Get a list of types for a resource, as Resources.
EasyRdf_Resource::__get public function Magic method to get a property of a resource
EasyRdf_Resource::__isset public function Magic method to check if a property exists
EasyRdf_Resource::__set public function Magic method to set the value for a property of a resource
EasyRdf_Resource::__toString public function Magic method to return URI of resource when casted to string
EasyRdf_Resource::__unset public function Magic method to delete a property of the resource